I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 772 It’s really crazy (Happy New Year to everyone!)

If it weren't for the fact that the leader, as a player, had only 20% pain, I'm afraid he would have lost his combat effectiveness due to the strong impact pain!

Several other wild orcs beside the leader Guevara were shocked by the astonishing strength displayed by the leader.

Is this the legendary brave man? Really powerful!

The wild beasts were surprised, but they did not stop, and a sharp javelin stabbed the leader hard.

The leader, unable to dodge this wave, was directly hit by the javelin on the shoulder.

Even if the shoulders are equipped with excellent armor, it is still difficult to completely resist the piercing damage of the javelin.

The leader was hit directly on the shoulder by a javelin, and a large amount of green blood sprayed out!

Obviously, this javelin is extraordinary!

The wild orc who hit him also smiled proudly and said: "Haha, this damn human brave, taste the power of my poisoned javelin, and within a minute you will be shaking all over in pain until it hurts. Die, hoohoo!”

Sure enough, the despicable orcs used poisoned weapons.

Wild orcs are originally a race with the talent of hunters, and poisonous weapons are one of their racial characteristics.

The leader did feel the sharp pain coming from his shoulder. The sharp sting was painful, but it was bearable.

With a cold smile, the leader was full of arrogance. He put the sword across his shoulder, assumed a crazy and cool posture, and then swung it hard, slashing the floating clouds with the sword!

The sword edge flashed past and slit the throat of the wild orc who attacked with a javelin.

The leader looked at the wild orc's eyes widening in disbelief, but he was not in a hurry to continue the last strike.

Instead, he admired the dying orc. The orc covered his throat to prevent the blood from continuing to flow, but it was useless. A large amount of blood continued to gush out.

The leader and the other orc captains also said murderously: "Your javelin attack is painful, and your poison weapon is despicable, but I am a brave man, and you are my brother in front of me!"

As soon as the leader's anger stopped the first wave, Brother Sharp's courage surged and he charged towards the nearest orc, waving his weapon.

It's just that Brother Sharp is still a complete novice after all. Although his courage is already very impressive, his fighting skills are still too poor.

The flaw in Brother Sharp's attack was seen, and the wild orc easily dodged Brother Sharp's attack, and then cut a big hole in Brother Sharp's stomach with a knife.

This was the first time Brother Sharp experienced the feeling of dying in a game. Brother Sharp was scared to death for a moment!

But while screaming in fright, Brother Sharp also felt his own strange experience - being disemboweled was indeed painful, but it seemed to be within his acceptable range.

Is this the immortal hero in the game?

I had the painful experience of death, but at the same time it was not to the point of being unacceptable. I loved it.

Brother Sharp will be smiling and will be resurrected soon - Brother Sharp will be resurrected at the nearby resurrection statue and will arrive quickly.

The other 25 recruits don't dare to be as reckless as Brother Sharp.

First of all, they are more or less afraid of death and fear of the extremely tyrannical orcs, so they will definitely not send them away in vain.

Besides, even if the recruits want to go wild, the leader will definitely not let them!

The leader was also seriously injured at this time, but he could still withstand it more or less. The leader took a few steps back, blocked the attacks of several wild orcs, and gave the order!

"Hold together and move forward! Give me a diagonal blow!"

The leader's voice was loud and thunderous, waking up the somewhat confused recruits.

At the same time, the recruits saw the leader's sword pointed forward and to the right.

Although their minds were a little confused, the recruits still followed the leader's instructions and swarmed forward looking to the right.

The leader took advantage of the opportunity for the new recruits to attack, rushing left and right, interrupting several attacks of the wild orcs, allowing the 25 new recruits to attack the team and attack three or five wild orcs!

Although the wild orcs are violent, it is very uncomfortable for them to face 25 armed recruits with just a few wild orcs.

In this first wave of small soldier attacks, the leader used his command to successfully exploit their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, allowing the recruits to restrain three wild orcs and successfully kill one of them.

The new recruits are not as good as they are, but they still have a certain fighting ability when they stand together and carry out their spears and daggers.

But the wild orcs are not stupid either. They are also thinking of ways to combine forces and break the formation of the recruits from the left and right.

If it hadn't been for the continuous extraordinary performance of the leader, it is estimated that the wild orcs would have formed a pincer attack and encirclement situation with a small number of troops.

The leader was about to be unable to withstand it, but fortunately Brother Sharp returned to the battlefield after being resurrected.

Although Brother Sharp is also a complete loser, he is a loser who has the spirit of not being afraid of death and dares to risk his life.

Cai B's sharp brother rushed forward and slashed at the head of the wild orc with his big knife. The wild orc was shocked when he saw it and quickly used his weapon to block it.

But the flaw was revealed!

The wild orc who was attacked by Brother Sharp, while blocking Brother Sharp's weapon, was also cautiously guarding against the leader.

However, it was an unknown recruit who dealt a fatal blow to the wild beastman who had exposed his flaws.

The blade of the long knife sharply cut open the orc's abdomen, which lacked armor protection, and used the power of his body to open a long wound.

A large area of ​​jet-black blood was spilled, along with various splashes of organs, stimulating the perceptions of the recruits on the scene, and also stimulating the bloodthirsty and murderous nerves in the novice player Sharp Brother's body.

Although this wild orc was killed by his native recruits, Brother Sharp believes that his powerful surprise attack must account for at least half of the credit for the death of this wild orc.

Brother Sharp roared wildly as he felt that he had killed the orc.

"Ouch! Give the wild orcs to Ye Xinei!"

Led by Brother Sharp, the other recruits also let out bloodthirsty war cries: "Xinei! Nisnei!"

The atmosphere at the scene made Brother Sharp feel very happy and passionate - indeed, this game is the best!

The only pity is that after being handsome for no more than three seconds, Brother Sharp was slashed in the crotch by another wild orc!

At the same time, the other recruits were also blasted by the angry orcs.

A new recruit used his shield to resist the spear attack of the wild orcs, but the shield of average quality was not reliable enough and was directly pierced by the wild orcs' spear.

Although he also lost his weapon, the wild orc simply threw the panicked soldier behind the shield to death with his bare hands!

A wild orc on the other side, with two blades piercing his ribs, suddenly became angry and killed them both with a backhand knife! Blood splattered thirty feet!

Crazy orcs are indeed crazy!

I wish all book friends a happy new year, happiness and good health.

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