I, The Villain, Start with the Protagonist Saintess

Chapter 967:

She is conflicted.

On the one hand, she felt that she should not go to Dai Haoren.

But on the other hand, she couldn't control her legs at all. She had no choice but to go to Dai Haoren's side!

The body is not controlled by the mind, this feeling is undoubtedly very bad.

In the end, she still came to Dai Haoren's door...

Before she could knock, the door opened, and a hand stretched out and pulled her into the room—bang! The door is closed! The house was like a beast, and it swallowed Ji Changting's fresh meat in one bite.


The voices of men and women rang out.

"Do you miss me?"


"I asked do you miss me?"


"Where do you miss me?"


"Hey, is it here? Or is it here? Or...is it here?"


"Why don't you talk? Relax. Be true to your heart. You forgot what I told you? Happiness is the most important thing in life."

"do not……"

"Stop struggling. Don't resist. Open your heart and heart... and enjoy the truest happiness."


Soon, an imaginative and **** movement erupted in the room.

However, the soundproofing of the house seems to be a little too good.

Even though the battle inside was so fierce that it seemed like the world was turned upside down, there was no movement outside.



The "artificial sun" is about to light up.

"I'm dying...you kill me..."

Ji Changting has been tossed out of her mind.

I don't know the taste of meat for more than ten years, and suddenly overeating, if it doesn't work, it will really die...

What about Dai Haoren?

He is about to die now...

"I really want to pull out 'Miss Tiandao' to temporarily 'decompress' me."

Dai Haoren thought so.

His strength was suppressed by "the way of heaven", and there was only pure physical strength and the arrangement of a magic circle in his body.

But Ji Changting stayed in this "Five Elements Heaven Realm" for ten years, and cultivated her strength and ability, which is amazing!

If Dai Haoren was a little weaker... that would be embarrassing.

I haven't seen each other for ten years (for him, it's more than a hundred years), but after meeting, he can't even feed his daughter, which is really embarrassing.

No matter how loud your mouth is, or how reckless your behavior is, it is all based on strength!

If you don't have the strength to come like this, then you are a pure clown!

The same is true between men and women!

Fortunately...in the end, Dai Haoren stood firm, and there was no embarrassment or sluggishness.

The contented Ji Changting was lying on top of Dai Haoren, her eyes closed and panting, she had forgotten all the troubles of time, as well as courtesy and integrity...

It was only after a long rest, or a long rest, that Dai Haoren had the spirit and strength to speak.

"Why did you come to the 'Five Elements Heaven Realm'?"

"What happened?"

"Tell me."

Ji Changting licked her lips, panted slightly, and said, "I don't know... When I opened my eyes, I was already in the 'Water World'..."

She recounted her experiences.

Only then did Dai Haoren understand the cause and effect.


"Thanks a lot."

"Fortunately, your luck is not too bad, and you met a really good person. Otherwise..."

Otherwise, I really can't imagine how a weak woman who came to the "High Martial World" from a "Low Martial World" would survive.

Ji Changting: "So I have to protect Yinyin no matter what, so that she won't be hurt. You... can you not bully her? I beg you."

Dai Haoren: "Yes. I won't bully her, but I will bully you, hehe!"

Ji Changting: "Whatever you want..."

Chapter 1036 Still looking for Miss Tiandao's help...

Ha ha ha ha!

just me?

Good good, good "whatever I want", this is what I want!

There is such a special sense of accomplishment to have such a girl who can do whatever she wants.

Dai Haoren is very happy.

When he is happy, he wants to make others as happy as himself.


"Tell you good news, I have met your daughter—your biological daughter!"

Hearing this, Ji Changting, who had been tossed and had no strength left, suddenly sat up and exclaimed, "What did you say?!"

Such violent movements of hers made her chest look magnificent and beautiful...

Dai Haoren looked in with an eye for beauty, and said, "Don't get excited, don't get excited."

Ji Changting said: "Speak quickly! Speak clearly!"

How could she not be excited?

That is the daughter she has been thinking about for ten years!

