I Was Chosen as the Saint’s Husband

chapter 115

115 – Back to normal life

“It’s been a while.”

“Ah, I met the guardian not long ago.”

I met you to take the Ratser Pandas.

Looks like you’re fed up with being away for so long.

“Well, since you’ve been on official business, I don’t have any complaints.”

“hahahaha.. I will work hard again from today.”

While I was away, you must have had a hard time taking care of the spirits.

I am overflowing with apologies even though I didn’t do anything wrong.

“By the way, where are all the others?”

“You’ll be in the animal cage. And did you know that a new priest came in while his wife was out?”

“Ah, I heard that. They told me to select one priest from the new priests.”

“Ohhh… Then the manpower will increase.”

The spirit guardian teacher is a pretty scary person.

If my guardian priest increases, one more person will inevitably be excluded from the spirit sanctuary.

“Why don’t you bring two people with you?”

“I don’t need that many fuzes… But do you have a shortage of manpower?”

“Manpower on the side of the animal cage… Whoa…”

The spirit sanctuary also serves as an animal cage.

You can simply say that the outside cleaning staff are all in charge of the animal cages.

Despite the lack of manpower, the work here is generous enough to be called God’s workplace.

Compared to moving magic coals before… It sure is heaven.

“If that’s not enough, why don’t you ask the headquarters for personnel?”

“I’d like to…”

“Oh right.”

People who come to this place are swollen with the expectation that they will be able to communicate with the spirits.

But when it comes down to it, the oni spirits are harassing me…

Those who work outside are the ones who take it for granted that they have been rejected by the spirits, but

Those who can’t do that leave the spirit shelter.

It must be that those people spread the rumors pretty badly.

You wouldn’t have imagined that being in an animal cage is so comfortable.

“Hmm…Then should I try to find one myself?”

“My wife’s mama? But I’m so sorry about that…”

“I’m a low-level priest, so what? Do you need to apologize to the guardian who is treated as an intermediate priest?”

No matter how much we prioritize the status of being the husband of a saint rather than the priestly status, this place is not our house, but inside the church.

When you are a superior, you must act as your superior, but when you are a subordinate, you must act as a subordinate.

So you can live without being attacked by someone.

“Then may I ask you a favor?”

“Yes, I’m going to sleep in the dormitory for the first time in a while.”

There is only a dormitory, a restaurant, and a public bath to meet classmates or juniors after finishing school.

I’m a little excited.


“Hey, did you hear that?”

“The saintess’ consort is coming to the dormitory today? I heard that.”

“But I heard that his wife, Mama, is also a low-ranking priest…”

“Really? So, did a low-ranking priest get chosen? That’s great…”

Everyone is talking about Elvin coming to the dormitory today.

Because becoming a priest to help your husband’s mama opens the way to success, and there are many people who are curious about what it means to be a person.

He spent one month on honeymoon leave and two months at the National Union for official business.

It was because priests who had never seen him had no choice but to speculate about him because he had not been seen at the church headquarters for a total of three months.

My husband’s classmates said that he was a great guy, a kind and upright guy, but

There will be no fool to believe it right away.

At that time, a priest slowly walked among the new priests who were making noise.

Looking at his outfit, he was neither a low-ranking priest nor a middle-ranking priest, but a high-ranking priest.

“You guys! Did you know that my father-in-law is coming to the dormitory today to select a new priest?”

“”I know!””

“Yes, I don’t know who will be the priestly attendant, but since it will be the priestly assistant to Mama, the husband of the saint’s eminence, expect a lot.”

Only female priests are allowed to assist the saint.

Compared to that, both men and women can use the Fugun’s guardian priest.

That’s why there are even people who become priests with the goal of becoming priests under the care of her husband, Mama.

“This time, Viceun Mama was going to select one priest, but she immediately ordered that the cardinals’ meeting allow us to select up to two.”

“Is that…Really that!?”


At the words of the senior priest, the new priests murmured.

A total of 25 new priests gathered here.

When picking one person, the probability was 1/25, which was 4%, but now, when picking two people, the probability doubled to 8%.

As the probability of becoming a guardian priest increased by that much, the anticipation also increased.



“Your wife will come soon, so keep quiet. Over!”

The senior priest who came down from the podium went outside with a blunt expression.

The moment they left, the new priests started talking in small voices as if they had burst into tongues.

“By the way, what’s good about being a priest?”

“Don’t you know that too?”

“Maybe you don’t know.”

There are very few people who become priests in order to become priests.

Because not only the timing but also luck has to overlap.

“Basically, the pay rises for priests in subal. They receive 45% more of their position.”


“And there’s a bonus, and the owner can give you an extra bonus at his own expense.”

It was a case of Alvin taking care of many priests at his own expense.

Of course, it was said to be Sabi, but since it came from Stella’s pocket, there are some ambiguous parts.

She and she also take care of bonuses and other allowances at the Church Headquarters.

When she puts it all together, she gets paid close to twice her position.


“And the wife’s mama is often in a high position, right? Because of that, you can pass through the free pass up to the position your husband’s mother has below.”

“…….But isn’t your current wife a low-ranking priest?”

“Well, the person herself isn’t too greedy. Still, won’t she become a mid-level priest soon?”

Anyway, the position that the priests can climb with a free pass is a low-ranking priest.

I don’t know in the future, but right now there’s nothing going up, so you can think about it without it.

“And… I think there was this or that, but I can’t remember.”

“Well, I’ll look for that later.”

If you look for it later, it will be after the guardian priest has already been decided.

Is it simply a study to satisfy curiosity, or a study for one’s own rights?

Everyone sitting here gulped.


“Hmm…What can I do?”

“My husband, do as you please.”

“There is only one female priest in the waiting room where my two priests are married.”

“You’re referring to the princess of Etheria. If that’s the case, I think it’d be better to choose a female priestess.”

As I was thinking about this and that, a senior priest gave me an opinion.

Since Dave and Eri got married, there was only Etheria in the priest’s waiting room, so it was a very ambiguous situation to put a man in.

I wouldn’t know when the two lived in our house, but now they live in a separate building.

So to pick men…

“Then let’s think about it face to face.”

“That’s right.”

I got up from the waiting room and walked slowly towards the break room.

It’s been a while since I’ve walked this way.

When I reached the common room through the kitchen, I heard a little commotion.

It’s not that it’s noisy or anything like that, but it’s a bit different from the atmosphere I was thinking of.

From what I’ve heard, men are expecting a lot from becoming priests.

I have no intention of choosing a male…

In the first place, I didn’t even think about inviting a man other than my close friend like Dave into the house…

Because there are a lot of women in the house.

“Then I’ll go in first and keep you quiet.”


As soon as the senior priest went inside, the tumultuous atmosphere subsided.

Not only that, but should I say it feels like something like a black aura is flowing out?

It seems that the atmosphere has deteriorated a bit.

“Come in, Mrs. Ma.”

I checked my clothes one last time and went inside.

When I went inside, a male priest and a female priest were half seated.

When I counted myself, there were 13 males and 12 females.

“Sorry for the late hour. My name is Elvin Helenes.”

When I said hello, the new priests greeted me and started clapping.

I thought the atmosphere was dark, but it’s not as bad as I thought.

“Kuhmm…Today, I personally came out to pick my priest… But first, I have to apologize to the men.”

“That…What is that…”

Are you expecting too much?

The male priests from the seated side asked what they were trying to say.

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