I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away Again

Chapter 128

The Blue Dragon statue made of crystal was really colorful and beautiful. There was a reason why Priest Millon praised it to the point where his mouth was dry.

“This statue is originally open to the public only on special occasions, but today, since the two barons visited our temple, we are opening it up specially.”

Priest Millon explained with a triumphant smile. He said the Blue Dragon statue made of crystal was only open on the anniversary of the Empire's founding and the emperor's birthday.

“And then, the next thing you have to see…”

“I’m thirsty.”

I cut Priest Millon's words and covered my mouth with my sleeve.

“My legs hurt too.”

“Ah, oh my. I was tactless. Let's rest for a while. I will guide you to the lounge.”

The lounge was at the entrance of the hallway where Priest Adrina had disappeared. They said it was a lounge, but it was as big and splendid as the parlor of many nobles. 

Sunlight streamed in from the large window that occupied one of the walls. There was also a private toilet in the longue.

“Please rest comfortably. I will excuse myself for a moment.”

Priest Millon went out, and a pretty-looking junior priest came in, bringing red wine and cheesecake.

“Do you need anything else?”

"No. Would you mind leaving us for a while so we can rest?”

"Of course."

The junior priest bowed politely and went out.

“What are you going to do now?”

The door closed, and Baron Delrond asked quietly.

“You’re not going to come back without anything after coming all the way here, are you?”

“Of course not.”

As soon as I answered, Baron Delrond looked at me.

“Looks like you have a plan.”

He caught me.

I replied with a smile.

“What are you planning?”

“You will find out soon enough.”

“Is there no option to tell me in advance?”

“I’m sorry, Baron Delrond.”

It meant I was sorry for not being able to tell him in advance.

Baron Delrond would be very surprised at what would happen next, so it was also an apology in advance for that.

Then, should I get started?

“Seriously, what kind of terrific plan did you come up with?”

I lifted my glass of wine as Baron Delrond murmured.




With a sharp burst of glass, Baron Delrond jumped to his feet.

"Are you okay?"

“Yes, well…”

It was done on purpose, but I couldn’t be okay. However, I didn't show any expression and only pretended to be flustered, looking at my dress with wine spilled on it.

The wine stains stood out thanks to the white dress I was purposely wearing. Everything from the chest area to the pelvis area was dyed red.


“My clothes are a mess. I wish I had clothes to change into.”


“We can ask the priest for that.” 

Baron Delrond shook the bell on the table, and the priest, who had just come in earlier, came in.

“Baron Aster accidentally spilled her wine and got wet. Do you have any clothes to change into?”

“I will search for one.”

The priest, who went out and came back, reported politely.

“I’m sorry, there are no dresses in the temple right now. Instead, we have a spare priest's uniform, I will bring it to you if that is okay with you."

“How about it, Baron?”

“I don’t mind a priest’s uniform as long as I can change into clean clothes.”

“She said she doesn't mind.”

The priest immediately brought a priest's uniform. It was a priest's uniform with a purple border worn by intermediate priests.

“I want to wash and change, but is it possible? I think it's going to take a long time.”

"It's okay."

Baron Delrond stood up.

“I’ll be outside then, so prepare yourself comfortably and come out.”

“Thank you, Baron Delrond.”

After the priest and Baron Delrond left, I locked the door. And instead of washing, I changed my clothes right away.

It was a little big, but there was no inconvenience in moving.

I left my wine-drenched dress under the sofa, took some things out of my bag, and put them in my pocket. Unlike dresses, the priest's uniform had large pockets, so I could put many things I wanted. Then I walked over to the large sunny window and opened it.


The window opened with a slightly loud noise.

“I’m sorry, Baron Delrond.”

I apologized briefly and then climbed out the window. It was higher than I thought, but there were bushes just below, so I could jump through the window without much impact.

The Secret Hall is over there.

It was thanks to the temple’s floor plan I saw before. And because of the temple’s design, it was not difficult to get to the Secret Hall just like I planned.

No one stopped me because I was wearing the priest’s uniform, but the problem was next. The floor plan in the book didn't say which room was used for what purpose, so I had to search the rooms one by one to find what I was looking for.

If I were the priest’s side, I wouldn’t hide my dirty work at the entrance because there's a high chance it'll be found.

