I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 38

~ Chapter 38

Wei Changcheng pondered for a moment, then looked up at Jeffrey: “Patriarch, I have something to ask you.”


“Do you know if there has ever been water in this beastman continent?”

Jeffrey was startled, and his mind was spinning a thousand times, not understanding why Wei Changcheng asked this. Wei Changcheng was not in a hurry, and waited calmly for Jeffrey to tell him his answer. Finally, I don’t know how long it took, Jeffrey looked at Wei Changcheng, with a complicated light in his eyes: “Yes.”

Wei Changcheng’s heart skipped a beat, and then he felt a little relieved. In fact, it is normal for floods to occur.

“That happened a long time ago, and it happened before I was born, and not many people in the whole tribe knew about it.” Jeffrey said slowly, “The incident was very tragic, not to mention the eastern tribe, other big and small Small tribes were also affected, and countless orcs died. The flood flowed into the forest and flooded the caves below, and the animals in the forest were even more devastated. Flooding, but that was the most serious one, but after that flood, the entire Orc Continent has never been flooded again.”

Wei Changcheng was stunned. Wei Changcheng could understand what he said earlier, but why did Jeffrey say that there would be no more floods after that? This is not scientific at all!

“Why is there no flood anymore?” Wei Changcheng couldn’t help asking.

“Well, I don’t know about this.” Jeffrey obviously didn’t want to go on, he had said enough, “I heard that there were some things in the river, and since those things were added, there are no more things in the Beastman Continent It’s flooded.”


“Okay, that’s all I know.” Jeffrey stood up abruptly, “I’ll go see if Pei Ji has prepared a meal. If there’s nothing wrong, you and Daniel can stay and eat.”

Wei Changcheng looked at Jeffrey’s leaving back and became more puzzled. Why did he think that Jeffrey didn’t know, but didn’t want to say it? Wei Changcheng was right in thinking, Jeffrey did know, but he could only talk to this extent at most, because this matter was done by the beast god.

Wei Changcheng knew that he could only figure it out by himself, and Jeffrey would probably not tell him. Something extra in the river? In other words, it was because of these things that the Beastman Continent never experienced floods again. No, not only that, the water level would even drop during the rainy moon. So what is added to it?

“Xiao Cheng, do you want to stay for dinner?” Pei Ji had already prepared the meal, and Daniel came to call Wei Changcheng.

“No, I’m going to Uncle Boris.” Wei Changcheng shook his head, “You stay here, I’ll go back first.”

Daniel agreed, and Wei Changcheng went to Boris’ cave. Boris had already prepared a meal and was waiting for Wei Changcheng and Daniel to come back.

“It’s just the two of us tonight, Daniel stayed at home.” Wei Changcheng sat down, picked up a piece of barbecue and took a bite, “Uncle Boris, how old is the oldest orc in our tribe?”

“Why do you think of asking this?” Boris thought for a while, “Well, it should be nearly 200 years old.”

“I want to see them tomorrow.”

Boris was taken aback, looked at Wei Changcheng, puzzled: “What’s wrong?”

“There are some things I want to ask.” Wei Changcheng took a big sip of the broth, “It’s about hair.”

Boris said “oh”, “I’ll take you there tomorrow.”

At night, lying on a wooden bed covered with animal skins, Wei Changcheng couldn’t sleep.

He wanted to ask Xiao Ke to chat for a while, but before he could open his mouth, he thought that Xiao Ke should be asleep at this time, so he couldn’t help but sighed, really, he, the host, hadn’t said sleep yet, but he fell asleep.

People like Wei Changcheng suffer from insomnia, usually because they have something on their minds. Now Wei Changcheng can’t sleep, naturally because of the river incident today. Because the punishment for mission failure is too severe, Wei Changcheng dare not relax at all. Today, Jeffrey said that not many people in the tribe know, which means that there are still people who know, maybe there are people who have experienced the flood. Well, tomorrow I will go to ask the oldest person myself, and ask what I can find out. I comfort myself like this in my heart, but Wei Changcheng still can’t let go. What if what I do is wrong? What should I do if I can’t find anything even if I ask tomorrow?

Wei Changyuan thought that if he really couldn’t do it, he would be fooled. He couldn’t talk about everything in the water and couldn’t get it right. But as soon as he mentioned this to Xiao Ke, Xiao Ke would Unceremoniously told himself that there was only one chance to be wrong, if he said wrong the second time, then the task would fail directly, so Wei Changcheng was stunned.

Ever since Xiao Ke appeared next to Wei Changcheng, Wei Changcheng felt that this task was the most headache for him. What made Wei Changcheng even more troublesome was that Xiao Ke always gave himself some reminders in the past tasks, but since the release After completing this task, as long as it is a little bit related to this task, Xiao Ke will not talk, which also let Wei Changcheng know that Xiao Ke will not let go easily.

This can’t be public revenge, can it? Wei Changcheng rubbed his chin in the darkness, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility. Did Xiao Ke want revenge because he threatened it last time?

