I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 18 Selling food is not about making money

Now Flynn can only hire some relatively low-level chefs.

Let alone top chefs, the system is not open. Even if the system is open, Flynn cannot afford it.

Besides, in addition to the Mithril powder maintenance fee, when hiring a cook, you also have to consider the issue of food ingredients.

No matter how good the chef is, if there is no suitable supply of ingredients, it will be difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

The most important foods in Tudou Village now are wheat and potatoes. These two ingredients can now be stably supplied.

Other ingredients, whether meat or fruits, are temporarily unable to be supplied stably in the long term.

So, after careful consideration, Flynn found two chefs.

They are the Bread Apprentice and the Grill Apprentice.

Needless to say, bread apprentices, one of the staple foods of this era is bread.

Moreover, the main ingredients required for bread - flour, salt, and water are all easily provided.

Although the barbecue apprentice's main business is all kinds of barbecue, barbecue vegetarian dishes are also very good, especially barbecue potatoes, which is one of the most popular foods.

Baker + grill cook, this combination looks beautiful.

But in the end, Flynn chose to just summon the baker.

The reason is also very simple.

The weekly maintenance fee for a baker's apprentice is only 5 grams of mithril powder.

The weekly maintenance fee for a barbecue apprentice reaches a full 15 grams!

You know, if Flynn earns 40 grams of Mithril powder every day, he will only earn 280 grams of Mithril powder in a week.

Just 15 grams for a barbecue apprentice?

I feel quite distressed.

If you go to the royal capital and hire a professional barbecue chef, you won't need 15 grams of mithril powder a week!

Although there are not many expenditure items for Flynn's Mithril Powder now, with the development of the village in the future, it can be expected that more and more items will need to be spent, so there is still room for savings.

Moreover, mithril powder is really useful.

The small wooden door system will definitely need to be upgraded in the future. Although no clear conditions have been given yet, the system has also stated that the strengthening and upgrading of the system requires a large amount of mithril powder.

Therefore, Flynn did not dare to waste mithril powder.

Anyway, even if the barbecue apprentice is summoned now, it can only roast potatoes and wild vegetables, and cannot exert its full effect.

So Flynn decided to summon only the baker, an NPC.

As long as there is bread from the baker NPC, it is enough to maintain the normal operation of the cooking system.

After a short operation in the system, Flynn successfully summoned the bread apprentice.

Stepping out of the gentle white light, the baker's apprentice, wearing the iconic white chef's hat, came to Flynn.

"Bread Apprentice Breed, at your service, my lord."

Flynn nodded and said, "Brad, from today on you are the chief baker here, Brad."

"As far as I know, the bread and milk you make can provide players with additional attributes."

Bread apprentice Breed replied respectfully: "Yes, sir, the bread I make can provide players with 1 point of iron bones."

"And the milk I made can provide players with 1 point of strong attack."

Iron bones and strong attacks are two attributes Flynn is no stranger to.

Each point of Iron Bone can increase the character's HP limit by 5 points, and has a higher probability of ignoring some minor damage.

Each point of strong attack can increase the character's melee damage by 10%.

In fact, Flynn is also very curious - he is a very strong knight, so how can he use his game attributes to reflect his strong combat power?

It's a pity that you can't view the attribute panel yet, otherwise Flynn would be very interested in checking his attribute panel.

While thinking about it, Flynn led the baker Breed to a selected open space.

This is the layout Flynn has planned.

Pointing to the open space, Flynn said to Breed: "I'm going to build your bakery here. It's very close to the mill and the well, and it's upwind, so the aroma of baking bread can spread far and wide. Far away, it should be good.”

"Of course, this is still just an open space, but I will help you solve the venue problem."

If you are an ordinary baker, you should have shouted that you have been cheated by now: this is your bakery in a wasteland. This is no longer a bad working environment.

There is no working environment at all!

But the baker Breed is a real NPC. Although Breed may make a helpless expression and complain, in any case Breed will obey Flynn's orders.

Looking at his new "office space", Breed showed an embarrassed expression, and then nodded: "There are still a lot of things to do before the opening, but I will work hard, so leave it to me."

After leaving here, Flynn conveniently issued a new system announcement: ""Superman Chronicles 2" has just received a hot update, and the cooking system is officially launched."

"Lord Flynn has specially hired master baker Breed to settle in Potato Village. Brave men can see him near the village mill."

"Warm reminder from the system: "Superman Chronicles 2" is currently in a long-term closed beta without deleting files. Although the game is good, players are asked to pay attention to their health and play in moderation."

Is Flynn the kind of game designer who blackheartedly exploits players just to get points?

Absolutely not!


For the sustainable development of players, Flynn specially issued an announcement to remind everyone to take a break.

However, whether the players listen or not is beyond Flynn's control.

In fact, no matter how fun a game is, no matter how advanced the modern game cabin is, there are only a few players who can play it 24 hours a day.

Most players know how to combine work and rest.

However, the game "Superman Chronicles 2" seems to have a majority of players who are crazy about it.

But this is also due to Flynn's selection. The current closed beta players are all game geeks who have been selected.

If the game is currently in a public beta state that can be entered at will, there must be only a few players who can play it for more than 20 hours a day.

Flynn didn't need to remind him, many players had already gone offline to rest.

For example, the hot weapon of Shuiyou, one of the first batch of closed beta players, was offline for health care as early as last night.

After taking a break, he also uploaded his own game video.

As a UP owner, Shuiyou’s Hot Weapon originally wanted to broadcast the game live, but there seemed to be a problem with the network between the game world and the real world, making it impossible to live broadcast.

So this time, Shuiyou’s Hot Weapon first recorded the video in the game and then uploaded it to Rui Station.

The hot weapon of water friends, he is a senior game player.

Judging from his many years of game experience, this time "Superman Chronicles 2" is likely to be a hit.

He predicts that the number of views on his video will be huge.

Before uploading the game video, Shuiyou Hot Weapon guessed that this video might be very popular.

But water friends’ hot weapons never expected that this video would become so popular!

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