I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 77

When Deadpool heard this, he nodded and did not speak again, he believed that Ye Ritian would not lie to himself, his own appearance was a full level, and if he wanted to break the limit, he could only rely on him.

Ye Ritian quietly thought about the matter of the power of the phoenix, there are too many comic version series of the power of the phoenix, there are many comic events.

In Marvel, the power of the phoenix has never shown the full power of the phoenix, the power of the phoenix is one of the most powerful entities in the universe, but not the only one, the power of the phoenix can exist alone or possess the host.

Although the power of the phoenix has possessed many superheroes or villains in the manga, the host who can best exert the strength of the power of the phoenix is Koto. Grey and Hope are two people.

In Marvel Comics' X-Men: Elegy for the Phoenix, the power of the phoenix descended on Earth, but it scattered countless phoenix fragments to many superheroes.

In particular, the dead Qin was revived by the power of the phoenix, and eventually the piano stepped on the fragments that conquered all the power of the phoenix, and finally fused them, causing the qin to become the king of the white phoenix.

And the White Phoenix King Qin in this form is a fragment that gathers all the Phoenix Power, which can barely be said to be a complete Phoenix Power Qin

in this form, her strength has already reached the all-powerful universe level, and it is even a little stronger than the Chaos Magic at the peak of the Scarlet Witch.

The power of the phoenix is a cosmic energy, one of the most powerful entities in the universe, but not the strongest only entity, in the comics the power of the phoenix was swallowed by the ancient demon god Seth, here is not to show that Seth's strength is stronger than the power of the phoenix, but to say that although the power of the phoenix is strong, it is not as strong as the heart of the universe to the point of no counteraction.

Phoenix power usually chooses a creature as a host, many superheroes on the earth, especially mutants, have been the host of phoenix power, in the Marvel event "Avengers vs. X-Men" Iron Man used anti-phoenix armor to split the phoenix power into five, five phoenix power attached to the laser eye, white queen, steel lux, secret guest and namomo, the five became the phoenix five apostles, and finally defeated the five apostles under the joint efforts of the Avengers and the X-Men, and Hope and Wanda sent the phoenix power away.

The five apostles were defeated by many superheroes, and the comparison of abilities could not be seen, and in the subsequent Marvel event "Secret War", Laser Eye alone got the power of the phoenix, but was killed by the god king Dum, who has the power beyond the Protoss.

Of all the hosts of the Phoenix Force, there is only Jean. Grey and Hope can exert the strongest strength of the Phoenix Power, but it is not the complete Phoenix Power. Violin. Grey's strongest state is White Phoenix, White Phoenix Qin. Grey is able to cut off the timeline of the universe and reshape the timeline. In the comic strip "The New X-Men", thanks to Jean. Grey's death causes the Beasts to rule the planet autocratically and eliminate all opposition. The last resurrected White Phoenix Qin. Grey cuts off the timeline of this universe and reshapes it, and the world returns to normal.

White Phoenix rebooted the Marvel Universe, reshaping the universe is far more powerful than destroying the universe, but what surprised people was the previous White Phoenix Qin. Grey's cause of death. White Phoenix Qin. Grey was killed by Magneto with a planetary-scale electromagnetic pulse.

You read that right, a person with the ability to reshape the universe was killed by planet-level forces. That is to say, the strongest Phoenix Power host can be killed with planet-level abilities, which is completely due to plot killing, and cannot be included in the history, otherwise the combat power will collapse.

Movie universe Gu Yi died among her two disciples, who dares to say that she is weak? ? According to this understanding, Natasha can kill Gu Yi in seconds, and kill Gu Yi close with body and position. Her scalp was numb when the snakeskin was out of position.

Therefore, the death of White Phoenix from Magneto's planet-level power is absurd, and Ye Ritian does not dare to agree! White Phoenix completely died from plot killing, and this history cannot be deduced at all.

To sum up, the complete Phoenix Power has never appeared, and the complete version of the Phoenix Power has not appeared in Marvel Comics so far, it appears in the form of "fragments" in the comics, and how much energy the full version of the Phoenix Power exists may still be unknown.

The power of the phoenix is one of the oldest abilities of Marvel Comics, along with the power of chaos and the power of goblins. As long as they cultivate to the peak, they all have the strength of the almighty universe level, and they can even beat the life court.

Stopping his thoughts, Ye Ritian stopped thinking so much and went to the next hell, Lucifer.

The lord of hell, the dark prince of the demon Lucifer

, a demon king who mostly appears in the Ghost Rider comics, is the leader of the fallen angels, has his own hell, once dragged the evil spirit knight Johnny into his own hell, in order to deal with Ran Dekiel and released Johnny, its own strength is unknown, but half of the power was killed by an ordinary evil spirit knight, it seems that it is not very strong.

He wears a long masked headscarf on his head, his wrists and legs are all purple in color, his chest, abdomen, thighs, hind legs, muscles, arms, hands, arms are red, and his dress is very unique.

The popularity is not very high, Ye Ritian is too lazy to go, directly let the superhuman sword escape into the depths of hell alone, and kill with a sword. It's really insulting Lucifer's name, how powerful Lucifer in DC

is, on the contrary, Marvel this tarnishes the name!

