I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 26 - an idea

The governor immediately decided to ascend to the hall.

Usually, many cases that arouse the public’s discussion will be publicly interrogated, allowing the public to watch, in order to show justice. However, this case was a tragedy of human relations, and the governor was worried that it would involve Zhou’s secrets, so he did not make it public, and only invited Zhou Shilang and his son Zhou Luo to watch.

As an important participant in the case, Shen Jiajia was naturally fortunate to be able to watch the trial.

That Mrs. Yang’s nephew, Yang Fang, was a talented scholar. His family was poor. His parents had passed away. According to rumors, this Yang Xiucai is intelligent by nature and has a bright future.

As soon as Yang Fang was brought in, Zhou Luo couldn’t sit still, and suddenly rushed towards Yang Fang. Several yamen officers saw many such scenes and stopped him skillfully.

Zhou Luo scolded: “Yang Fang! You ungrateful white-eyed wolf! My Zhou family treats you well, and you don’t want to repay your kindness. Killing my mother is like a beast!”

Shi Lang’s eyes were also red, and he almost burst into tears. Losing a wife in middle age is a miserable life, let alone in this way.

Yang Fang already knew that he was doomed, and he was not annoyed when he heard Zhou Luo’s scolding, and he always had a sneer on his face.

The governor slapped the gavel, “Yang Fang, do you know the guilt?”

“Xiaosheng is guilty.”

“Your aunt’s family allows you to live and feed you, so why do you avenge your revenge?”

“Repaying kindness and revenge?” Yang Fang sneered, “She and my father lost both parents when they were young, and my father pulled her up with one hand. In order to earn the next family business, she contracted a whole body of disease. Later, she climbed high by chance. Door, my father has emptied his family for the dowry. When she was enjoying the glory and wealth, and my father was ill, did she ever turn around to help? I am afraid that she will be worried about being looked down upon by her husband’s family, so she can dress up peace!”

Shen Jiajia glanced at Shilang Zhou secretly. Although he didn’t speak, his stunned expression for a moment showed that Yang Fang had guessed right.

Everyone present did not expect that Yang’s aunt and nephew would have such a festival, and they were silent for a while.

“I’m under the Zhou family’s guard, how many white eyes she has given me! When I eat a bite of the Zhou family’s rice, it will make her suffer like a bite of her meat. Ha! You all say I’m a white-eyed wolf, isn’t she? Little white-eyed wolf Killing the big white-eyed wolf is just karma!”

“My cousin and I were in love with each other, but she blocked it in every possible way, and said that I was a leper and wanted to eat swan meat. Haha! It’s also the Yang family, and I’m a leper. What is she, isn’t she a leper? How noble does she think she is, hahahaha!”

The more he talked, the more excited he became, laughing and crying, crazy.

Fu Yin Ju looked at him condescendingly, expressionless: “So you killed her?”

“Yes, I killed her, I killed her, my cousin can’t talk to her for three years. After three years, I will definitely be a jinshi, and I will marry my cousin. Isn’t this a happy thing?”

Shen Jiajia felt that this person was really pitiful and hateful. Fortunately, he can no longer be an official, otherwise I don’t know how many people will suffer.

The governor asked some more details about the poisoning and killing, and finally asked, “Where did you get this medicine from?”

“Bought it from a wandering doctor.”

“Where are the rivers and lakes traveling doctors?”

“It’s on the street. If the mansion wants to, he can try his luck. I just don’t know if he is still in the capital.”

After the case was over, the governor was a little tired. Zhou Shilang came to thank him, and the governor invited his father and son to drink tea in the flower hall. Because he heard that Shen Jiajia had quarreled with Zhou Luo, the governor wanted to make peace, so he called Shen Jiajia, and introduced this woman’s talent to Zhou’s father and son.

Zhou Shilang was quite surprised and complimented a few words.

Zhou Luo stood up, brought a bowl of tea in front of Shen Jiajia, and said respectfully: “Since I have said it, I will thank you for the tea after solving the case. Zhou will never break his promise.

Shen Jiajia took the tea steadily, took a sip, put down the tea bowl and said, “Xiao Langjun, please also express my condolences.”

After that, Shen Jiajia’s eyes always wandered on Zhou Luo, making Zhou Luo look embarrassed, and she turned her face away and dared not look at her.

Xie Chengfeng stood on Shen Jiajia’s shoulder and said sourly, “Does it look good?”

“I have an idea.”

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