I Live Forever in Memory

Page 1181

"You! Who are you?! Ani, she..." He walked quickly to Li Lin on crutches, "How is she now?"

"She is doing well now. As for who I am, I have already introduced it very clearly. My name is Li Lin, and I have many identities. But as I said just now, I am here as Arnie's future husband. You were taken to the island."

The man looked at Li Lin in disbelief, as if he didn't believe what he said.

It's really hard to believe, how did the people from Paradis come to Marais?How did you get here after going through so many barriers?

"Are you really from the island? Li Lin...wait a minute! Li Lin? I seem to have heard of this name..." The man racked his brains to think for a while, and finally remembered that he seemed to be in the army of Marais. I have heard this name in the Fang bulletin!

"You're the one—"

"Yes." Li Lin said.He knew that he was also in Marais, at least in the army and in the concentration camp.

In fact, he also knew that many Eldians probably hated him.The reason is very simple. When he escaped like that, Marley would inevitably vent his anger by hurting other Eldians when he was so frustrated.

In this way, some victims may think: It is all your fault that Li Lin escaped, causing us who stayed to suffer more.

It is very normal to have this kind of thinking, and many even use this kind of thinking to control people. This is the so-called "sit together" system, where one escapes and the rest are killed.In this way, the prisoners stared at each other like spies.

Li Lin didn't care about this, and he didn't have any so-called guilt.

The man's eyes sharpened for a moment, and his lips and teeth were tightly closed, as if he was in doubt.

"'What must be done must be done', this is what you instilled in Ani's head. And your leg must have been accidentally kicked off by Ani," Li Lin said while proving his identity. Feeling dissatisfied, "That's not a philosophical statement."

The leg was accidentally kicked and broken by Ani during training, and the man never told anyone else about it.Ani would not casually say such things to others.So now that Li Lin said it, the man was convinced of his identity.

"You actually know about this. It seems that Arnie told you...how did you come to the island? You and Arnie...you just said that you..."

The indifference and guard on the man's slovenly face faded away, and a glow of excitement began to emerge.It's hard to say whether it's good or bad, but there are still some feelings that belong to the father when he heard the news that his daughter was still alive.

"I can't tell for a while. Let's talk about it when we go inside the wall." Li Lin paused and asked, "You should agree to go to the island, right?"

The man fell silent.

"Ani asked me to pick you up. I hope you can go there." Li Lin said, "Although you don't agree with her education method, but..."

"Ani, did she say anything about me?!" The man immediately interrupted Li Lin when he heard the word "education method", and asked eagerly, "Does she hate me?"

"...No." Li Lin shook his head, "I believe she doesn't resent you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked me to pick you up. Besides, who do you think she can become a warrior for? Her character is not suitable for this status at all. You, as a father, should be very clear."

Li Lin's tone was somewhat questioning, which was his true feelings.Hearing this, the man couldn't help but choked up, his body trembling non-stop: "Ani's child...is really not suitable. But I can't help it..." He said, "In order to restore the glory of Aldia, I will have to……"

Li Lin frowned slightly: "Restore glory? Are you a member of the Aldia Restoration Party?"

The man nodded with difficulty.

Li Lin was really surprised this time. Ani's father was actually a restorationist?Even Ani himself doesn't know this.If so, why would he still...?

The man saw Li Lin's surprise, and the latter said: "Mr. Leonard, I think you need to explain to me."


The man agreed to Li Lin's request. He now believes in Li Lin and can say some things.

"I never told Arni that I was a member of the Aldia Restoration faction who was hiding very deeply. But Grisha and I were not together."

Li Lin listened, thinking that it is indeed impossible for the restorationists to be the only ones with Grisha.How many people are there?In the entire Eldia nation, there should be many similar restoration factions, but because of the restrictions of the living area, they can only fight on their own, and it is difficult to unite.

The man said: "I have always wanted to make the Aldia Empire stand up again. However, as time passed, I found it very difficult... Then, I discovered that my child, Ani's talent was revealed."

"She has a talent for fighting. It's the kind of talent that... ordinary people can't make up for through hard work. Such a child, as long as he trains hard, will become a very terrifying existence." The man recalled, "At that time, I never Comrades lurking inside the Marais military learned that the military will start selecting new 'fighters' soon."

Li Lin said coldly: "So in order to let Ani win a 'warrior' spot, you started strict training for her."

The man silently admitted.

Li Lin asked again: "In this case, why didn't you tell Ani your real purpose? Aren't you worried that she will be brainwashed by Marais and become someone who really wants to be an 'honorary Marais'?"

The man said: "I've considered this issue too. That's why... I kept telling her what you just said. Words like 'mission' and "must do"...but I didn't tell her that mission and What must be done..."

Li Lin: "..."

He understood.This father is purely using family affection and brainwashing to control his daughter, and then waits for the critical moment to tell his purpose and let his daughter serve this purpose.

"I know what you want to say. That's right, I'm really not a good father." The man smiled self-deprecatingly.

"'Good'? You are far from the word." Li Lin is not polite, "but it is over anyway. I will take care of her in the future. I will take care of you if you treat her badly. Make it up."


The man took a deep look at Li Lin, his expression a little ugly.It seems that as a father, he wants to refute, but finds that he is unable to refute.That feeling is really not good.

However, after confirming the fact that Ani is still alive.His mood is still different. Over the past few years, he has thought about it a lot, but in fact he also feels that he did something wrong at the beginning.

"I really want to respect you, but I really can't respect you." Li Lindao, "And I can also clearly say that Ani will no longer act as a giant in the future. She will also not become a restorationist, and will not inherit Your will... As for the 'mission' you mentioned just now, I know it is definitely not a good thing, so I won't ask."

This man was Ani's father anyway, and Li Lin didn't want to be too disgusted with him.On the contrary, the man took the initiative to say at this time: "No, since you said so, then I will let you know what I thought at the beginning."

The man insisted on speaking out, and continued without waiting for Li Lin to speak: "At that time, after the information on the selection of 'fighters' leaked out, there was further information leaked out. That is, Marley wanted to use the selected 'fighters' to 'Sneak into the island and wait for the opportunity to seize the power of the original giant."

"The Marais military knows that the ancestor giant is the most powerful existence among giants and possesses a unique and huge power. And we, the Restorationists, also know this. Therefore, what I didn't tell Ani, her mission is to eat up" Progenitor Giant'."

Li Lin's pupils shrank for a while, and his face became even more ugly.

"She has undergone strict fighting training, and it is easy to devour other unsuspecting giants under a surprise attack. And once she eats the ancestor giant, if she cannot exert this power, then... commit suicide. In this way, this power will not Falling into the hands of the Marais will reset and reappear in an Eldia newborn baby, so there is still time, and it is better than being taken by the Marais... er!"

The man suddenly felt a tightness in his throat, as if being clamped by some iron clamp, and he was almost out of breath.

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