I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 57 – Too much blood.

By the time I jumped out of the carriage I was already in front of the man, I went at incredible speed, it seems that when I get adrenaline, I can increase my speed, even more, this is very nice.

"You brat, I won't let you do what you want." When the man realized that I jumped over all the henchmen and was heading toward him, he started to with anger and pulled his sword from its sheath.

Why wasn't he holding the sword yet, is he dumb or something? Who in their right mind attacks someone without their weapon in hand?

Well, after all, I think they're amateur bandits, but that doesn't change the fact that they were trying to steal and rape us, and that I can't forgive. If I left these pigs alive, they would look for prey elsewhere, so I think it would be better to end it all.

By the time I realized the man was already swinging his sword toward me, as I was in the air and was facing him, I could stop these sword only with my strength and endurance, but I want to test something more interesting.

I quickly began to imagine a barrier in front of me, a barrier much like the one that guy attacked me, well, it wasn't identical because I got some references from MMORPG games, wizards used similar spells.

Watching anime also helped me get a good idea of ​​how to create this barrier. I guess I wouldn't have to imagine so much. I think the power of imagination works very well in this world, and just imagining a barrier to some simple game would work.

The instant my imagination flowed through my mind, a huge barrier of transparent red appeared in front of me. She was a lot like the barrier this man used, but her color was much prettier, and only by her appearance could you see she was more powerful.

The instant the sword hit the barrier, a small red light came out of where the sword hit, and it was easily repelled. I put a smile on my face when I saw that and looked at the man with a deadly look.

When the man saw that, he tried to attack continuously, but my barrier repelled all his attacks very easily.

"You can't hurt me." I smiled at the man, and after the man saw that he couldn't hurt me he stopped attacking and I could see a small drop of sweat trickling down his cheek, I think now he's sweating cold after realizing he's dead.

"Yes, you are dead," I said as I pointed my finger towards the man's face, after seeing that a small tear fell from the man's eye after realizing what was happening.

"Plea .." When he tried to say something, I shot a wind bullet right in the middle of his nose.

A huge amount of blood came out of the back of his head, and the man fell to the ground unconscious, he will not attack anyone else I think.

The adrenaline in my body wasn't over yet, so I turned to see how the girls continued to fight. 2 of the bad guys were already dead, so there were only three left.

Cibely looked pretty tired since most of the bad guys used swords, and she had to fight almost all of him directly. She had support from Eleonor and Clevina, but she was very worn out, so I think I need to help them.

'This will do.' I got the sword from the bandits I had just killed and then started running at high speed towards the girls who were fighting the bandits, and they don't even realize that their boss is already dead, they are fighting for their lives.

'I don't know how to use a sword very well, but I'm sure if I swing with a certain force, I will be able to cut.' That's what I thought as I ran toward the men with a big smile on my face, that was so much fun.


I got close to the men in an instant, and when I got close to the first man he couldn't even notice me, when he turned his face to me I was already running past while pointing the sword at his belly, the only thing he could feel was his belly being torn as his insides were thrown out.

He dropped his sword to the ground and then spit a huge amount of blood, after which he could not stand for even a second and fell to the dead ground.

When they saw that all the girls stopped fighting right away and the men started shaking with fear.

The only thing they saw was a little girl holding a sword with her arm all stained with her mate's blood when they saw the little girl knew they couldn't stay here and started running.

"You will not run away." I started running after one of them that was already at a considerable distance.

I didn't even try to chase after them. First, it is much more fun when you give someone hope that they can escape a situation like this. This is being more fun than I thought, I feel like a lion hunting its prey.

I ran after one of them and then jumped toward his back and thrust the sword with all my might. The sword pierced the man's body, causing him to fall to the dead ground, and he had no chance to react.

After I looked at the other man who was even further away, he started to despair, but I didn't care, I just wanted to kill him.

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