I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 75

75 Mew Birth

After Lu Sheng announced the evolution fluid, there was an uproar on the Internet.

Can it assist evolution after taking it?

Some people even went to Weibo to ask Lu Sheng if he could give it to common genetic organisms.

Lu Sheng replied mercilessly: “No.

Many people’s illusions were shattered.

Many people are still curious about the liquid that can assist evolution.

Some Pokémon buyers have already begun to look forward to the launch of Evolution Liquid, and major platforms at home and abroad are even more heated…

the next day.

When Lu Sheng went to the laboratory, Zhuo Churan and others also asked about this matter, ~ expressing deep doubts about it.

Why hasn’t there been a little bit of wind before this!

“Recently, during the design process, I experimented on a whim and accidentally created an evolution fluid, but the evolution probability may be very low, perhaps only a few percent.


“Well, good luck.”

Lu Sheng did not continue to talk about this topic with them, but went to the incubation room.

The new batch of seeds that was put in the previous time basically killed all the Pokémon eggs.

Growlithe, Happiny, etc., are all hatching.

The Mew Pokémon egg in the corner has been sitting for almost a week.

In terms of time, Mew is almost born!

Lu Sheng is still looking forward to the birth of Mew, and can use Confusion…

Originally, Lu Sheng planned to use Mew’s Confusion to kill Huang Yuetao and Gu Li, but now it seems that the difficulty has increased a lot.

Since the murder of the Ice and Fire League, Huang Yuetao has been surrounded by many bodyguards, and the most important thing is that he rarely travels.

Unless Lu Sheng took Mew and killed him in someone else’s mansion.

Obviously that’s not possible, the cameras everywhere will hinder Lu Sheng’s actions.

As for Guli…

Lu Sheng had an idea, but he had to wait until Mew was born.

After walking around the laboratory, Lu Sheng wondered why Mew had not yet been born, and Zhuo Churan trotted out of the incubation room.

“Mr. Lu, the Pokémon egg in the corner is moving!”

Lu Sheng heard the words, quickly followed, and entered the incubation room again.

Mew’s Pokémon eggs are shaking slightly…

When Lu Sheng’s ear is close, he can hear the subtle Growl inside, and the movement of Pokémon eggs breaking!

Looks like he’s about to be born!

He looked shocked, stopped walking around, and concentrated on staying there.

After a few minutes, a small crack appeared on the surface of the Pokémon egg, gradually expanding…


A piece of eggshell fell off.

Lu Sheng raised his brows, took a closer look, and saw a light pink creature emerge from it.

Everyone thought it was going to fall to the ground, but found that Mew actually hovered for a while when it touched the surface, and then staggered and fell to the ground!

Lu Sheng’s eyelids jumped.

At birth, he has mastered the ability of Confusion Flying!

“Hey, what happened to it just now?

“Can you fly? But no wings.”

There was chattering around, and several laboratory personnel looked at Mew curiously, and were shocked by the scene just now.

Mew was born, with eyes still closed.

The little Arnold is just, still more likable.

“Like a pink kitten, the tail is very long, almost twice as long as the body! The olive-shaped tail is quite distinctive…

Zhuo Churan came back to his senses and asked, “Mr. Lu, why does it feel like it was hovering in the air just now?”

“Know Confusion? 99

Lu Sheng didn’t intend to hide it.

Once you come, you will see Mew often in the future.

Second, there will be Confusion-type Pokémon born in the future, it is better to make it public.


Zhuo Churan and the others did not react for a while.

Because Confusion, in their view, does not exist with the current genetic organisms.

The concept of Confusion has only been seen in novels, movies and TV dramas. In the real world, there are only some rumors or foreign anecdotes. It is ambiguous that there may be Confusion in such and such.

Now Lu Sheng told them that Mew had Confusion, but they couldn’t turn their heads.

“Its brain is very developed, its spiritual power reaches its peak, and Confusion is born.

Lu Sheng pretended to be ecstatic: “Everyone, my experiment is successful, the world’s first Confusion-type Pokémon!

After speaking, he turned around and hugged Zhuo Churan fiercely to express his excitement.

“Read, Confusion?

Several people looked at each other.

Zhuo Churan was also stunned, not only because of Mew’s ability, but also because of Lu Sheng’s sudden embrace.

Thinking that Lu Sheng hugged her because she was too excited, she didn’t get angry at all, but her cheeks were flushed.

“Mr. Lu, is it really Confusion? You are amazing…”

0…. ask for flowers.. 0

Zhuo Churan was stunned.

Every time I thought that what Lu Sheng did was a miracle, Lu Sheng surpassed everyone’s imagination.

Evolutionary gene technology, hydrogen and oxygen atom gene technology…

Now, there is another Confusion gene technology.

Really great.

In their eyes, Lu Sheng is equivalent to the world’s first biological designer.

While others are following the path of their predecessors, Lu Sheng has opened up a new path and goes further and further.

In the future, there must be a strong stroke of Lu Sheng in history, and there must be a place for the Pokémon company.


Although it is inconspicuous, if it is mentioned in the future, will someone write about you in the No. 2 laboratory?

When everyone thought of this, their hearts were up and down, and it was difficult to calm down.

“Drilling out a new technology is not easy.”

Lu Sheng said with a smile: “Everyone encourages us! I hope you can keep your secrets, and I don’t want Mew to be exposed for the time being, understand?

“Understood. 35

“Mr. Lu, we know the importance!

Zhuo Churan and others took it seriously.

Everyone signed a strict confidentiality agreement with Lu Sheng. Without Lu Sheng’s permission, anyone who discloses the situation of the laboratory will face sky-high compensation.

After a while, everyone realized the potential of the Pokémon Company, everyone had a bright future, and no one wanted to be stupid.

In addition, Lu Sheng is constantly improving everyone’s salary, such as some old employees, the salary has more than doubled compared with the previous two months.

Not double, but double!

As the company continues to grow, their pay will only continue to improve.

Beyond wages, there are hidden benefits.

For example, family members are proud of their work at Pokémon and show off to friends and family.

The parents kept exhorting and asking them to work hard in the company.

There is an older bachelor in the laboratory, and the matchmakers at home have come one after another recently!


Everyone heard a small voice.

Mew has opened his eyes, and his big triangular eyes are full of curiosity about the world.

Pikachu Jiji was lying on the hatching room and looked at Mew.

Suddenly, Mew’s appearance changed rapidly, and in a breath, he became another Pikachu!

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