I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 94:

When Yu Mo said these words, several people present called out the frame of Anxuan Xiaobengjiao at almost the same time.

Among them, Heze and Yuexuan’s reactions were too exaggerated, and they also frightened the others beside them.

They couldn’t imagine why it would cause such a big commotion.

Doesn’t it mean there won’t be a problem?

Yu Mo looked back at them calmly and asked, “What do you want to say?”

As the emperor of the empire, Yu Mo always carried a strong sense of oppression on his body. He could easily make others shut up, and he could easily make all those who were dissatisfied with his decision retreat.

Such as Yue Xuan and He Ze.

It was an instinctive reaction for the two of them to speak out, because they all knew that Yu Mo’s current physical condition was not as good as it seemed.

It was a very risky decision to let him do such a thing.

But when they came into contact with Yu Mo’s eyes, they remembered who they were saying such things to, they were almost instantly stunned, and finally reluctantly and cautiously shrank back and didn’t dare to say more.

After all, they all know that it is useless to talk too much. This His Majesty will never change his mind because of someone’s dissuasion.

But some people are not willing to back down like them.

That person was undoubtedly Xia Feishi.

Xia Feishi usually looks gentle and soft, and his appearance is very beautiful. When the orcs watched him live through live broadcasts, almost all of them felt invading and sighing in their hearts at the same time, thinking that the beauty of human beings is far beyond that of any race. of.

But it was only after they really started to come into contact with more human beings that they realized that although human beings are indeed a race favored by God in appearance, even among human beings, Xia Feishi is a very special one.

His features are so delicate that they are almost impeccable, and the outline is not deep, but his soft beauty makes him seem to be glowing.

His beauty is like a beautiful glazed doll, without any aggression, it only makes people feel warm and soft.

This is how most people feel.

But today, he was unexpectedly tough when facing Yu Mo, the emperor of the empire.

“You can’t do this.” Xia Feishi said without hesitation.

Such a tough attitude made Yue Xuan and Ze in front of him almost instantly stunned. They really wanted to remind Xia Feishi that this was definitely not the time for him to speak. However, when they were hesitating about how they should tell Xia Feishi about this and make him stop quickly, they saw Xia Feishi actually hugged Yu Mo and rubbed his forehead directly: “Your current physical condition is not right, don’t be so willful to do things that make people worry, we are not the only one here who can do this kind of thing, you can rest assured to hand it over. .”

He said that, He Ze and Yue Xuan behind him were really gasping.

Even if they were given dozens of courage, they would never dare to make such disrespectful actions towards their Majesty.

As for Yu Mo, he was also a little confused.

He raised his paws and touched the forehead of Zhan Malian and Nie Huanbi’s beak, recalling the feeling that was like an illusion at that moment.

He never imagined that one day he would be taught a lesson like this


Still in front of so many people.

Yu Mo didn’t say anything, he was extremely quiet now. It seems that he is really a little wolf cub who is full of weakness after being taught a lesson, and he can’t even speak. I can only cover my forehead and meditate here.

At the same time, when this scene happened, the people of the Empire who were squatting in the live broadcast room and watching this scene also showed their arrogance.

Although Xia Feishi seemed to close the barrage over there, it did not affect other people chatting in the live broadcast room.

Since Yue Xuan and He Ze appeared on the screen, everyone has recognized through the live broadcast. The reason is because their characteristics are too obvious. Although they did not recognize it two years ago, they did not hide it later. , so everyone will gradually know

He Ze and Yue Xuan, these two are the strongest in the entire empire except for “Hu Lun”, and the other is the most potential researcher of the Imperial Human Research Institute. No matter how they say, these two have extremely high status. distinguished person

But just like these two, they would react so nervously and fearfully to a seemingly ordinary wolf cub, which surprised everyone.

What is the identity of this wolf cub to make these two so afraid?

The people in the live broadcast room couldn’t understand, they began to discuss with each other on the barrage, everyone made guesses with each other, and couldn’t tell what was going on.

Many people have mentioned the identity of the ∷ wolf clan.

Since he is a wolf clan, and he is so nervously protected by others, it will make He Ze and Yue Xuan a little jealous. Could this one be some kind of royal clan?

But among the current members of the royal family, there is no record of this white wolf cub at all. The only possibility is that this person is not recorded on the family tree of the royal family at all, which means that he is very likely to be an illegitimate child…

The question is again ≈ Chen said that it is difficult to tell whose illegitimate son he will be?

