I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 434 Cassandra's Prophecy

Helena wandered the corridors alone.

Ever since she was killed by Barrow, she had suddenly appeared in Hogwarts, but apart from her, the whole castle had no students, no professors, nothing... It seemed like a dead city.

Helena once heard from her mother that after a wizard dies, he will appear in the Misty Realm.

It is a place between life and death, it is both reality and illusion, and the appearance depends on the person who enters it.

Helena was very sure that she was wandering in the illusion, she could move forward and embrace death; she could also go backward and live in the world, but from then on, she could only be a ghost.

Helena was hesitant. She didn't want to become a ghost, but she didn't want to die, so she had to stay here forever.

Helena lingered for an unknown amount of time, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice, she suddenly turned her head, and saw a witch in white, with fluttering sleeves, walking slowly.

Helena was stunned for a moment, her eyes turned red, and she said in a crying voice, Mother!

Ravenclaw walked up to Helena, reaching out to caress her daughter's cheek.

Helena suddenly felt aggrieved. She lowered her head, called her mother softly, and said sadly, I was killed by Baro...

I know. Ravenclaw said calmly, Go back, kid.

Where are you going?

Go back wherever you came from.

Magic world? Helena hummed vigorously, and said, I'll go back with you!

No, go by yourself. Ravenclaw stared at Helena, shook his head and said, I didn't come here specifically to find you, but I died like you, entering this trance.

Helena's face was dull, shocked and terrified. She covered her heart, not knowing whether it was the pain in the wound, or the shock of the sudden news that made her mind go blank.

How could you die?! Helena suddenly remembered something, and stammered, Baro said you were seriously ill, is it true?

At this moment, there was a dull vibration in the entire castle, and some windows and floors were directly cracked and shattered.

Ravenclaw looked towards the sky, she raised her arm, and the shock dissipated slowly, she said in a hurry:

Helena, I still have things to do, don't tell anyone that you saw me in the Misty Illusion, remember?

Helena nodded hesitantly.

Ravenclaw's body was gradually blurred, turning into limp and slowly dissipating. Helena burst into tears, and reached out to grab her.

Ravenclaw stretched out a ghostly hand, patted Helena's head, and said, Go back.

The white mist dissipated, and Helena's vision began to blur. When she saw her surroundings again, she had turned into a pearly white, translucent ghost.

Helena was flustered for a moment, she drifted forward aimlessly, and suddenly saw a person sitting not far away.

After seeing the figure clearly, Helena thought that she must have left the Misty Illusion, and said, Cassandra, why are you here?

Cassandra sat on the steps, put her hands on her cheeks and stared into the distance. After hearing the sound, she turned her head and saw Helena, and said softly:

I just said goodbye to a very good friend, and I may never see him again in this life, sitting here sad.

Stupid beauty... are you back?

Helena doesn't care about her nickname anymore, she just frowned and said:

Aren't you surprised to see me?

I know you were killed by Barrow, so it's not surprising. Cassandra sighed slightly:

You're late, Professor Ravenclaw's funeral is over.

Helena lowered her head. She who hadn't given up at first, heard Cassandra's words, completely ashamed, and slowly drifted forward.

She had only floated four or five steps away when a misty voice suddenly sounded behind her.

The woman who stole the crown will return...and the man who took Rowena Ravenclaw's breath...will raise her again...

Helena turned around, looked at Cassandra Trelawney who had fallen into an unprecedented ethereal realm, and murmured:

Will the man with my mother's breath...will revive me?



With the arrival of June, this semester is coming to an end, and Hogwarts is about to usher in the final exam.

But the reviewers were few and far between, and the students were buzzing about the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

The headline of this issue is a report written by famous reporter Rita Skeeter. The title is:

[Missing for two months? ! The death of the hero Rolf Scamander! 】

This article describes in the first person how Rove was caught by Peter's accomplices during the Easter holiday, first dismembered, then steamed, and finally made into human pork buns...

The vivid images described in the article are as if you have seen it with your own eyes, or even tried it yourself.

At the end of the article, Rita Skeeter also accused the Ministry of Magic of concealing the truth and deliberately covering up the news of Scamander's death. She must apologize to the people of the whole country...

As soon as the report came out, the entire magic world was in an uproar.

Who is Rolf Scamander? !

He is a famous genius boy, the hero who catches Peter who has been on the run for twelve years and helps Blake clear his grievances.

He actually died, what are you kidding?

Many adult wizards wrote letters to their families in Hogwarts, and it was quickly confirmed that Scamander had indeed disappeared since Easter.

It was only reported that she disappeared for two months, which further confirmed the authenticity of Rita's article.

For a time, public opinion was raging.

After all, after a year of reporting, Rove's popularity has reached a terrifying level, and he still has a large number of fans.

Even, there are quite a few witches who call him little husband. His husband was killed. Of course, the Ministry of Magic needs to give an explanation!

Fudge also had a big head, and he even came to Hogwarts himself to find Dumbledore and ask what was going on.

The Quidditch World Cup is about to start. At this sensitive time, if something happens to Scamander, who would dare to come to England to watch the match?

This summer, Rove will be awarded the Merlin Medal. If he is really dead, Minister Fudge will not have to do it.

But Dumbledore didn't tell Fujirov where he went, he just said he went to deal with Peter and sent him away.

This morning, the students were all in class when they suddenly heard a deafening sound from the sky.

Everyone looked out the window, only to see a spherical aircraft descending from the sky, making a creaking sound, and carrying a gorgeous flame.

It smashed straight through the castle wall and crashed into the depths of the castle.

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth wide and her face was full of astonishment. It was the first time she had seen such a scene in Hogwarts for decades.

Are Muggles Invading Hogwarts? !

Shirley, who was taking notes, suddenly changed her expression. She stood up, and ran out in a hurry regardless of the fact that she was still in class.

When she ran to the door, she stopped abruptly and looked at Professor McGonagall eagerly.

Is he back? Professor McGonagall frowned, and soon stretched his brows, and couldn't help laughing:

Then what are you waiting for, you go!

The ponytail girl smiled at Professor McGonagall, trotted away from the classroom, and then ran faster and faster.



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