I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 466: Brother Huo, It Has Been an Extended Period Since We Last Met

Chapter 466: Brother Huo, It Has Been an Extended Period Since We Last Met

We purchased

"Wow! Master, this Sword Saint uncle is truly formidable!"

On the edge of the bamboo forest, the young White Dragon maiden witnessed the unfolding of everything, her countenance brimming with admiration and envy.

"Surprisingly, daring to issue harsh words to both the Heavenly Court and the demonic path, not even fearing Martial Sister Xiao Ai's Heavenly Thunder Sword So impressive!"

"If only I were just as handsome," the young maiden sighed, her face filled with envy.

Lu Heng, on the other hand, silently gazed at Huo Feng in front of the bamboo pavilion, speechless for a moment.

From Huo Feng's words, he gleaned a multitude of new information.

It appears that Sun Yan's descent into the demonic path is not due to being an undercover agent, but rather because of a major conflict that has arisen among this group of disciples.

Moreover, the missing arm of Huo Feng

Although quite some time has passed, Lu Heng still perceives a lingering aura of retribution.

And the ones capable of inflicting such wounds, within the entirety of the Celestial Desolation Realm, are none other than Lu Heng, Xiao Ai, and Gu Yan.

Evidently, during the four thousand years of Lu Heng's departure, Hanyu Mountain has truly experienced a multitude of events.

He sighed, momentarily speechless.

However, at this moment, Huo Feng, who had driven away all the guests in front of the bamboo building, coldly looked towards this direction and said, "Who might this cultivator be? Why not reveal yourself for a meeting?"

Huo Feng's gaze came with an icy chill, and the frigid intent of his sword resonated through the void.

The young white dragon girl by Lu Heng's side momentarily held her breath, nearly being overwhelmed and fainting from the impact of this sword's intent, her complexion turning pale.

"Master Master!"

The white dragon girl anxiously grabbed Lu Heng's hand, feeling somewhat fearful.

This marks the first time she has been discovered while being in the presence of her master since returning to the Celestial Desolation Realm!

Lu Heng also showed a slight astonishment, never expecting Huo Feng's spiritual awareness to be so keen that even his technique of concealing his presence could not elude detection.

After briefly focusing his mind, Lu Heng finally noticed a few subtle anomalies.

Within a radius of one hundred li around this bamboo tower, the air was unexpectedly permeated with subtle traces of sword qi!

Moreover, what was most terrifying was that the intricate sword qi crisscrossed without relent, evading even Lu Heng's timely detection. It wasn't until this moment, when Huo Feng's murderous intent became evident and could no longer be concealed, that Lu Heng became acutely aware of the interplay of sword qi.

The cold and chilling aura of imminent death surged unabated, rushing forth without any attempt at concealment.

Lu Heng grasped the young White Dragon girl beside him with a firm grip, gracefully sweeping his sleeve and dispersing all the surrounding sword qi in one motion.

However, as the sword radiance shimmered, billions upon billions of sword qi surged and collided, completely engulfing Lu Heng within its midst.


Amidst the icy echoes of sword resounding, five ancient war swords flew directly out from behind Lu Heng.

The heavenly Nine Divination Swords emerged in unison, unveiling the ancient formation diagram.

Under the scorching sun, amidst the turbulence of sword qi around Lu Heng, as the five war swords swept horizontally, they could barely withstand the densely packed onslaught of the frigid sword qi deluge.

The awe-inspiring sword prowess left the young White Dragon maiden dumbfounded.

"Can Heaven's Divination Sword only maintain balance? This Is this really the Huo Feng from the Yun Sect that you mentioned, Master?"

The young White Dragon maiden was utterly stupefied.

She, who had accompanied Lu Heng since her childhood, naturally knew the true power of Lu Heng's five-embodied Heaven's Divination Sword.

Lu Heng smiled faintly and said, "If Brother Huo didn't possess such abilities, how could he dare to challenge the might of the Heavenly Thunder Sword I assure you, his true ultimate move has yet to be revealed."

After repelling all the surrounding sword energy, Lu Heng directly sheathed his five Sky Divine Swords and landed with the young White Dragon maiden in front of the bamboo pavilion. He smiled and said, "After four thousand years, Brother Huo has greatly improved in strength it appears that the Moluo Evil Spirit has been completely subdued by Brother Huo."

