I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 181

My Father (1)

Doreen! No!!]

Despite Haina’s screams.

Doreen’s hands don’t stop.

Clavicular fluid

When a sharp blade pierced Doran’s neck.

“ · · · ”

Suddenly, the blade stops in front of Doran’s neck.

[… what are you doing?]

Suddenly Doren stops moving.

Babylon buries in her grim tone.

“.. I don’t know. ”

[It’s a simple matter of sticking a knife in his throat, don’t you know?]

“Yeah, I don’t know.”

Doran already thinks of Doran as a common rock.

Killing Doran was simple and simple.

‘And you still won’t listen to me? Even though you’ve lost all your emotions? ’

I wonder if there’s something missing.

‘No, Doreen’s emotions are obviously all gone. And yet you refuse the final test? ’

How could a mere creature, and now Doren, a mere puppet, refuse to speak?

Is this what you’ve been doing?

‘No, it can’t be! This can’t be happening! ’

[Anyone can make mistakes. It’s natural for an incomplete creature to make a mistake. So I’m going to give you another chance. Kill Doran! Then you will rise above all others!]

Even though the Emperor whispered softly to seduce him again.

“ · · · ”

Doren’s already stopped hand was barely moving.

The emperor thinks with his expression distorted.

‘Hmm… This is so unlike anything I’ve ever seen. ’

All beings who have lost their minds have followed his orders to take the test.

Doreman did not follow his orders.

‘Is Doreen special or did I discover the variables that life had? ’

An agent who distorts the face in the appearance of unexpected variables.

‘I never thought I would show such patriotism even after I removed my emotions… No, love is not an emotion, so an imprinted command on my body will refuse me. Quite an interesting discovery. ’

The feeling of excitement lingered on his face for a moment.

The emotion was brief.

“It doesn’t matter if Doreen is special. If you react like that even after you get rid of all your emotions, you’ll have similar reactions even if you get rid of all the creatures’ emotions. ’

And it wasn’t what he wanted.

‘The beginning of all things, emotion. ’

Desire, desperation, etc.

A series of emotions evokes life and makes history.

‘So I tried to get rid of my feelings…’

There would be nothing left but emptiness in a world without emotion.

It was also the world he had always dreamed of.

“All I need is control and discipline in the world I will rule. ’

Emotions will act as a big variable in such a world.

That’s why we repeatedly removed the emotions of the creatures and tested their reactions.

[· · ·]

Babylon, whose face is full of frown, is soon told to be heard by the living.

[That’s it. I’m not interested anymore.]

“So you’re giving Doren back her feelings? ”

Cayron’s question:

[How dare those creatures talk to me?]

A living voice strikes the air.


Strike the air with an angry voice.


Sandstorms sweep away all living things from their voices.

“What the…”

“The power of Doren is nothing compared to… Is this really the power of the Emperor?”

Unlike other mercenaries,

Sazanne and Cayron endure sandstorms.

[I have nothing to see with you anymore. As you were created to live under his control in the hands of God, you must perish.]

The voice that resonates in the air is like the work of every living thing.

Keep talking.

[No. It would be better for me to exterminate all beings and create a new people.] There is no history of emotions in this world, and my orders alone are absolute.]

At the end of the sentence, Babylon holds her jaw up high.

Look at Doren.

[I have the perfect body to come here.What a great day to create a new world.]


Soon after, a white wire went around Doren’s body and dug his chest out.

“ · · · ”

Doreen staggers and sags, leaving no response.

[nonsense response]

Suddenly, red eyes settled in a space where only white people lived.

Doren’s mouth slowly opens.

“I will be the creator of a new world from now on. ”


Haina sensed Doren’s transformation.

When she sadly called out his name.


JooJoon recognizes that his vision has returned to its original location.


A little frown comes to mind a moment ago.

‘I never thought things would go that way. ’

Doren’s body and mind were consumed by the goddess of the desert.

In addition to Doran and Doran, we have reached a situation that may have a major adverse effect on the world.


As his warriors turned into puppets of the Grand Master.

If they say they are not hurt, they are lying.

‘But you have to think calmly. ’

Doren’s situation was certainly unfortunate.

He had to take a more comprehensive look at the situation from the ‘Tang Khan’ standpoint.

“It would have been great if Doren and Haina were to overcome that crisis, but if Doreen were to serve as a servant of the Emperor…”

You may have to wipe Doren out with tears.

“ · · · ”

When Joon repeatedly thought about Doren.

Clears Warrior Doren’s Quarterly Achievement.

The warrior Doren has succeeded in gaining all of Babylon’s legacy.

Outside Achievements: Doren, king of mercenaries, followed Haina’s advice and made peace with Giants and Elves to promote peace on the continent.

Seeds of peace are rewarded for their rewards.

A series of messages appeared before him.

He looks at the message and thinks:

‘You’ve been trying your best as king to make peace on the continent despite your loss of emotion. ’

Perhaps it is the result of my son Doran’s efforts to live in a better world.

‘At the time of the peace treaty, there would have been as much love for Doran as there was for her. ’

between thinking things.


Suddenly, a tiny seed fell from his feet.

‘Seeds of peace. ’

Aim to pick it up, then check the description.

Seed of Peace

Description: The seed of peace and prosperity that Gondol, king of the Elves, gave to the chiefs of the three tribes in honor of their union. This blood-sensitive flower of peace is susceptible to combat and slaughter, and is said to wither just before war.

Ability: Predict the airflow of an imminent war.

“Oh… So if there’s a war going on, it’s unusual that it will wither.” ’

Furthermore, let’s postpone the explanation that it was only distributed to the chiefs of each species.

