I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 87: The Winds of Change

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



Chapter 87 The Wind of Change.

(General P.O.V)

With the signal given, Danny reached to his neck and lifted a red plastic demonic mask. It was similar to Davian's own only with longer black horns.

The masks were not uncomfortable. Infact they fit on their faces snugly. Better than anything he had used during his tenure as a Henchmen.

Danny slipped into his past role easily. It might have seemed silly but after working for more than one supervillain, he'd figured out that the gimmicks were important.

For the team spirit if nothing else. Life wasn't easy for a goon. It was easier if you felt you weren't alone.

Danny also had to hand it to Davian. 

He was the one who had brought the ten sets with him. Had Davian anticipated that Danny would agree to his crazy plans? Of so that showed a crazy level of foresight and planning.

After one of his men had enquired why they had to wear masks, Davian informed them that Falcone usually had a hidden camera that monitored each of his illegal establishments.

It was part risky and part useful for the crime lord. The footage could be used to prosecute him but none of it ever made it to the GCPD hands.

Danny knew what that was.


The masks were to keep their faces hidden. It was a logical excuse.

Danny saw it for what it was, a simple misdirection from the masks' real purpose. His experience told him they had to serve another objective.

If the cameras were the problem there were easier alternatives. Buying a set of matching masks that were strangely snug and comfortable was not it.

The PRT cleared the distance from the van to the warehouse quickly, guns held in their hands but secured across their shoulders by slings. The masks made the Five men look menacing. 

Danny, held up his rifle in perfect form, the scope highlighting the purple glow seeping through the cracks on the destroyed entrance.

One of his men occupied the other side of the entrance as they moved in with practiced coordination.

Then they entered.

Danny swallowed the sigh of relief, as did the three men following after him (Johnny was keeping watch at the entrance). The fight that they were expecting wasn't going to happen.

All of Falcone's men sat on the floor, incapacitated by the purple strings wrapped around them tightly. Including their mouths to stop them from making any noise.

He swept his gaze out and saw Davian. The man was standing infront of the money, with his back to them.

Speaking of the money...Danny had to do a doubletake.

It was a huge bundle of cash, placed in the shape of a cube that was taller than any of them. They weren't expecting this much cash.

Danny felt his brows start to sweat. Davian had told him they would be hitting a stash house at most but this...this was something else.

He heard one of his 4 men suck in a breath.

The cash, while astounding wasn't what really grabbed their attention.

The utterly massive cat, that was lying behind Falcone's men with an uninterested expression on it's face, was the most outstanding thing in the warehouse.


One of the men called out as the cat turned it's gaze towards them, hitting them with bright torquoise eyes and a grin that split it's face into two.

"Hello there... little mice."

It called out, it's voice like a rumble of engine as it stood to it's full height, the fur on its back almost touching the light panel hanging from the roof of the tall warehouse.

Danny would never admit to being scared. He'd seen a lot. Survived a lot...this thing, whatever it was, put pressure on his very soul. He felt like falling to his knees and giving in.

"Stop scaring our friends Chase."

Davian called out, shamelessly counting the bills after tearing through one of the stacks.

The cat snorted derisively.

"Fine. The fight was mostly boring anyway. I'll take my leave."

They all breathed easier when the cat disappeared.

"Lower your guns, but keep an eye on them."

Danny told his men.

"Tie them up with the Zip ties you carried."

Davian called out, still counting the money.

"Those strings may be nigh unbreakable but they will fade after I leave. I also wouldn't mind you looking at the guns they had with them. I'm curious what you think."

He pointed his thumb at the few weapons with red glowing canisters placed far from any of their captive's reach.

Danny gave the go ahead for his men to carry out Davian's instructions. As for him, he walked towards Davian.

"A friend would inform me about a giant massive cat being in their possession."

The old Henchman grumbled, whistling as he looked up at the huge stack of money.

"They would also tell me how much the payout was."

"It's 100 million dollars. More or less. Clean cash. Normally Falcone is careful about how he moves his money. Over a dozen mid to small businesses scattered across the city to launder it."

Davian told him, pocketing a few bills from the bundle he was holding.

"In a drug house you would find at most a few hundred thousand dollars depending on the location."