Towards the next Hell Lord, the demon Satannish Satannish

is a demon lord born with Mephisto, and like Mephisto, he is also a higher Hell Lord. Satannish is the archenemy of heroes such as Doctor Strange, he also serves Dormammu, and helps Dormammu defeat Mephisto together in Dormammu's colonization plan and occupy his Hell, but their plan is discovered by Hellstorm and Hellcon, who summons other Hell Lords to defeat Dormammu along with the rulers of the Underworld, and as Dormammu escapes, Satannish is shattered by a magic ray from Mephisto. Of course, as a powerful Hell Lord, Satannish was resurrected in later comics. Now that the main universe has changed greatly, many things are confusing. Feel tricky.

Ye Ritian's eyes were calm, and he was another demon with no name, allowing the sword of Superman to kill and go to the next hell.


Ye Ritian thought, it seems that the spirit of vengeance has another version of the story. It is related to a man named [Zatannos the Demon].

The demon Zatanos is a demon elemental lord who was active on Earth 20,000 years ago, and then Zatanos was sealed by the spirit of vengeance of the messenger of the gods. It wasn't until two thousand years ago that it was summoned by a certain tribe to lift the seal. Zatanos sucks human souls, which coincides with Marvel's most famous demon, Mephisto.

Mephisto therefore regarded Zatanos as a potential rival, and eventually Mephisto designed to defeat Zatannos, erase his memory, and enslave his soul. The reason why the Ghost Knights have very great power is because Mephisto attached the soul of Zatanos to them.

Ye Ritian sighed, there are too many versions of the spirit of vengeance, but he still firmly believes in the God version, after all, that is not only a big force, but also a widely circulated seething version, everyone agrees with this.

Next, Ye Ritian took a thousand doppelgangers, and Deadpool, plus Hulk, and killed several spicy chicken demons. Among them, he also met the mother of Doctor Strange's girlfriend, that is, his mother-in-law Demon, who appeared in the movie and killed everything together, and the woman in the comics has a strong background, is Dormammu's own sister

, the lord of hell, the demon Marduk.

Marduk is a high-ranking Hell Lord, whose origins are still unknown, and he is also one of the most popular demons in Marvel to use the name of Satan. Marduk is primarily an enemy of the Defenders, and otherwise rarely appears, but his strength remains unfathomable.

Lord of Hell, demon D'Spayre

kills with one sword, the next.

Hell Lord, demon

Dweller-In-Darkness, the last generation of universe destroyers, without him there would be no current Marvel universe, nor the current five gods, Dweller-In-Darkness is an extra dimensional demon, when the previous generation of universes existed, he stole the crystals that maintained the existence of the universe and fought against the power of the phoenix, this battle almost destroyed that universe, This led to the Big Bang caused by the Court of Life, creating the present universe.

The sword of Superman, slaughtered.

Ye Ritian felt speechless, could he fight.

Lord of Hell, Demon Nightmare

was previously only Shuma's subordinate, but later escaped to the dimension of dreams and has since become the master of dreams, drawing energy and nourishment from the fearful emotions of creatures. He has fought many superheroes, including Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Hulk, etc. Nightmare has imprisoned eternity, but there are also many defeats, maybe the strength of Nightmare is not very strong among the Demon Kings, but he is still a terrible demon, as long as there are dreams and imaginations in the universe, he will exist forever.

What is there to say, a sword slaughtered.


Ye Ritian yawned and continued to move forward.

Deadpool is also boring, and the Hulk's temper is even more consumed, please, is there one who can fight?? There are many demons in Marvel Hell, and there are only a few famous ones, and the results are all unknown demons.

Ye Ritian continued to move on to the next hell and saw the demon Shuma-Gorath (Ps: Devils are English names, not that I deliberately typed English).

Shuma-Gorath is the ruler of the Extra Dimension and the leader of the old Dominator in Marvel, he is one of Doctor Strange's great enemies, Shuma-Gorath's strength is unfathomable, he has devoured hundreds of universes before invading the main universe 616, and only the appearance of the creation god Genesis sealed him. Even if he can't devour 616, he will keep trying. The power of shuma, even the powerful magical entity Vishanti, did not dare to face it head-on. So don't be deceived by his cute big eyes, he is definitely a terrible monster

, Ye Ritian looks at this demon is a ectothermic animal, snake, with a snake head, the back of the head is full of hedgehog-like barbs surrounding the head, very scary and weird.

Well? Planetary cosmic level, Hulk you on.

Ye Ritian said lightly: "Good dog, it's time for you to perform."


Hulk held a fire in his body, saw this strange snake, and rushed over.

The monster snake demon spewed sharp barbs at the Hulk, the Hulk roared, the barbs did not even shoot through the Hulk's skin, and was picked up by the Hulk and violently torn, and finally pinched to pieces, the demon died!

Ye Ritian was speechless, it would be boring to fight like this again.

Keep walking, and expect surprises ahead!

A thousand doppelgängers, Deadpool, Hulk to follow.

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