I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 24 In the Oh

Chapter 24 In the Oh~

Tick, tick.

Walking into the toilet, the sound of dripping water was much clearer.

The main entrance of the women's toilet is facing the sink, and both faucets are tightly closed. Above the sink is a large mirror.

Sayuri glanced in the mirror.

She didn't know if it was due to nervous psychological factors, but she felt that she looked very strange in the mirror.

"Student Ishino, take this."

Nagatomo Masao took out his mobile phone with his free hand and turned on the camera mode.

Ishino also took it with his free hand.

Adolescent boys and girls occasionally have some desperate thoughts, and they plan to film the process of trying their courage in the toilet.

Evidence as proof.

Then, the two walked to the door of the first toilet cubicle.

Several members of the Test of Courage team had already agreed when they were preparing in the classroom that after entering the toilet, they had to perform the rumored "ceremony to summon Hanako" before the test of courage was completed.

Tick, tick.

Hold your breath, only the sound of water droplets can be heard in the silent women's room, it seems to be beating on the hearts of the two of them.

Nagatomo Masao, like the protagonist in a horror movie who is not afraid of death and does not believe in evil, stretched out his hand and tapped on the toilet door three times.

Sayuri Ishino pointed the camera of her mobile phone at him.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Hanako-san, are you there?" Changyou said, his voice sounded out of tune in the silent toilet.

In the empty toilet, naturally no one will respond.

next room.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Hanako-san, are you there?"

Still no answer.

It's just that the dripping sound of ticking, ticking, seems to have become a little clearer and more obvious.

Next, there is the third toilet where the legendary ghost doll Hanako will appear.

Sayuri Ishino felt her heart beating very fast, and said nervously that she felt a little tight in her chest, and couldn't help but clenched Nagatomo Masao's hand a little bit.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Hanako-san, are you there?"

Triple tap.

I don't know if it was because Changyou used too much force, but the door of the third toilet, which was originally ajar, opened suddenly.


In the toilet where there should be no one, there was a loud toilet flushing sound.

At the same time, Sayuri Ishino's hearing aid in the left ear, which was slightly malfunctioning, rang with the sound of electric current.

It seems that there is a little girl's vague voice, mixed in, sticking to her ear: "Yes, yes, oh~"

"Ah!" Sayuri screamed.

Together with the mobile phone in her hand, she was thrown out by her.

Xiaopingtou was naturally taken aback, but when he looked into the toilet, it was indeed empty.

The flushed water was swirling down the open toilet.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's just that the toilet doesn't flush well." Changyou said, not knowing whether he was comforting Xiao Baihe or comforting himself.

"Just now, just now... did you hear that?" Sayuri Ishino was still in shock, and she was stunned.

She could feel the cold sweat on both hands.

Tick, tick.

After the pumping sound passed, the toilet was so quiet that only the sound of water dripping could be heard.

"what do you mean?"

"No, nothing...let's go out."

Sayuri didn't dare to say for sure that she must have heard Hanako's response just now. After all, at that moment, the current sound in the hearing aid was too noisy.


Xiaopingtou didn't insist on testing his courage, picked up the mobile phone on the ground, and pulled Xiao Baihe out of the women's toilet.

The moment she stepped out of the women's toilet, Sayuri Ishino glanced back at the sink from the corner of her eye. The self in the mirror still looked strange.

And the two faucets are tightened, no water dripping.

Sayuri suddenly realized a problem.

Since the faucet of the sink was screwed tightly, where did the sound of water dripping that existed throughout the process of her and Changyou's test of courage come from?

Ishino Sayuri really didn't dare to think about this question to scare herself, and she didn't dare to ask this question to Changyou right now.

And, maybe it's just the toilet that's dripping?

Or is a water pipe leaking?

In the dark corridor, the two high school students walked faster and faster, almost holding hands in the end, and ran all the way back to the classroom of Class C of the third year.

"What's the matter, did you see Hanako? You two are so scared."

The tall and handsome baseball captain Yuma Nagasaki was originally sitting on the table by the door of the classroom, hugging and being intimate with his girlfriend. Seeing the first group of courageous duo come back in embarrassment, he couldn't help teasing.

"I think we have to leave," said Sayuri Ishino, panting.

"Huh? You guys are too worthless, right?" Nagasaki let go of his girlfriend in his arms.

"No, Nagasaki-senpai. That toilet is weird." At this time, Masao Changtomo also spoke, his expression still in shock.

Several high school students in the classroom saw that the two people who went out to test their courage for the first time were all serious, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Let's go, let's go. It's not interesting anyway." Matsushima, who was left alone for no reason, was the first to speak.

This beautiful female high school student has no interest in tonight's courage test.

Because almost half of the people are retreating, and the rest are beginning to waver.

"Speaking of next week, let's say that we all went to that toilet once." Nagasaki Yuma, who insisted on going to test his courage with his girlfriend, finally gave up. Did you download the video?"


Xiao Pingtou took out his mobile phone, but found that the video of the test of courage shot in the toilet was full of snowflake blind spots for some reason.

After playback, only the sound is heard.

The sound of him talking to Sayuri Ishino, the sound of knocking on the toilet door, the sound of toilet flushing, and the intermittent sound of water dripping.

"Maybe it was accidentally broken just now." Changyou scratched the back of his head.

"It's really useless, you guys. How can we prove to those guys in the track and field department that we have been here?" Nagasaki Yuma said in an unhappy tone.

"Sorry, senior."

"Forget it."

"Let's go, let's go, it's boring."

A group of people finally ended the courage test early tonight and left the classroom of Class C of the third year.

at the same time.

Ladies restroom at the end of the corridor.

The voice-activated incandescent lamp still flickers on and off.

The faucet of the washbasin did not drip, but the sound of dripping water still sounded strangely.

Everything reflected in the mirror on the table was strange. It seems that the scenery on the mirror is not a reflection of reality, but a projection of another world.

The mirror is facing the toilet door, but if you stand as far to the right as possible, you can see several toilet compartments from inside.

I saw a figure hanging quietly on the partition of the third compartment.

It was a girl, a girl with doll hair and a red suspender dress.

The girl's head was twisted at a right angle of 90 degrees, watching everything in the women's room. From her red skirt, bright red blood beads kept rolling down.

Tick, tick.

In the next second, the girl's figure disappeared.

The sound of dripping water in the toilet also stopped abruptly.


A group of brave people walked in the unlit stair passage of the teaching building.

Sayuri Ishino is still holding hands with Masao Nagatomo.

The darkness didn't know who in the team suddenly stepped on the footsteps, and there were three clear echoes from the steps under their feet.

Tap, tap, tap.

At the same time, Sayuri's hearing aid in the left ear, which was malfunctioning, rang out a noisy electric sound again.

She turned her head subconsciously, but it was pitch black behind her.

It's like nothing.

Sayuri was a little scared, turned her head, lowered her face and just walked.

Tap, tap, tap.

I don't know who stepped on the ladder three times.

In the darkness, an unnoticed figure of a girl with short hair and red skirt flashed by.

Tap, tap, tap—

"Yes, yes, oh~"

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