I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 98

~ Chapter 98

Adolf didn’t know the ins and outs. Since Jeffrey said that Wei Changcheng was the next patriarch of the eastern tribe, Adolf believed it and stopped paying attention to Wei Changcheng.

“Jeffrey, I, Adolf, just put my words here, either compensate my Hundred Birds tribe for enough animal skins, and kill all the males who went to the rain gathering, or we two tribes will fight directly.” Adolf arrived Now, there is still enough arrogance in the face of the eastern tribe. It is difficult to see a character similar to shame and humility in this tribe that has never suffered a big fall.

Hearing what Adolf said, there was no need for Jeffrey to say anything. The males standing behind Jeffrey and the others spontaneously raised their bows and arrows. The veins on their arms stood out one by one. Wei Changcheng, the male of the bird tribe, was not surprised. If the arrows were released now, few members of the bird tribe would be able to fly.

Adolf directly sank his face. He didn’t know what the males were holding up, but this did not prevent him from seeing that the orcs of the eastern tribe rejected his proposal, and snorted coldly: “In that case, when the time comes Don’t cry and beg our Hundred Birds tribe!”

Adolf waved his hand, and saw the males of the Hundred Birds flying up in a large area behind him. Wei Changcheng can be considered to understand what it means to cover the sky and block the sun. He touched his chin, but why is it so funny when he looks at it…

I don’t know if it’s because the males of the eastern tribes have the same idea as Wei Changcheng. Everyone’s expressions are very strange. It’s obvious that you must not laugh out of such a dignified atmosphere—so the expressions are distorted and very strange.

Jeffrey also waved his hand, and the male arrow behind him flew into the sky, making intimate contact with the body of the bent-over bird tribe.

It was just one round. When Wei Changcheng raised his head again, well, the sky has cleared up a lot, but it’s really not fun to keep dropping garbage from the sky. Wei Changcheng jumped to the left, dodging a hidden weapon, and then Taking a step back, he managed to dodge another one.

Adolf finally recovered from his panic, and shouted at the male of the Hundred Birds tribe in the sky: “Come down! Come down!”

Too bad this is something you stop at when you say stop? The males of the Hundred Birds Tribe began to land on the ground, while the arrow branches of the Eastern Tribes kept greeting the males of the Hundred Birds Tribe.

It is true that there are many males in the Bainiao tribe, but not all of them came this time. The eastern tribe absorbed four more small tribes in Xueyue. The Eastern tribe is the largest tribe in the Beastman Continent, and compared with the males of the Hundred Birds tribe, the number is even more dominant. In addition, the male targets of the Bainiao tribe flying in the sky are too big. Even the males of the eastern tribe can shoot a few blindly with their eyes closed.

So even though the war was only for a moment, the Hundred Birds Tribe did their best to land on the ground as quickly as possible, and the males of the Hundred Birds still lost more than half. Corpses were scattered everywhere, and the nose was filled with the smell of blood.

Wei Changcheng was expressionless: “Adolf, this time I just taught you a lesson for the Bainiao tribe. From now on, my eastern tribe and your Bainiao tribe have nothing to do with each other. As long as you don’t trouble us, we will never mess with you.”

I can’t tell what expression Adolf has on his face, and Wei Changcheng doesn’t care what Adolf thinks. From the beginning to the end, Wei Changcheng has never paid attention to the matter of the Bainiao tribe. Not far away, Wei Changcheng thinks that perhaps in the near future, the fate of the Bainiao tribe will be nothing more than two. One is to stick to their pride, gradually change from a large tribe to a small tribe, and finally be submerged in the beastman continent. In the rolling history, the other is to fall apart and join other tribes in the Beastman Continent, and flying is no longer the pride of the Hundred Birds tribe, but just a form of the Beastmen.

Jeffrey Wei Changcheng and the others didn’t stay any longer. After saying this to Adolf, they turned around and left. Some of the males also left, and the rest of the males were still vigilantly pointing their bows and arrows at the males of the Bainiao tribe on the opposite side.

Compared with the dignified at the beginning, it is more depressing at this moment. Adolf was originally young and frivolous, but he suddenly became mature, no, it should be old. He suddenly realized how ridiculous they were. He had never been sober at this moment. He thought that not only himself, but also the living males of the Hundred Birds tribe would be soberly aware of this.

The people of the Bainiao tribe moved, instead of attacking the eastern tribe, they bent over to pick up the corpses of their own tribe, or carried them on their backs, and they would take them back to the Bainiao tribe, no matter how long it took , Take them back and bury them in the Hundred Birds tribe.

This lesson was too heavy, so heavy that the Bainiao tribe began to feel hopeless. It was the first time they realized that their advantages were gone, and even existed as weaknesses. For the first time, their arrogance was severely thrown away. On the ground, hard. After paying too high a price, nearly half of the male tribesmen who died, how long will it take for them to recover to the peak of the previous moment?

