I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 60: The Final Showdown part 5

17 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

"Umm what's going on, why is he blocking the way? I thought he was on our side?"

Arrow asked Constantine, notching an arrow in preparation.

"There are no sides." Constantine bluntly said, reaching into his pocket.

Catwoman grabbed his hand.

"Wait. You haven't been straight with us. We need to know what we're up against. is the kid an enemy or not?"

Constantine wrenched away his wrist, running a hand over his hair as he stared at Davian.

"I can't answer that. All you need to know is that you have no idea what we are all dealing with."

His words were eerie.

Ivy made eye contact with Green Arrow.

Harley then slung an arm over the magician's shoulder, holding him tightly.

"Copkiller is a bad ass. But that doesn't mean he's bad. You on the other hand Johnny, you remind me of someone. Someone too sneaky for their own good."

Constantine stiffened slightly. They were all watching him with distrust. Even Arrow was no longer pointing his arrow at Davian, he had it trained on him.

"Sorry Magic Man, Batman has you placed in the very very suspicious category. The kid has only been helpful so far."

Green Arrow told him.

'And I've not?! Ugh, bloody capes.'

The brit raged on the inside, outwardly he laughed.

"We all have our own methods to deal with the darkness. Mine just require more discretion. Fine. You win, we'll trust the Lad."

"Speaking of which, he's doing something."

Ivy spoke up, urging the serpent forward.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"They're coming your way."

Chase told me as I studied the dome infront of me. The venom was no longer a problem. It's changed state was inside a green sphere hovering above me. The only thing left was to find a way through.

"I wonder what lies Constantine has concorted to them about me."

I replied, trying to connect with Raven through her essence. I couldn't feel anything there. It was just...empty.

"The magician will not lack schemes. We need to be ready."

Chase said.

"I agree, which is why we need to break Raven out of whatever this is."

I told him, mind running as I considered all viable options.

"I might have an idea. How about you try a Konso?"

Chase suggested.

"That might actually work."

I replied, finding the idea to be viable. Besides, it's not like I had any other choice.

I raised Chesha Neko, grasping it by the hilt then stamped the pommel on the length of the dome.

A bright light flashed out from the contact, rippling along the length of the dome.

The light escaped from the top of the dome, piercing right through the smog covering Gotham's skyline.

My sight was overtaken by another explosion. This time it was one of white light.

(General P.O.V)

A wide encompassing light shot out of the dome, swallowing Davian before spreading outwards towards the Serpent.


Ivy said, trying to jerk the snake away from the path of the light. Unfortunately for all of them, it was too late and they were drowned under.

All that was left was a quiet environment and one lone Shroud floating in place, waiting for an order from what they had decided was the master.


"Mmmh puddin don't be so rough..."

Harley moaned in her sleep.

Constantine groaned as he rubbed his head, getting off the dusty ground.

He jerked his arm away from Harley's hold, looking around as the crazy blonde started sucking on her thumb, fast asleep.

Before the Exorcist's eyes was a view that was out of place with reality. The sky was dark pink and purple with shifting stars swiftly shooting through the night sky. What had Constantine concerned was the huge statue of a girl in a dark clock looming over them.


Constantine muttered, patting his body before he withdrew a compass hanging off a chain. The needle was aimed at one direction. The sky.

"Ugh...I felt like I just went a few rounds with Croc. Wait, where am I?"

Harley asked, rousing from her sleep. She patted the ground around her, widening her eyes and she failed to spot what she wanted.

"Puddin?! Where are you?!"

She panicked.

"You mean the bat? It's right behind you."

Constantine answered while snapping the the compass closed and pocketing it.

"Oh Puddin!"

Harley squealed in happiness, hugging the bat.

"Oh bugger. Why couldn't I get the cat themed supervillainess?"

Constantine bemoaned rubbing his eyes in exasperation. Harley wasn't anyone's first pick in surviving what was clearly a different dimension. One that had a giant of someone who had a grudge on him. They needed to find a way out. Fast.

"Hey that's mean."

Harley called out, offended.

"Just...follow me, we need to get out of here before..."