Danny nodded at that. He was well aware of how things worked.

"So for the last three weeks my friends and I exclusively focused on the locations we knew Falcone valued, hitting them, taking the cash and leaving the drugs for the cops."

Oh? Danny turned to look at Davian in surprise.

The younger man went on to explain,

"Most of the money was given back to the city. The shelters, the orphanages and those who needed it. We kept some for ourselves but our eyes were on the mother load."

Davian motioned with his chin at the money.

"Regularly, whenever Batman's war on crime gets too intense, Falcone cuts his losses, gathers up all the cash he has accumulated over the last few months and transports it out of the city."

"Crime Alley is the perfect blindspot for the Bats. For some reason he's not as active here as other parts of Gotham."

Davian added, turning to Danny with a little suspicion.

The old Goon could see the question in his eyes.

"Park Row Ties stays out of The Batman's way and he does the same. He knows we're the only thing keeping this place free of more crazies trying to make a name for themselves in the most crime ridden place in Gotham."

Danny shrugged.

"Mmh. I see. I thought it was because of something else."

Davian responded, patting the money.

Danny narrowed his eyes at him.

"You planned this. All of it. From harassing Falcone's drug business to approaching me that day...you knew we would end up here."

The Henchman accused, more wary of Davian than before.

Davian said nothing, instead turning to leave.

"Load it all up. Leave a few guns for the GCPD. I'm sure a certain commissioner will find them... interesting."

Davian told them, walking out of the Warehouse, the strings around the men disappearing.

"Where are you going off to?"

Danny asked as one of his men called in Team B to assist in loading the vans.

"Just a light stop. Bring the 10 million where we agreed."

Davian told him without looking back.

After the purple strings around them had disappeared, one of Falcone's men hacked, coughing as he inhaled mouthfuls of air.

"You're dead Scarlet Devil! Falcone will come after you and everyone you love. He will hack your loved ones into small pieces of chum and feed them to the fish in the bay! Ya hear me! He's coming for ya!!"

The man screamed incoherently. 

Danny was about to give him a lesson when laughter escaped Davian's lips.

"Coming for me? Why wait? I have a better idea."

His words had everyone in the warehouse confused. 

Davian looked over his shoulder, his purple eyes glowing. 

The man who had spoken out, fidgeted under those eyes...

Danny felt as if they were standing before a beast. One even more ferocious than the massive cat from before. He found himself tightening his hands on his gun.


The captive begun to say only for Danny to slam the butt of his gun onto the back of his head, sending the man to unconsciousness.

The rest of Falcone's men averted their gazes from the challenging glare the wizened Henchman gave them.

Davian turned his eyes to the leader of the PRT.

"You wanted to know where I'm going?"

He pointed at the cash.

"I don't need Falcone anymore. I already have a 100 million dollars. That's more than enough to make some important moves. And because I don't need Falcone...it's about time he and I had a talk."

Danny frowned.

"He's at Blackgate penitentiary. How are you going to get to him?"

Davian looked up at the night sky. The wrecked entrance was illuminated by the moon shining above the city. December was drawing to a close.

"I never leave a dangerous enemy alive. That goes double for a man like Carmine Falcone. He might have survived a bullet from Two Face...but he won't survive me. Not even prison will save him."

Then before Danny's eyes the silver haired young man that had brought them the haul of a lifetime disappeared in a flash.

"Boss...did he just say he was going to go and kill Carmine Falcone?"

One of his men, Duke, an African American asked.

Danny looked back at the man.

"He did."

Then with a pat on the man's shoulder, Danny turned his gaze to the large stack of money.

"What did we get ourselves into?"

He asked. Underneath his mask however, there was an excited smile. He could feel it...things were about to change.

(5 minutes later)

The police commissioner was back on duty and his first initiative was to quell the gang war happening after Penguin's demise.

They were at one such scene, having apprehended Falcone's men with the same high tech weapons that Penguin's men were caught with the night before.

Someone was playing a dangerous game and after one of Falcone's men begun ranting about demons led by the Scarlet Devil who had gone after Falcone to kill him, Gordon knew they needed the Bat.

The police could not handle Davian. He was too much for them.

The symbol of a bat appeared on the sky, a beacon of fear and hope.

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