I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

First Interlude: Survival Plan’s Ideation

There are times in life when we need to slow down a bit and take things a bit more calmly.




I never thought I would be confronted with humans...


This was the eighth time this week that I have encountered groups of humans. And it wasn't until this last time that I decided to test my skills on them.


But before they arrived, I had been killing various things. Salamanders, Kobolds, Goblins, Hounds, and things called "Counterfeiters", mimic something known as [Divine Power] to change their physical appearances.


And what I've realized in all these encounters is something very simple.


Against monsters, I'm weak, I'm weaker than a fish out of water, I could say I'm at the bottom of a whole food chain, and that's still an understatement!


But against humans, I am unfortunately strong! So much so that I could destroy them with a single attack but just to be merciful I decided not to! So that I wouldn't have been left with irreparable psychological damage!


When I was facing all those monsters, how many times do you think I was next to death?! I wouldn't have any idea how I survived all those fights either if I didn't possess [Vampirism] with me!


That's why I've been sitting around the pile of corpses to think...


I was kind of pedantic when I was facing those guys. I thought they were going to be more like the monsters that resist my attacks without a problem.


My sword would have split in two if I faced a [Hob Goblin] since their skin is much, much stronger. And a [Kobold] would have resisted my rudimentary flint weapon with its thick skull.


But these humans couldn't even withstand that.


I ended up crying a little because I was disappointed at this. However, I have no time for sentimentality.


A lot of people are coming to the first floor, which means I have to move as soon as possible to the first floor. And anyway, I've killed so many monsters that the regeneration rate of this floor has been controlled.


I need a plan from now on. Since I don't want to kill another human just for taking the initiative.


But... What can I do?


The monsters on the next floor will most likely be something very different compared to the monsters on this floor. It's most likely that these were just the tutorials.


Why did I have to go hard mode on this reincarnation thing?


I swear, if I meet someone who was reincarnated as the heir to a noble family, I'm going to slap him!


Although... if we think about it, I'm probably the only one who's outside the normal standards of an isekai story.


Anyway, I have to set rules for myself.


  1. Hurt only those who hurt me (or intend to hurt me).
  2. Do anything, even the most repulsive, just for my survival.
  3. Get some method of not burning in the sun.
  4. Kill everyone who is my enemy.
  5. Gain as many stats and skills as possible throughout my time in this dungeon.


That's enough, isn't it?


Primitive as these rules are, they are only to prevail as much as possible. I will endeavor not to raise weapons against anyone who does not try to do something first.


My fangs are lethal weapons, that much has been proven.


I would only have to use them in case of emergencies.


In the meantime, I will continue to master my [Recreation], at least until I can keep my weapons from breaking somehow.


Now let's talk about the plan of action.


The only way to stay alive and get stronger so I can survive against bigger monsters, for sure, is to keep going down through the dungeon. Sooner or later a human is going to come along who will have all the power to kill me.


Have you noticed?


Little by little I have stopped thinking like a human. I have to do it or else I won't be able to continue surviving as I have been doing so far.


As I go down the dungeon, the number of obstacles to get to me will increase. I will try to make as many allies as possible, if there are any intelligent life forms at the bottom of this dungeon.


I also need to learn all about my abilities as a [Vampire] and what things I can accomplish within them. If I find better ways to use them, I'm sure I'll get creative at some point.


I understand one or two things at the moment. All I know is that the more abilities I have, the stronger I'm going to get depending on how I use them.


One of the things I've learned recently...


When I slide my right hand in front of my face, it opens a window that shows me the inventory I have as a "character". It also shows me the upgrades I can get with specific items and... an evolution tree.


This is most likely something that only monsters have, and it allows us to derive more specific species that increase base stats if it weren't for me being a [Vampire], I wouldn't have any other methods to increase those stats other than acquiring skills for it or equipping a rare item.


There are two types of [Evolutions]: "Partial" and "Full".


The difference between the two is about the external changes that [Full Evolutions] produce. These changes influence aspects such as height, musculature, facial features, and even scalp or skin pigmentation. There is a great diversification of species for my race, which gives me a wide range of options.


From the moment I was born, I found myself in the [Lower Vampire] evolution which is central to the roots of the [Undead] next to [Lesser Ghoul] and [Zombie].


On the other hand, [Partial Evolutions] increase base stats and even confer abilities, but certain conditions are required to be met to obtain them.


And since I've been slaying packs of monsters, I was able to obtain only one of these [Partial Evolutions].



[A "Partial Evolution" can be acquired. The name of this evolution is: "Genocidal"]

[Genocidal: For those with a desire that can only be fulfilled by their frivolous heart. Prerequisite: Unknown. Reward: Skill - "Genocide"]



Wow... Is this how the [System] looks at me? As someone who seeks indiscriminate death?


Yeah, maybe.


You're right since I've been killing non-stop just because of my desire to get out of here as soon as possible.




Well, we must acquire this [Partial Evolution]!



[You have acquired the skill "Genocide" through "Partial Evolution". The title "Genocide" has been acquired. Level too low to get the titling benefits]



It's ok. Enough about evolutions.


I stand up and then activate my [Recreation].


I concentrate my imagination as best I can on my wrists and invest every last point of [MP] I have in my stats to form clothes suitable for me. I create a tunic to cover my face when I deploy it.



[The skill "Recreation Lvl. 16" has been successfully raised to Lvl. 17]



Oh. My skill went up again. This brings a smile to my face.



Alright, it's time to continue descending in the dungeon.

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