I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 55: Constantine, The Bastard.

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Chapter 55 Constantine, the Bastard.

(General P.O.V)

"Nice shot."

Ivy told the Archer as he and Catwoman jumped onto the back of the Serpent.

"Thanks. I owed him that arrow for almost snapping my neck."

Green Arrow replied, rubbing his throat. Finally it was over.

"Ohh that sounds like fun!"

Harley clapped at thought of snapping necks.

"Don't mind her." Catwoman patted the Archer, passing him by.

"Or do. She probably won't care anyway."

She said, headed straight for the magician.

"We need to talk."

The feline inspired villain addressed Constantine, hands tightening on the handle of the bullwhip in her possession.

"Something tells me you know what's going on here."

Constantine didn't turn from his position, seeming to be in deep thought as he looked out into the destroyed city. 'With the Serpent, breaking through the dome will be easy. The problem is 'them'. The other Justice League members. Bollocks, you would think Zatara would warn them that this side of the world is much darker than what they're used to. They could invest in protective charms. Wayne's deep pockets can surely afford it. Then again...'

Constantine finally shrugged at Catwoman's statement, hands inside his pant's pocket.

"I might have an idea."

But he didn't have the full story. So Trigon uses his daughter to cause mass destruction and unearth the corrupt energy node under Gotham, then elects a dome around the area most likely in a bid to create a way through that is stable. The missing piece to the whole thing was, Why does the 'he' seem to be in the center of all this?

His eyes spotted what he was looking for. Or rather what he couldn't ignore any longer. The huge crowds of Shrouds orbiting around Davian. And then the boy himself, standing beside something. That was the missing piece to the whole picture. The Boy and the almost impossible powers he wielded. Powers that should not be under any mortal.

"Hold that thought, Luv."

Constantine faced Catwoman.

"I'll be right back."

A magical circle flashed under him and he promptly disappeared. Catwoman watched as the light faded away.

"That's going to get annoying quickly."

Catwoman sighed.

"C, where did you run off to?"

Harley asked, jumping and slinging an arm over Catwoman's shoulders.

"It was so epic. Copkiller was like bam! Take that! And that! And..."

Catwoman rolled her eyes while Ivy snorted from the head of the snake, her back was to them but she could hear the ruckus Harley was causing.

Between them was Green Arrow, crouched before the Flash with his palm under the older man's nose.

Arrow sighed in relief. 'Thank god. He's breathing steadily. This was what I meant. I'm all for diversity but I don't like that we are putting Jay at risk. There should be an age limit.'

"Thank you. The League owes you guys."

He addressed the 3 of them. Harley, Catwoman and Poison Ivy.

"Don't get used to it."

Catwoman told him bluntly.

"Promise not to bust my ass if I see a shiny ring I like and take it?"

Harley asked, cocking her hip.

"Ummm nope."

Green Arrow snorted, getting to his feet and facing the incredibly beautiful women who were the best definition of a rose: gorgeous but thorny.

"I was thinking something along the lines of, 'you should be in jail but I'll look the other way this time.' thing."

He said pointedly.

Harley shrugged.

"Fair enough Robin Hood."

Green Arrow shook his head, pressing his fingers on the earpiece in his ear. There was brief static from the other end. Luckily these ear pieces were connected via Satellite.

And while most communication devices were affected by the E.M.P caused by the explosion, they were sturdy enough and shielded from the effects that he could contact the others.

If it were any other time, he would have ensured Dinah was safe. However, he knew she could take care of herself. What he needed to know now was his the plan was going.

"Green Arrow to Batman."

He spoke into the device.

"Her...arrow...get. where...Flash and Superman..."

Green Arrow frowned. Batman's group must have already moved deeper underground while on their way to the dome. That, or something else was messing with the connection.

In any case, he just had to make his way to the rendezvous point. Arrow looked at the dome. He hoped the rest were safe.

He tapped the earpiece.

"Green Arrow to Black Canary."