That was her own daughter, the flesh that fell from her body!

How could she not be excited?

Ji Changting was so excited at this moment.

Dai Haoren said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you what I'm talking about. You're in a hurry. I mean, I met Shuizhu's wife. She..."

Then, he simply looked for the process of encountering the molten iron column.

When Ji Changting listened patiently, she immediately got out of bed.

As a result, as soon as his feet touched the ground, his body softened.

In fact, she really didn't have much energy left in her body at the moment.

Dai Haoren was drained, so why wasn't she drained?

Dai Haoren said: "Look at you, look at you. What's the hurry? Don't worry, you will meet sooner or later. If you look for it now, you don't know how to find it. This 'gluttonous city' is so big, it's easy to find someone It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. If we hadn't been linked by a thousand miles of marriage, I wouldn't have been able to find you. This time she came to participate in the 'Hundred Sects and Thousands of Doors'. When you go to the 'Tiandao Square', it will be very easy. Did you find her?"

Ji Changting said, "But I can't wait for a moment! I...I...Do you know how worried I am about her, do you know how I feel..."

She is so guilty!

If she knew it would be like this, she would never let Tie Shuizhu follow her to Dai Haoren's "Nine Heavens Dragon City".

For the past ten years, she has been thinking about the molten iron all the time. Now that she finally knows the whereabouts of the molten iron, how can she still sit still.

However, Dai Haoren pulled her back to the bed and said, "Be obedient! Don't be in a hurry! It's been ten years, and it's still twenty days away? She's strong enough to protect herself now, and she has a loyal friend by her side. The 'dog licking' will protect her for a moment. It's safe! You, just take ten thousand hearts."

Said so, but obviously what Dai Haoren said had no effect at all...

Ji Changting seemed to have thought of something, with a struggling expression on her face, she shook her lips, and said, "Can I go to Lin Shu for help? It's the man during the day... The Lin family has a lot of energy in the gluttonous city. If it is He, I'll find my daughter soon. I beg you..."

Of course, Dai Haoren's first reaction was unwilling—what? ! Your man is right in front of you, but you still go to other men for help? Can't stand it!

But when he saw Ji Changting's tearful and miserable pleading expression, he rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, okay. Don't look for him. I'll help you find it."

Ji Changting: "But..."

Dai Haoren smiled and said, "Why, do you think I can't find it?"

Ji Changting knew that Dai Haoren was angry when she saw Dai Haoren's smile, and said, "No..."

Snapped--! !

Dai Haoren slapped her fiercely, but of course it wasn't the face...


"How dare you question your man?"

"I think you want to die (cool) - but I have a big belly and a deep breath, so I won't care about you. Otherwise, you will cry and cry if I don't bother."

Don't look at Dai Haoren's viciousness, but in fact he said that, but his heart is empty... because he has no strength to fight anymore!

"Ma Ma!"

"Be sure to get stronger as soon as possible!"

"He can't even handle a woman, he's so embarrassed."

After saying that, he got out of the car with a little soreness in his waist...


"I will be right back!"

Immediately, Dai Haoren came to the next room and closed the door.

"The way of heaven?"

"Miss Tiandao?"

"Come out! Jianghu rescue!"

Yes, Dai Haoren's solution is to find "the way of heaven" in all uncertainties!

Although he doesn't really want to rely on "Heavenly Dao", he should ask her for help at this time...


A fairy painting on the wall suddenly flew up and floated in front of Dai Haoren, and the fairy inside also spoke.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"This is the 'gluttonous city'."

"Although the 'Golden Giant Spirit' is not here for the time being, what if he comes and finds traces of my existence?"

Dai Haoren rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it you? You are afraid of 'Yuanshi Tiandi'. You are even afraid of the 'Yuanshi Tiandi' dog. How do you act like a 'Heavenly Dao'? You are really embarrassed. "

Miss "Tian Dao" sighed and said, "What can I do? I'm helpless too. What if I get caught and get beaten up?"

Dai Haoren said, "If you do this, I want to beat you up..."

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