I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 39: In Which We Get What Is Maybe The Closest This World Has To Therapy?

Wren and I kissed and licked and sucked on either side of Eve's cock as she petted our heads encouragingly, and I looked in her eyes and saw she looked excitedly submissive too, and I stroked her thigh. She sucked a little harder on the side of Eve's cock and parted her legs a little, and I slid my hand between the opening she had made to rub against her pussy, only to feel Eve's grip tighten on my hair-- I had been so focused on getting along with Wren that I had forgot to pleasure my Mistress.

My fingers rubbed gently and distractedly against Wren's folds as Eve shifted my head in front of the head of her cock, and slowly slid it into my mouth and down my throat and started moving my head back and forth, using my throat on her cock like a sex toy as I could barely see with my peripheral vision Wren lowering her head and, from the sounds of it, licking and sucking on Mistress's balls.

Mistress moaned, pleased, and I could feel my tail wagging as I fulfilled my sole purpose in life to serve Mistress and huh she was almost certainly using mind magic on me right now but that was probably fine because I only existed to serve her and if it would make her happy to rewrite my mind I would just relax and let her use it however she wanted, just like I was doing my best to let her use my throat.

I was getting more and more dazed as she relentlessly used my throat as her cocksleeve, wondering if I'd black out, but okay with it because Mistress knew my state and if she wanted me to black out, that was okay because I was just her belonging-- but at that moment she pulled her cock out and I gasped for air as she picked me up and threw me on the bed. "I'm going to impregnate you now, Sasha."

Before I had the opportunity to catch my breath or respond, she started thrusting her cock roughly into my pussy, as if she was desperate to cum as quickly as possible. Wren climbed onto the bed and watched us, rubbing herself but not inserting herself in the situation, because she knew that Mistress's thoughts were the only ones who mattered.

Mistress frowned, pausing in fucking me, and my eyes widened. "...Okay... maybe I went a little too hard on that."

My mind cleared, and while I realized that Mistress had been using her mind magic on me, now I emotionally realized it instead of blindly accepting it, and whimpered softly... she could really do anything she wanted to me, couldn't she? Fear and the deep desire to utterly submit to her twined in my mind as she began to thrust her cock deep into my pussy again, and I came on her cock, pussy squeezing her hard as I instinctively tried to milk her cum into my womb... wait, that's not scientifically how it worked, and more importantly, we had agreed it was a bad idea for us to get pregnant right now.

"Mistress, don't cum inside me, we agreed!" My voice was still a bit ragged and breathy from all the throat-fucking.

"You can impregnate my body, Mistress, I exist only to serve you," said Wren eagerly, her foxtail wagging as she rubbed her cheek against Mistress's shoulder.

Mistress reached out and petted Wren's head, and guided her down onto the bed with one hand as Wren's eyes fluttered closed. She looked back to me. "I need to forge a connection between us that you won't break."

My eyes narrowed. "Eve, the only one who's been risking breaking our connection over and over again is you."

She spat in my face, hand rising to my throat. "What about all the sleeping around you've been doing? You know I don't like that, it makes me insecure."

"You're encouraging it half the time."

"...I want you to be happy, but I also want you to be mine."

"I can literally only cum by your hand and I let you have the power again, and also, you can read my mind. What else can I do to prove anything to you?" I fucking love you, you stupid psychotic bitch, I thought as I glared up at her, meaning every word.

She flushed a little and let go of my throat, stroking the side of it. "I just... unless I utterly dominate you, I don't know if you'll stay loyal to me."

"...so why didn't you break my mind like you did Wren's?"

She looked into my eyes with some sort of desperate yearning. "Because our relationship is special."

"...maybe because I treated you as something close to an equal?"

Eve smirked. "No, I've never had a relationship as an equal, I've always been slave or Mistress, so..." Her smirk faded. "...Ah. Maybe... maybe that's part of it, but it has to be you, and I don't know how to make myself feel secure without either utterly controlling or being utterly controlled by you." She intertwined her fingers with mine.

I squeezed her hand softly, and sighed. "...bringing a third person into the relationship and having a child together are not generally good ways to solve relationship problems, from what I understand."

She stared down into my eyes, her hard cock shifting inside me a little as she leaned down to kiss my lips. "So... what do we do? I don't want to lose you, Sasha."



Eve and I sat on Princess Asperia's bed together, holding hands.

Princess Asperia laid on her pile of treasure, her hand holding her forehead with her eyes closed. "How are you this both this bad at relationships?"

We glanced at each other.

"Lack of experience?" I suggested.

"Conditioning?" suggested Eve.

Princess Asperia sighed and opened an eye to stare at us. "It was supposed to be a rhetorical question."