The more secretive and dangerous the dirty work is, the more people want to keep it hidden inside. Then let's go inside.

I walked down the quiet hallway of the Secret Hall, where I couldn’t feel the slightest sign of someone’s presence, and went inside.

After walking for a while, I came to three paths.

If the floor plan was correct, if I went straight, I would find the place where the archbishop stayed; if I went to the left, I would find the priest’s private space; and if I went to the right, I would find rooms shared by the priests such as dining room and worship room.

Then I should go to the right. Because children who aren’t listed on the priest’s list cannot be left in the priest’s private space.

I had only one chance. Because the temple side would soon come to find me if they noticed that I was gone.

It was when I entered the hallway on the right, hoping that I was right.

Step step step step, BUMP-!


With the sound of urgent footsteps, someone bumped into my leg from behind.

I turned around in surprise and saw a scruffy child sitting on the floor.

I guessed he was about 7 years old.

"Are you okay?"

It seemed like he bumped into me and fell, so I held out my hand and asked kindly. 

The child looked up at me. Then his eyes widened in an instant and he became filled with fear.

“I, I was wrong!”

The child bowed down with his head on the floor and began to beg with his hands together.

“I will never do that again. Please let it slide just once!”

What is this…

I looked at the child in bewilderment at his sudden apology.

Only then did the child's thin arms and legs catch my eye. Even though he was skinny, he had a lot of scars on his arms and legs.

It was obviously whip marks. 

The fact that there were whip marks on his body was clear evidence that the child had been abused.

“I was wrong, don’t hit me please, I was wrong.”

The child's continuous apology, frightened face, and skinny body were also clear evidence of abuse. And it must have been the temple that abused this child.

I found it.

I found the evidence I had been hoping for, but I wasn't happy at all. Rather, I was angry and filled with frustration.

I wanted to find the person who made the child like this right away and took care of him. But I didn't have the power to do that.

At least for now.

"Let's go."

If only I could take the child to the Imperial Palace. No, if I could at least show him in front of everyone, I would have an excuse to punish them.

That's why I had to go. I had to take the child to the open hall at least.

“Come with me, Child.”

“N, no…”

But the terrified child seemed unwilling to move. Tears welled up in his big eyes. He shook his head, sat down, and pulled back.

"No. I was wrong. Please don't take me into that room."

That room? 

“Priest, I was wrong. I won’t do it again.”

Ah, he’s like this because he thinks I'm a priest.

It wasn’t unreasonable for him to think that way because I was wearing a priest's uniform.

"Look carefully."

I bent my knees to the child's eye level.

“Have you ever seen my face in the temple?”

“Ah, um…”

“You’ve never seen it, right? It’s because I’m not a priest.”

The child, who was staring at my face with trembling eyes, blinked wide at my words.

"You really… aren't a priest?"

His eyes rolled around.

“But you’re wearing a priest’s uniform…”

“This is for a reason.”

With the sweetest smile I could have, I reached out to the child again.

“As I said, I’m not a priest. I’m here to save you.”


"Yeah. I'm here to save you and the children who live in this temple."

Even though I said this, the child still found it hard to believe and hesitated without holding my hand. 

I understood what the child was thinking. Because if I were him, I would have done the same.

I would be waiting for him to open the door to his broken heart if I had enough time, but now there was no time for that.

I had to get out of here quickly.

“Is it that way?!”

A harsh voice came from behind the child.

Hearing that voice, the child became more frightened and trembled.

That person seems to be the culprit of this child’s abuse.

Soon, I could see a priest running from the other side of the hallway with the hem of his robe fluttering.

I can't wait any longer.


I held the child in my arms with a brief apology.

The child opened his eyes wide in surprise, but fortunately, he didn't struggle to escape.

I picked up the child and hurried back to the way I had come.

"Stop there!"

I ran and ran until I was out of breath, but the distance gradually narrowed. I already ran slower than my opponent, but it was also because I was holding a child.

I will be caught up if it continues, what should I do?

I can’t help it.

I didn't want to do this, but there was no other way.

I put the child down and took a ring out of my pocket.

“I got you!”

The moment I put the ring on, the priest grabbed my shoulder.

I held onto my trembling heart and grabbed the man's hand that was grabbing my shoulder with my ringed hand.

After a few seconds.


The priest fell to the floor with a scream.

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