I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 398

Chapter 396

Side Story: The Last Story – 3

“With the goddess?”

“Yes. Is that not okay with you?”

“It’s not that it’s not okay, but…”

Even though Eclipse is the developer of Brightest Darkness 4, there’s a huge difference between creating the game and playing it. Just because they made Brightest Darkness 4 doesn’t mean they’re good at it.

I glanced at Eclipse as they picked up the controller and began moving the sticks with their thumbs. Initially, their movements were awkward, but within just a few seconds, they adapted and became quite natural.

‘Well, let’s not overthink this.’

They might be genuinely wanting to enjoy the game with me, not just jumping in to win. Until a clear reason is revealed, unnecessary speculation should be avoided.

And although it didn’t feel that way at all, Eclipse was definitely a goddess. If they set their mind to something, they could do anything. Getting good at Brightest Darkness 4 would likely be no exception.

“Does this mean you’ll only accept a bet if I’m not empty-handed? Understood.”

My delay in answering was due to overthinking for a moment, but it seemed they interpreted it differently.

“Then how about a bet, okay?”

“What kind of bet do you mean?”

“The winner gets to command the loser to do anything. Really, anything.”

The moment I heard “anything” regarding commands, my instincts screamed danger. It felt like there was some hidden motive. Plus, they emphasized “really anything,” which made it even more suspicious.

At least the Eclipse I knew didn’t have the personality to casually say something like that.

“Of course, lewd commands are possible too! For example, live for a day without any clothes, completely naked…”

Eclipse’s face flushed slightly as they awkwardly curled up and lifted the cloth at their chest. The golden covering was raised to a precarious position.

With their other hand, they were fiddling with their genital cover. The tiny piece of rag, barely the width of two fingers, wavered dangerously as if it could be pushed aside at any moment.

‘I saw that coming.’

By specifically mentioning lewd commands, it seemed they were fully intending to lose to me.

What if I were to throw the match instead? They’d unleash all the desires they had bottled up. It was a bet where they could never come out at a loss, regardless of whether they won or lost.

“Alright. Let’s do it, the bet.”

“Hehe, yes.”

Eclipse beamed with joy and leaned back against the sofa.

I used a catalyst for PVP and drew a white summoning sign on the floor. Exactly at the place where I used the catalyst, the same shape and color of the summoning sign appeared on the TV displaying Eclipse’s game screen.

As Eclipse’s character approached and pressed the interaction key, my character turned white and appeared in that world. A character resembling Eclipse performed a ‘jumping with joy’ gesture.

According to the laws of physics, the character’s chest was a size that rivaled their head, swaying vigorously. It contrasted starkly with the grotesque appearance of my character.

‘When did they change their character?’

That was definitely an Aurora account.

I used the ‘courteous greeting’ gesture as I swapped the broken sword I was holding for a proper weapon, while the character resembling Eclipse showcased a voluptuous figure, pulling out a Wingless Nightmare and a staff.

“Can we start now?”

“Yes. You can come at me as much as you want, goddess.”

“Alright, here I go!”

In the next moment, Eclipse’s character raised the staff in hand. A blue light burst from it, causing twelve orbs to float around their body. It was the Magic Induction Crystal Spell.

Each orb might deal weak damage, but if they start hitting, I’d get stunned and hit at least four or five times in a row. Should I roll to avoid? The timing would be so predictable I’d get caught in a roll catch.

This combination was created after a lot of thought between Aurora and Kaiquilia regarding how to beat me; I had struggled to come up with a solution beforehand.

Surprisingly, the solution was simple.

“Uh, uh? What are you doing?!”

Just walk and dodge instead of rolling.

I walked through all the induced crystals, then approached right in front of Eclipse. The character, thinking I wouldn’t rush in, began preparing magic, but their pattern was way too obvious.

I deflected all their normal attacks and retaliated with a thrust of my sword. Eclipse’s character, struck by the greatsword’s strong attack, soared into the air before crashing down with a thud.

“Didn’t you just see Aurora and Kaiquilia getting hit earlier?”

While one was attacking, I dodged the crystals flying from beyond, so dodging something coming from that far was as easy as closing my eyes.

Pouting their lips, Eclipse cast their next spell. Twirling the staff in a semicircle, their character completely disappeared.