"Rhetorical questions," started Eve softly, as if she was about to explain them to me, and I elbowed her gently in the ribs. She giggled a little.

Princess Asperia smiled a little confusedly at the interaction, then shook her head. "This is serious, stop flirting you two. Why are you flirting now of all times. Okay. So. Listen up. Here's what we're going to do..." She paused significantly.

We watched her attentively.

"First off, I'm going to give Wren to Zince to take care of her."

I bit my lip. "Like, kill...?"

"No, you've done enough to that poor girl, I'm going to avoid killing her if possible. Zince has experience in deconditioning girls and resolving their trauma somewhat. Once she starts fixing that and gets back to me on how that's going, I'll figure out what to do with her from there."

I shook my head. "But this is all our fault, I need to protect her!"

"Maybe you can try to repair your relationship later-- right now I think it's better for her to be away from you, and, more importantly, away from Sasha." Princess Asperia shook her head as she looked to Eve. "You're a slave trainer, you should've known better than to do that and then cast her aside."

Eve narrowed her eyes and gripped my hand a little more tightly. "I'm not a slave trainer anymore."

"Oh, really? Could've fooled me," responded Princess Asperia dryly. "Next...." She dug among the treasures underneath her naked body, and tossed a beautiful necklace with gems all the hues of the rainbow at Eve, which she caught. "That's basically a slave collar in most of the ways that count. You're going to put that on and become my slave, if not my slave by law, my slave by fact."

Eve stared back at Princess Asperia, nonplussed, holding up the necklace with two fingers. "...why the sunken sun would I do that?"

"Because," responded Princess Asperia, "You need to be controlled, and I'm the best option for that for you. It's also in my best interest, of course, but I do need you as a fiance and to do some other things for me once you manage to stabilize somewhat, thus the necklace that people won't know makes you my utter bitch, unlike a normal slave collar."

Eve growled a little, and I squeezed her hand softly.

"And besides that," continued Princess Asperia, unperturbed, "your relationship as sort of equals something is improtant to both you and Sasha, apparently. You're..." She pursed her lips, searching for the words, maybe holding herself back from mean ones. "...utterly unexperienced in treating others as equals, so it should help if you're both equal slaves under me."

Eve looked down to me uncertainly. "...we don't have to trust her. We can work this out on our own."

I looked back up at her. "...I don't know that we can."

She teared up, gripping my hand stronger, and I winced-- it wasn't her full strength, or I'd be missing my hand now, but it was still distinctly uncomfortable. After a long moment, she pulled her hand away from mine, and looked away from me, and for a moment I thought it was over. Then she dropped the necklace into my lap, and lifted her hair up to expose her neck, trembling slightly.

I put the necklace on her, then wrapped my arm around her, and she leaned against me a little with her larger body.

A smile slowly spread across Princess Asperia's face, one of satisfied greed. She had turned our relationship problem into putting us even further under her control, but... honestly, I didn't know what else to do, and apparently neither did Eve.

"All right, Eve. You aren't allowed to use any magic on anyone you know or suspect to be in the harem without explicit permission for what you're doing to them. And as my slave-in-fact, you're part of the harem, so that also applies to you, so no loopholes where you use mind magic to convince yourself someone isn't part of the harem so you can use magic on them."

"Yes, Mistress," said Eve submissively, her demeanor having totally changed.

Princess Asperia laughed softly. "Call me Princess."

"...Yes, Princess."

"Okay, good girls." Princess Asperia smiled at us in turn. "Thank you so much for trusting me with everything you are, I'll try to make sure you won't regret it."

I inclined my head. "...Thank you for trying to take care of us."

Princess Asperia smiled. "Oh, my pleasure-- you both have very useful skills I want to use, but more importantly, you're both very cute and fuckable, and I want you to become comfortable in utterly belonging to me. Now. We're all going to have a nice dinner together, and then tonight at night court, you two are going to side by side and both have sex with other people over and over until you lose all sense of jealousy over sex. And if one night doesn't do it, you'll be up for another night. And so forth."

I got wet almost instantly, and Eve whined softly, pressing closer against me, but nodded.

"Understood, Princess." She was trembling slightly.

"...I dunno if Eve can handle--" Eve put a finger to my lips.

"I can handle it," she said softly.

"I'll be there too, and if it's too much for Eve, I'll cut things short early," said Princess Asperia firmly. "But it is a lesson every girl with a jealousy problem in my harem learns. No one's going to look down on you two too much for it, and if anyone gives you grief over it, tell me and I'll solve things. Understood, puppies?"

"Yes, Princess," I said, aroused beyond belief.

Eve nodded stoically, and I leaned in to kiss her shoulder and stroke her side a little, comforting her the best I could.

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