This question was thrown out by the barrage, and the whole live broadcast room exploded immediately.” Everyone was discussing and guessing with each other, and in the end, the answer was almost unanimously affirmed by them∠Lu Chu

There are only those two families in the royal family who are likely to have illegitimate children, one is Prince Yu Hao, and the other is the one who is currently sitting on the throne of the Imperial Palace.

However, Prince Yu Hao was a gray wolf according to his genes. In the entire family lineage of the imperial family, his family had never had a white wolf.

So the truth seems to be put in front of us like this.

Is this white wolf the illegitimate son of their majesty? !

This speculation made the whole live broadcast room boil uncontrollably. If this is really the case, then who exactly was born by His Majesty?

Who is his mother? Why was he so close to Xia Feishi again, and they seemed to be inseparable every day?

Moreover, Xia Feishi actually dared to use such a tone to speak to the little prince of the empire!

Although everyone is reluctant to think in that direction, the more they guess, the more serious the problem becomes.

They always felt that Xia Feishi and the royal family seemed to have some kind of connection!

But fortunately, now is not the time for everyone to speculate on this kind of thing, otherwise the news about these speculations will probably spread throughout the entire Empire Star Network immediately.

During Xia Feishi’s live broadcast, the problem has not been solved yet, and everyone is concerned about the matter here, and the discussion is slowly decreasing∠Lu Chu

The most shocking thing is that after being reprimanded by Xia Feishi in a gentle way, the wolf cub did not continue to insist on his plan, and just compromised in such a quiet way∠ Lu Chu let them change the next steps. .

Regarding Yu Mo’s reaction, the audience in the live broadcast room responded well, but in the game world, Yue Xuan and He Ze, who were at the scene, suddenly raised their heads, and couldn’t help but stare in disbelief ⊙劬Α

They were even a little suspicious of what they had just heard.

What Yu Mo said just now.

Did he say “OK”? He actually used Yue Xuan’s cooperative attitude that they didn’t even dare to think about it, and said to Xia Fei very cleverly and accommodatingly, “Gong Ang cheats Zheng Zheng.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they were sure that Yu Mo was standing in front of them, it was absolutely impossible for this aura to be faked, and they couldn’t help but want to pounce over to make sure that their majesty was dropped by someone.”

Or, is Xia Feishi really that powerful? In a universe and even all time and space, the only one who can subdue their majesty?

In any case, no matter how shocked and puzzled Yue Xuan and Ze were, in the end Yu Mo did not insist on his plan. He compromised and followed Xia Feishi and left the Mechanical Fortress ahead of schedule, which would eventually ignite. The task is handed over to the young cat warrior of × 锟斤拷 .

This warrior stood up by himself. After experiencing everyone’s disputes, he walked out cautiously, then raised his hand tremblingly, and after swallowing the donkey nervously, he asked tentatively: “Excuse me, that, can I try it?”

Then he became ≌ Xiao Yuan Qiao.

In fact, there is really no one more suitable than him in the team.

He is small in size and can travel anywhere in the structure of the fortress. His movements are also very agile, and he can leave quickly after being ignited.

And after the final candidate was decided in this way, everyone present also left one after another.

After everyone left the mechanical fortress, they did not stay in place, and immediately walked to a farther place. Just as they said before, the place where this fort exists, the surrounding environment is not so friendly. It is foreseeable that those strong winds must have originated from this place, and then they ravaged≌庵芪У Nai Lianwu then became mottled and bad here, and it really didn’t look good.

Now they came among the trees in the distance, waiting for the final end of the mechanical fortress.

After everyone left, Yue Xuan and the human leader, through the communicator, said to the cat warrior who planned the plan, “Hong Muss and Vinegar.”

Then the communicator quickly heard the sound of “圜Γ” and a very light rustling sound.

After a while, the communication was hung up, and there was only: σ mat

Everyone nervously waited on the spot, all eyes were on the direction of the distant fortress.

After about ∈ three seconds, a dark figure crawled out of the pothole. Then the black cat pulled out the afterimage in people’s sights at a very fast speed, and finally came to ≈ Chen said that it was comparable.

Almost at the same time as he came to the crowd, the flames shot up from behind him, almost dyed red. At the same time, the loud explosion sound and the shocking airflow rushed from the front, making everyone present unable to stop. Don’t get close to the surrounding trees, close your eyes and raise your hands to cover.

Yu Mo and Xia Feishi also hugged each other naturally.

