I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 55: In Which I Wish To Know If Torture Can Be Ended

I felt Wren's naked body pressed up close against mine as she snuggled up to me, blindfolded, gagged, and bound, feeling totally helpless, and a little excited. She slowly stroked my cheeks with her palms, and then her fingers traced against the scar on my cheek.

"...this was a scar that Mistress Eve had before you got to go inside her old body, wasn't it?" There was something wistful in her voice... maybe a bit envious. Her palms stroked down the side of my neck, and then her hands settled around it in a sort of choking position.

"...I do wonder if you've ever been on the verge of death before. Or terrified of being sold. Or losing your entire sense of self as your Mistress takes away any sense of reality you had... see, when I look at you, I don't see someone who has faced true trauma... your family has never been killed around you... you've never been brutally gangraped and not known if they'll go out of their way to kill you, or just leave you beaten and bruised to crawl your way back to life if you can..."

Her hand tightened on my throat a little, and I whimpered into my gag, wondering if leaving her in control was a mistake... if she had wanted to, she could've let me die when the assassins attacked... but then again, she wasn't exactly stable, was she?

"You're like a beautiful flower that's been grown in a greenhouse, never vulnerable to the pressures outside..." Her hands relaxed, and her fingertips traced down against my shoulders... where she started to gently massage them.

"And here you are getting all tense again... relax, Mistress... trust me... that's all you can do right now, after all. Relax and put all your trust and faith in me, that I won't hurt you even when it would be very easy for me to do so, if I wanted...."

I whined softly and nodded, trying to trust her. I felt like we had gotten closer, she wouldn't hurt me, right? I'd be a good girl... she stroked my cheek again, and I nuzzled into her hand desperately, causing her to laugh softly. "There you go... that's what you wanted, wasn't it... to feel utterly helpless... as if it were Mistress torturing you... you miss her too, don't you?"

...wait, Mistress? She thought I was using her as a substitute for Mistress Eve specifically.

"I'm just Mistress Eve's tool... I'd no sooner truly harm you than she would... but I'm just as eager to torment you.... but we'll get there. Just relax, and trust me... I'll tell you before the torture really starts."

I whimpered softly into my gag, but did my best to relax... there was no particular gain in tiring my body out before she started seriously hurting me... and I had no real way to communicate that I didn't want this, since we hadn't, y'know, worked out nonverbal safewords before she had tied me up and gagged me.

Which I really should have, in retrospect! I tried tapping my fingers against the bed, hard, but she just stroked my hand. "Calm down, Sasha... just relax and be a good girl... it's okay... I'll take good care of you...."

I just had to be a good girl for Mistress Eve... I slowly relaxed, getting wetter as I surrendered my body to my Mistress and also Wren... I guess she had instilled this in me, via physical training or mind magic... thinking of being a good girl for my Mistress made it easier to relax and just accept whatever pleasure or torment was coming my way....

She scritched behind my ears, and it felt really nice, even moreso when I couldn't focus on much else besides her touch with the world hidden from my eyes... I heard a soft thumping, and realized it was my tail against the bed... it would be really hard to make her understand I didn't want to do this, at this point....

Her hands slowly ran down along my sides, then back up along my belly, causing me to squirm a bit at the ticklishness of it, before gently, almost worshipfully running her palms around my breasts, then her fingers tracing around the top, getting closer and closer to my nipples... but leaving them untouched as I pushed my chest up needily, drawing a little giggle from her. "Not yet, Sasha... be a good girl... wait for your treat...."

She stroked my hips and thighs, parting them and gently stroking my inner thighs, but not touching my pussy... well, my pussy was already filled with a dildo, but the slight vibration wasn't enough, either. I moaned needily into my gag, but tried to remain still, breathing heavily through my nose as she stroked my legs and then massaged my feet, the sensation strangely intense as I hadn't had much touch there before, my hands clutching at the blankets a little.

Her hands slowly roamed up my body, scritching softly under my chin, her breasts rubbing against mine for just a moment, rubbing my hardened nipples, which made my body shudder, fuck, I needed more sensation than the dull vibration of the dildo inside me was giving me.

"Shhhh.... be a good girl, Sasha..."

I whimpered, but tried my best to relax and just endure as she stroked my body teasingly, getting closer and closer to truly pleasuring me, but never quite there, my body twitching as I tried to just relax, my breathing through my nose unsteady, feeling like I couldn't get enough oxygen from it with how overheated my body against me.

She snuggled up against me and kissed my ear softly, taking the edge of it into her mouth and sucking softly for a moment. "Are you read to feel real pleasure, Sasha? To dedicate your body as a temple to your Goddess?"

I nodded desperately... belatedly, I realized I could've shook my head vehemently before, but it was too late now... I desperately needed more.

"Well then... now the torture starts, cutie."