They are at a loss, but not all bad results are brought about by this confusion. It seems that they can still see hope in the confusion, and they can see a third path besides the two paths mentioned above.

Adolf is proud, but not stupid. The Hundred Birds are arrogant, but smart enough. I believe that after grief, they will appreciate more things from this war. If you want to grow, you have to pay a price.

How can there be real good and evil? Not to mention there are words like love to hate.

“I don’t think I’m suitable for the future position of the eastern tribe’s patriarch.” Following Jeffrey back to the cave, Wei Changcheng directly expressed his opinion to Jeffrey.

“I’ve thought it through very clearly.” Jeffrey said slowly, without taking Wei Changcheng’s meaning to heart.

Wei Changcheng frowned: “Daniel is more suitable than me. Daniel is still the number one warrior in the Orc Continent. Obviously, Daniel is more suitable to be the patriarch.”

Jeffrey shook his head: “It doesn’t look like this.” Then he turned to look at Daniel, “Daniel, who do you think is more suitable to be the patriarch?”

“Xiaocheng is more suitable than me.” Daniel blurted out, “The force value is not the criterion for judging whether to be the patriarch.”

Wei Changcheng frowned even tighter: “I…”

“What we need is leadership.” Jeffrey interrupted Wei Changcheng, “Xiao Wei, haven’t you noticed? There is a convincing aura about you. Under the leadership of this convincing aura, Only the tribe can go more smoothly. After all, as the patriarch, it is impossible to disobey the crowd. The most important thing is that you can lead the eastern tribe to develop faster. From this point of view, it is only natural for you to be the patriarch.”

“As for Daniel, if you didn’t appear, Daniel would have become an excellent patriarch, but now with you, Daniel’s most important task is to guard by your side, protect you, guard you, and cut off all obstacles in front of you. thorns.”

Speaking of this, Wei Changcheng saw a trace of fanaticism from the depths of Jeffrey’s eyes: “I believe that one day in the future, you will take the eastern tribes farther, to a height that I can’t imagine, and As the number one warrior in the Orc Continent, Daniel deserves to stand by your side.”

Wei Changcheng didn’t know how Jeffrey’s so-called belief that he would lead the eastern tribe to an unimaginable height came about. Could it be that the beast **** told him?

A ridiculous idea came to Wei Changcheng’s mind. Could it be that he wants to unify the Beastman Continent by himself? Wei Changcheng instantly withdrew the thoughts in his mind, forget it, he really doesn’t want to unify the beastman continent, so he might as well sleep in if he has the time.

Wei Changcheng turned to look at Daniel, Daniel was much calmer than Jeffrey, at least he didn’t have the fanaticism in Jeffrey’s eyes, what Wei Changcheng saw in Daniel’s eyes was firmness, the firmness that would always stand by his side, Wei Changcheng Chang deliberately moved, no matter what Jeffrey’s thoughts were, Daniel would always stand behind him, and that was enough.

“Whether I’m the patriarch or you are the patriarch, it’s actually the same.” Daniel whispered in Wei Changcheng’s ear, “What’s mine is yours.”

Wei Changcheng was silent for a while, and finally said, “Okay.”

Daniel smiled, reached out and took Wei Changcheng’s hand.

Jeffrey looked at the two people who had forgotten him in front of him speechlessly, waved his hands, and said angrily: “Okay, okay, let’s go, go back to your own cave and get tired again.”

It is said that he is the next patriarch, but the time is not certain. After all, the patriarch of the Beastman Continent does not only serve for a few years, and there are two situations in which the patriarch will be replaced. One is the death of the patriarch. This death includes natural death and accidental death. Natural death is better. Accidental death means that the position of patriarch will be vacant in a short time. It will start to train the successor of the next patriarch. The second situation is that the current patriarch gives way to the next patriarch. This situation is very common. Although the patriarch can hold the position of patriarch until he dies of old age, the vast majority of patriarchs will give up after a certain period of time. To some extent, young patriarchs are more suitable for the development of the tribe than old patriarchs.

The premise of the above situation is that the patriarch has been working for a certain period of time. Obviously, considering Jeffrey’s age, the second situation is still a bit early to say. Therefore, although Wei Changcheng has become the quasi-patriarch of the eastern tribe, the distance between It may take a long time to actually become the patriarch.

Apart from the addition of the title of quasi-patriarch on his head, Wei Changcheng didn’t feel any changes in his life. The attitude of the people towards him is the same as before, the attitude of friends is the same as before, and the attitude of Daniel is the same as before. After a long time, Wei Changcheng almost forgot about it. Only when Wei Changcheng was called every time Jeffrey had a meeting or something, could he think of it.

Leaving aside what happened afterwards, the Bainiao tribe took away the corpses of the dead clansmen, except for a slight smell of blood, indicating that the war between the two tribes did exist, leaving no other traces, and this incident The matter also spread throughout the entire Orc Continent at the fastest speed. As for whether there are any hands and feet from the eastern tribes here, hehe… who knows.

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