(Davian's P.O.V)

Watching the Sheath work it's magic, my thoughts drifted from the mercenary training to my roster of powers.

"Hey Chase, I have a question. The Sheath, it's the manifestation of my Fullbring powers isn't it?"

Chase hummed.

"I thought that was obvious."

He was right. I had a hunch about the same. But the Sheath hadn't started out like that. It was only when I entered my Inner World that the change finalized. Hollow energy had influenced my own spirit and body. And a Fullbring was created when a human was affected by Hollow Reiryoku.

Fullbrings were humans who could pull on the souls of matter. The name Fullbring could be loosely translated to Full Manifestation Art.

It worked off the concept that everything, even rudimentary objects like a candle or a spoon had a soul. By 'Pulling' on that soul, you could alter the object's physical characteristics like shape and size or change its movement.

For example by pulling on the soul of water, you could walk on its surface. There was so much that Fullbrings could do. Not to mention the specialized techniques each Fullbring had access to. They were versatile as hell.

Superman's wound finally closed up. I stood up, strapping the Kryptonian arrow to my side, then enlarged the healing cocoon around the Kryptonian, to better carry him.

The shrouds still hovered above me. Infact, it felt as if their numbers had increased. A pensive look appeared on my face. Now that I think about it, we could use some assistance.

"You're insane. I like it."

Chase told me after I shared my idea with him.

"Well." I smiled.

"It's not like they're busy doing anything else."

"I beg to differ. They have a purpose. A job. I wouldn't advice letting the souls of sinners hang around in the physical world, Lad."

A voice said from behind me.


I acknowledged his presence but didn't shift my attention to him. I needed to know of this was going to work. Okay, focus on them.

Prolonged contact with the Sheath had brought me back to 70%. I wasn't ready for Shikai just yet but I could focus better. And there, just at the edge of my perception, I could feel a new awareness. I could feel them. Just like the time, I had sent them to destroy the dark spirit.

It had been instinctual. Born out of a hunger to destroy my enemy.

In other words, I tapped into the side of me that was negative. The side of me that was uncompromisingly cold. Memories that I always kept under lock and key surged up.

"Remain in control Davian."

Chase spoke out.

This was not like before. I had accepted my situation. And I had a mission to complete. Kick Trigon's ass. For Raven. I opened my eyes.

"Can you see it, Constantine?"

I asked him. It was beautiful. The sight before me.

"Davian, your eyes are glowing purple."

Chase pointed out.

"See what? The shrouds? Yes. But I'm guessing you can push further. See what lies beyond most of us."

He replied, circling me.

"Oh you have no idea..."

I replied.

They were like strings. No, they were strings. Pitch black strings. And they connected each Shroud together into a massive web. Then they extended out into the world only to fade in the air a couple of inches away from the Shrouds' billowing cloaks.

I could hear them now. Like whispers in the air. They kept on chanting, 'Death'

"They're lines of death."

I told him.

"They connect them together. Each is like a small piece of death. A doorway into the other side. That's why you can't kill them, only drive them away."


Chase called out with an urgency I'd never had before.


I grabbed Constantine's wrist before the piece of yellow paper in his hands could fall onto the ground, activating the magic circle under us. The magic circle he had sneakily drawn with his feet, hoping I didn't notice.

The paper fell from his hand but a black wind swept down, grabbing it and materializing into a Shroud. The paper in its hands flared blue and in a flash the Shroud was banished to hell.

I looked back at Constantine. Raven was right. If I hadn't been carefully monitoring him through my Reikaku...

I motioned to the spot the Shroud had occupied previously.

"Some sort of demon expulsion talisman right? And then the magic circle under us was supposed to amplify and focus the energy of the talisman through me, to send them all away. Clever."

I complimented him.

"The only problem I have with that plan Constantine, is that you would have sent me along with them. Banished me to hell. So that's how you screw people over? I saved your life and this is how you thank me?"

I squeezed his wrist, making him groan and fall to his knees.

I should have foreseen this. 

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