I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 42 – Barney Would Be Proud

Grease covered her mouth as she yawned.



It was standard practice that everyone on the main team showed up twice a week to have a half hour meeting before they conducted their scheduled two hour team practice. Once a week everyone on the bench had to show up and have a half hour meeting before they went over team drills as well. People in support had to attend both meetings because you never knew where they might have to show up, but they didn't have to attend training.


The theory was that since you didn't know if they would be present in any given situation, there was no point setting up anything more complicated than the most simple of team tactics. Support were designated as someone who hung out away from the action and helped when things calmed down. Currently on the medical front, that was only Adam and Doctor Quinn, who was basically just a well trained paramedic.


Doctor Quinn was currently taking a vacation. The first she'd taken since signing on with the Rascals. The reason being that since Adam was around, she could actually take some time off. So that meant that during the team meeting on Friday, the day after the incident at the EMMA, the five prime team members and Adam were the only ones present.


Sass had just started the meeting. This was going to be a big one and she had prepared quite a bit. There were many, many problems that were going to have to get addressed after what happened. She had just barely started talking when Grease yawned.


Sass stopped and stared at Grease intently with narrow eyes, "Tired?"


Grease covered her mouth as she yawned and nodded at the same time.


Sass grew even more suspicious. She glanced over at Wanderer and did a head jog towards Grease while holding up two crossed fingers. Wanderer nodded in response and concentrated on Grease.


Sass put her notes down and leaned over the podium to loom in Grease's direction, "You're never tired. Did you wear yourself out having sex with Angel?" Adam sat up straight in his chair at that question and mouthed the words, 'what the?'


Grease nodded with half open eyes and said, "Yup." There was a pause for a single heart beat before her eyes flared open. She looked at Sass and said, "WAIT!"


Sass was not waiting.


Sass had launched herself at Grease while pulling back a fist, obviously intent on punching her into next week. However she was forced to halt as Adam teleported himself in between the two with his back to Grease. He had his hands held up flat towards Sass and spread his wings wide to give Grease as much coverage as possible, "STOP! What the heck are you doing?"


Sass looked absolutely pissed, "What am I DOING? I gave Grease specific orders not to take advantage of you and she-"


Adam cut her off by shouting in her face, "I took advantage OF HER!"


Everyone froze. You could have heard a pin drop.


Sass blinked a few times, "I don't think-"


Adam scowled, "I asked her to stay with me in my room. I was the one who tried to jump her. She RAN out of my room to her own apartment to hide from me. I tracked her down, teleported into her bathroom, and cornered her. I am the one who jumped her bones!"


Everyone's jaw hit the floor.


Adam pulled in his wings as he got in Sass' face, "I felt like crap. I needed to stop fixating on the negative and Grease helped me out." She then poked Sass in the belly, "And I don't see how that's any business of yours."


Sass was speechless. It took a few seconds of sputtering to collect her thoughts, "Wait wait... I mean.. look. You went through some serious trauma and I don't think you were in the right headspace to be making any serious choices-"


Adam's eyes grew wider, "Excuse me? I'm TWENTY EIGHT. I think I might be the oldest person in the room. I am perfectly capable of understanding my situation and deciding what I want to do. And if she did some how take advantage of me, so WHAT?" He tapped himself on the chest, "I am perfectly capable of accepting the consequences of my own actions!" He suddenly lost steam and continued in a much softer voice, "All... of my actions."


Grease just sat there, frozen, somewhat petrified with fear and unwilling to move so as to avoid gaining any more attention. That plan was foiled when Adam stepped back to stand next to her, "Grease here is really sweet and kind. She just wanted to be my friend and the truth is, I didn't need a friend. I'd needed to get laid." She looked at Grease, "I'm sorry about that. I know you just wanted to be friends, but I was in a bad place yesterday. I hope you can forgive me."


The Golden Knight reached up and slapped herself across the face. Everyone glanced at her. She looked at Adam and Grease, "Nope. Not a hallucination."


Adam frowned at the Golden Knight, "You know, that right there. That's the problem." He pointed at Goldie while addressing Sass, "You guys have such a low opinion of Grease and I don't know why. She's a true believer! A real hero and always willing to go that extra mile for a friend and you have no respect for her."


He stepped up to Sass, "And just so you know, when Grease told me you ordered her not to take advantage of me, that was moment I made up my mind to bang her."


Sass' face went flat. She help up a single finger in Adam's face, "Hold that thought." She leaned to the side and over Adam to look at the super heroine trying very hard to be forgotten about, "Grease, why does he think that?"


Grease avoided looking at Sass, "Well... You see... umm..."


Sass frowned, "Is... that what YOU think?"


Grease squirmed in her seat and said nothing.


Someone sitting next to Grease reached over to grab her shoulder. Grease snapped her head to look at The Golden Knight, "Thou art brash, pig-headed, rude, crude, and a slob." Grease face fell at these words. Goldie continued, "Thou art also the bravest out of all of us. I have never seen thou back down from a fight or ever do anything other than try one hundred percent when an innocent is on the line. Thou does not know the meaning of the word quit and there is no one whom I would want more at mine side when I charge into battle against an insurmountable foe in defense of a hopeless cause..." She squeezed Grease's shoulder, "Then Thou."


