Chapter 39: Endless Hope
아아아! "하품" 지금 13번이나 게임을 봤는데 언제 그만 둘 겁니까? (Aaahh! "Yawn" you have watched the game for 13 times now when are you gonna stop?)
내가 그들의 약점을 모두 계산할 때. (When I calculate all of their weaknesses.)
당신은 그 피글렛을 통제할 수 없습니다. (You can't control that Piglet.)
무슨 뜻이에요? 벵기. (What do you mean? Bengi.)
당신은 그들이 저지르는 실수나 그들이 보여주는 약점을 통제할 수 없습니다. 단지 당신 자신의 게임을 화면 속의 당신 자신의 캐릭터만 통제할 수 있습니다. (You can't control what mistakes they make or weaknesses they show you can only control your own game your own character on the screen.)
흠 제가 관찰한 데이터에 따르면 정글러는 당신을 두려워합니다. (Hmm from the data I have observed their Jungler is afraid of you.)
왜 그렇지 않겠습니까? 나는 웃으며 밖으로 나가서 그를 똑똑하게 만들었습니다. (Why would he not be? I have out ganked out smiled and even out smarted him.)
그것은 사실이지만 당신은 아직도 '그의' 동기를 완전히 이해하지 못하고 있습니다. (That is true but you are still not fully understanding 'his' motive.)
그의 동기는 흠 "벵기는 다른 플레이어들이 어떻게 생각하는지 생각한다" 이다. (His motive hmm "Bengi thinks what the other players would think" control.)
맞습니다 그는 자신이 가지고 있지 않은 지도에 대해 당신이 통제할 수 있는 것을 두려워합니다. (Correct he is afraid of the control you have over the map that he doesn't.)
같은 게임을 하는 것처럼 보이면서도 왜 당신이 우위에 있는지에 대한 그의 마음은 자신의 생각에 얽혀 있습니다. (His mind is entangled in his own thoughts on why you have the upper hand while seemingly playing the same game.)
헤헤 두려움이 판단력을 흐리게 만드네요. Piglet은 절대 두려움에 그렇게 많은 힘을 주지 마세요. (Hehe fears clouds your judgment Piglet don't ever give that much power to your fears.)
응, 절대, 다시는 안 돼. (Yes never, never again.)
Hey bro I just watched your match it was bonkers.
I know just 2 years ago we were playing for escapism and now look at me in the worlds title match.
Don't worry Kaiser you will win and make history.
I can't win.
What? What do you mean you can't win?
I meant I cannot win but we can win league is a team game no one player wins.
Of course your team will be victorious beat those asians.
Now now don't be racist we already have one in our team.
What? I just mentioned his continent is that racist? I mean if someone called you an Europian it would not be racist then why me?
Oh you meant in that sense Joshia.
Yeah but whatever you say man your Pantheon was indeed clutch.
I'm simply a player nothing more nothing less when I hear the howls of war I pick up my spear so I could get ready to die. "Kaiser makes a pantheon impression".
Oh my are you the voice actor?
No no I'm the fight actor.
Hehehe don't forget bro sky is the limit.
No bro heavens are beyond the endless skies and even then something lies beyond something unthinkable.
"All Stars starts their rigorous practice Alex and King 1v1 each other in the first 10 levels".
Damn Alex you are not getting killed even a single time?
No not yet.
What do you mean by yet? It is now.
"Malphite (King) ults 75% hp Yasuo (Alex) and combos him down to 4%".
Hehe I escaped too little too late.
Should you say too fast too early.
What? "King Ults towards Alex and uses his first ability to finish him off" oh no but how did you get your first ability this quickly?
A pro never tells his secrets but if you insist it was because of Luden's echo and infinity orb.
Mmm ok then I'll try that build.
Don't try engrain it into your soul.
Ok ok "Alex gets out of words whenever King starts using Pantheon's quotes".
Not good Mike.
What happend Ross.
It's just I have watched the match over and over and have come to the conclusion that if Alex and Max did not make 'that' play we could have lost.
Oh Ross you really think a match in which you and your team put their entire effort counts as a loss?
I did not mean that "Itachi hesitently reveals his intentions" I just want to steer the game into my direction.
Oh Ross if that was the case than your four tires should also go into your direction.
Four tires?
Your four teamates they also need to know where you are trying to steering so they can also turn that way.
Oh I get it so why not let's talk to them about my plan.
Hey guys Ross wants to talk with you "Michael pushes Itachi out to give his words more importance".
Ahm so my fellow teammates-
Are you here for a interview be yourself.
Ok then in the last play I did not play very well but I have more to give I have not played my very best and I want you guys to support me and be fine tuned with my rhythm.
"Max looks at Johan" You understood anything he said?
Naw I think he is just titled we should give him some space.
Don't worry I understood.