In front of the bamboo pavilion, Lu Heng stood gracefully in his flowing white robes, wearing a warm and welcoming smile.

Upon catching sight of his figure in an instant, Huo Feng was left completely dumbfounded.

He had long sensed the formidable power lurking in the shadows, undoubtedly one of the most elite beings of the Celestial Desolation Realm.

However, he had thought about many people, but never once did he consider the person standing before him.

"Wolf the Wolf God?!"

Huo Feng was left dumbfounded, stammering incoherently.

The sight was so awe-inspiring that Sword King, who held sway over the Celestial Desolation Realm, stood dumbfounded in his tracks, utterly speechless for a moment.

Lu Heng responded with a faint smile and said, "Brother Huo, long time no see."

Lu Heng's smiling words, with a tone gentle and kind, were like a refreshing breeze that enveloped people, as if containing a certain power to soothe one's heart.

Huo Feng finally regained his senses and hurriedly approached Lu Heng, saying, "Senior Wolf God!"

Huo Feng excitedly grasped Lu Heng's hand and said, "You have finally returned! Four thousand years it has been four thousand years! You have finally returned!"

After speaking with excitement, Huo Feng finally noticed the white-clad young woman beside Lu Heng, and immediately felt a sense of perplexity.

"Um Who is this"

"My disciple, you can call her Little White," Lu Heng said with a smile. "Don't worry about her, she is not important."

Beside Lu Heng, the young white dragon girl stared wide-eyed and exclaimed, "Master! How am I not important? I am extremely important!"

Speaking of it, the young white dragon girl emerged from behind Lu Heng and gracefully bowed to Huo Feng, saying, "My name is Lu Bai, I pay respects to the Sword Saint Uncle."

Huo Feng looked at her with astonishment, scanning her from head to toe, and asked, "Are you of dragon lineage?"

Huo Feng looked at Lu Heng, expressing his confusion.

Lu Heng gave a bitter smile and said, "Brother Huo, your perception is truly sharp Indeed, Little White belongs to the dragon lineage, but her situation is somewhat unique. I will explain it to you later. Currently, she is my closed-door disciple, having been by my side for several centuries."

Upon seeing the familiar wry smile of the Wolf God, Huo Feng, who had a desolate temperament and had secluded himself for many years, couldn't help but chuckle softly.

In a daze, it seemed as if he had returned to the days of wandering the four seas alongside the Wolf God, feeling a warm and familiar sensation in his heart.

After welcoming Lu Heng and the young white dragon girl into the bamboo pavilion, Huo Feng retrieved two barrels of aged vintage wine from the cellar.

As soon as the seal was broken, a delicate and elegant fragrance of peach blossoms immediately filled the air.

Huo Feng smiled as he poured wine for Lu Heng and the young white dragon girl, saying, "This wine has been stored for over two thousand years, patiently awaiting the return of the Wolf God to taste it. Finally, the wish is fulfilled."

Lu Heng took a sip and looked slightly surprised, saying, "It resembles Peach Blossom Wine but also seems somewhat different?"

Huo Feng explained with a smile, "This wine is also made using Peach Blossom Wine, but the peach blossoms used for brewing are not the All Souls Ancestral Root, but rather the flowers from the peach tree that grew from the core of the peach fruit we consumed back then. Naturally, it cannot compare to the true Peach Blossom Divine Brew, but it comes close."

Lu Heng took another sip and smiled, saying, "There is a sword-like essence within this wine"

Huo Feng nodded and said, "After that peach tree was planted, I, as a junior, spent years cultivating swordplay and cultivating the Dao beneath its branches. Unbeknownst to me, the blooming peach blossoms and the ripened peaches contained a hint of sword intent. Therefore, this wine is not meant for healing or curing ailments. Its fierce potency and dominating strength carry a unique character of their own."

On the side, the young white dragon girl, after downing two cups in a row, reached out to grab the wine jug, intending to pour herself a third cup.

However, Lu Heng reached out his hand to stop her.

"Considering your level of cultivation, two cups are the limit," Lu Heng said. "This wine is extremely potent, with a strong essence of swordplay infused within. Drinking it provides some benefits for one's cultivation and enlightenment. However, with your current level of cultivation, you can only handle two cups at most."

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