I Killed the Player of the Academy

Chapter 191: Miruam Elizabeth El Rath (3)

Chapter 191: Miruam Elizabeth El Rath (3)

Translator: RainTL』

Miruam Elizabeth El Rath (3)

The 27 sons of Kalatin were one of the mid-bosses you had to fight in the boss fight against Miruam Elizabeth El Rath.

Rojo the tamer.

Thirty of Kalatin

And Persia, the Great Warrior of Domnu.

There was a researched method to beat all of them but that was only when you were fighting them as a party. Especially out of these enemies, the 27 sons of Kalatin’s Thirty were cumbersome foes, because they were anti-knight chimeras made personally by the previous lord of the Black Cult, Kalatin.



Despite being in the form of a human, the monsters let out noises that humans couldn’t possibly make, and each of them was carrying black tainted spears. The normal way to defeat them was by relying on a tanker but…


Although the three daughters of Kalatin weren’t in the mix, his 27 sons were already difficult enough. Not only were each of them as strong as Alicia at the start of the game, but they were also equipped with those cumbersome spears.

“Kill him.”

The chimeras kicked off the ground at once. It was quite fortunate that the three illusionist daughters weren’t with them, but Korin still couldn’t help but grumble to himself.

“If only their greatest counter, Hua Ran, was here.”

He raised the Silver Spear and threw it at them. The ‘Orb of the Grim Reaper’ inside the spear absorbed his mana and drew a strange parabola in the air that avoided its foes.


The mana embedded inside the orb exploded everywhere. It was an AOE skill that ruined the connection of souls, and the sons of Kalatin paused momentarily after being enveloped by the energy of the Grim Reaper.

It was only for 3 seconds, but that was more than enough for Korin to get started.


Kicking off the ground, he stabbed his spear several times in a row and pierced through three of the unmoving chimeras.


The Sons growled horrendously after seeing three of their comrades fall in the blink of an eye. Korin followed suit by smacking one of their necks with the shaft of his spear.

“I don’t value chimera rights on top of human rights, you see.”


It was right after he defeated four of the 27 monsters. His Intuitions of a Player warned him of an incoming danger to the back of his head.

With a casual snap of his wrists, he rotated the shaft of the spear and bounced it off of his ankle to further accelerate the spear.

Spinning Heaven Second Move

— Rotating Demon Spear

The spear, upon being accelerated multiple times through the snap of his wrists and his ankle, rapidly slashed through the monster behind him, all the way from its groin to its head.


Without giving him the time to take a breather, a shadow was cast from behind yet again, and upon turning around, he saw a giant twice his size striking down with its spear.


Like how they shared one body and could separate at will, they could also fuse themselves again at will. The new giant, which was at least five chimeras combined, pressed down from above with its oppressive weight.


It was heavy but bearable. By activating Herculean Strength on top of that, Korin flung the giant off with his spear.


The giant tilted back after losing the battle of pure strength and Korin stabbed at the confused giant with his First Demonic Spear. His repeated stabs left behind a black trail of aura.


The combined giant fell on the ground after having three huge holes in its body, but that was when three monsters tossed their spears at him from behind the falling giant.


Korin responded with Spinning Heaven to deflect the incoming spears but they all ended up slicing or stabbing some parts of his body.

They were magic spears with the spell of ‘100% accuracy’ cast on them. Unlike the Spear of Light, Areadbhair, which boasted of 100% lethal accuracy, these spears were only ‘accurate’. Slicing past any part of his body was seen as accurate, so none of them were deadly by any means but…


A sudden feeling of nausea made him fall on one of his knees. The magic spears of Kalatin’s sons had lethal poisons on top of that.

『The Sun cleanses all poison.』

However, against him, they were like weak doses of paralysis that made him slightly nauseous for a short period of time.

“Let me return them to you.”


He kicked up the spears on the ground and threw them one by one. The spell of accuracy was only in effect when used by the sons of Kalatin, but javelin was Korin’s forte so he didn’t have to rely on such effects.


His last spear stabbed through the chest of one of the sons and penetrated through them before lodging itself into the ground. The chimera’s body bounced back and forth from inertia before soon becoming deathly still.

“Try harder guys.”



Several of the remaining monsters screamed and darted towards him.

‘Two at the front preparing for a throw. I can protect my vitals and cleanse the poison. The real deal is the one guy behind them preparing for a stab.’

Just like he predicted, the two of them at the front threw their spears at him, and Korin deflected the spears from his vitals. He still couldn’t avoid getting hit by them, but immediately cleansed the poison, and bent backwards to dodge the following stab by a hair’s breadth.

That was when another monster pulled his neck from behind.


He threw a palm strike upward at the jaws of the monster pulling him by the throat, and turned around for a flying knee kick before the monster could lower its head back down.

After a knee to the belly, the chimera’s body curved into a right angle and flew off into the distance.


The first monster, who failed its stab, ran up and followed through with more stabs.

