I Was Called A Demon

Arc 3: Chapter 11

It may have been no different than most of their previous kiss, but somehow the urgency of the situation made Song Ming’s lips taste so much sweeter.

She pressed her chest against Song Ming’s own fine breasts, their lips parting as their tongues met. Bianca felt as if she was being lightly shocked by electricity at every point where their bodies touched, especially as part of their kiss, but it did little to dissuade her from continuing to taste her partner’s mouth, delighting in the deluge of saliva that made their every motion far sloppier than it had any right to be.

Although she never wished to break the kiss, she had practically sprinted here, so she was forced to pull away and catch a breath, swallowing as she lifted her head. A glistening strand attempted to connect their warm lips, but it failed to hold on for longer than a moment, leaving them alone, gazing into one another’s eyes.

“I… I feel… a little better…” Song Ming said, her tone uncertain – and tinged with plenty of arousal – as she glanced down to her own chest, “Maybe… if you were to touch me more?”

“I… have no idea how this works, but… sure. Like I’d ever pass that opportunity up,” Bianca agreed.

She pulled Song Ming’s shirt up – dresses and blouses weren’t the most suitable attire for hard, sweaty labour – and removed it, exposing her naked torso and arms. On her left arm, the scar from her encounter with the Treading Earth was glowing vibrantly, almost sufficient to illuminate a small room, though it wasn’t getting any brighter as Song Ming’s chest heaved. That seemed like a good sign, letting Bianca’s attention to shift to the twin peaks before her.

They weren’t huge, nor were they as weightless and perfect as she had seen in drawn and animated material, but they were still nice and perky, with hard nipples that she was tempted to pinch and tug at.

In comparison to the first time she saw them, they looked and felt ever so slightly bigger, though that wasn’t too surprising. She was a young woman after all, only nineteen or twenty – Bianca had once gotten the exact birthday from her, but it was hard to keep track of time out in the wilderness – years old, so there was plenty of room for growth. It would certainly be lovely to have them be a cup size larger, making them sufficient to completely fill Bianca’s hands and bounce around whenever she moved, giving her something gorgeous to look at.

“You lie there, and I’ll… I’ll take care of you, cutie,” Bianca whispered, moving back a little to arrive at the perfect position to kiss Song Ming’s tits.

She began with her left breast, smooching around the nipple while she massaged the other one with her hand, groping the soft flesh and enjoying the moans that emerged from Song Ming’s mouth. Her skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat, which she lapped up and licked, taking her time to savour Song Ming’s delicious scent.

It was the perfect mixture of her usual smell and the thick musk of sweat, making Bianca rub her thighs against one another as her nether lips grew wet with arousal. For a moment, she considered manifesting her cock yet again, letting it strain against her pants before bringing it out and-

‘Stop that, it’s… disgusting. Ugh,’ Bianca subdued her thoughts before they brought her too far into something she would (or at least should) hate, making sure not to let it show on her face as she decided to finally treat herself to the cutie’s nipple, wrapping her lips around it and sucking on it gently, letting herself relax to Song Ming’s soft moans.

As she did so, she continued to watch her condition. The sparks of bluish-white energy beneath her skin were fading, though the scar on her left arm remained prominent and vibrant, meaning that she had to do even more work.

Bianca intensified her efforts, softly biting and testing exactly what would make Song Ming gasp and moan. She had studied this a few times prior, of course, but she wanted to assure the best possible experience for her partner in this most trying of times. She tried biting harder – and definitely made sure to remind herself to leave a hickey or two later – and softer, sucking more and less softly, occasionally changing up what her right hand was doing if she had the spare attention to consider it.

“B-Bianca… I… I feel even more sensitive than… usual…” Song Ming moaned, trying to block them with the back of her hand while tears formed in her eyes, “I’m going to…”

“Go ahead. Don’t hold back,” Bianca said.

However, Song Ming continued, her cheeks growing even redder as she failed to maintain eye contact, “I… I want to feel you… inside of me…”

Although Bianca wasn’t about to refuse a single thing, the request did catch her off guard, albeit a moment after it was said. The reason was the very same one that had slightly freaked her out but moments prior, since it seemed like she wasn’t the only one getting overly attached to something she really, really ought not to have or use.

However, there were plenty of ways to fulfil that desire without needing to employ that technique, especially without the kitsune being around to encourage it endlessly, with the occasional attempts to get it to be used for her as well.

“Alright,” Bianca removed her other hand from Song Ming’s boob and moved it down to her groin, sliding it into her pants and finding her nether lips with ease. She was already wet down there, far more than Bianca was, and her pussy immediately clenched down on Bianca’s fingers as if she would never let her go.

It only took moments to bring her to orgasm after that, Song Ming’s arousal instantly soaking her panties and squeezing Bianca’s intruding digits even tighter. She moaned into the back of her hand, though her voice was only muffled slightly by this act, meaning that her cries echoed throughout the silver forest. Even her eyes rolled up as her tongue stretched out from her lips, resulting in an absolutely charming ahegao face that Bianca couldn’t help but adore.

