I'm a Homelander

Chapter 28: Chapter 29

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Stormfront sat unhappily at a large table stylised as a 'V'. She frowned, looking at the iron gate that was now closed. Sparks of purple lightning travelled across her fingers, showing the woman's intense irritation. She had had to drag herself here since morning and now she had to wait, for an hour, like an obedient dog. This was definitely not how she had imagined her first day of work.

Finally the doors opened and Deepness walked in, after only an hour of waiting. What do you think? Chuckling at her not-so-jolly thoughts, she examined the man from head to toe. A handsome man in a green tight suit, stylised to look like a fish. The sight of him made her cringe and outright disgusted her. No opinion at all and simple dignity that even a new girl looks better against this background. Yes, such a cockerel Soldatik would have wiped to dust and pissed on the remains.

- Hey, you're the new girl, aren't you? You're early," her teammate smiled, sitting down on one of the chairs. - And you're in the wrong seat.

- Really? - Stormfront pretended to be surprised.

- Yeah, you sat in Maeve's seat. You'd better move over so you don't get in trouble," Deep advised, pointing to another chair, the third in line. - You'd better sit there, it's free.

- Why can't you sit on the one next to it? - She asked, taking a seat on the chair at the edge of the table.

- That's where Starlight sits, next to Maeve.

- That's right. - Stormfront nods understandingly and pulls out a smartphone from her bag, staring at it to eliminate the possibility of further conversation.

Yesterday had been an extremely lousy day, but it was well within her plans. Although getting slapped in the face was humiliating, it was necessary. Seeing the scandal taking place right in front of her eyes, the brunette smiled. The psychological profile of the Homelander said that he simply depended on the adoration of everyone and the deprivation of this important element would depress him greatly. Of course he would publicly apologise, but it wouldn't work. And then he will come to her himself, and she will kindly show him the way to regain the love of the people, easily gaining the trust of the strongest super in the world. One need only wait.

Soon the remaining members of the team arrive, excluding Train-A and Homelander himself. The former was understandable, most likely still in rehabilitation after his battle with the "super-villain". But the absence of the second was odd. The next five minutes dragged on interminably long for Stormfront, perhaps due to impatience. None of those who had come in were in a hurry to strike up a conversation with her, though no, Starlight tried, but didn't succeed.

- Good morning. Looks like everyone's here," their leader entered the room and made his way to his chair. - Let's begin our meeting, and right away with an important news. As you know, we have a new addition to the Seven. Meet Stormfront. You'll be talking later, but let's get on with it.

Without letting her say anything in response, Homelander began asking each of the crew members about their progress during the week and asking about any grievances they might have. It looked much more boring than she remembered the Payback meetings to be. There, in addition to the verbal humiliation from the Soldier over his team, there were frequent fights, though it was more appropriate to call it a beating. Stormfront looked at Black Noir, who sat at the right hand of his new leader.

He wondered how he felt under the patronage of the son of the man who had turned his nigger face into a mess year after year. He couldn't be unaware of it. So this masochist just got a thrill out of licking the boots of the strongest supers. Probably jerking off to pictures of Homelander at night. Snorting at his thoughts, Stormfront grins at the cheesy bastard.

- Wait a minute, Starlight. Did I say something funny, Stormfront? - The blond asked in a tone that didn't bode well, interrupting Starlight.

- Oh, no. Just a thought, won't happen again. Sorry, sir. - She raised her hands in a gesture of reconciliation.

- Alright, if you're not interested, I'll let you get out of here until the meeting is over.

The softly spoken words irritated her, the very fact that she was being treated like an unintelligent child. And then there were the stares waiting for her reaction, like vultures circling over a presumed corpse. And that nigger who'd joined them, too.

- No, I'm staying. - The brunette replied in a firm voice, looking him in the eye.

- Then I'll ask you not to laugh at your colleague's words. You're not here for one day, but for three whole years. And a positive relationship with the team is an important thing. I hope we understand each other.

- We do.

- Good. Starlight, you may continue.

- I wanted to discuss my role in the-- the army? - The blonde continued hesitantly, voicing her question.

- If you mean whether you'll be involved in military operations, then no. At least not at the moment. If you want, I can talk to Madeline about it.

- No, just the opposite. I'd rather not be involved, or involved but minimally. That doesn't really fit with the message I'm promoting.

- "I'd rather just say I chickened out. That would be more honest." - Stormfront thought, but didn't voice it out loud. Better to refrain from such comments, lest she simply turn the entire team against herself. These weren't the losers from Payback, they could very well give her a very fun day.