It was a spell that made the body transparent, and since even the sound of footsteps vanished completely, it seemed like a higher-tier version of the simple invisibility spell, ‘Invisible Body,’ known as ‘Perfect Stealth.’

‘…Was body reveal limited to monsters only?’

At first glance, it seemed like an essential spell, but surprisingly, there weren’t that many practical applications. If a player gets within a certain distance of a monster, they’ll notice, whether or not ‘Perfect Stealth’ is active.

Additionally, the detection range was quite broad. It was within striking distance of a greatsword, one of the huge swords.

I quickly scanned my surroundings. The duration of Perfect Stealth without equipping specific runes was only 45 seconds. If I can just create some distance—


My character was suddenly hit by an attack from somewhere and fell flat. I rotated the screen in the direction where the attack had come from, but there was nothing there.

“Hey! How’s this?”

Eclipse looked at me with a triumphant expression. It somehow radiated a sense of heat.

It was an unexpected blow, but I remained calm and surveyed my surroundings. Before I could figure out the position, I allowed another attack. Boldly, this time the attack came straight from the front.

‘…I can’t see anything.’

I couldn’t infer the traces of the attack, nor could I figure out their movements. Was invisibility magic originally like this?

As Eclipse landed two successive hits on me, Aurora stared at the screen with a very serious expression, seemingly considering trying out Perfect Stealth for herself.

“I have two hits left, you. After two more hits, you’ll be the pathetic one who can’t play as well as me, right? Am I right?”


I was dumbfounded. What in the world was this goddess saying to me right now? I suddenly felt an urge to give Eclipse a flick on the forehead, but I held back.

It would only give them an excuse to attack if I retaliate outside the game, so I needed to focus on winning the game first. I had to crush that cocky expression, that triumphant tone, and that arrogant demeanor head-on.

Just like I did in the Chaos Dungeon.

“We’re down to one hit, right? Our pathetic you? Should I start thinking about what commands I’ll give you? Shall we?”

As my character barely withstood the third hit, Eclipse giggled, poking my cheek playfully. Gradually, Perfect Stealth was undone, and Eclipse’s character became visible.

‘At the 12 o’clock mark.’

As soon as Eclipse’s body became visible, they immediately used Perfect Stealth again. The body that had just been revealed vanished once more.


Since they must have moved the moment they got hidden, they were likely within striking distance of my weapon now. From here on out, it was merely a psychological battle.

Finding the direction from which the Eclipse that had just teased me would attack. That one thing was enough. I looked around then suddenly swung my sword.


“Uh, huh?”

With Eclipse’s confused voice, a strong vibration transmitted through the controller. The character, struck by the greatsword, staggered in a state of stun.

When I first struck, I intentionally held back my follow-up to observe, but now was different. I swiftly followed up with the next attack. Eclipse’s character died precisely on the third hit.


As it seemed the game that I thought was over flipped upside down, the controller slipped from Eclipse’s hands. Their pupils trembled, and their mouth hung open without closing.

‘From now on, I’ll have to consider the different effects between PvP and PvE.’

Since all I had done till now was PvE, I hadn’t thought about how Perfect Stealth would operate in such a way. Looking at their expression, it seemed Aurora thought the same.

“This one was a bit tough. You made me think a little, goddess.”

“Wh… what…?”

“It was simply a psychological battle over which direction the attack would come from. I succeeded, didn’t I?”

I also set down the controller, feeling slightly relieved inside. Luckily, the last direction I guessed was right; otherwise, I could have faced the humiliation of being called pathetic by Eclipse.

“Th-this can’t be happening…”

It seemed the shock was significant as Eclipse mumble to themselves. But their determination to win was sincere. I almost thought they were trying to satisfy their own desires again when they openly said anything lewd was possible, but I must have been mistaken—

“I deliberately changed the magic effect— Eep.

“What did you just say?”

Hearing something that couldn’t just be overlooked while they mumbled, I asked back. It must have slipped out without them realizing, as Eclipse quickly covered their mouth.

“What did you change?”


“Whoa, why is the goddess acting like that?”

“Because you tricked me.”

“…What kind of trick was so impressive that you tied me up with a gag and hung me naked from the living room ceiling?”

“Things like that can happen. Oh, by the way, I’m planning to go back to your world soon. Can you help me prepare?”

“Of course, I can prepare, but what for?”

“I also need to meet your parents, don’t I?”


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