I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 422 - 422: Beastman Warrior

Chapter 422: Chapter 422: Beastman Warrior

Song Jian walked in the direction of the sound, turned a street corner, and saw a low, squat building built of bricks and stone in the ruins of a residential building not far away.

This low building looked quite crude, the stones were all hewed from large blocks, contrasting with the surrounding modern architecture.

The door to this house was no more than an iron gate. The thicknesses of the iron bars were the size of an arm, deeply embedded into the stone. To get out would require breaking the surrounding walls, or somehow passing through the gate.

In this cage, a beastman with green skin was imprisoned. This beastman had lost an ear. Trailing down its cheek was a hideous scar. Had this wound been a mere two millimeters away, it would have cost the beastman an eye.

Scars covered his body, appearing like a weathered soldier.

Upon seeing Song Jian, the beastman appeared to grow even more ferocious, his thick arms grabbing hold of the iron railing, shaking it constantly, looking like it wanted to attack Song Jian.

Yet no matter how much force it used, the iron bars did not budge. Not even a speck of dust fell. Clearly, a special force was maintaining the prison, and the beastman could not break it.

“Abeastman?” Song Jian, watching this muscular beastman, couldn’t help feel a touch of disappointment in his eyes.

He who is not of my kind has a heart of a different kind. Towards any other race, even in games, Song Jian always held a guarded stance.

“Can you understand me?” Song Jian, unwilling to waste his trip, hesitated briefly but posed his question to the imprisoned beastman.

“Human… I enjoy… chewing… your… hearts!” The beastman’s large mouth split into a ferocious smile, his red, violent eyes emitting a strong murderous intent.

Song Jian’s face darkened. Without another word, he drew his Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword and thrust it forcefully through the bars of the cage.


A faint sound rang out as a magical barrier blocked the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword. Circles of ripples spread from the point of contact before slowly disappearing.

The imprisoned beastman watched as Song Jian failed and immediately burst into laughter. Song Jian’s brows furrowed. He could sense that the enchantment blocking his strength wasn’t very strong. If he were willing to put in the effort, he could still destroy this prison.

The enchantment not only stopped the beastman from coming out, but it also protected him. Watching the beastman laughing heartily, Song Jian lifted the comer of his mouth slightly, sheathed his sword, and prepared to turn and leave after one last glance at the beastman.

Seeing Song Jian turn to leave, the beastman warrior’s eyes filled with contempt and he broke into another round of raucous laughter.

This beastman was powerful, equivalent to a level thirty elite boss. Song Jian didn’t have the absolute confidence of defeating him.

However, the beastman warrior had to stay in this prison for a whole month. Once the energy of the prison dissipated, it would be able to break out and transform into a boss. With a month’s time, Song Jian could easily level up to thirty and then return to take him down.

Prisoners like this would randomly appear in Doomsday City every month. When the time came, George would naturally notify him of their locations. If he encountered subduable ones, he would subdue them. If he encountered ones like this beastman warrior, he would give up. There wouldn’t be much loss for Song Jian either way.

Just as Song Jian was about to turn and leave, he suddenly remembered a skill from the Book of the Abyss – Abyss Temptation. It only required one hundred thousand combat experience to unlock.

With a thought, the black Book of the Abyss appeared in Song Jian’s hands. He turned to the section about the “Abyss Temptation” skill and began to read carefully.

Abyss Temptation (Active): MAX. Skill Effect: After locking the target, chant the Language of Abyss Temptation at them, causing them to gradually lose their sanity. The stronger the target’s willpower attribute, the greater the resistance against the Language of Abyss Temptation, causing the success rate of this skill to decrease. This skill lasts for 30 seconds and can be interrupted. The target might attack the caster during the charm. If the target meets the charm requirement after thirty seconds, they will receive the Abyss Slave Mark and the skill succeeds. If they do not meet the charm requirement after thirty seconds, the skill fails and they will take a Soul Shock for 500 spirit points of damage. Skill cost: 30% Spirit Points.

“This skill seems a bit situational,” Song Jian contemplated while scratching his chin.

In terms of casting time, applying the skill to the target required having the ability to trap them for thirty seconds. Otherwise, the results would merely be driving the target into a more feral state and there was a high chance it would attract the target’s attacks.

But for the beastman warrior confined in the cage, this skill seemed tailor- made.

What Song Jian was considering now was whether it would be worth it to spend one hundred thousand combat experience to make the beastman warrior in front of him a slave. Song Jian was only 3% short of reaching the next level, so deducting one hundred thousand combat experience points was equivalent to losing ten percent of his total experience.

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian decided to unlock this skill. After all, prisoners like this only randomly appeared a few times a month. What’s more, even fewer were discovered by others. Most transformed into city monster bosses once their time was up.

With a thought, Song Jian’s experience bar immediately decreased. On the Book of the Abyss, the dim skill icon for Abyss Temptation lit up, emitting a glow.

A series of Abyssal phrases suddenly appeared in Song Jian’s mind, as if an invisible hand had physically shoved knowledge into his brain without consideration for his capacity for such information.

After a moment of dizziness, Song Jian mastered the Abyss Temptation Language. The Language of the Abyss had an extremely strong charm function. Ordinary people hearing it would quickly fall and become abyssal monsters if they did not have strong willpower. The charm spell formed by the Language of the Abyss was even more potent, rendering normal monsters unable to withstand it.

With the Book of the Abyss in hand, Song Jian turned to the “Abyss Temptation” section, fixed his gaze on the beastman in the cage, and began to softly chant.

The beastman warrior, seeing that Song Jian had stopped and pulled out a book, instinctively felt something was amiss but could not identify the problem.

Before long, the beastman warrior suddenly felt as if it was being watched by a savage beast. A pair of eyes filled with ferocity were fixed on its chest, sharp fangs seemed ready to pierce it at any moment.

Whispered words of charm reached its ears, the sound was infuriating yet sparked an irresistible urge to continue listening.

This sensation made the beastman warrior extremely uncomfortable, prompting an uncontrollable wild roar.

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