I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 440 Trelawney's Prophecy

On the day of the divination exam, all the students gathered in the corridor, waiting for Professor Trelawney to call their names before entering the room.

This one-on-one assessment method undoubtedly increased everyone's psychological burden.

Many students are still holding Putting Through the Fog to See the Future in their hands, hoping to memorize some useful things by rote at the last moment.

And every student who walked out of the classroom was immediately surrounded by everyone, and everyone asked in a hurry:

What did Professor Trelawney ask? Passed?

But the students who took the assessment refused to answer, and they still looked mysterious, which made everyone more nervous and curious.

When Susan came out, McMillan couldn't bear it anymore, and said dissatisfiedly:

Susan, what kind of questions did Professor Trelawney ask? What are you afraid of? She's not here.

Susan hissed and said nervously, She's everywhere!


Earl MacMillan! came a familiar indistinct voice over their heads.

McMillan snorted, and he quickly climbed up the silver stairs. When he was about to enter the door, he turned his head and made a face at everyone:

When I come back, I will tell you the test questions!

Ten minutes later, McMillan walked out with a dejected look on his face. It seemed that the result of the assessment was very bad.

How is it, Earl? Justin put his arms around McMillan's neck and asked, What exactly did Professor Trelawney ask?

McMillan looked strange, he hesitated, and finally shook his head and said:

It can't be said...Professor Trelawney said that the crystal ball told her that if I told you, something terrible would happen!


Soon it was Hannah's turn, and she stayed in the room for twenty minutes before walking down the stairs lightly.

As several loyal fans of Professor Trelawney, Hannah was full of pride and said with a smile:

Full marks...Professor Trelawney just praised me and said that I have all the qualities to open the Celestial Eye.

Everyone showed envious eyes.

By the way, Rove, Trelawney told me to ask you to go up. Hannah said.

Rove was flipping through a book called Breeding of Manticores, he nodded, carried his suitcase, walked up the silver stairs to the attic, and pushed the door open.

The curtains of the room were drawn, and it was extremely dark, the only light coming from the fire in the fireplace, which filled the room with a sombre red glow.

Professor Trelawney was sitting behind a desk with a huge crystal ball in front of her.

Hello, honey, she said softly, look at this crystal ball...now time it for you...and tell me what you see in it...

Rove sat on a round stool wrapped in thick wool felt, leaned over to look into the crystal ball, he saw nothing but his own reflection.

Books...several books.

Well, what book? Professor Trelawney approached, and she asked in a low voice: My child, if you look carefully, can you see the title of the book?

Merlin and King Arthur's Evil Fall. Rove replied, There is also a price tag on the back of the book... Nine Sickles and Fifteen Nats...Professor.


Professor Trelawney was writing with a quill pen, when he heard the boy's words, his little hand shook violently, dripping a large amount of ink on the parchment.

Rove, you may have read it wrong... Take a closer look.

Professor Trelawney stared at the crystal ball, and said in an ethereal voice, I'll make an exception and give you a reminder. There are no books in the crystal ball... only human figures.

Well, professor...you are right. Rove raised his head, stared at Trelawney, and smiled:

I also saw a vague figure...a witch...like Cassandra Trelawney.


Rove straightened up, stared into Trelawney's eyes, and said, Professor, you didn't even ask for ten Galleons for the family heirlooms you sold me, but you asked me for a thousand Galleons.

We should settle this account, right?

Keep your voice down, child. Trelawney hurriedly glanced at the door, and lowered her voice, I didn't force you... We trade fairly, no one cheats!

You are innocent? Why do you have the face to say such things? Rove grabbed Trelawney's sleeve and said relentlessly:

Do you really think I'm being taken advantage of?! Come on, get your money back!

I have no money. Trelawney also said stiffly, I bought all those Galleons.

Then let's go to Professor McGonagall for a review. Rove said with a smile:

Professor Trelawney, you don't want Professor McGonagall to know that you defrauded me?

Trelawney gave Rove a hard look, crossed her arms, and shrugged her shoulders, as if trying to protect herself from such rudeness.

She also regretted it a little. If she knew it earlier, she would not have listened to her great-great-grandmother's tricks, and took a few broken books and sold them to Rove.

Rove... Look at this, I'll give you full marks in the divination exam, isn't that okay? Professor Trelawney discussed.

We made a bet last time, you lost to me, you should have given me full marks. Rove shook his head: This compensation is not good, I am not satisfied.

Then what do you want me to do? Trelawney asked, You can ask, as long as the request is not too excessive, I can agree.

Rove was waiting for Trelawney's words, he smiled and said:

I want to meet Cassandra, did she leave a portrait?

Professor Trelawney looked at Rove strangely, You take Cassandra one by one, that's her great-great-grandmother, don't call her so kindly, make it look like you two are very familiar!

Rove, my great-great-grandmother did leave a portrait.

Trelawney stood up, went to the wall, and drew back a curtain to reveal a portrait, but it was empty.

She's not always here...and I rarely see her.

Rove frowned and said, Did Cassandra leave me anything else?

Indeed. Trelawney nodded and said seriously, My great-great-grandmother left you a prophecy.

What prophecy? Rove cheered up.

Trelawney coughed and read:

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, the dead will be resurrected and the Old One will return.

The lion and the snake, the eagle and the badger, are all believable.

Neither the son of the snake nor the mother of the dragon can be trusted.

Rove waited for a long time, looked at Professor Trelawney, and said in astonishment, It's gone?

It's gone. Professor Trelawney straightened her shawl and said, My great-great-grandmother only told me these few words...Let me pass it on to you.

Rove thought for a while and said, Professor, can you help me interpret it?

Rove, the Celestial Eye is not used to help you interpret prophecies.

Professor Trelawney put on airs and said, she was arranging the shawl and the many strings of shiny beads, and suddenly whispered:

One thousand Galleons... I'll help you interpret it.

Rove turned and left, and when he walked out of the room, he closed the door vigorously.

I really have no quality. Trelawney wrote a perfect score on Rove's grades, and finally whispered:

How did great-great-grandmother know Rove so well? What's the relationship between them?



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