CHAPTER 21 The Safe Zone Unveiled

Wednesday, Day 11 of the Apocalypse Calendar – Leg Training Day

Lu Ming's routine had become as precise as clockwork. Early in the morning, he noticed Wang Xiong and Zhang Lixin leaving their house again. He paid them no mind, fully absorbed in his leg workout for the day. His focus was razor-sharp, and for two grueling hours, he pushed his limits through high-intensity exercises. The sweat pouring off him signaled his progress, and as he finally completed the session, his attribute panel reflected the results:

Strength: 14.7 → 15.5
Physique: 15.2 → 16
Agility: 16.7 → 17.5


  • Fitness Level 3: 150/300 experience points

With the workout done, Lu Ming prepared a quick meal. He ate methodically, savoring the post-training quiet—until the doorbell rang, shattering his peace. He sighed, already knowing who it was, and walked over to the door. A glance at the electronic display confirmed his suspicion: Wang Xiong's beaming, sweaty face stared back at him.

"Brother Lu!" Wang Xiong exclaimed with enthusiasm. "We’ve got two more people joining our safe zone today! And guess what? Two beautiful ladies!" He gestured excitedly to his side, revealing two unfamiliar women standing just behind him.

Lu Ming’s brow furrowed, tuning out the sight of the newcomers. A single thought reverberated in his mind, “Safe zone? What safe zone?”

Wang Xiong, oblivious to Lu Ming’s confusion, carried on with his introduction. "The taller beauty here is Yu Fei. She used to work in social media before everything went to hell." He panned the camera over to the second woman. "And this shorter, lovely lady is Bai Lu. She was an elementary school teacher."

Though the two women were undeniably attractive, each with their own appeal, Lu Ming didn’t spare them a second glance. His mind raced with confusion, trying to grasp Wang Xiong’s mention of a "safe zone." His focus remained squarely on Wang Xiong.

"So… what's the point of this?" Lu Ming finally asked, his tone flat.

Wang Xiong’s grin only grew wider. "Don’t worry about it, brother! Just thought you’d want to meet our new neighbors. We’ll all be living together in the safe zone, after all. It's good to get acquainted, build some camaraderie."

Lu Ming blinked. His expression, if Wang Xiong could have seen it, would have been a sea of question marks. "Safe zone? What safe zone are you talking about?"

Ignoring Lu Ming’s evident confusion, Wang Xiong pressed on. "Look, Brother Lu, I know you're a bit of a lone wolf, but we’re stronger together. The more people we have in our safe zone, the better our chances of surviving the apocalypse."

Lu Ming wanted to scream. He struggled to keep his tone calm. "Please, don’t bother me with these things in the future, alright?"

Wang Xiong’s cheery demeanor faltered for a split second. "But Brother Lu—"

"Coming here every day—some might call it enthusiasm, but others might think you practically live here," Lu Ming interrupted.

Wang Xiong finally seemed to catch on to Lu Ming’s frustration. "Brother Lu, this is serious! We need more people to survive. It’s not just for us; it’s for everyone in the safe zone."

Just as Lu Ming was about to lose his temper, Wang Xiong changed the subject. "Besides, you’re cooped up inside all the time. You don’t know what’s going on outside! I’m just trying to fill you in, you know? Think of it like social media before the apocalypse: DY, WeChat Moments—keeping up with the world! At least you’d want to know how the zombies are evolving, right?"

The mention of zombies evolving immediately piqued Lu Ming’s interest. “Zombies evolving?” That was important.

"Are the zombies evolving again?" he asked, his tone serious.

Wang Xiong chuckled. "Not exactly. Brother Zhang and I went out this morning, but we didn’t run into any of the giant ones we saw before."

"???" was all Lu Ming could think.

"But there’s something weird," Wang Xiong continued. "It feels like the zombies are getting more active."

Wang Xiong was still talking when Lu Ming finally relented. As annoying as the man was, Wang Xiong was a necessary source of outside information. Maybe dealing with him wouldn’t be entirely useless.

After half an hour of Wang Xiong’s endless chatter, Lu Ming finally cut him off.

"I’m going to take a nap."

Wang Xiong, though slightly disappointed, nodded. "Sure, Brother Lu, rest well."

As Wang Xiong, Yu Fei, and Bai Lu departed, Yu Fei spoke up. "Brother Wang—"

"Just call me Wang Xiong," he interjected with a smile.

"Wang Xiong, the person we just met, is he the Brother Lu Ming you talked about?"

Wang Xiong nodded proudly. "That’s Brother Lu. He’s in charge of security here in Good Hope Village. I handle external affairs—going out, gathering supplies. Brother Lu keeps everyone safe inside the zone."

Yu Fei and Bai Lu exchanged glances, visibly impressed. Wang Xiong's earlier act of heroism had already secured their trust, but now learning about Lu Ming's role as their protector deepened their respect.

"But… he’s not much of a talker, is he?" Bai Lu whispered quietly.

"Talker?" Yu Fei remarked. "He didn’t even show his face. Isn’t that weird? Even in pre-apocalypse social media, people would at least use filters or avatars."

Wang Xiong shrugged off their concerns. "Everyone’s got their quirks, right?"

Bai Lu smiled. "At least you seem normal."

Wang Xiong grinned. "You just haven’t known me long enough!"

His tone shifted to a more serious one as they neared the safe house. "You’ve met Brother Lu now, so if anything happens while I’m out, you know who’s got your back here."

As they reached the door, Yu Fei asked one last question. "Wang Xiong, is Brother Lu an Awakened too?"

Wang Xiong nodded. "He is."

Yu Fei raised an eyebrow. "So, who’s stronger? You or him?"

Caught off guard, Wang Xiong hesitated. After a pause, he answered, "Brother Lu excels at long-range attacks with his slingshot. His accuracy is off the charts. But in close combat? I think I’ve got the edge."

Satisfied, Yu Fei and Bai Lu nodded in understanding. Wang Xiong smiled humbly. "It’s not about who’s stronger. We’re a team. I handle the outside threats; Brother Lu protects us inside."

Just as they were about to enter the safe house, the door swung open. Dr. Meng Jie greeted them with a wide smile.

"My research on the giant zombie is finally showing some results!"

End of Chapter 21

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