Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

248. Brute Force [2]

Hey Guys! I'm finally back home, no longer staying in the hospital (I'm an "Outpatient" now, Yay ><!). Just when I thought I was free, my doctor had me undergo another surgery two months ago. But I'm doing better now. Still not 100%, but I've got enough in me to resume writing. I'm going to see how much I can handle for the next seven days, and if there are no serious issues, I can begin a regular release schedule. Until then, please enjoy the chapter, and thanks again for your support and patience!


"The fight is ramping up, that girl of yours shows promise, Mori-dono. If things continue as is, the match will end in no time at all. You must be very proud."

"A-Ahaha, not at all! I can't take credit, if anything–I'm quite indebted to her myself."

Tetsuo awkwardly scratched the back of his head upon receiving praise from his newest associate, Tohru. Knowing Mabui was no more than three feet behind him, he carefully brushed aside such compliments without disappointing either of them.

Suzu's performance garnered some attention from several within their section. This match proved to be far more entertaining than the previous four preliminary rounds.

Eliminating the Genin from the Leaf and Stone respectively, she stood alone once more against the pair from the Sand... and the five from Shimogakure1Hidden Frost Village.

"Looks like the match is about to reach the climax, care to share your thoughts on the victor?"

"O–Oh! No, I'm certainly not well versed in such matters."

"Come now, you surely must have some idea. Especially with your Genin down there now."

"Kekeke! Well, we'll seen soon enough."

In spite of the growing popularity, the topic of Suzu was nonetheless overshadowed by the presence of the Frost Daimyō, stepping forward to the edge of the room for a better view.

Those curious about the shinobi from his nation crowded him with flattery, subtly trying to gain information about his country's warriors... who were shrouded in mystery.

"What's that about?"

Tetsuo turned his head to the notably more knowledgeable Tohru who, unlike the others, showed no interest in approaching the Frost Daimyō.

The former's curiosity was not exclusive to him, for both his bodyguard Shō and Mabui couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Both surprised upon spotting the feudal lords from even the Five Great Nations not falling behind at expressing their interest towards the Frost country.

"You see, throughout the continent's long war history, that cold nation is known only for protecting its boundaries and maintaining its status. Throwing away ambitions such as engaging neighboring lands in efforts to expand its own borders."

With Tohru's words as the trigger, Mabui thought back to the 3rd Shinobi World War, recalling her time as the late 3rd Raikage's aid.

She'd been on his shoulder for quite some time, absorbing any and every bit of intel she could gather concerning foreign nations... but Shimogakure had hardly been mentioned during her tenure.

"Our nation is closest to them besides the Land of Steam, and we still hardly know anything about them..." Mabui sighed.

"Exactly. They only engage in those who trespass on their frozen land. As such, little is known about the combat methods of their shinobi."

"Then... why even come here? From what you're saying Tohru-dono, they seem to be mostly self-sufficient, kind of like Kirigakure2Hidden Mist Village. The fact they've survived all the shinobi wars, with little to no damage at all, clearly demonstrates their capabilities."

"As far as any of us knows. When it comes to nations like that one, it's wise not to place too much faith in what you've heard."

The trio took their eyes off the Frost Daimyō, simultaneously turning their heads in Tohru's direction after the latter's latest suggestion.

"The truth is, they could be hurting just as much as every other nation right now. Their current state, army, people, weapons... we have none of these answers. Hence all the curiosity from others present today."

"You'd think at least someone would know after all this time. I mean, there had to have been at least one soul brave enough to sneak into their land, especially during war time."

Tetsuo couldn't help but scratch his head in confusion, noticing the obvious gaps in Tohru's logic. Many decades passed, and hardly any information about a country that's been the closest neighbor to the Land of Lightning.

"That's just it, there was."

"Eh? B-But then... how come there hasn't been any word about them?" 

Shō began to sweat nervously as he stuttered on his words.


"Because for every soul brave or foolish enough to sneak into their land... none have returned."




"Phew... *SIGH*. Damn it... I let my emotions get the better of me again. I've been acting out a lot lately..."

With the dispatching of her shameful opponents, Suzu took a moment to catch her breath. Gathering her thoughts, she admonished herself for losing control once again.

"This power of mine, it's even reacting to my base emotions now..."

Noted for keeping her feelings hidden, Suzu couldn't hide her thoughts on the subject of what she'd inevitably become due to the consumption of the mysterious LIFT.

Knowing her reaction to the drug was different than others, none could give her a definitive answer.


But the ongoing battles gave her no time to contemplate...!

"Tsubusa! You okay?!"

"Yeah. Didn't expect them to fight so well with such heavy gear. How are they not sweating by now? This place is almost as hot as home."

The two Genin from Sungakure3Hidden Sand Village ended another clash with the five from Shimogakure. 

Finding themselves on the losing end of the fight, the Frost ninja were surprisingly light on their feet, having little to no difficulties with close quarters combat... despite the heavy wear they brandished.

