I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 11: So about that vow with Shadow Pact….

So now that her Eternal vow with [Shadow Pact] she had to think seriously about if she needed to leave school or not.
Okay, maybe not.
Especially since that vow wasn't that binding for her...
After all...Her skill had other stuff to say for it.
Hostile mind intrusion on soulscape detected by passive magick monitoring. Purging....................
Purge Complete.
And sounds about right. Mother's passive monitoring worked wonders, on a more important side note... What was that about?
Eternal Vow:
The evolved form of the skill [Thief's Honor], allows the caster of the skill to know if a promise is broken. If the other party has lower power the skill doesn't require consent on both sides.
It allows the user to know who and when the other party broke the accord. So long the difference isn't large enough it can limit the other party and make it follow the contract made.

The Vow will steer the intentions of both parties to ensure the contents are followed.
Note: Skill's in-depth effects aren't shown since User doesn't have enough information allocation.
Didn't I get more information allocation?
It seemed that it wasn't enough.
Most of the class was pestering the teacher with questions about how to evolve or develop new skills. He spent most of the time repeating himself on the 'We don't know'.
But she had other ideas in mind to get that info.
In a nutshell? [Identify] the heck out of it.
Health 80% (Max):
Max's health is reduced by the effect of another skill, sacrificing health to earn something in return. The name of the skill is censured since the user doesn't have enough information allocation to see it.

So he sacrificed his health to make the world a better place?

I knew [Shadow Pact] was a noble thief indeed!

Stamina 150% (Max):
Max's stamina increased from the effect of another skill. The name of the skill is censured since the user doesn't have enough information allocation to see it.

Of course, it's normal for him to have extra stamina!

He needs all the energy for when we...I mean, for making the world a better place!

Subset Skills:
There are skills created by either ramification on the way a skill is used or by breaking past a threshold in the body.
A subset skill can be created if the Soulscape recognizes something as worth having a space on the soulscape.
Normally one can't interact with the creation or place of a subset of skills. But since the user has access to the system. It is possible to manage these subset skills if / when the users adquires one.

And finally, the heart of the problem.

Unique Skills:

Crystallization of a skill that has achieved one of the peaks of its power.

When a user makes the skill go further beyond. And manages to keep the toil on the body at a reasonable level, then the skill can evolve further.

Thanks to this the skill can either strengthen its effects or gain new effects to compensate for a failing the user perceives. The existence of a Unique Skill on the status means the owner of said skill is dangerous. Unless the Unique Skill is gifted by an administrator, it's hard to earn one. Since this isn't tied to the level of the user but to its affinity for the skill.


Nothing weird in that, it's obvious [Shadow Pact] would have enough mastery over its skill to evolve it into a Unique Skill. He even has several subset skills!

No one in this room has Unique Skills!

Granted we are mostly students...

Maybe the crazy old man has one?

The only one that I haven't used [Identify] is the black-haired guy that was glaring at Shadow Pact and then moved on to glaring at me when he spoke to me.

Totally normal reaction to be honest. I would glare (And maybe murder) the person that took his attention from me too.

He is probably normal too, but one can't be too cautious as Mother always said so [Identify] away!

".....what?" And I will be honest, didn't expect to see that. It was too impressive that I even vocalized my thoughts.

Few noticed it. Besides the red-haired girl that moved on to glare at me with black-hair guy when she noticed I was looking in the direction of that kid.

But it couldn't be helped...I found another problem here.

Goddammit Mother, you jinxed me with all those stories!


Name: Suzuki Akira

Title: The Promised Hero,

The one that ran away

Level: 5


Health: 100%


Stamina: 100%

Stress: 0%

Strength: 30

Constitution: 20

Agility: 20

Dexterity: 20

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 5

Charisma: 5

Status Auto allocation is de-activated.

Unique Skill: Regressor (Spent)

Unique Skill: Transmigator (Spent)

Skill: I'm Justice!

So many things to complain about here...This Akira kid was a problem. He was even more problematic than Rosie...

But at least this explained why the red-haired girl was like that...And how she was able to use her skill so well already.

They were a pair... At least the crazy old man is good enough to not bring attention to me.

It has been a few minutes since he told us to play with the skills for now so long we can do it without bothering anyone else.

