I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 25

“Alright, Bianca, as you wished me to, I… I need to get you to return to your normal self.”

Song Ming fulfilled what was requested of her in an alleyway, on their way back to Yan Taijun, with Han Rushu going ahead after she left the sword to them. Really, it should’ve been trivial to make the request, have her Mistress return to normality, and then proceed to discuss the next addition to their team.

However, Song Ming couldn’t even begin to describe just how excited and aroused she was while standing right in front of Bianca, seeing her stern gaze and, more importantly in this case, smelling her sweat and just feeling her mind drift away into pondering the possibilities. She fantasized about Bianca growing her cock right here and now and using her length to have her way with her lovely pet, ideally by putting Song Ming’s mouth to use and forcing her to smell even more, letting her lungs become flooded with the scent until it was all she could ever think of…

She had to bite her lip to keep herself quiet, and to distract from how her already moist panties had no chance to dry before her arousal got them far, far too wet again. They were essentially beyond saving at this point, and with how her clothes had burned away quite a bit, it wouldn’t be impossible to tell.

Worse yet, that was when she considered from normal Bianca’s perspective. The Demon Queen almost certainly knew exactly how much of an effect it had upon her, and it was probably not encouraging her to give up control to someone that would miss the opportunity to play with her pet however much she wished. It was… challenging to endure the temptations to simply be quiet, but she knew that in the long term, aside from her personal desires, she had to do it.

“You sure you want that, Song Ming?” Bianca asked, nearly making her collapse into a puddle of sheer arousal from the firm tone she used.

“I… I promised you. I wouldn’t ever break my promise to you, Mistress,” Song Ming gasped, even though she could barely think about the words she spoke as she inhaled her owner’s potent musk, almost drowning in it, nearly washing away any and all of her thoughts to leave her with naught but lust.

And this was without the thing on Bianca’s body that was by far the most intense, the most musky, and the most alluring – her gorgeous cock. Merely thinking about it was enough for her knees to get so weak she wasn’t sure how she didn’t just drop there and then.

“Good girl,” Bianca smiled, her eyes hutting for a moment, until they opened and it felt as though someone else took her place.

There was no single change, not even one visual transformation that might make this change reasonable, but it was undeniable that the difference was immense. Her eyes lost their previous intensity, instead seeming lost and confused, her straight and firm back began to slouch ever so slightly, and her aura transformed completely, losing the edge and becoming incredibly uncertain and… frail, in a way.

‘At least her smell is still the same… Heavens, it drives me so wild… I love it…’ Song Ming’s thoughts drifted again, though the knowledge that there was even less chance of being pushed down and used helped her calm them down.

“Uhm… My head hurts, but I think I recall some of what happened… oh hey, I have a sword now.”

“Mistress, Han Rushu provided it to you, since she intends to accompany us once we depart the Dancer’s Abode. You managed to defeat the cultists with the help of the sword – the blacksmith didn’t participate – and my runes,” Song Ming shuddered with pleasure as she thought about helping her, “Are you alright?”

“Eh… Could’ve been better, but at least I seem to have given up control over… myself- and this shit is why I always stated that it was some other identity, but no, everyone just had to insist… eh, whatever,” Bianca sighed, her shoulders dropping for a moment before she looked back up, “And are you alright, cutie?”

“Me? Y-Yes, never been better… almost…” Song Ming said, breathing in another lung-full of her Mistress’ scent, “Could you not wash yourself- I mean, uh…”

Bianca’s eyebrow rose, before the corners of her lips rose into a faint grin, “Do you like the way I smell, pet? Honest answers only, by the way.”

“I… Yes, I love it, I can’t stop thinking about it, I just want to drown in you and… and…” Song Ming licked her lips, “My mind is just so full of all kinds of fantasies that I had never even imagined before. I want you to sit on my face and let me drown in you, I want to be pushed down and forced into your groin so that I have no choice but to breathe you in, I want-”

“Now now, if you keep going we’ll have a lot of trouble getting back to the others… because I can see you’re already wet beyond belief, and I’m not far off…” Bianca’s attention drifted down and onto her drenched panties.

For a moment, Song Ming was distracted by being… discovered, for lack of a better term, that she completely missed Bianca suddenly bringing her hand to her pussy and pressing her fingers onto the soaking wet cloth of her panties. Whether intentionally or not, Bianca’s touch landed precisely on Song Ming’s sensitive clit, the sensation alone nearly making her cum on the spot, though force of will beyond any she even knew she had allowed her to endure.

She wasn’t even sure why she endured, frankly. There was no particular reason to hold back from cumming her mind out.