Their weapon of choice; not a sword, shuriken, or even a kunai... these strange ninjas opted to battle with modified ice picks.

"Worry about that later! Let's move on to the next—ah?"

"Mukade? What's wrong?"

But that wasn't the strangest sight to come...

"Tsubusa, I may be imagining things but..."


"Doesn't it seem a little... chilly to you?"

"Hah? What are you talking about? That doesn't even make sense—?!"

Suzu clasped her hands as she noticed what was occurring promptly before the Sand ninja did.


"I-Impossible... is this a Genjutsu or something?!"

"If it is... we both must be under it..."


Striding across the arena, Suzu darted towards the group of five, wisely unwilling to wait and let them act.

{No. I've spent enough time with Rei to know those guys are wrong. This is real.}

As the temperature impossibly dropped to abnormal degrees, the moisture in the air became visible with every breath taken. Winds picking up as snow emerged, moving in a spherical manner!

"Tch! I can barely see anything now... are they Hyōton4Ice Style users?! Though, that doesn't seem right given the number of casters, and the scale of this Ninjutsu..."

While Suzu wracked her mind into solving the mystery of this strange technique, the Sand duo preferred to use a more "practical" method.

"Tsubusa... use those eagle eyes of yours! Give me a target!"

"Hang on, it's not that simp—Mukade! Ten o'clock!"

"I'm on it!" {Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri5Water Style: Surface Slice!}


The Sand ninja known as Mukade unleashed a thin wave of water, lethally cutting through the air at high speeds towards the five Frost ninja.

But just as it was about to reach its intended target...



"How in the world—?!"

...The wave slowed to crawl, freezing in the process!

The turbulent wind knocked the frozen water attack over, causing into shatter into nothing. Mukade and Tsubusa didn't even have time to gawk as the abnormal snowstorm's intensity only increased in response!

Eventually, visibility was reduced to zero for all, nothing but snow in sight!

{That reaction just now... could it be?}




"The snowstorm got even thicker. What in the world is happening?!"

"Those five have actually managed to change the very environment itself!"

"I can't see a thing!"

Several in the VIP section began complaining about not being able to witness the match thanks to the strange technique of the ninja from the Frost country.

Sensing their impatience, the Daimyō of said nation felt he had no other choice but to elaborate.

"What you see is an old technique of my people. A Hijutsu6Hidden Techniques of sorts which my country has utilized for centuries, rivaling even the Hyōton users of the fabled Yuki clan."

"Oh? That's quite the bold claim. Care to share the details?"

The aid of the Water Daimyō, Tenzen Daikoku, decided to step forward after his superior had bid his farewell and left the area for his private seat. His curiosity poked upon hearing the man mention the Yuki clan.

"Of course. That snow globe you see is what we refer to as... a Stagnation Field."

"A stag—what field?"

"The users act together as a type of engine, utilizing their chakra in unison to harness and/or create any trace of water vapor they can muster with Suiton, while others in the group rapidly cool it with Fūton7Wind Release."

"I see, but that still only sounds like a makeshift Hyōton to me. As one who has seen the Yuki clan in action, I know for a fact they must be doing something else. Otherwise, forget five, even fifteen couldn't achieve a result this great."


He, along with many others present, were versed enough in ninja history to know achieving such a feat required enormous amounts of power and control. Far beyond the skill of your typical Genin.

Tenzen folded his arms with skepticism, subtly implying the Daimyō was still holding something back from crowd, but the latter smiled without a care in the world.

"Hehe, hold you horses. I'm almost done. While it's true they don't achieve instant freezing like Hyōton users, the concurring cold will continue to drop to levels most users of the Yuki clan can achieve with their Kekkei Genkai."


"All things in the universe come to a halt... was how our ancestors put it. Molecules within the sphere slow down, and the bodies of their opponents as well. There are no exceptions, whether it be a weapon or Ninjutsu."

"Oh! That's impressive. And I'm willing to bet that's not the only ace your ninja have up their sleeves."

"Hahahaha! Maybe! Truth be told, those five are actually trainees set on becoming guardsmen for our borders. We didn't expect them to make it this far in such detrimental conditions. But what can I say, our shinobi do not disappoint."

{Clever bastard...}

Tenzen knew the true meaning behind those words.

By painting current circumstance against his Genin's favor, the Frost Daimyō basically ensured that even if his Genin lose the match, his village would still appear to be quite adept in the eyes of more gullible patrons present.

And while some had indeed bought into his sly words, Mabui moved her eyes back to the arena without a care in the world. As a opposed to a more nervous Tetsuo, who questioned if Suzu was in trouble. 

Just one member of Team Tango dropping out now would be a huge setback for their end goals.

"From what he's saying, the longer she's in there, the worst it'll get. This is probably what their shinobi village utilized to stop intruders and trespassers in his country."

Mabui recalled the words Tohru gave them. Tetsuo rubbed his chin, hoping Suzu could find a way out of this situation.

"And in that country, with their weather, it makes sense there'd be no trace of survivors. But wouldn't the technique affect the caster as well?" Shō wondered.