One, two, and three… it was a rapid repetition of three stabs made possible only because of the superhuman strength and agility of the chimera, but Korin was even faster. He dodged each of the spear thrusts by shifting his body slightly and made a fool of the monster.

“‘A’ for effort.”

It was right after the spear thrusts when the chimera had to collect its breath and readjust its grip on the spear.

In the blink of an eye, Korin grabbed onto the shaft of the spear and snatched it for himself. Before the monster could even make sense of what was happening, he slashed down with the spear, crushing it head-first.


Seeing their comrades fall on repeat, the remaining sons of Kalatin turned even more spiteful.

There were 15 of them left.

It was good that he managed to deal with 12 of them, but he couldn’t let his guard down yet, because from the Thirty of Kalatin, the 27 sons shared the same energy source, which meant the remaining energy would be reallocated to the surviving sons, thus making them stronger when there were fewer left.

“I didn’t want to waste my Aura Core already, but…”

Six Ways of the Spear.

Sixth Style, Shura—

He unleashed one of his three Aura Cores, which immediately began to unravel more than 4,000 aura into his body.


Kicking off the ground, he disappeared into the air. He kicked off the ground three times, but it was done quicker than what they could perceive.

His first target was the monster preparing for a javelin at the back. The chimera appeared to have sensed the incoming danger – its bloody eyes widened to look for the enemy but Korin stabbed forward before those eyes could find him.


The monster barely reacted in time by ducking its head but it was futile. Korin swung the spear down after the stab, and the body of the chimera was unable to last against the dark aura of Sebancia Duke and was cut in a straight line from the shoulder to its thigh.

Even the chimeras were shocked for a moment, wondering how he disappeared from their encirclement and reappeared elsewhere to kill one of their allies so easily.

“If you’re all next to each other like that… I can’t help but use this skill, alright?”

A colossal amount of aura started to gather on the demonic spear. The onlookers were frightened and some of their knees even gave in.

A dark cluster of aura started to gather around the spear to form what was closer to a magic spell than spearmanship.

Sebancia Duke’s Second Demonic Spear

Korin Style

Falling Heaven on Five Dragons

The spearhead gathering a ridiculous amount of aura started to slice through the air. The spear that slayed dragons endlessly grew larger and larger as it sliced through the monsters.


The five chimeras that were hit by the aura evaporated on the spot, leaving behind nothing after their death.

“Tch… That ate up a stupid amount of aura.”

Only 9 of the chimeras were still standing.

Suddenly, all of them threw their spears at once.


A spear pierced through his shoulder, stomach, and thigh. Apart from the three that penetrated directly through his body, the rest grazed past his body due to the power of 100% accuracy.

He looked like a hedgehog, and anyone seeing him would think to themselves that it was over for him, but Korin instead floated a haughty smile as he gazed at the pouncing chimeras.

“You just threw away your only chance of victory.”




Marie was waiting for me when I returned to the camp in tatters.

“For goodness sake! Don’t push yourself too hard!”

“Well… we won so that’s enough.”

“Come here! Take this and take a rest!”

She quickly forced me onto a bed that had the magic circle of recovery, connected to countless mages.

“Fuu~ Chunsik and Daesik~. Working hard, yeah?”

“O, of course, Sir Korin.”

“We have already prepared an herbal concoction for you! Drinking this will help you recover from your internal injuries!”

Although I relied on the Regeneration of a Tenacious Warrior to regenerate from most wounds including lethal ones, the wounds I got today were ones that would be difficult for me to recover from in just one or two days.

It would have been dangerous without the help of these mages.

“Korin… the army came a lot closer today. There’s less than 400 meters to the canyon…”

“I wasn’t expecting the remaining ones to run around buying time.”

It must have been Miruam’s order to buy time and inflict as many wounds on me as possible. Confronting the hatred of a lady head-on was quite taxing indeed…

“Take this elixir here too. It’s a fresh one I made today.”

“Thank you as always.”

Marie made me rest my head on her lap and gently poured the elixir into my lips. Her breasts which were the size of my head were blocking my vision but… oh well, there was nothing bad about it.


All the measures for recovery had been taken at this point, and all that had to be done now was for me to rest and recover as much as possible until the fight tomorrow.

“Take a good rest, Korin. Just one more day should be enough.”

It must be uncomfortable to have my head on her thighs, but I didn’t have the energy to refuse it. I… really needed some rest.

My heavy eyelids slowly closed by themselves.



-…dent Korin… Student Korin…!

I shot my eyes open after hearing someone call my name. What I found was Marie, who was still directly above me, and a blonde-haired beauty with an unfriendly appearance.

“Professor Josephine?”

What is she doing here instead of being in the capital city with Master?

“The thing you had planned for in the capital was rejected. The deputy minister of Administration seems to have noticed it.”

“Fuu… Wow, great. So they finally started working. At the worst timing for us though…”

“They must have sensed that something was up from the timing. The deputy minister is from Princess Miruam’s faction too.”

“I don’t think Miruam has noticed it yet though.”

“This place is quite far from the capital, after all.”