Constantine said as he begun walking in one random direction. The magic attuned Compass was supposed to show you the direction to the closest leyline, which Constantine would have used to leave this place. Teleportation would not work of he was in a different dimension.

Boom! Something crashed right infront of them, cutting off his words.

Harley quickly got to her feet.

"I'm guessing before that happens?"

She told Constantine, pointing at the dark haired girl in a red outfit standing up from the giant crater she'd made with her descent. It was Raven, only the color of her costume was a blood red.

Her face was twisted in an expression of anger, 4 scarlet eyes glowing from the depths of her hood.


She glowered, staring at Constantine.

"I will kill you for what you did!"

"That's not the first time you've heard that right?"

Harley asked him, hoisting her bat before her.


"Just admit it Chase, you don't know where we are."

Davian spoke to his Zanpakuto, flash stepping off the top of a massive boulder onto a blackened tree a short distance away.

"More red and black. The sky and the ground seem no different. It's like they're connected at the horizon."

He said out loud.

The sky was black with numerous red stars illuminating the surroundings, casting the land scape in an ominous light.

"Keep it down, I'm thinking."

Chase told Davian who sighed, sheathing Chesha Neko before Flash stepping away again. The last thing he had seen was that bright light and then... he'd woken up inside a crater, staring up at the red sky.

That had been two hours ago. He wasn't really sure but it felt like two hours.

Whatever this place was, it seemed to warp with his perception of time. And distance too. He had been Flash-stepping across the landscape with no notable features around, to tell them where they were.

"Man I wish something would happen. Where's Murphy's law when you need it right?"

Davian sighed, his body streaking above a wide dark Crater.


Dark red limbs shot out of the crater, speeding towards Davian faster than he could react. Suddenly there was a bright light from the sky. The light shone down on the creature below and it squealed, rushing back to the depths.

Davian landed on the edge of the crater, staring down at it with narrowed eyes.

"Well that plan failed. Without luring it out, we can't really study it to know where we are. And now that it knows we're aware of it, it will stay hidden."

Davian complained.

He'd started sensing things within the holes and craters filling the red and black landscape. Whatever those things were, they chose to stay hidden the minute they sensed him.

All except for one of the more massive presences that probably saw him as prey. So Davian had tried to trick it. That plan had gone out of the window due to someone else's intervention.

Speaking of which,

"Are you okay?"

The brown-skinned girl dressed in black and yellow with dark wings behind her asked, descending towards him. Davian stiffened.

Dawnstar paused in the air, a chill going down her spine. She raised her hands.

"Sorry for scaring you."

She apologized.

Davian blinked. He found her words funny.

"Scaring me?"

"You were a bit startled, my Wielder."

Chase pointed out, making Davian frown.

"Whose side are you on?"

The young soul reaper asked his zanpakuto.

Dawnstar blinked and found the sword in Davian's hands placed under her chin. she gulped in fear while also admiring it. It gleamed with a purple aura, just like the archives had showed...he truly was incredible.

She shook her head, stay focused on the mission! Then again, things hadn't turned out the way they had expected. Or wanted. Their target had seen her. She still had no idea where Karate Kid was. If he was still even alive.

The mission had been fairly simple. Go back to the day it all started. The day Gotham's explosion would set forth a chain of events that would end with the complete destruction of the planet. Whatever happened today... everything would change.

The worst thing was that it was a recent shift. Someone had messed with the timeline. Something significant had shifted. Which was why it hadn't needed a full mobilization unit. Just the two of them. With the Legion spread out thin to defend against the threats of the united planets, it had fallen to her and Val Ammorr to story what had changed to the timeline.


"Kill you!"

The red Raven snarled, lips spread apart to show sharp teeth.

Constantine prepared a spell just as Raven jumped at them...

Only for a foot to land on the side of her face, throwing her away to bounce across the rough terrain.

The young Asian teenager who had seemingly materialized out of nowhere lowered their leg.

"And who are you supposed to be?"

Harley asked, slinging her bat across her shoulders.

The stronger bowed.

"Greetings. Forgive me for not announcing myself earlier. My name is Val Ammorr, pleased to meet you."

Karate Kid introduced himself.


Jaznoz Valentine looked up. It was almost time. Then the world would be is.

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