"Didn't you see what they were wearing? That cold gear was obviously in preparation for this."

"A-Ah! That's right. Damn."

"Making matters worse, those five have likely been conditioned to fight in such an environment. They're used to the cold. Suzu and the others will fall long before they do."

"But that's not what concerns you... is it?"


"No... it's not."




"I see now... An artificial, weaponized form of hypothermia is it? But even if they were all Hyōton users, which is highly unlikely, there's no way they could bring the temperature down to such levels in such a quick time..."

Suzu thought back to the water attack Mukade unleashed moments ago, trying to uncover the mystery behind this strange Ninjutsu.

{The Suiton attack turned into ice, and the moment it did, the storm got worse. This indicates they're removing all traces of heat within this fixed area. If I don't end this soon, my body is going to experience side effects as a result.}

Even now, as she reached into her pouch for shuriken, the twitching of her arms and fingers were impossible not to notice.

"Shivering, confusion, shallow breathing, disorientation, and a slew of others. I need to take down the casters or else I'll—Hm?! Right there!"


Though her vision was impaired due to the snow, she could still spot several silhouettes moving about.

Hoping her weapons would still fly with the aid of funneling wind chakra into them, her expectations were dashed immediately as the throwing stars quickly lost their momentum.

Quickly falling to the ground, covered in frost

{Tsk! So wind isn't doing me much good. This technique doesn't just affect heat, it's actually interfering with Potential energy! Any wide range Fūton will only serve to increase the storm's intensity. I could make a stone golem, but I doubt Doton8Earth Style will fair any better, especially on this platform.}


"Sounds like the Suna-nin are finished. Oh no...?!"


Suzu dropped to her knees in instant, narrowly avoided a slash from an ice pick! The Frost ninja had already singled her out!

"K-Kuh, so annoying!"

The Kumo kunoichi jumped backwards to gain some distance, but it did little good. Overall movements continued to slow due to the effects of the "Snow globe" they trapped her in.

The five moved in perfect formation, the white snow gear they'd donned provided ease for traversal. Suzu weaved around as blades cut through the air and snow, intent on taking her out of the tournament.

Her breath became ragged, not from exhaustion, but the cold. But she had no time to worry about it as they successfully managed to push her towards the arena's edge!

{If things continue at this rate, I'm going to be eliminated before making it to the finals... no. I refuse to let that happen!}


After mustering every ounce of strength she could find, Suzu placed her palms behind her, using wind to blast right past them! 

"Hm? Where's she going?!"

"Does it matter at this point? After her!"

{Factoring in the overall radius of the arena, the previous location before the storm, the steps I've taken since... it should be right over here...}

Thanks to her exceptional mind, she was able to locate the exact center of the arena.

"Okay, no one outside should be able to see what's going on inside. In a way, this dome works to my advantage. Now..."

Standing in place, she crossed her arms, focusing on the flow of chakra within her body. Accelerating it in efforts to achieving a familiar "reaction". The air around her began to twist in response.

"What's she up to?"

"Whatever it is, I don't like it. Let's go with a classic encircle formation. This time, don't let her slip past you!"

"Right! We'll go with—AGH?!"

Energy began to swell inside her stomach as light emerged from her body, blinding the Frost ninja, and illuminating everything in sight.

Eventually, the light broke past the snowstorm, covering the entire arena in the process!

And at its center...!


"Time to end this!"




"Hm? What is that? An explosion?"

In the Gokage area, the Kazekage was the first to speak after a long term of silence between the five leaders since the matches began. The odd feeling this light gave to all who felt its warmth prevented him from holding back his curiosity.

"I don't think so, the light wouldn't have lasted this long if that were the case. Still... what is this strange sensation? A result of the Shimo-nin Ninjutsu?"

The Hokage fared no better in discerning the true nature of the phenomenon, sending his eyes towards the Tsuchikage on his right, wondering if he knew about this.

"A weapon then? It might be a flash bang, that globe obviously isn't ideal for using your eyes."

Ōnoki, who was just as in the dark as the rest of them, could only guess.

All but the Mizukage and Raikage remained silent. The former was akin to statue, no trace of interest or emotion whatsoever.

The others were still unbeknownst to fact the leader of Kirigakure9Hidden Mist Village was under the control of the Akatsuki organization. Manipulated by Tobi, who remained in the shadows, but not too far from his important "Puppet".

As for the latter... A had already discerned the cause of this phenomenon but kept to himself. He'd only received brief glimpses of Suzu's power during the Siege from a distance. This being the very first time he gained a clear-cut view of what this special girl was truly capable of.

It gave him mixed feelings about letting the leaders of other nations witness it as well.

Fortunately for him and Suzu...

{Well... I guess it's okay this time. It's not like anyone can actually see what you're about to do inside that dome.}

...The secret technique of the Frost village provided the perfect cover for the young kunoichi to fight without holding back...





The crowd screamed as cracks spread across the Snow globe!


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