I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 283: A helping hand

Sure a four-foot tall pile of spiky silver, had been nailed against the ground, and it was surely a tremendous sight on its own. But there was more of this scene to discover, things that the average eye wouldn't be able to capture in the first few seconds.

Above that mountain of silver, floated the remains of that great-white that had been shot dead, just earlier on.

A carcass itself wouldn't exactly be terrifying enough, but other details that came with it as a aftermath, managed to make the scene utterly disturbing.

For example, a great portion of the target's abdomen had been entirely blown off!

But that wasn't all that this scene had to offer. The carcass' abdomen had been entirely covered with silver right now, a thick layer so to speak.

It was better than seeing blood, flesh and organs, dominating the sea floor; but still, the utter unfamiliarity was difficult to ponder over!

Especially since a few more thin and silver-coloured branches, were quickly spreading away from the original wound.

These lines headed for different areas of this carcass, and then those very same singular lines, spread several branches ~ in order to cover more of this shark's body parts.

The procedure was bold and rapid! It only took a few blinks, for the great-white's remains to be utterly covered with the same layer of thick silver!

This coating seemed so flawless, that the sun's rays managed to bounce off it, even though the collision was happening around a hundred meters under water!

It was insane for sure, but the hero did not want to pay too much attention towards this odd scene - especially since there were a lot more sharks to kill!

So without the slightest hesitation, he targeted another enemy, and wholeheartedly hollered. "Azelaq's scream!"

Unsurprisingly, another bit of silver-coloured light, generated and shot out from the hero's forehead; before exploding in size, and forming quite like a cone again.

Once this rapidly moving light, managed to hit the said target, its transparent form fiddled away swiftly. And then it was replaced by a solid coating of silver, which was quite ruthless in terms of spreading across the target.

This enemy had been struck right across the head, so the results that came along as an aftermath were quite familiar, but yet seemed utterly different.

For example after a bit of observation, the hero figured out that this enemy's head was supposed to be blown up in many pieces... but that was not quite what happened.

Instead, a great portion of the enemy's upper body had been split into four main pieces. And those portions had curled backwards a little bit, before being completely transformed into silver.

So ultimately, this massive great-white shark's carcass, seemed more like a peeled banana with silver skin; rather than anything else that could be considered logical.

The laws of physics had been broken again, thanks to this god gifted power; but a few other laws had to put their work in.

For example, this second slaughtered shark had become far too heavy, and simply crashed against the sea-flooring ~ which in exchange had caused a noticeable thud.

It wasn't exactly troubling, nor did it do anything to halt the wretched battle, but it did manage to make this situation more intense than it already was!

Nevertheless, now was not the best time to observe the results of each attack, there were far many more enemies to slaughter.

That was why he began eyeing another massive fish, and wanted to attack this bastard right away.

There was no point in putting effort to properly aim, because the scream spread four-feet wide in its full form. So if one target has not been hit, another one will be.

Which was why Tim had no hesitation whatsoever, to attack. But an admittedly new issue revealed itself right after, he couldn't unleash the said deadly attack!

The reasons behind that could be plentiful. He still had quite some trouble to entirely focus, but the best hint was that his powers had been already exhausted.

This felt quite anticlimactic really, especially since he almost died a few days ago, by facing anything that the silver god's domain had.

The trouble through that past journey, made him feel that these new powers would need more time to burn out ~ but that was proven as a wrong train of thought to follow.

However, that was not the main problem right now. Because since the targeted shark had not been hit, it necessarily meant that such a massive enemy, was still alive.

And right now, the same wretched shark was charging towards Timmy at full speed! Its jaws were clapping, and craved the bite-sized stingray as a snack!

Perhaps his recently upgraded bodily durability, could have proven useful in normal situations; but it couldn't exactly do much against the crushing force that such a monster's bite could provide!

So now, the hero was in the midst of a self-debate. Specifically regarding just what the next move would be, in order to handle this situation.

Boldly fighting through this dilemma seemed like an option. It could perhaps bring along some results, but was it actually a good idea?

In the current commotion, even after a couple of brutal kills, this group of sharks still counted over twenty, that was most likely... So this wasn't exactly a battle he could hope to break even with.

The chances of survival would grow tremendously thin, if he tried to fight with the aid of less powerful weaponry.

So this ultimately became a tough decision. And it was even more difficult to ponder over it, with such an overwhelming cloud that held his head hostage.

But one way or the other, a result from any decision had to erupt!

Especially since the enemy had swam fast enough, to be just a couple of meters away by now. Its mouth was wide open, and had an aim to deliver one of the most ugliest bites that these waters have seen!

But that was when a loud thud reverberated right near the hero!

After that thud, the same rushing shark had drastically changed its route for some reason.

The wretched enemy swam just a hunch more upwards, which ultimately meant that Timmy escaped unscathed.

Yet that wasn't the oddest result of this situation. A cloud of blood had somehow appeared, right after the enemy changed its route.

Worse yet, all of that blood ended up splashing against the tough sea-pancake face, and necessarily on every other body part that this crimson cloud could reach.

It almost seemed as if this quantity of blood, had suddenly come out of the thick waters themselves, without a logical explanation whatsoever to back it over.

But afterwards, the hero witnessed Osira raging a couple of meters below him!

She was swimming upwards, and then beamed towards another enemy, with the main aim of delivering utterly devastating damage; that and, for the sake of pure spite!

With her appearance in this battle, it didn't take much time to figure out, just what happened to the shark who attempted murder.

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