Getting up from her thighs, I turned to Marie.

“Senior. Can I ask you to handle it?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll do something about it, but…”

“You will need time, right? How much?”

“Two days at the very least…”

“I’ll trust you. Professor Josephine, please.”

“Alright. I will take Student Marie to the capital.”

Josephine grabbed Marie by her hand and prepared to leap through the dimension.

“Professor,” I stopped her.

“What is it?”

“After you go to the capital, please go straight to the Chapel of Zeon.”

“Zeon? Do you want me to bring the Saintess?”

“Yes. I’ve dealt with them for a few days, and I’m starting to roughly understand how the geass works.”


After saying that, Josephine took Marie and teleported to the capital.


With the two of them gone, what I had left were Doggo and hundreds of mages. By the way, when Marie wasn’t here, I had the right to command these mages.

“Now~ listen up everyone.”

““Give us your command, Lord Korin!””

“If I die, all of you are to kill yourselves.”


The sudden command for suicide widened the eyes of the mages.

“Now now. Use that to motivate yourselves. It’s for motivation. This is very important.”

“W, what do you…”

“If you don’t help me recover until the fight tomorrow, you’re all dead. Understood?”


Even if I’m going down, I can’t go down by myself, can I?


A minute went by after Marie disappeared, and Lady Josephine returned with the Saintess, Estelle-noonim as I had requested.

“Korin-dongsaeng~. Wait! What happened?! What happened to you?!”

“Student Korin. I’ve brought some spare clothes. Hmm? What’s wrong with them? They look gloomy all of a sudden.”


The desperately motivated ‘Chunsiks’ tried their best to support me.


The next morning, someone unexpected came to the arena.

“Knight Korin.”

“Princess Miruam.”

She didn’t have the cold and vicious look she had on the first day and instead looked slightly dispirited.

“I knew… it wouldn’t be easy.”

“Honestly, I would like you to give up already.”

I already defeated Rojo and part of the Thirty of Kalatin. All she had left was Kalatin the mage and his three daughters.

Of course, there were probably a few strong people from the military or the Guardian Alliance, but I was still a semi-Unique Grade knight. I was confident in fighting any of them for the next four to five days.

“You didn’t kill anyone apart from Kalatin’s chimeras.”

“Human lives are very precious after all.”

I was voluntarily going through all this trouble to save lives in the first place, and killing people who weren’t villains in the process would be putting the cart before the horse.

“Give up. You have done enough. You should step down now.”

“I wasn’t expecting you to try to persuade me this far in.”

“Knight… Korin Lork. You are still my destiny. You… you can’t do this to me. You… have to be on my side,” she muttered.


There was a time when I did stand on your side.

There was a time when I wanted nothing more than to do.

I was wishful, thinking that a bit of persuasion and a promise of the future would be enough to stop her rampage.

“No, I will not stop. Just like you.”

Her tail was on fire.

The serpent with its tail on fire was going to bind the enemy with its body… and burn to ash along with it.

“I will crush everything you are putting on the line, and stand on top of you. This is not a matter of persuasion; it’s of victory and defeat.”

The victor would stand at the top and the loser would obey. There was no other way to persuade her.

“…I see. So that’s how it’s going to be.”

Miruam dropped her head like a puppet with a cut string. It seemed that she had also given up on persuading me.

“Your next opponent will be coming shortly… Don’t die.”

Leaving those words behind, she turned around and headed back to the army.

“Don’t die…?”

I was glad to hear her worry about me, but it was difficult to understand at the same time.

Is there still someone inside the army that’s strong enough to kill me?

The answer to that question came before long.


A longsword fell straight from the sky and pierced through the ground like a lightning bolt.

That wasn’t the end.

A rapier, a greatsword, a spear, a halberd, a shield, and a hammer.

Each one of them fell one by one, cut through the air, and slammed into the ground at an astonishing speed and force.

“How lofty it is to stand against the enraged arrow of destiny!” A voice echoed from the sky.

“The fighting spirit of a warrior contending against the ocean of strife is bringing light back into this long life of mine!”

The man who threw… No, summoned those weapons slowly descended from the sky wearing white plated armors. He was radiant and bright, to the point that his presence deterred even the sunlight.

He was an astonishingly beautiful man, exceeding the concept of human beauty.

“Greetings, Warrior. Meeting you is like finding a pearl on a pathetic shore of sand.”

Despite speaking like an old theatrical actor, the man gave off an ever-so-overwhelming amount of aura. Neither his ornamented armor nor his personal otherworldly beauty… was enough to hide the turbulence of violent energy overflowing out of his body.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Eochaid Bres.”

As if the countless weapons weren’t already enough, more rays of light started to descend around him, ranging from traditional treasures to modern weapons.

Everything around him were weapons he used in a battle.

Eochaid Bres.

Tates Valtazar’s strongest subject.

A weapon master – one who had mastery over every weapon.

The Tyrant, Eochaid Bres.

He was the first ever King of Gods of the Danann.

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