I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 23 - a pomegranate

Seeing that Shen Jiajia was embarrassed, Li Si comforted him: “Sanniang, don’t worry, there were many unsolved cases in the yamen in the past years, and the murderer was not found even when Zheng Zuo’s own apprentice died. Whether some cases can be solved depends on the fate. .”

Shen Jiajia said in shock: “Ah, what happened to Liu Lang?”

“It’s not Rokuro, it was twenty years ago.”

Shen Jiajia was thinking about crabs, so she didn’t take it to heart. She suggested that she wanted to take the route of the crab from the kitchen to Yang’s residence yesterday, and Li Si acted as a guide.

As the three of them walked, Shen Jiajia asked, “Are there any idle people waiting to enter the kitchen yesterday?”

These things, Li Si and the others have already cross-examined, and they replied: “There is no one else except for the food.”

“Is the kitchen usually guarded?”

“There are people in the kitchen during the day, the kitchen is locked at night, and a few fire-fighting girls take turns on duty in the firewood room next door.”

“Who was on duty the night before the incident?”

“It’s that girl just now.”

Shen Jiajia thought about how the little girl yawned just now. She has a habit of keeping her head down when she thinks about things, and walking like this, Shen Chukuai suddenly grabbed her shoulder and slid to the side.

“Sanniang, watch the road.”

Shen Jiajia looked up and found that she almost hit a pomegranate tree by the roadside.

She turned her eyes and saw a red pomegranate under the pomegranate tree. It seemed to be intact. It was a pity to throw it away, so she bent down and picked it up.

At this moment, someone passed by on the side of the road, but it was Zhou Luo, the young master of Zhou Mansion, and his servant.

Zhou Luoyin’s mother died violently. Today, he is all plain and his complexion is black. He saw Shen Li three people, especially Shen Jiajia, a little strange: “Why are you here?”

Li Si hurriedly explained: “Ya Nei, this Shen Sanniang is here to investigate the case with us.”

Zhou Luo was in a bad mood at first, but after hearing what Li Si said, and then looking at Shen Sanniang, who had a parrot on her shoulder and a pomegranate in her hand, it was unreliable. Zhou Luo said: “Is there no one in the yamen? Find a woman to cause trouble? If you can’t find out the murderer of my mother, I’ll take care of you one by one!”

Shen Jiajia folded her arms and sneered, “If we can find out the murderer, will you give us tea to thank you?”

Li Si was startled, and quickly winked at Shen Zhukuai.

Zhou Luo is usually used to being flattered, but now he is so disobedient by a commoner woman, it is inevitable to be annoyed. He pointed at Shen Jiajia and smiled coldly: “Okay, okay! Just wait!”

Shen Jiajia rolled her eyes at him.

Shen Zhukuai was quite helpless. He has basically figured out the law of his daughter’s face-turning, that is, you can’t look down on her. If someone dares to look down on her, let alone the son of the servant, the king and Laozi will stab back when he comes.

Zhou Luo left soon, and Li Si was complaining about the thrill just now, feeling that Shen Jiajia was really bold. Xie Chengfeng whispered in Shen Jiajia’s ear: “When I change back, I will definitely beat Zhou Luo hard to vent your anger.”

Shen Jiajia chuckled.

Xie Chengfeng stared at her face and whispered, “You look so good when you smile.”

Shen Jiajia’s face was inexplicably hot.

After walking through this road, Li Si also recovered his mood and asked, “Sanniang, have you found anything?”

Shen Jiajia didn’t answer, but said, “I want to see those people again.”

So the three interrogated one by one again, and Shen Jiajia carefully listened to them as they described the process from production to packaging, delivery, and delivery to the table. Li Si was about to memorize these.

“What was unusual about yesterday? Aside from dreaming with twitching eyes. Thinking about it again, you can say anything out of the ordinary.”

One of the maids thought about it for a long time. Seeing Shen Jiajia holding a red pomegranate in her hand, she said, “When I was passing by the pomegranate tree with the food box yesterday, I was hit by a pomegranate that fell from the tree. Does this… count?”


“It didn’t hit me, just hit the food box.” The maid added.

“What did you say?!” Shen Jiajia got up from the chair and held her hand.

The maid was startled and stammered, “I, I, I, what I said is true…”

“I know, you talk about it carefully.”

“That’s right, the pomegranate fell from the tree, smashed the food box and landed on the side of the road. I didn’t care because I was afraid that it would delay Madam’s meal.”

“Where did you smash the food box?”

“…Looks like a cover?”

“You saw the pomegranate fall from the tree with your own eyes?”

Seeing the girl’s eyes getting brighter and brighter, the maid was inexplicably frightened, “That, that’s not it. But I was passing under the pomegranate tree, and I happened to be hit by a pomegranate, so… it should be right?”

Shen Jiajia took her hand and walked out, “please go to the kitchen with me.”

When she got to the kitchen, she asked the maid to look for it and found the food box that contained raw crabs yesterday.

Shen Jiajia asked, “Are the food boxes shared by each hospital? Could it be wrong?”

The maid shook her head and said, “No. Each hospital has its own. Our wife’s set is the Huanghuali Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea Food Box, you can’t go wrong.”

Shen Jiajia nodded, and after sending the maid away, she took the food box, lifted the lid, and wiped the bottom of the lid with a handkerchief.

Shen Chukuai asked, “Sanniang, is there something wrong with this food box?”

Shen Jiajia replied: “The fire girl started to feel sleepy yesterday, because someone on duty at night stunned her with a drug, and then sneaked into the firewood room and stole the key to the kitchen. After that person got into the kitchen, he did something on the food box. , paste the damp powder on the bottom of the lid of the food box, the powder is almost dry at noon. Dad, if there is powder on a wooden board, and you want the powder to fall, what will you do?”


“Yes, so on the way the maid was delivering the meal, someone hit the lid of the food box with a pomegranate, and the powder fell into the crab. The powder and the food box are basically the same color, so they were not noticed.” , “You see.”

Shen Chukuai and Li Si looked together, and sure enough, the handkerchief was stained with a little dark brown powder. The two turned over the food box again and found that there were some residues in the food box. Because these powders are very few and the same color as the food box, they have not been found before.

Li Si couldn’t help but said: “Then what if the pomegranate misses?”

“If you miss it, you just can’t kill people. If you can’t kill it, you can find a chance to kill it later. This murderer has never been in contact with this dish from beginning to end. He is hiding too deep, and he can kill him or not. Retreat.” Shen Jiajia shuddered as she spoke.

Li Si looked at Shen Jukuai and then at Shen Jiajia, suddenly took a step back, and gave Shen Jiajia a deep bow: “Shen Sanniang, I am convinced.”

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