I also thought that maybe the Elves cared a lot.

‘This seed will not be planted in the yard if you later move into the cottage. ’

The head shaking soon.

“Maybe the next warrior needs this seed.” Let’s keep it safe for now. ’

When he put the seeds in the sub-space well.

Warrior Doren is dead.

Get the complete and comprehensive rewards of Warrior Doren.

Would you like to receive the consolidated compensation?

Suddenly, there was a comprehensive compensation message.

“ · · · ”

He forgets to put in the seeds, and stares at the dazed message.

“What the hell…”

How long has it been since you received your daily reward? You suddenly get a death message.


She looks at the message with complex yet delicate eyes.

As he stared at the message for a long time, he soon put his finger on the message slowly.


Doren appears in his sights, staring at countless mercenaries.

“You may be short of a body, but you’re not bad at it. ”

Doreen gripping her hands.

He turns his blank gaze to the battlefield where there are numerous mercenaries.

“Fire the arrows! ”

“But he’s our…”

“That is no longer our king. You’re nothing but a slave to the Emperor! Shoot!!”

When the mandate of all the artisans who quickly read the ominous airflow comes through,

Clavicular fluid

Arrows cover the sky.

“ · · · ”


But many arrows didn’t even scratch Doren’s barrier of sand.

Doren draws a hose around her mouth, looking at them like that.

“The rubbish is still overflowing, both before and now. First, we have to clean this place lightly. ”

The moment Doreen finished her sentence.


The ground the mercenaries were treading on immediately turned into a desert.

A huge inferno of ants begins to form above the ground.

“Climb! Climb!” ”

The mercenaries sought to escape the anthill, screaming.


They won’t tolerate their escape.

The Ant Hell expanded its area in an instant.


“H-help me. I haven’t…”

It eats away mercenaries.

“Perhaps our king… has fallen into an irreversible path. ”

Cayron mourns as he watches the horror with a stiff face.

“Is there no way to get Doren back? ”

Seizan asks, “You haven’t lost hope yet.”

“The king has already been placed in the hands of the Emperor. It’s… too late. Unfortunately… there is only one thing we can do for the mercenary king. ”

“You don’t want to kill Doren, do you? ”

“Otherwise… there is no other way. ”

Cayron’s words widened his eyes.

“Doreen was a companion who crossed over with us in life and death! And kill him?! ”

The old man who was humiliated by the work of the Giant smiles.

“Did I say that because I like him… I promised that this old body would be his sword until it turned to dust… and that it would be a pillar to support his kingdom.” Do you really think I said that because I like it so much? ”

“ · · · ”

Maybe Cayron’s voice is just pathetically shaken.

Seyzanne was not disputing anything.

“Dad, right? ”

Suddenly, the voice of a confused young man is heard behind their backs.

“Doran, you’re up. ”

“Grandpa… who are you? ”

Cayron bitterly replies as Doran watches over him.

“One of the men who tried to save you from your father. The same goes for Giants over here. Of course you don’t.

Only after Doran was abducted did they gather under Doren.

Doran doesn’t know them.

“ · · · ”

Maybe it’s his fault.

Doran watches over them, but asks Doren, looking at the distant frenzy.

“W-why is my father fighting with soldiers? What?”

‘I guess it’s because I’ve been trapped in a column for a long time… A child can only be an adult. ’

Moreover, I understood that Doran was embarrassed because of the long time of space.

‘But now… I don’t have time to explain. We need to get Doran and the mercenaries out of here as soon as possible. ’

Since you have witnessed the power of a divine emperor that will not be harmed.

Fighting him was impossible.

‘But if you get as much power as you can and then run away, and you join the other countries… maybe there’s a little bit of a win. ’

Cayron was rolling his head.

“Father! Father!! ”

Suddenly Doran yells at Doren.

Seizan urgently grabs him and says,

“Doran! That’s not your father! We must flee now! ”

“Let go of me! Let go!”

Doran struggles to escape Seyzan’s arms.

Instead, Seizan tightly hugs him and turns his head to look at the battlefield.


“D-run! ”

The scene of a unilateral massacre.


The undead slaughtered the mercenaries mercilessly.


A sandstorm and an ant inferno would not leave even a handful of life behind.

They tear their flesh apart.

“ · · · ”

‘Even if all the mercenaries die here, Doran runs away with them safely. ’

That’s the way Doren really wants it.

“Cayron, you’re right. It’s only a matter of time before Doren is returned. Once we get Doran out of here…”

“Go ahead. ”

“ · · · ”

Sazanne frowns at Cayron’s dead voice.

“What does that mean? You’re not coming with me? ”

“It belongs to my kingdom of black agape. The heart of the kingdom is about to collapse, but you can’t just run away. ”

Cayron continues to speak with a faint smile.

“And I’ll buy you as much time as I can with the mercenaries as he might go after Doran.” ”

“ · · · ”

Seizan looks at him silently for a moment, then nods.

“I will defend Doran in the name of my father Baikal. So you must come back alive. ”

“Don’t worry. Human lives are tougher than they look. ”

Finally, Cayron jumped into the sandstorm battlefield.

“Let’s go. There’s no time.”

“No! No! He’s in there! ”

Sazanne was trying to get out of the way, too, with Doran in her arms.

“You dare to run from me? Interesting.”

Doren’s hollow eyes stare directly at Sazanne and Doran, far away.

“You can’t do that. ”

As much as Doran screwed up all his plans.

Doren was about to move quickly to Doran because she didn’t intend to let him go gently.

“Ugh… You…”

Doren suddenly suffers with her hair in her hands.

The End

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