Chapter 22

Chapter 22 – 022【Incorruptible Governor】

Chapter 22 022【Incorruptible Governor】

In the Ming Dynasty, the county seat of Qianshan was not in Hekou Town on the bank of Xinjiang River, but in Yongping Town on the bank of Qianshan River.

Early morning.

Feng Xun, magistrate of Qianshan Mountain, waited at the hotel early, with many scholars standing behind him.

Fei Yinghuan yawned as he waited there, slandering the governor in his heart. If the patriarch and his own father hadn’t repeatedly admonished him, he wouldn’t have bothered wasting time with this retarded man.

After an unknown amount of time, a servant opened the door, and Governor Wei Zhao walked out, followed by only a middle-aged servant.

The two masters and servants are all dressed in simple clothes, showing what is clean and honest.

“Ashamed, ashamed, I kept you waiting for so long.” Wei Zhaocheng clasped his fists and laughed.

Feng Xun, the magistrate of the county, stepped forward immediately, and said with an apologetic smile: “Don’t blame yourself, Mr. Yao Hai, it’s only because I came early.”

“I have met Yao Haigong.” All the scholars saluted one after another.

Wei Zhaocheng stroked his beard, looked up, nodded with a smile, “It seems that there are a few more talented people in the county today.”

Feng Xun quickly introduced the new face: “This is Hu Mengtai, the son of this county, whose name is Youli.”

Hu Mengtai cupped his hands and bowed: “The younger generation has met Yao Haigong.”

Wei Zhaocheng saw that although this person was dressed in ordinary clothes, the jade pendant on his waist was very valuable, and he could tell at a glance that he was from a local rich family. His smile became more and more cordial, and he took Hu Mengtai’s hand and said, “Youli is a talented person. He has been elected at such a young age, and he will be the pillar of the country in the future!”

“Yao Haigong’s false praise, the younger generation is ashamed.” Hu Mengtai said modestly.

After some discussion, Feng Xun introduced again: “This is Ren Yijuan, the county magistrate…”

“But after Mr. Si’an (Ren Xiyi)?” Wei Zhaocheng asked hastily.

Ren Yixuan couldn’t hide the pride on his face, he cupped his hands and said, “I’m a latecomer, and I’ll pay my respects to Yao Haigong.”

Wei Zhaocheng immediately joined hands to encourage him: “Gong Si’an is a hero of Confucianism, you should work hard to learn, and don’t fall into the name of your ancestors.”

Ren Xiyi was a direct disciple of Zhu Xi, and the posthumous titles of Zhu Xi, Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhang Zai, etc. were all requested by Ren Xiyi, and he was therefore regarded as a great contributor to Neo Confucianism.

As a descendant of Ren Xiyi, Ren Yixuan quickly said: “The teachings of the seniors are like Hong Zhong Dalu, and the juniors must never dare or forget them.”

This hypocritical trick is still going on.

Fei Yinghuan stood in front of the hotel gate, wanting to kill the governor with a sword.

Grinding and chirping, trying to gain fame and reputation, makes people feel disgusting!

Two days ago, Fei Yinghuan was held by Wei Zhaocheng in the same way at his ancestral home in Henglin.

At the time, he was a little flattered, but he soon discovered that as long as he was a scholar from a wealthy family, he would be dragged by Wei Zhaocheng’s hand for a long time.

Inquire carefully again, good guy, you are an upstart.

The governor of Jiangxi last year was called Yang Bangxian. This gentleman was far away from the capital and did not know about the coup. Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, and Cheng Yi were invited out of the Sanxian Temple and the statue of Wei Zhongxian was moved in. Jiangxi Sanxian Temple turned into the living temple of Wei Gonggong.

One is a fool, the ending can be imagined.

Lu Wenwen, the censor of the left deputy capital, was immediately elected governor of Jiangxi, and was impeached and dismissed before leaving Beijing.

The right deputy governor Zhang Yisu took over the post of governor of Jiangxi. This man left Beijing anyway, but unfortunately he was halfway, and was impeached and dismissed out of nowhere.

Wei Zhaocheng is this guy, he is an official, and his teacher is Chen Yuting, the censor of Nanjing Youdu.