Although her breaths were strained and tired, Song Ming’s body was still sparking with the light of her physique, and more importantly – at this point, since Bianca could hardly focus on the original reason for them getting so close with one another once more – she was clearly still aroused, her pussy lips still trying to keep Bianca’s fingers inside her.

‘That really did it for her, huh… I suppose I can still provide her with something satisfying,’ Bianca thought as she pulled her hand away, prompting a very disappointed moan from Song Ming’s lips as she pulled down the cutie’s pants, “Don’t want to get your outfit even wetter, that’s all.”

It was already quite the sight to behold. Her previously dry and clean panties were soaked to the point that arousal was leaking out onto the trousers themselves, leaving a slight stain on them already. Seeing as this was from a single orgasm and only a few minutes of excitement, letting them stay on for however long they planned to remain here would permanently ruin anything Song Ming wore below the waist, digging into Xue Yaling’s vast yet almost certainly exhaustible supply of clothing.

With her pants gone, Song Ming’s scent spread out even more, flooding Bianca’s nose. It was a powerful musk that seemed more at place with some beast in heat than a human being, though she wasn’t about to complain. It only made her more excited.

She brought her right hand up to her face, briefly examining the coating of liquid arousal upon her index and middle finger. As she parted them, thick strands stretched between her fingers, glistening in the sunlight that poured through the silver canopy and reflected off the leaves and trees. A glance at Song Ming’s face confirmed that the blush upon her face was growing yet again, and peaked as Bianca smiled and licked up the juices on her fingers, taking the time to relish the taste and scent of the gorgeous young woman before her.

Strictly speaking, the taste and smell wasn’t what one would typically see as delicious, but the fog of arousal within her head combined with her fetishes made it very enjoyable regardless.

‘And she does taste better than Lia, I think… which is not something I should be comparing,’ she considered, taking the time to check out the rest of Song Ming’s body in a little more detail.

Aside from the scar on her arm, most of her appearance remained more or less the same as when they first met in Xi Village, including the parts that she had only gotten to see later. Her pubic region still had a thin layer of hair, trimmed carefully though not shaved away entirely. It had been a while since they had the time to properly take care of their appearances, so it had grown out a little more, but not so much so that a casual glance would reveal the difference.

The added exercise from travelling here and now beginning to chop down trees had yet to benefit her figure in any way, making Bianca consider the merits of encouraging them to train a few specific areas – with the focus and main intention obviously being the ass. She would love to see her and Xue Yaling with huge butts that she could grab whenever… well, when the opportunity arose.

‘Though, I imagine cultivation makes this all a bit more complicated, like with everything else,’ she decided to drop the topic for now, since thinking about all this stuff was taking a lot of time that she could have been using to have fun and keep Song Ming’s physique energy at bay while she was at it.

Bianca pulled down Song Ming’s pants the rest of the way and placed them beneath her soft ass, since leaving everything down there exposed to grass and whatever else sounded like a terrible idea, then took up a spot between Song Ming’s legs, spreading them without much resistance. She leaned down, deliberately exhaling with her mouth so that the air would brush against the young woman’s nether lips, causing her to gasp.

“You wanna feel something down there, don’t you?” she asked, more to tease than anything.

“Y-Yes, please… fill me, Bianca!”

‘That phrasing…’ after keeping her facial expression in check as best she could, she showed a wide smile, “Well, I can certainly give you something.”

With that, she lay down on the forest floor and, using Song Ming’s legs for support, got into just the right position to plant a kiss on her pussy lips before sticking out her tongue and giving them a lick as well.

Her nether lips were already coated in arousal, and the added stimulation only added to it, leaving her a slick and sticky mess that Bianca was all too happy to lap up and tidy up. Of course, with every additional lick, Song Ming only got wetter, so all she was doing was indulging herself before moving on to the main course, so to speak.

She loved seeing every minute change in Song Ming’s expression as she licked her, though. It was almost as good as lightly touching herself, though she could obviously make herself feel far better with just one hand on her breasts or sating the growing heat in her loins. For now, though, she was dedicated to making Song Ming feel better regardless of her own preferences – the one against using the Demon’s Commanding Rod aside – and would have plenty of time to enjoy herself however she wanted afterwards, especially if she sought out Xue Yaling for help and endured her smug grin.

Meanwhile, Song Ming likely wouldn’t even imagine doing that sort of thing with the kitsune, even though Xue Yaling was likely more experienced in just about every regard than anyone on Orbis ever could be. Nobody had yet managed to live to over a hundred and something while remaining youthful, after all, the silly rumours and legends of vampires and werewolves aside.

“P-please… please…” Song Ming likely tried to request the same thing as before, but she struggled to speak more than a single word without gasping and moaning and feeling herself tremble with every movement of Bianca’s tongue.

It overwhelmed her, completely and utterly, to the point that she struggled to form a single coherent thought within her mind. Whatever words she did say were simply remnants of the last coherent thoughts she had before, and Bianca absolutely loved every moment of it. She loved the power she had over her in this moment, even if she didn’t quite understand how Song Ming grew to be so utterly and completely aroused that she didn’t even have the notion of muffling her moans and cries as they grew louder with every breath.