“You liked that, didn’t you? We’ll be spending more time together soon enough, and… unless anyone complains, I’d be fine with remaining sweaty, or getting sweaty before any future times together… though I doubt you, or anyone, would want me to remain like this all the time. It’d be rather gross.”

‘I w-would… no, get yourself together! There’s no way I’d want her to be all sweaty all the time… so that I could smell her musk whenever I get close… so that she could push me down whenever she wants and mark me as her property… hah…’ Song Ming felt her thighs press together involuntarily, her breaths steamy and hot, “I… uh… Y-Yeah, d-definitely.”

“… Right. Let’s have this talk somewhere that we’re not likely to be seen, okay?” Bianca looked around, mainly in the direction of the road, where there was bound to be someone walking past sooner rather than later, “Only one question for now… do you want to cum?”


“Could do it now, or you could hold it in for a while… once we get around to it, I’m sure it would feel just great… especially if you do it just for me, your Mistress,” Bianca whispered into her ear.

After such a request, there was zero possibility of Song Ming refusing.


“There you two are. What took you so long?” Han Rushu asked them once they emerged from the alleyway, almost immediately adding, “Why do you look so different again?”

“Me? Oh, no particular reason… um… let’s go?” Bianca responded, trying – and failing, even in Song Ming’s notably biased perspective – to act as she might’ve before, “Do you remember the way?”

“… You are not convincing as you are now, young lady,” the blacksmith stared for quite a while before she shrugged, “Whatever, it’s not important to me. Have you been making good use of what I left with you last time?”

“Wha- Ah. Well, things have gotten a little out of hand a little lately. The Cult of Terror decided to attack us… twice, we got acquainted with Yu Juan and the mental nightmare domain that is within her eyes… complicated stuff,” Bianca said, “I don’t get it myself, frankly.”

“… Not you as you are, that’s for sure…” although Han Rushu sighed, she didn’t stop, “It’s impressive how you arrived at the conclusion that the Dream and Terror archetypes are linked.”

“I did- Right, yeah, it seems obvious, right?” Bianca chuckled, just barely managing to correct herself, “… Actually, isn’t it rather obvious? Both do the same thing, sort of, and both have a similar concept, so… I think it makes a lot of sense.”

The blacksmith looked at her for quite a long while, nearly making even Song Ming squirm – despite her being out of Han Rushu’s direct attention – before she finally shrugged, “Yeah, I don’t understand you. Not at all. However, that does also make plenty of sense, and it has been the case before where similar archetypes turned out to originate from the same place, so… Let’s just move along. I have a feeling I’ll lose my mind if I try to comprehend you right now.”

“Just… don’t worry about it…” Song Ming muttered, trying her best to sound calm even as she felt herself burning up.

It was way, way, way harder to restrain herself now that she had reached the brink of orgasm and was told to hold back. Yes, she wanted to obey her Mistress, she wanted to be a good girl and please her, but she couldn’t stop her arousal from getting ever so close to the edge, threatening to spill out, to take control and make her… well, do all sorts of things.

Hence, she was rather distant at the moment, attempting to calm herself just enough to function. She might’ve said function normally, except she could hardly expect such a thing for now, so functioning at all would be sufficient.

“Is your girlfriend okay? She seems… hot.”

“Thanks… I mean, uh, she’s fine. Right, Song Ming?” Bianca got closer to her, making Song Ming inhale deeply through her nose almost out of reflex.

“Y-Yeah… yeah, I’m… I’m good,” the good pet replied, feeling ever so tempted to simply stop there and rub her things together, among other things, while fantasising about the gorgeous woman next to her, ‘Why is she… since when is she this hot? She was beautiful from the beginning, but now… maybe it’s the red eyes. I love it when she stares at me with them, and I love her firm hands, and I love… I love her…’

“You didn’t get her aroused and then deny her release, did you? That’s be really cruel… though clearly fun, by the looks of it. Just you wait, I’ll-”

“Shush,” Bianca interrupted whatever she was going to say, which Song Ming couldn’t comprehend at the moment with what little of her mind remained rational, “She’ll survive, and be extremely happy by the end, I’m sure. No money back guarantee if not, though…”

“… I understand her sounding like she’s drunk and… and all the other stuff, but you? You’re just weird,” the blacksmith sighed, “Whatever, we can figure you lot out once we return… Do you at least want her to get some clothes first? I have some spare.”

“Oh, do you? Please, throw some over, and I’ll have her get dressed once we’re out of the street,” Bianca held out a hand and caught a messy bunch of clothes that Han Rushu produced from a shrinking bag, “I’ll give them back once she’s gotten something better to wear. We meant to buy her some robes to replace the ones that she burnt up in her tribulation, but then the Cult of Terror happened.”