The vibrator inside me suddenly turned all the way up, and my body tensed and spasmed as I-- no, I couldn't cum, I was just on the edge of cumming, my body straining and my pussy squeezing down on the dildo, I was so close just a little more, but it was out of my grasp, and she remained cuddled up against me as I twitched and spasmed and tried to plead uselessly into my gag.

I was so close, please let me cum... but of course, though I had half-forgotten about it, that was beyond Wren's ability, my womb tattoo made it impossible... was she getting revenge on me for being a little cruel to her earlier? Well, at least I let her cum....

Please, whatever it would take, I'd devote myself to my Goddess, I just needed to cum so bad, my entire mind and body and soul were focused on that one desperate need!

...but it was, of course, not within my grasp, so I just strained and squeezed and arched my back as I desperately, uselessly, tried to seek out that last little sensation that would put me over the edge.

I have no idea how long she kept me in that state, but it felt like an eternity.

Finally, my body was exhausted, and just twitched a little as what little vigor that was left in my muscles tried uselessly to cum... and the vibrator was switched off, and I was left needy, wanting. She gently removed the blindfold and gag, and I whimpered softly, my voice tired out from all the needy screaming I had done into my gag... she removed the ropes as well, and snuggled my body close up against hers... I could barely moved, I was utterly exhausted, and yet my body was telling me that cuddling up to this girl meant I was about to cum, and twitched a little...

She stroked my back gently. "There you go... such a good girl... aren't you all nice and relaxed now?"

I realized that I was-- even more than my massage, exhausting every muscle in my body in a desperate attempt to cum had left my body entirely soft and limp. I was too exhausted even to beg to be able to cum... well, perhaps I would've pushed myself to ask, if I thought it would do any good, but I knew that this frustrated ache between my legs and my pleasured and exhausted body was the most I'd get....

She petted my head, scritched behind my ears, cooing over me, telling me I was a good girl for Mistress Eve... I had held up so well... I relaxed against her, and fell asleep.

Even upon waking, I felt exhausted, my body utterly languid, and Wren had to help me sit up, propping me up with several pillows. She was all smiles, tail wagging... I could almost read "did I do good, Mistress?" on her face.

I smiled at her lethargically, and her tail wagged even more. She offered me a cup of water, holding it for me, and I sipped from it, and wow, I was parched... being on the edge of cumming for so long must've used up a lot of my body's moisture, one way or another.

I drank down more water, took all the water she gave me as best I could with my tired body.

Finally, Wren took the glass away and smiled down at me, stroking my forehead. "I asked Valentine to get us some food... was that what you wanted, Mistress?"

I managed a very soft laugh. "Not quite what I was expecting, but I didn't hate it... hold my hand?"

She took my hand in both of hers, and held it firmly, talking to me more, but I could only half follow her words... something about the security and so forth.

After a little while, the door opened up, and Valentine came in holding two trays, and raised an eyebrow as she saw me lying there, a moment of concern showing on her face. "You okay there, Sasha?"

I made my lips move. "Yeah... we were just playing."

Val smiled, relieved, and sat next to me, the two girls feeding me little bits of fruit and cheese and bread as they discussed the security situation some more... someone had been caught, accused of being the traitor... wait, what?

I warded off the grape Val was trying to feed me with a half-raised arm, and tried to sit up a little further, and focus.

"...what did you just say?"

"Oh?" Wren looked over to me. "Kalei and Ava are our two suspected traitors right now. They're both being tortured right now... have been for over a day. Is that the part you missed?"

"Too bad Mistress Eve was sent off on a mission," said Val with a slight sigh. "She would've had gentler ways to wring the truth out of them."

"I don't know about Kalei... but Ava had plenty of chance to kill me if she wanted to... and, torture isn't even a reliable means of getting information... I need to go talk to Princess Asperia." I struggled to sit up, and Val pushed my shoulder gently. "I'll let her know you want to talk, but I don't know if you have anything that she'd find urgent enough to talk about. You should be resting, really."

"Tell her," I said, struggling with each word, "that I know of special enhanced interrogation techniques used in my world, that I don't think are used in this one."

Val blinked. "...special enhanced...?"

"...torture. I know more about the psychology of torture than people of this day, probably."

Wren looked between the two of us, only to find Val was still looking just as mystified. "...psychology?"

"It's... a sort of... it's a bit like Mind Magic, only not really."

"...well.... if you have some means of getting the information out of them without hurting them as much..." Val furrowed her brow, and nodded. "I'll go see if she's interested."

She left in a bit of a hurry.

My eyes slowly shifted over to Wren. "...there's some books... near the left side of the bookcase, third shelf... can you go get one of them for me, and read it?"

"...that's Mind Magic. Are you sure you can handle that knowledge?" She tapped my nose with her finger and smiled a bit. "Especially in your current state... sorry about that, by the way. I think I went a bit overboard."

"It's fine... just get the book...." I closed my eyes for just a moment as I tried to rally my strength. Even if I was exhausted, I was driven to do what I could to help the innocent....

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