‘Kinda addicting, even… the power, not… well, Song Ming too,’ Bianca thought as she freed one hand and began to rub the young woman’s clit while she finally dove in deeper.

She stuck her tongue inside Song Ming’s wet pussy, experimenting with every spot that she could reach and every movement that she could make. Whenever she did something that made Song Ming gasp or moan even louder than usual, she took note – and did it a few more times for good measure. Although it was rather difficult to do much with how tightly her inner walls clenched down on Bianca’s tongue, that didn’t do much to stop her.

However, it did pull her mind in a certain direction. With everything that Song Ming had said, and her own rising desires, she was very, very tempted to stick something a little bigger and harder into her. Whether she could actually finish inside was another issue, since she had no clue if it was even possible for her to impregnate someone, but the risk was far, far too great to even try it.

‘… I can’t believe I’m actually considering it to such an extent. Ah, fuck it,’ Bianca gave up on any pretence and pulled away, ignoring Song Ming’s needy whine for a moment as she glanced at the Demonic Tyrant panel, eyeing the Demon’s Commanding Rod technique once again.

In just a brief while, it went from something that she ought to never touch to something she outright wanted to use, and while the shift itself still disgusted her, she couldn’t really say no to her horny mind and dripping nether lips. Hence, she got up onto her knees, trying to find an appropriate position for this while looking towards Song Ming and waiting for the slightest hint of coherency to appear within her lust-filled eyes.

She’d ask her first, and if she refused, then Bianca would be perfectly happy with a simple sixty-nine or anything of the sort to get through the rest of their pent-up lust.

“W-why did you… did you stop… I… please…”

“I can fill you wish something, if you want. If you don’t then-”

“Yes, please! I… I want to feel you inside of me! I want you to… to penetrate me with your… your…” as much as she tried, she couldn’t get the last word out, whether out of shame – the continued redness of her face suggested this was the main reason – or the inability to find the right word.

However, she got her point across, and it only encouraged the hot flame of lust within Bianca’s body. She allowed the panel to activate the technique and quickly removed her skirt and panties while she still could, just in time for the hard length to appear beneath them and jump out, slapping down on Song Ming’s firm belly. Although she had no intention of doing so, she managed to observe just how far she’d be able to get inside of her if she went in all the way, and it looked impressive even from Bianca’s perspective.

From Song Ming’s, it must have seemed even bigger, since her eyes went wide and a hint of normalcy returned to them, though it was soon consumed by such a vast flood of lust that, for a moment, Bianca saw her pupils turn into vibrant pink hearts. It was obviously just a figment of her imagination, but she’d be lying if it didn’t make her hard cock even harder.

“I… I want you so much…”

‘You’re staring rather intently at it specifically, you know,’ Bianca shook her head slightly as she moved back and aligned the tip of her dick with Song Ming’s pussy.

Although she’d never done this before, she had a good enough idea of what was supposed to go where and managed to get it right her first time, the push with her hips granting her entrance into Song Ming’s vagina.

It was a sensation unlike anything else she’d experienced before. She had thought that Song Ming’s mouth was tight, wet and warm, but it paled in comparison to her inner walls that seemed desperate to milk Bianca’s cock from the moment it entered. Even a single moment was difficult to endure without blowing her load, but she just had to make it worse by sliding further in, feeling more of her cock being enveloped in utter bliss.

For the first time, it was Bianca that moaned louder, biting her lip to hold back her growing arousal. She moved slowly, penetrating Song Ming further until she felt her entire length inside her, without a hint of the resistance one might associate with a woman’s first time.

‘I suppose it wouldn’t survive an active lifestyle like hers, which is for the best. If we had to deal with all the discomfort of that…’ it wasn’t something she wanted to consider, nor was it something that she could. At the moment, she was barely keeping herself from cumming there and then, and part of that urge was to begin rocking her hips, sliding out before thrusting in, something she couldn’t stop herself from doing after a few more moments.

She might have tried to settle into some kind of rhythm if every moment she made didn’t result in Song Ming clenching down even more, her arousal squirting out onto Bianca’s groin, a small climax building up to an inevitable peak. As each movement threatened to cause the chalice of arousal to spill, Bianca hesitated with each moment, until she simply couldn’t hold on any longer.

Then, her instincts took over.

With something that almost resembled a snarl, she grabbed both of Song Ming’s legs and lifted them up, adjusting their position so that she could thrust deeper and faster and harder, switching from gentle sex to a savage pounding that Bianca never imagined she would be responsible for.

Her balls slapped against Song Ming’s ass with every thrust, and soon she felt them clench and tighten as they let out their excessive load. A vast heat travelled down her length and exploded within Song Ming’s depths, filling her in an instant, and even producing a small bulge at her belly. The rest escaped her pussy and coated Bianca’s cock as it spilled onto the pair of trousers laid down there only a short time ago.

With the savage, almost bestial energy gone from her body, Bianca ended up crashing onto Song Ming’s chest, using her tits as pillows while she breathed heavily and attempted to compose herself.

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