I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 436 Rove and Shirley

Rove stood in the corridor and whistled lightly, the sound was clear and melodious.

Which college is this a student from? He actually skipped classes in broad daylight and wandered in the corridors. Be careful with point deductions.

When Shirley heard the familiar voice, she turned around abruptly. After seeing Rove, her face showed unconcealable joy. She walked towards the boy gently, and said with a smile:

I just missed one class. Someone absent for two months. Do you think he should be expelled from Hogwarts?

Someone has been absent from class for two months? Rove pretended to be surprised, and said, This kind of student is really lawless, and I support expulsion with both hands!

He smiled and said: I'll let him pack up and leave school right now, this beautiful lady, do you think you are satisfied?

The punishment is a bit harsh. Shirley blinked, and smiled softly in a soft voice:

You can not be expelled for now, but stay in school for observation for a period of time... I will personally observe and see his follow-up performance.

Rove looked at the girl with ponytails, spread his arms, squinted his eyes and smiled softly:

Come on, you can observe me from the outside to the inside now, you don't have to wait until later.

Xue Li hummed heavily in a nasal voice. She couldn't control her excitement anymore. She was both happy and aggrieved. She ran towards the boy crying and laughing, hugged him, and said with a trembling voice:

Rove, you are finally back!

Rove, who staggered a bit, smiled and hugged Shirley, sniffed hard beside the girl's ponytail, and said softly:

Sorry, I promised you to come back early, but I was so late.

It's okay...it's safe...it's good to be back...I'm so worried about you! Shirley spoke intermittently, with pear blossoms in the rain.

Rove slid down with both hands, held the girl's delicate and slender waist, lifted her gently, and turned around in the corridor.

Xue Li didn't struggle or resist, but her earlobe was already red, and she tried her best to calm her heart and not let her chest tremble too much.

The girl with the ponytail was nervous and said softly, Don't be here... let others see it.

It's okay. Luo Fu smiled and said, I just checked, and there is no one else here.

That stone statue is staring at us...

Rove put Shirley down, turned his head, and said with a dumb smile, It's just a stupid gargoyle, it's fine.

You two are stupid. The gargoyle guarding the entrance of the principal's office muttered dissatisfiedly, You two and your whole family are stupid!


The boy and girl looked at each other and grinned in unison.

Rove let go of his hand and took a step back so that he could take a closer look at Shirley.

The girl with ponytails was still wearing a simple black robe, taller, but not much, with a beautiful face, she hadn't seen her for a few months, and she was even more stunning.

Luo Fu stared blankly for a long time, reached out to help Xue Li wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and smoothed a strand of hair from the corner of her forehead behind her ear, and said with a smile:

Come on, have another laugh.

The girl with ponytail broke through her tears and laughed. She tidied up her messy clothes, bent down to pick up the black box on the ground, and said softly, Your box.

You carry it first.

Rove did not take the box, but took out the cross pendant from his neck, handed it back to Shirley, and said:

Thank you for your amulet, which protected me all the way.

Shirley took the warm pendant and put it back on her neck again. She smiled and said, Shall we take a walk?

Rove nodded, and walked side by side with Shirley, taking a leisurely walk in the empty corridor, stopping and going, aimlessly.

Xue Li asked curiously: How did you come back in a spherical aircraft?

That's not an aircraft, but a magic item similar to a time converter. Rove explained:

My time converter was given away, so I had to take that thing back, but it was very unstable, and it made me deviate by two full months.

As Rove said, he suddenly smiled mysteriously and said:

I originally went back to Halloween last year, but because of an accident, I accidentally used a time converter and went back to a more distant past.

You will never guess which era I returned to.

The ponytailed girl thought about it seriously, and guessed: The era of the Big Four?

Rove was dumbfounded and said in shock, You can guess this too?!

Xue Li covered her mouth and smiled lightly, I didn't guess it at first, but you said that, anyway, it's just how incredible it is?

Rove admired sincerely: Amazing!

So, you really went back a thousand years ago? Shirley still blinked in surprise.

Yeah, I really went back to a thousand years ago. Rove nodded and said:

I met Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, and met Professor Trelawney's great-great-grandmother, Cassandra.

She's just a little girl about our age.

I also helped Gryffindor retrieve the sword, attended Ravenclaw's funeral, and witnessed Professor Binns become a ghost...

Rove talked about his experience to the girl with ponytails, and he finally laughed:

This is a very long story. It will take a long time to tell. Don't go back to the dormitory tonight. I will tell you in the box?

Shirley smiled and didn't speak, but raised her face quietly and stared at Rove.

Don't get me wrong, I just chat with you at night because I just don't want to delay your daytime class. Rove promised with an upright look:

I have absolutely no evil intentions! I swear on the name of Professor Hufflepuff!

I would like to stay, but Professor McGonagall might not agree. Shirley regretted.

What does it have to do with Professor McGonagall? Rove asked strangely.

Professor McGonagall knows you're back. Shirley said with a smile:

With her temper, she will definitely check the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw lounges tonight to see if we are in her own dormitory.

Rove was a little speechless:

She's so lenient. A Gryffindor dean can take care of Hermione, but can she still take care of our Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses?

Shirley pursed her lips and said with a smile, Professor McGonagall is still our vice-principal.


Rove sighed and grabbed the handle of his box.

Shirley suppressed a smile and said, I'm not tired.

Rove looked bewildered.

Xue Li smiled and said, If you're really afraid that I'm tired, you can carry the box by yourself and let me take out my hands.

The girl was originally holding the handle of the box, but now Rove was also holding the handle, and he just happened to hold her hand.

Rove didn't withdraw his hand, but held her little hand tightly, and said softly:

Shirley, I was almost trapped a thousand years ago, and I couldn't come back...It's good to see you.

Shirley fell silent, and after a while, she raised her head, stared at Rove in a daze, bit her lips and tried not to let tears flow, she said seriously:

Rove, I know you will come back... If you really don't come back, I will go to the Ministry of Magic to steal the time converter, and then look for you... Even if I search all the past, I will always meet you again!

Rove stroked Shirley's head and said softly:

Thank you.



(Thanks to the two big guys Love to see it for a few weeks and Just love to swim in the water for their rewards.)

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