Wanderer cleared her throat, "While it is true that you are completely incapable of following the simplest of plans, your chaotic behavior can be anticipated and therefore the negatives can be mitigated to some degree. Whereas I would postulate that the fact that none of us can predict what you are going to do means that neither can our enemies. Therefore there is a certain advantage to be had by your reckless behavior."


Grifter rapped her leather covered knuckles on the table to get Grease's attention, "Hey. When me and Sass started this, you were the first one to sign up. You never complained, even when we couldn't pay you for three months. You stood by this team and never gave up on making it work. Even when everyone else was jumping ship, you stuck it out and you think we would forget that sort of loyalty?" She shook her head, "Damn it, Grease. We might have fights, but you're family."


Sass was quiet the whole time everyone else spoke. She just turned away and muttered, "I'm a failure as a leader."


Grease blinked. There was a flash of lightning as she zoomed to face Sass, "WHAT? No! No no no... Nah!" She made a dismissive hand gesture, "I'm sure it's my fault somehow." She grinned and rolled her eyes, "You know me! Can't take anything seriously. Always gotta make a joke!"


Sass reached out to grasp Grease by the shoulder. Sass looked pained, "Grease. I don't yell at you or complain to you because I don't respect you. I do it because I DO. Because every time you screw up I want you to do BETTER. I complain not to put you down, but to try and get you to improve." She let her hand slip off Grease's shoulder, "I'm sorry you thought otherwise."


Grease started looking panicked, "Whoa! Hold it!" She grabbed Sass by both shoulders and smiled, "I'm FINE! Never better! You know me! I'm a real woman! I only have three emotions. The three H's." She started counting off by holding up fingers, "Hatred, Horny and Hungry!" She pointed at the center of the table, "We got donuts." She pointed at Adam, "He took care of the horny." She pointed at herself, "And I don't hate anyone!" She grinned.


Sass said nothing and just stared back.


Grease's smile slowly faded, "Look... maybe... I vented a little. But maybe... it was because I feel like I've been screwing up more than usual lately and I don't know how to fix it."


Sass rolled her eyes, "It's not that it... it's just..." She threw up her hands in the air, "Why can't you ever just stick to the plan?"


Adam interrupted, "Because she's ten times faster than everyone else here." Everyone turned to look at him. He shrugged, "If you ask her to wait a minute, you are asking her to wait ten. She moves faster and thinks faster and does everything faster than the rest of us." He glanced around than pointed at Grease, "You should put her in charge."


Everyone spoke in near unison, "WHAT???"


Grease blinked and pointed at herself, "ME? What you been smoking?"


Sass squinted with one eye, "You think she's a better team leader than me?"


Adam shook his head, "No. The team leader leads the TEAM. That is a matter of logistics." He pointed at Grease, "She's smarter than you give her credit for and she can think up a battle plan faster than anyone. That's tactics. Logistics win wars. Tactics win battles."


Sass folded her arms and looked sideways at Adam.


Grease sputtered at Adam, "Wh-wh-wh-what the Hell? Look. It's great and all that you think so highly of me, but you only just got-"


Sass looked at the ceiling while she muttered to herself, "A good plan now is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."


Grease turned to look at Sass, "Huh?"


Sass looked at Adam, "You have a point."


Adam nodded, "You do too much yourself. You are the one who has to handle everything. If the group is going to grow, you are going to have to trust someone else eventually."


Grease looked back and forth from Adam to Sass several times, "Uhh... are you two insane?"


Sass looked over at Grifter, "What do you think?"


Grifter tilted her head back for a moment, then looked at Sass, "I'd start off with the bench."


Sass turned to Grease, "Then it's settled. From now on, you'll be put in charge of the bench and organizing patrols. Maybe if you are the one giving orders to everyone, you will HAVE to slow down and wait for everyone to catch up."


Grease gaped at Sass, "What? Are you MAD? I'm a complete fuck up!"


Sass put a hand on Grease's shoulder, "I believe in you."


Adam leaped on Grease and gave her a hug, "Congratulations!"


Grease looked glum, "How in any way, shape, or form does being given extra work and put on patrol duty warrant a Congratulations?"


Adam nuzzled her ear, "Everyone likes you and thinks highly of you!"


Grease opened her mouth, then slowly closed it. She cleared her throat, then pushed Adam off of her, "Okay. This has been too many emotions. I've reached my feeling capacity." She pointed at her eye, "I almost shed a single womanly tear and I am only allowed one of those per day. It'd be just down right embarrassing to use it this early in the morning."


Adam stepped back, "Ah. Okay." but didn't stop grinning.


Sass smiled as well, but slowly it faded, "We... got way off track." She cleared her throat, "We got a lot to cover this morning." She let out a long sigh and looked at Adam, "Specifically..."









"Your conduct in the museum."

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