- I see. Don't worry about it, it's not in the plans yet," Homelander told her and turned to the new girl. - Now let's get to you, Stormfront.

- I'm all ears. - She replies readily.

- You owe me and the Vaught Corporation an apology for your inappropriate behaviour. Publicly.

- Why would I do that? - The brunette stares at him in surprise, not expecting such insolence.

- I found out that there was no order from your superiors and that you were acting in your own self-interest," continued Homelander nonchalantly, answering the newcomer's question. -You infiltrated the film set, discrediting an advertising campaign that cost over a hundred million. You provoked me to test my abilities, which the public perceived as beating up a woman. Which it wasn't.

The listeners expressed different emotions with their faces, among which the most predominant was the shock they felt at their leader's words. What to speak of the newcomer, for whom it was no less, if not a greater shock. But here to take control of themselves in the shortest possible time, it did not prevent.

- It didn't? I know you can scratch your tongue, but you can't fool the camera. - Stormfront answered brazenly.

- If you refuse this generous offer, which will solve all the problems you caused, you'll be fired, - without reacting to her words, the blond put her in front of the fact. - I'll gladly help you with that by escorting you out. You'll have to answer for your misdemeanours in court.

- And how do you envisage that? I'm gonna sit in front of a camera and apologise for beating myself up?

- Yeah, that's how I see it. - Homelander grinned, no longer holding his unruffled expression.

Stormfront clenched her jaws, feeling something she had already forgotten over the decades - helplessness. This confession would definitely just put out the fire that was supposed to make the blond reckon with her. And there's no way to say no here. This isn't Stan Edgar, who you can visit at home and 'mess around' with. No matter what happened to her, it wouldn't be hard for the blond to make it happen. She's seen the results of his entertainment.

- When do we start? - Stormfront replied doomedly, accepting the team leader's terms.

- Today, in about an hour. - The Homelander readily muttered, assuring her that he had no doubts about the answer.


Glancing at the cameras, I lift my head into one of the standard poses. A flash, another and a couple more. Then another pose and another flash. Stormfront is also labouring nearby, obligingly turning to the photographers and showing them the lightning bolts she can release from her fingers. There are admiring sighs and the sound of more camera flashes. It's definitely not going to work with me.

Red eyes that are ready to sizzle anything look very sinister. If the colour was at least golden, it would be a different conversation. And here associations with the devil's colour and blazing fire, which is not good, in terms of marketing. Flying, super strength and speed, you're welcome. Kill whoever you want and however you want. But red-eyes are forbidden in any form, especially facing the viewer.

Stormfront's hand laid on my shoulder, which approached me already for joint photos. I smiled at the cameras, not opposing the girl's actions in any way, even on the contrary, supporting them. My hand went down on her waist and I slightly pulled her to me, and the photographers are only happy to shoot. This will be on the covers of the most popular magazines tomorrow, which will already strengthen my position.

I'm not going to apologise anyway. It's the losers who apologise, and I'm not one of them. The Homeylander can do whatever he wants and no one can tell him what to do. So how is my humble self any worse? For once, I'm allowed to step outside the bounds of decency and go unpunished. Having finished with the photo shoot, we sat down in front of one of the interviewers, of whom there were ten. They're usually monotonous, especially with questions. It's a torment when they ask you the same question dozens of times and you have to repeat your answer every damn time. You can't hope for a miracle, it's powerless here.

- Before the interview begins, I'd like to make an announcement, if I may," the interviewer nods, giving Stormfront the floor. - I, Stormfront, would like to apologise to the Vought Corporation, and to Homelander personally, for my inappropriate behaviour during the important filming. I admit that I deliberately provoked Homelander to retaliate. And I thank him for treating me much more gently than he could have.

She says all this under my sympathetic gaze, which can be taken as pity for a new, immature heroine. I smile softly at her and put my hand on her shoulder, in a show of support.

- Everyone has bad days and bad decisions, Stormfront. But more importantly, you can learn a lesson from them.

My spirited face is taken in close-up so everyone can see the sincerity in my bright blue eyes. The woman looks back at me and smiles unabashedly.

- Thank you, Homelander. Your support helps me a lot, even though I haven't been in the Seven for long.

- Remember, Stormfront. The Seven never leave a man behind," I said with a serious look on my face. - And you can always count on us.

Then the interview began and ended quickly enough, not lasting longer than ten minutes. And after that an employee of the next TV channel sat opposite and everything started again. The same admission of guilt, gratitude to the management for forgiveness and the standard interview, in which I had to participate. By the fifth time it got boring, even for me. But Stormfront's sour mien almost made up for that discomfort.


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