And so a few are lifting things, others are creating fire or so.

That pair isn't doing anything though. They said that their skills aren't friendly to use in this type of area.

And I call bullshit on that. But since mine could do more and I'm only staring at people... Can't complain. Either way...

[Identify] all!

The Promised Hero:
Title granted to a summoned hero that was brought forth using the tears, blood, and soul of the citizen of a doomed world. He was summoned using the very soul of a nation in ruins to stabilize and bring hope to the world of Aetheria. Since the summoning was unstable thanks to the current status of that world his soul was bound to his companions. So they all could arrive together in one piece. This link is currently unstable since only one of the other three heroes wanted to keep the link even after death.

Yikes...Stalker type of binding.

Mother told me about those types of things. Apparently, they bind the soul of the Hero Party to make sure they don't kill each other in their sleep. Or spend most of the time screwing each other, both literally and figuratively.

So one of the other three heroes wanted to keep the soul binding...Wonder who that would be...

Probably not a young sword saint that is around...Right?

This couldn't be such a cliche development, right?

...I hope Mother has low strength, dexterity, and constitution so I can choke her later when I see her.

The One that ran away:
Title granted to someone that even though they had promised to never give up. Choose to run away from their responsibilities when those turned out to be more dangerous and/or extensive than expected.


Calm down, breathe Elizabeth.

Breath In...Breath out...

Too funny.

He ran?

Even if they are looking at me weirdly this is too funny!

Wait...He was summoned, right?

How did he manage to run away? Did he use the same method as mother?

Then Mother has one of these too?

Ah...The skills...Those stupid overpowered Unique skills that are crossed out?


This Unique Skill was granted to the Hero as a free bonus to allow the fulfillment of a specially harsh mission in a doomed world. It allows the user to have free chances to return the time to a fixed point in time. And one extra use to redo his life in other's worlds.

[Regressor Used the skill before finishing his task, so the skill is spent and the user has injured his soulscape by forceful use]


This Unique Skill was granted to the Hero upon arrival in a doomed world, it was a thank-you skill granted so he could return to his original world after saving the world.

[This was forcefully used before finishing his contract, so the skill is now broken and it injured the soulscape of the user]

Mother... I think this kid mixed the genres or something.



He got two Unique Skills as gifts and this idiot wasted them to run away?

If he had free tries at fixing something why did he run away?

Is he an idiot?

Well, by his wisdom being at 5 he at least should be average?

So why did he run away?

So many questions and so little info to use...

Still...I feel like I have heard that world's name at some point...

Akira's POV

My name is Akira and I'm a Hero.

Not like the wannabes that go around in this world acting all mighty while flexing their skills.

A real one.

And I even have the proof carved in my soul in the form of two Divine skills.

Both are staples of a Hero's Story too. Divine Skill [Regressor] and Divine Skill [Transmigator].

How did I become one you ask?

Well, my dear fan. One day I got summoned to another world!

I know right, who gets summoned? That only happens in Light Novels and mangas!

But no, a god took notice of me and summoned me to fix a problem in another world!

He offered me a gift to make my job easier and warned me that I would meet the god of that world. So I asked him to give me the [Regressor] skill so I could have infinite tries.

And he did. Just like that, he did say that it would work in that world without a problem, but he wouldn't deceive me. A [Divine Skill] would work in any world. It's the power of a god after all.

In that other world, the god of that place almost begged me on his knees for salvation. So I got another [Divine Skill] in the form of [Transmigation] so I could return home. It wasn't that hard to get somehow. But that was part of my epic plan.

With [Regressor] I could do whatever I wanted without fearing consequences!

And then after getting bored, I would use [Transmigator] to go and repeat in a new world!

No OP Main Character of any novel would be better than me!

But not everything was going according to my plan.

Or so I thought until I was in the other world. And I found myself with another three persons with me. They weren't heroes of course. I could see that since my staple skills of a [Hero] told me so.

The god gave me [Analysis] so I could see their five stats [Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Magick, and Perception]. That was how I was sure about the identity of one of the summoned with me.

Rena was here with me at my side.

She was an annoying girl from my class that always tried to make me do extra work. If I was the main character in a light novel I could get a cute little sister or a shy childhood friend... Or a hot sexy older girl in the neighborhood that was lonely.