Yes finally someone what did you understand Alex?
Just that your instrument is bad sounding isn't it and you want us to give you some encouragement right?
Oh no I said I want you to follow my commands during the second game of the Worlds.
What you want us to what?
Follow my commands so we can have better coordination, performance, synergy and gameplay.
You sure you want that Itachi.
Yes my teammate that Bengi is controlling his team so well.
Why are you acting like a new insecure boyfriend.
Yes Max is right just think about it if Bengi fails in his commands his whole team will fail.
Oh I did not think of that and if he does that and that...
Mic what was the point in him sharing this useless idea?
Alex everything you see around you the chairs the comfy beds the computers and even league they were all ideas in someone's head their mind had created an imaginary image of what we are currently seeing so if you want the cup your mind should be fed the imagination.
But 'he' is wanting to be the mvp himself.
No Alex he is indirectly making this clear that he wants you all to control the game.
What "Alex mummers to himself" how did I not get that?
Because you were more focused on the words not the emotions.
So I should have focused on their emotions?
Yes Alex your mouth can tell a gazillion Lies but your body does not tell even a single one.
Wow but why? If our bodies lied about our fears than we would be so much ahead.
You would be dead.
Yes fear is a defense mechanism without it we would just die doing reckelss stuff.
Oh then let's hear his full story.
"The mental support from his other teammates makes Itachi more confident and a self believer".
And kids don't forget you have to lose the next game.
What? Oh no.
But don't play your worst play like a classic match don't blunder but also don't surrender.
But no man a bet is a bet no backing off.
Yes we will lose in style.
*The next day*
Second game for the summoner's cup begin!
Skt! Skt!
Even after the first loss Skt is still the fan favorite.
And All Stars seem a little bit different what reason could be behind their serious entry.
Maybe they don't want to relax and release the tention they want to use the pressure to attain victory.
The bans have begun.
First ban from Skt Gragas it is. "JJ and Shelly take turns commentating each ban and pick".
Hey guys 'that' champ is dangerous.
So let's neutralize it.
Second ban Lee Sin.
그들에게 최고의 선택을 선택할 기회를 주지 마십시오. (Don't give them a chance to pick out the best pick.)
최선의 선택은? (The best pick?)
판테온을 얻으면 큰 문제가 될 것입니다. (Pantheon if they get pantheon that will be a big problem)
Pantheon is banned too bad for King.
I'm very sorry for you King.
A real warrior does not grief for the things he does not have instead he cherishes his heart for beating his comrades for fighting the heavens for lighting his path.
Hehe yes King I'll surely remeber that now for the next ban we will go.
Zed is banned.
All Stars banned Zed because Skt has the first pick.
니달리 아니면 아리? 어떤거야? (Nidalee or Ahri? which one is it?)
걱정하지 마십시오. Nidalee는 그다지 위험하지 않으며 첫 번째 턴에 Ahri를 선택할 것이므로 Olaf를 금지하십시오. (Don't worry Nidalee is not that dangerous and we will pick Ahri on the first turn so ban out Olaf.)
Olaf is banned guess they don't want to deal with this unstoppable viking.
Olaf are they blind our Itachi does not play Olaf.
King it's not for me but you.
For me? What have they lost their minds?
No King your top lane gameplay has gotten very good they don't want to take chances.
Oh man I'm not 'that' good like you know Jeff.
Yeah the boy who died from malaria.
Phooofoooo "Michael spits out his coffee after hearing his name".
What happend Mic you alright?
Yeah I'm fine we can chat later and focus on the bans for now or not this game does not matter.
Yeah yeah let's do this. "Itachi presses the button with a smirk".
My god Corgi All Stars have banned Corgi.
Piglet wasn't a big player in deciding the game before with Corgi but just maybe All Stars got a bad vibe from it.
It can be but no one can say for sure we gotta find out about it later in the game.
What? Why Corgi? Oh I see we have to lose so you did a troll pick right? Itachi.
No I did this to make them uncomfortable.
Huh what do you mean? That Corgi was the least valuable player (LVP) last time.
Exactly because of that meaning I just indirectly said you cannot win even with your best champions.
And now? But they are going to win aren't they?
Yes and they will think we are not that dominating and can be beaten and with that relaxed mentality they will lose their edge.
Oh nice plan then this game is much more important than I thought it would be.
코기? 그들이 우리를 조롱하고 있나요? (Corgi? are they taunting us?)
걱정하지 마세요. 그 놈들에게 건방지게 굴면 어떤 결과가 나오는지 보여드리겠습니다. (Don't worry we'll show those bastards what being cocky gets them.)
Now for the picks.
"In the bar with Moe and Ben".
Don't you think this game is in favor of All Stars?
Hmm yeah they definetly have the momentum by their side.