After Chongzhen overthrew Wei Zhongxian, Chen Yuting took part in Nanjing’s Beijing inspection affairs, and Wei Zhaocheng took part in the statistics of national official information.

After the statistical work was over, Wei Zhaocheng was promoted to eight levels in a row, and became the minister of Taichang Temple!

Still not satisfied with this, the two deputy capital envoys were overthrown, and they went to Jiangxi to be the governor as they wished.

The magistrate himself acted as a tour guide, accompanied by a group of scholars, followed by a large number of servants of the scholars.

After the officials cleared the way, the team stretched for two or three miles.

Leading the governor to Yimin Lane, Feng Xun, the county magistrate, pointed to the pavilion and said, “Yao Haigong, this is the famous Baobenfang.”

Wei Zhaocheng hurriedly corrected his clothes, stepped forward to check the plaque on the pavilion, and said pleasantly: “It is written by Zhu Zi himself, I should worship it!”

Wei Zhaocheng raised his clothes and knelt down, facing Zhu Xi’s inscription, and the scholars behind him could only bow down.

Kneeling and worshiping, Wei Zhaocheng got up and wanted to leave, but saw a stone tablet beside the pavilion, and a Chinese cabbage was engraved on the stone tablet.

Wei Zhaocheng frowned and asked, “This is the pavilion named by Zhu Zi. Who dares to erect a monument here without authorization?”

Feng Xun replied: “The former magistrate did it.”

“Demolition!” Wei Zhaocheng shouted.

Feng Xun hurriedly reminded in a low voice: “Yao Haigong, it is inconvenient to dismantle it, otherwise it will inevitably arouse public anger.”

Wei Zhaocheng was stunned for a moment, and could only say, “Tell me in detail.”

Feng Xun explained: “Ten years ago, there was a catastrophe in Qianshan, famine was everywhere, and the Liao pay was increased every time. At that time, there were only 20,000 people left in Qianshan, and the Liao pay was 30,000 taels. The county magistrate Da Jiliang carved cabbage The stele, titled “As the parents of the people, you must not know this taste; as my young son, you must not let this color” is on the stele. He ate miscellaneous grains and drank vegetable soup with the officials, and persuaded the rich to release grain to the people, so as to preserve one side Safety.”

Wei Zhaocheng was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say, the water here is a bit deep!

Qianshan County is economically prosperous, how could there be only 20,000 people left?

There must be countless people who take shelter of the gentry and aristocrats, and are not shown in the yellow book of the government.

As for persuading the rich to release grain to the people?

I’m afraid it was due to swords and swords at that time, and Zhixian used thunderous means!

Wei Zhaocheng stared at the inscription on the cabbage stele, carefully recalled the information about Da Jiliang, and quickly clapped his hands and laughed: “It turns out that he is Da Jiliang, unexpectedly he has such political achievements.”

Feng Xun was surprised and said: “The county magistrate is now a doctor?”

Wei Zhaocheng said: “This year, I was just elected as a member of the household department, Wailang, and I was ordered to make plans for the world’s officials. The uncommon surnames in Dalang are quite easy to remember.”

Da Jiliang worked as a county magistrate in Qianshan for six years, which made the local wealthy people miserable, so everyone partnered up to pool money and bought him an official to go to Ganzhou to be the magistrate.

The folk customs in the southern Jiangxi area are violent and there are many bandits.

What’s more interesting is that Wei Zhaocheng and Da Jiliang are both members of the Donglin Party.

It’s just that Da Jiliang was beaten by the **** party as the Donglin Party. He was dismissed when he was an official in Shanxi, and now he is regarded as a comrade by the Donglin Party.

Looking at the stele of cabbage in front of him, Governor Wei felt awkward left and right, and left in a hurry after complimenting him, never mentioning the smashing of the stele again.

The long team left the county seat and boarded a boat to Xin Qiji’s former residence.

Yongping is equivalent to Chengguan Town in Qianshan County, and the passenger ship Zhao Han took is docked on the shore outside the town.

Fei Yinghuan took Wei Jianxiong away from the team, and soon came to his own boat, and said to the helmsman: “Follow the fleet ahead!”

Zhao Han, Qin Xin, Jian Dan and Jiu Po are sleeping in the cabin at the moment because they played cards too late last night.