But instead, I got this girl.

And somehow she had come with me in the summoning...

There were other two people there too, but to be honest I don't remember the extras.

The important part was... That I got scammed, neither god said how this world was ravaged by dimensional rifts...

Nor how the core of the planet and the fount of magick were dead.

Or the little detail about how the being that did all of this wasn't even the Demon Lord...

It was the classical Big Bad Evil Guy that lurks in the shadows and controls everything (Not that the king or church told me, but it was obvious).

I tried...

I did!

Wasted like 30 years on this forsaken world fighting the dimensional rifts and training my sword to cut them and seal them.

Dunno what the other two dudes did (Or where they girls? I would remember if they were girls I'm sure)

In the end, after all that I managed to find the demonic god castle (Or was it goddess?).
Who hides its castle?
Granted it was a Hidden BBEG, but still...Have the decency of leaving clues or something for the hero!
But this wasn't the worst...It was empty.
The thing wasn't even there!
And the gods got annoying too about how I was "Wasting my time" or something. Can't remember what they were going on about.
Since I had already wasted 30 years on this and they got annoying I ran away.
I had the means to do so after all, and they complained (At least one), but couldn't stop the power of my [Divine Skills].
And that's how I got here. First use [Regressor] to turn back time so they didn't search for me, and then use [Transmigator] change the destination and go to a new world!
In this world...With Rena still stuck to me, it seems my skill brought her with me or something. Another testament to the power of [Divine Skill].
This world was better, but it seems that it didn't have a [System] so I went from a LitRPG world to a normal [Fantasy]. I still could allocate my stats so my [Divine Skills] still seemed to work.
The problem was...No one gave me the right respect. This world had Superheroes or something. And thanks to that they didn't recognize a [Hero] when one was in front of them.
Like right now for example, in this school.
Rena brought me here since she was saying something about rumours about this getting special attention from High Class Super Heroes.
She didn't remember our life in the last world since [Regression] returned the time back. So as far as she was concerned this was the s second life and not the third.
Anyway...This bullshit school, right. What was I saying?
Ah right!
Attention, the teachers gave more attention to a girl that broke the awakening thing. The edgy guy that was important or something too gave her more attention. And she was so normal!
She looked like a girl that just was pretending to be cool while would look for a hidden space in a library to sleep while pretending to be studying.
Granted she was a looker, much better than Rena too.... She had a gorgeous body that paired well with that blonde hair, and those eyes man.
If only she knew her place.... I wouldn't mind giving her a spot on my harem, now that I wasn't bound by the god's shenanigans I could start on that too!
Should I ditch Rena then? She had a nice body...But her personality... So pushy...

Rena POV


My name is Watanabe Rena and I'm annoyed.
I thought that bringing Akira to this stupid school would be enough to humble him a little, but it didn't worked.
He still thought he was among the strongest in class...And it was annoying because he was!
She didn't know how but she had a feeling about how strong someone was, like an instinct trained a whole life or something.
And almost no one here was stronger than neither of them. The teacher had a feeling like she couldn't defeat him here, but she knew that in the battlefield he wouldn't measure to her.
Maybe it was a problem with the [Skills]?
Then there was [Shadow Pact], she was too hasty and she regretted it the moment she drew her sword.
As soon as she took it out she knew it was pointless and just prepared herself to her death.
But it didn't come.
Worst of all one of the weaklings took the right direction, a blonde bimbo on the back of the class tried to run away instead of fighting.
And she got complimented for it too!
The gall!
If you are here to be a hero then fight like one!
But then again, this school doesn't only train heroes but villains too.
And since [Shadow Pact] recognized her maybe she was the daughter of a villain or something?
She had the body and looks of one at least.
And she kept measuring everyone on class while pretending to pass time, she couldn't deceive her.
A quick look at everyone here and a micro expression that indicated her evaluation of them.
Maybe her [Skill] was something like the instinct she had?
She still felt weaker though.
And when she looked at her... She didn't looked intimidated. Why?
She was weaker than her, she knew it.
Maybe she was dumb?
That wasn't the problem, she could deal with dumbs villains.
The problem was the look she gave when looking at Akira!
She smiled!
That settled it, she would kill her.
She could feel her skill taking form in her heart(Soul). It was sharpening itself.

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