Hm then why not let's bet on All Stars again if they want to lose they will probably use the last game as the safety net.
You explaination would be correct if only they were playing the normal players they are playing the great Skt1 we cannot expect that much from All Stars.
Then who do you think we should bet on? All Stars they are more likely to take the win.
Alright then All Stars it is their one shot combo was just next level I had never expected to see such a play.
Yes let's do it "Moe hesitently agrees to Ben's advice but still he had a feeling that was holding him back".
Fuck they didn't take Ahri but instead Jarven 4 for the first pick.
They must've seen Itachi's gameplay where he plays Jarven.
Hmm now Itachi will play Lee sin.
And Yasuo they are definetly using their combo.
Ohhh Akali to counter Yasuo.
No it's not a counter but certainly a better champ against Yasuo.
"A new better sits besides them to watch the game" Wow! Their picks are being shown on 5 big screen each.
Yeah their buget is very high.
What they have drummers, pianoists, trumpets.
It's actually called a trumpeter.
Oh my bad but this looks awesome have you ever been to a stadium like this?
No we don't have the chance to go to the stadium but we certainly don't miss out on any game.
You also play league mr. Stranger? "Ben questions the guy to know him better".
Yes but once I rage quittes and broke my mouse.
Why because you have a noob jungler?
Or mayble a feeding duo lane?
Or maybe lost because of high ping?
Or maybe lost a winning game?
"Ben and Moe both fire questions at him like a machine gun".
No No No I just mistook my mouse for a tissue ball and throwed it in dustbin.
Oh no no no that sucks so you won that game?
No I was not playing the game I was just in the interface looking at champions.
Then.. the Ball was from? "Ben realizes the cause of this tissue".
"Ben and Moe both look at each other" oh no.
Skt1 Vs. All Stars
PoohManDu (Thresh)Vs. Max (Alester)
Piglet (Ezreal) Vs. Johan (Caitlyn)
Faker (Oriana) Vs. Alex (Yasuo)
Bengi (Nidalee) Vs. Itachi (Wukong)
Impact (Renekton) Vs. King (Vayne)
There we have it King's Vayne vs Impact's Renekton.
*Minions have been spawned*.
The match has started both teams are ready to clash it out.
But no All Stars is not taking any chances they are playing safe and sound.
Even Alex is not playing his aggressive gameplay .
해설자 페이커 여사가 자신의 능력을 최대한 활용할 여지를 주지 않고 있다는 것은 잘못된 것입니다. (Wrong Mrs. commentator Faker is not giving any openings for him to fully utilize his power.)
*Dragon has been spawned*
그들은 정말로 그들의 스타일을 벗어나고 있습니다. (They are really playing out of their style.)
그들은 다른 경기에서 그랬던 것처럼 그들의 추진력을 사용하지 않습니다. (They are not using their momentum like they did to other matches.)
마찬가지로 그들이 계획을 완전히 활용하지 못한다면 우리는 신속하게 구덩이를 장악할 것입니다. (Like wise if they don't fully utilize their plan we surely will be quick and take control over the pit.)
Mike what should we do participate or ignore?
Who told you to SHOW MERCY! To the enemy?
Ok ok no problem we are gonna fight.
"After fighting and winning without mercy All Stars purposefully gives advantages to Skt with the lead in gold and xp Skt takes over and starts to end the game".
*Fast forward to the conclusion of the game*
Alex's score 4/0/2
Team score 10
All Stars loses to Skt1 in the second game.
그들을 향해 첫 승리를 가보자 woohoo! (Let's go first victory towards them woohoo!)
Poo yours와 Faker's는 정말 훌륭했어요. (Poo yours and Faker's was Ult really good.)
그리고 벵기의 정글링도 최고 수준이었습니다. (And Bengi's jungling was also top notch.)
이제 내가 무슨 말을 할 수 있을까? (Now now what can I say?)
이제 너무 격식을 차리지 말고 챔피언의 정신을 보여주세요. (Don't be so formal now show the spirit of a champion.)
맞아요 "페이커가 팬들에게 손을 흔들고 있어요". (Yesss "Faker waves off to his fans".)
With this amazing second game by Skt the score is even.
Ahhhhhhh! Fuccckkkkk! Half of our capital is gone what da fuck man "Ben drops to his knees from the desvastating loss".
Don't be so sad bro.
Why why would I not be sad? Our analysis our instinct all said they were going to win.
No mine did not.
"Ben comes out of his amydyla hijack" what you did not meaning?
I had a bad feeling at the last moment I calculated that if half of our capital would be gone why not put the other half on the other team.
What you can do that?
Yeah two people can bet on different teams remember.
Oh I see one person cannot bet on both teams meaning you saved us.
Yes we are at break even not even one Euro loss.
Thanks bro you are awesome "Ben hugs Moe from getting too emotional".