At this moment, Xia Feishi originally wanted to hold Yu Mo tightly in his arms, but when he tried to do so, he felt the wolf cub in his arms suddenly break free from his embrace, and then the In front of him, the figure of Dao gradually formed a “conspiracy”.

He has changed from a wolf cub body that can be hugged in his arms to a body shape that can hold himself in his arms.

Then Xia Feishi felt that in the turbulent air, he was embraced by a warm and firm embrace.

It wasn’t until the explosion was completely over, people raised their heads and regained their vision as the wind and sand gradually fell, and Xia Feishi felt that the figure holding him and protecting him slowly disappeared, and finally a familiar fluffy jumped back. arms.

It’s Yu Mo.

It was obvious that in the process just now, Yu Mo secretly turned into Song Weng, and used his body to block the sandstorm caused by the explosion for Xia Feishi.

Xia Feishi hesitated slightly, and looked down at Yu Mo, who was in his arms at the moment, as if nothing had been done, and couldn’t help but laugh again.

Because of this, his mood has “conspiracy”

After the explosion, everyone went back to “Zhan Paiqianxuanmai Chunpao だ Gan Nao Jinlu carefully looked at this strange mechanical fortress, after confirming that it has completely lost its function and will never have a chance to be repaired again, Everyone was finally relieved, and then started to go back.

The purpose of their expedition was successfully completed. Although there are still many problems in the process, in terms of the result, this adventure is obviously perfect.

And next, what they have to do is to return to their station as soon as possible, which is the location of the island.

They need to share this trip, and their findings, with the people on the other teams.

Next, make a plan based on this itinerary for the next step.

Although all things are unexpected, they are also under the control of everyone, and they have not become uncontrollable because of this.

This is very good news for humanity and the Empire.

When they came, Xia Fei and their team encountered [Huan, Naihuan, 3, Xie buttocks, O wink, but probably because the fortress in that direction had been blown up, the environment in the core of the world did not continue to make things difficult for them. They came back. On the road, only flowers will be spent.

When Xia Feishi and the others left the island, the place was still busy for the time being. Because many people came, there were still many facilities on the island that needed to be remanufactured, and many materials that needed to be collected.

But when they came back, the environment here was completely different from when they left

Human beings are creatures who are good at groping and experimenting, and they are definitely the best adaptable to the use of tools and various functions, so in the past month or so, they have brought all kinds of things on this island into full play, so that All the features get ∽詈meimufa.

This also gives the island an unprecedented vitality.

And the good news for Xia Feishi and the others is that on the second day after they finished their adventure and completed their mission and returned to the island, the teams who went to the human world to rescue also happened to complete the ≌獯 Weimu still mission. Back with hundreds of people

They all did what they were supposed to do and completed the task to the best of their ability.

After that, everyone settled the crowd, and then the leaders and commanders of the three teams gathered in the conference room of the island square building, and began to communicate with each other about the situation their respective teams encountered during this period, as well as the information and clues they found. .

This process continues × reef bream ∈ Bao After this, the meeting fell into the “Tao Shan Mo book disease”

Hongyu, as the most powerful person that everyone can see on the bright side of the Orc Empire, has now become a ≌飧龆鹆巳巳園雁開雰遊臁.

So now everyone is looking at him, and they hope that Hongyu can formulate the next order.

But Hong Yu was full of embarrassment, but in the end he couldn’t help but focus his attention on Nie Huanba

He was looking at Xia Feishi, and of course Yu Mo, who was held in Xia Feishi’s arms.

Few people present knew that the one who really commanded them behind the scenes was actually their Emperor Yu Mo. And the real controller of this world, the one who can easily change the entire inner world, is actually Xia Feishi.

These two key figures were mixed in the crowd, but he actually let him, the general of the empire, come out and act as the commander, which really made him a little helpless.

He thought and said helplessly, “We’ll still…”

Staring at the dark manipulator, and roughly judging what Yu Mo meant, Hong Yu struggled to identify it, and finally said: “We continue with the previous plan, in this core world, there should be many more mechanical fortresses like before, So as long as we destroy them, and repair the places that have been destroyed, the human world should be able to recover.”

In the same way, the rescue team continued to return to the human world, striving to bring back more people.

There is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with this plan, but the real problem is that when they ended the meeting and Xia Feishi carried Yu Mo back to her room, Xia Feishi found that Yu Mo had fallen asleep in his arms.

And when Xia Feishi carefully called ∷ several times, he didn’t even have the slightest intention to wake up.

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