Hey, if you still can’t complete the task on the last day, go to the patriarch. If that time comes, no matter what method you use, you must let the patriarch tell you! Thinking that the patriarch knew the ins and outs of this matter, Wei Changcheng was finally slightly relieved. When the time comes, I will let Daniel speak for me. Maybe things are not as difficult as I thought?

Thinking of Daniel, Wei Changcheng became even more uneasy. God knows that he has tried his best to avoid thinking about Daniel these days. Even if he saw Daniel, he still hinted in his heart that nothing happened to him. However, in the middle of the night, Wei Changcheng found that he couldn’t hide no matter how much he tried.

That being the case, why not face it, Wei Changcheng thought secretly in his heart.

Wei Changcheng stared up, but his mind was thinking about everything since he met Daniel until now. From being reluctant to save Daniel at the beginning, to returning to the eastern tribe with Daniel, from Daniel’s meticulous care of himself during the journey, to Daniel’s step-by-step guardianship in the eastern tribe, from Uncle Boris Ruo From Ruowu’s hints and Alan’s blatant remarks, to “jealousy” of Alan’s cleverness and dislike of Daniel’s blog posts, Wei Changcheng finally realized how he felt about Daniel.

He likes him, and Wei Changcheng likes Daniel.

Wei Changcheng finally knew why he didn’t directly reject Daniel’s confession when he confessed to him, and even didn’t reject Daniel’s confession at all, and even secretly felt delighted.

It’s just that Wei Changcheng also likes Daniel.

Wei Changcheng never believed in love at first sight. What is love at first sight? Is it appearance, temperament, or ulterior motives? What Wei Changcheng firmly believes in is that love is born over time, every bit of life is brought together, and then one day he suddenly understands that this is love.

No matter how hot the fire is, one day it will be extinguished and only ashes are left, no matter how ups and downs life is, one day it will return to peace and stability. What Wei Changcheng longed for was never the sadomasochistic love of a wealthy family, let alone a lingering love. You are the wind I am Sha’s Wandering World, and what he envies is that when you are seventy and eighty, your eyes can’t see and my teeth have fallen out, we can still hold hands and go for a walk in the park.

Then in this strange world, Wei Changcheng found that he had found the person who would be by his side for the rest of his life. Their encounter is not beautiful, their acquaintance is not cruel, and their love is not too late, and staying together is within reach.

That’s great. Wei Changcheng let out a long sigh of relief. Although falling in love with a man surprised Wei Changcheng, Wei Changcheng didn’t find anything wrong with him. Wei Changcheng thought that he had never liked a woman in his previous life. At the beginning, you only like men? But I haven’t seen myself paying too much attention or * to men.

But what the heck! Wei Changcheng smiled, well, there are no women in this world anyway, so it’s normal for me to like men! You’d be a weirdo if you didn’t like men!

Wei Changcheng, who had figured it out, felt unprecedentedly happy. In this world, what could be more pleasant than liking someone, and that person also happens to like him? Wei Changcheng turned over, this one fell asleep soon, um, next time Daniel confesses to himself, he will promise him!

[Ding! The quest “Clarify Your Mind” is completed. Mission success reward: Allow the host to inform Daniel of the existence of the system. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for clarifying his mind, here the system wishes the host and Daniel a happier and more fulfilling life. ]

Responding to Xiao Ke was Wei Changcheng, who hadn’t woken up, yelling indiscriminately: “You idiot, you’re so noisy!”

[Ding! The early wake-up call service is starting…Startup is complete…The wake-up call service starts: (Beethoven’s Symphony of Destiny starts to play in Wei Changcheng’s mind)]

Then Wei Changcheng accidentally fell off the bed.

“Xiao Ke! What are you doing!”

Xiao Ke’s voice was cold and heartless: [Ding! The system has just started the early wake-up service. Now that the host has woken up, please start a new day of life. ]

Wei Changcheng was silent, as if he remembered something, did he say something before the wake-up call? By the way, did Xiao Ke say something before he said something? Well, Wei Changcheng, who finally remembered everything, came to his senses, patted his buttocks and stood up, muttering as he walked: “Really, shouldn’t you tell me right away when the task is completed? It took a night before I thought of telling me! And What’s the matter with calling the rice bucket? Could it be that what you said is wrong?”

I think if Xiao Ke had a physical body, he would be so angry that he would be red all over by now…

When Wei Changcheng walked out of the cave, he didn’t see Daniel. This made Wei Changcheng, who was used to Daniel waiting for him outside every morning, feel a little uncomfortable. After a while, he remembered that Daniel should be hunting with the hunting team today. , Wei Changcheng was silent for a while before entering Boris’ cave.

After breakfast with Boris, Boris took Wei Changcheng to find the oldest orcs in the tribe.

The author has something to say: look at the slight sadness in my body, I found out that today this article has been revised a lot, and then there is a final article that has been locked… But no matter how you modify it, the essence inside will not change …shouren really ruins the three views…

Open a new article without accident! Open a new article!

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