Hearing the movement, immediately got up to meet:

“Young Master, Uncle Wei!”

“Daddy, Lord Wei!”

Fei Yinghuan twisted her neck, sat down, and said exhaustedly: “Don’t talk nonsense, come here and give me a massage.”

Zhao Han hadn’t reacted yet, the three of them, Huh Ha He, had already rushed up extremely quickly.

Jian Dan and Jiu Po are on the left and right, they are responsible for beating Fei Yinghuan’s legs, and Qin Xin went around to press his shoulders.

“Huh, comfortable!”

Fei Yinghuan enjoyed the massage with her eyes closed, and couldn’t help complaining: “This governor of Lao Shizi Wei is used to putting on airs, I’m afraid he is a corrupt official who only knows about party struggles. The people of Jiangxi must suffer.”

Zhao Han asked: “Isn’t it rumored that Governor Wei is honest and thrifty?”

Fei Yinghuan smacked his lips and said, “I’m afraid he is honest and frugal!”

The free ones are often the most expensive.

An official who flaunts his incorruptibility, but is secretly greedy to kill people is not something that can be dismissed with three melons and two dates.

Wei Zhao got the job of governor of Jiangxi after overthrowing the two deputy imperial envoys. Will he leave obediently if he doesn’t eat too much?

Sweeping the cards on the table, Fei Yinghuan suddenly became interested: “There is still some distance to Jiaxuan’s tomb, Lao Wei, sit down quickly, and play cards with me.”

Wei Jianxiong sat cross-legged, grabbed the cards and asked, “Why are there so many cards?”

Jiu Po said like a treasure: “Brother Han has a new way to play cards. Two decks of cards are mixed together to play. Four cards can be used to play kong, and there are many tricks on kong. You can also play right and right. Touch it and you’ll be fooled…”

“Sounds quite new, let me explain the rules in detail.” Fei Yinghuan laughed.

So, everyone started playing mahjong again.

Fei Yinghuan, Wei Jianxiong, Zhao Han, and Jiu Po sat at the same table, Qin Xin continued to massage his shoulders, and Jian Dan sat beside him as a card skills consultant for the young master.

After playing a few rounds, Fei Yinghuan finally got familiar with the rules, and it was indeed much more interesting than the previous game.

Young Master Fei said happily: “Old Wei, take out the money and send it out. If you don’t get a lottery, you can’t have fun.”

Wei Jianxiong took out a few hangs of Jiajing Tongbao, and everyone on the table got two hangs. Fei Yinghuan paid for winning or losing, and he could get rewards even if he didn’t play cards.

As for Governor Wei, Fei Yinghuan had long forgotten about it.

On the boat next door, Hu Mengtai, who was born in the Hu family of Yongping, seemed to no longer want to serve Governor Wei anymore.

Hu Mengtai was more interesting. He didn’t want to waste any more time. He suddenly got out of the cabin and walked to the bow of the ship. He stumbled and fell into the water with a “plop”.

“The young master fell into the river, the young master fell into the river!”

The house boy shouted in panic.

Fei Yinghuan was doing Qingyi, and when he heard the shout, he immediately ordered: “Row quickly to save people! Touch, Basuo!”

The river was full of excitement, and several passenger boats nearby worked together to rescue Hu Mengtai.

Fei Yinghuan forbade everyone to move the cards, walked out of the cabin, and asked across the boat, “Brother Hu, is he all right?”

“My young master has passed out.” Hu’s family boy shouted.

Fei Yinghuan said: “Hurry up and send her back to the county for medical treatment.”

Hu’s boat turned around hastily. When the two boats crossed, the unconscious Hu Mengtai suddenly blinked and smiled secretly at Fei Yinghuan.

Fei Yinghuan slapped his thigh fiercely, and sighed wryly: “Such a clever plan, why didn’t I think of it? Brother Hu is really talented.”

Wei Jianxiong said: “How about we fall into the water too?”

Fei Yinghuan scolded: “Idiot, you can’t do it again, it’s just a mere imitation!”

Zhao Han was speechless, who is this?

(Sacrifice a book: “Rebirth: The Rise of Xiangjiang”, the new book of Boss Iron.)

(end of this chapter)

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