“Uh-huh. It’s honestly starting to feel like a rather bad idea to be involved with you lot, but then again, it’s better than being with the Exarch or with Long Shiyi,” the blacksmith said, “Way more fun, that’s for sure.”


“Why did you put us in danger if you knew that there were cultists around?” Bianca questioned, her voice carrying a clear degree of threat, though Song Ming couldn’t even begin to compare it to the power that Bianca’s voice contained when she was using her Demon Queen self.

It was a shame, since it would’ve been absolutely delightful to hear it again, ideally while she forced her down and-

“My apologies, I had misread the situation and believed that they would be limited to second realm fighters. Had I realised that the third realm cultivator would be able to use the same ability that crippled Yu Juan’s eyesight, I… again, my sincere apologies. Please, sit down in the lounge and have some drinks, and we will join you soon enough.”

Yan Taijun may have seemed sincere, or maybe not. At this point, the only thing she could focus on – aside from everything to do with Bianca – was the Dancer’s large tits, her soft lips, her wide hips... They were hot, although she naturally preferred everything about Bianca in comparison.

‘I’m losing my mind… heavens…’ she barely noticed Bianca leading her over into the aforementioned lounge and she almost missed the glass being placed into her hand.

“Go on, sweetheart, drink this. I’d ask right away, even with the possibility of them all spying on us, but you need to hydrate a bit more before you just pass out or something,” her Mistress said, gently raising her hand for her until Song Ming’s mind finally awoke to something other than her overflowing arousal, “There, better?”

She gulped down the full glass of water before she even noticed that ice cubes had generously been added to it, making the whole fluid rather cold and soothing. It ran out way quicker than she might’ve wished, but at least her mind seemed slightly more coherent than before.

“Y-Yes, Mistress… We’re back already?”

“Yep, I see you were a lot more out of it than I thought… Listen, we’ll have a little while until the others show up, so, I wanted to confirm something… You’re fond of my scent, even with all of the sweat?”

“Heavens, yes, absolutely. It’s… wonderful.”

She saw Bianca bite her lip as she briefly drifted into thought, interest spiking within her gaze once she returned her attention to her patient pet, “Has it been becoming more and more appealing to you as time went on?”

“Uhm… From the start, I thought you smelled… nice… but today it’s been especially incredible. D-Do you think it’s the influence of-”

“What I know for sure is that… it’s incredibly hot,” Bianca interrupted her, though by the looks of it, she hadn’t even registered the sentence that Song Ming began, “I’d never considered it before, but getting someone addicted to me like this… It’s unbelievably hot. So, I think I’ll have you get better acquainted with me while I can… How does that sound, pet?”

On one hand, she was tempted to try to get her theory out again, thereby warning Bianca of the other effects her corrupting influence might have. On the other… it sounded absolutely amazing.

“What should I do, Mistress?” she asked, readily throwing away her fears and getting ready to kneel or do anything else she was instructed to.

“Well, I did consider using your pretty little face as a seat, so why don’t you get on the floor right in front of the couch, and I’ll just sit on you and let you savour… everything. How does that sound, pet?” Bianca asked, though her tone alone made it pretty obvious she wasn’t interested in a differing opinion. She was far, far too immersed in her own fantasies to allow such a thing.

Luckily for her, Song Ming didn’t want to oppose her in the slightest. Breathing be damned, she’d do it even if it was the last thing she could ever manage… though she knew that it wouldn’t be the case. Bianca would never let her die like that, not after everything they’d gone through.

She went straight for the spot that Bianca pointed to, getting down on the floor – thanking the heavens and Yan Taijun for carpeting the room and therefore saving her knees – and leaning her head back.

It seemed like it would prove somewhat uncomfortable, but the moment Bianca moved in and lowered her ass onto her face, all thoughts of discomfort vanished from her mind. She was more than satisfied to endure any degree of neck pain if it meant she could be beneath her Mistress’ perfect butt, and she had a feeling that she would soon forget about the very concept of discomfort since it was already beginning to slip from her mind the closer Bianca’s ass got to her.

And once it – gently – landed on her face, the scent of sweat and arousal mixing together overwhelmed her senses completely and utterly. Her senses were drowned completely, and soon her sense of time flew away as well. It didn’t matter whether she was here for minutes or hours, it didn’t matter if anyone else came into the room, it didn’t matter whether anyone noticed… she was able to please her Mistress, and that was all that she needed.


“Alright, so… ah, I suppose you don’t want Song Ming to have much of an input today?” Yan Taijun chuckled, “Pleasure ensure that she is left with enough air. I’ll keep an eye on her, but if that’s how you wish to use your pet, you better make sure she remains healthy.”

“Heh… Don’t worry, I’m being careful… but she is just the sweetest.”

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