I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 101

~ Chapter 101

Since the group of orcs like Tommy came here, another group of orcs came here shortly after. They also had the same thoughts as Tommy. Fortunately, some of the earthen huts over there have been completed, so Wei Changcheng arranged for the group to come here. The person who lives in it, that is to say, the person who moves into the earthen house is the owner of the earthen house.

In this way, some places were vacated, and finally the orcs who came to study in the eastern tribes could be put down. In the following period of time, there would always be orcs who came to the eastern tribes. Even some distant tribes sent males They came to learn from the eastern tribes, and for a while, there was a trend of learning from the eastern tribes in the orc continent.

This is a good sign. Wei Changcheng told Daniel that the strength of the eastern tribes can no longer be stopped. Sooner or later, all the tribes on the Orc Continent will discover the rise of the eastern tribes and look up to them. Instead of letting almost everyone The big and small tribes in the world are envious, jealous and even resentful. It would be better to let the whole orc continent grow together.

Naturally, Wei Changcheng knew about the fact that both kindness and power were equal. Among them, the prestige was the Beast Tide and the Hundred Birds tribe that were defeated by the eastern tribes. The former was an existence that terrified the entire Beastman Continent, and the latter was an existence that made the Beastman Continent fearful. , and the eastern tribe not only defeated the former, but also defeated the latter. This feeling of awe has been generated in the entire Orc Continent. Even if the Eastern Tribe does nothing, the Orc Continent will not have the idea of attacking the Eastern Tribe.

Wei Changcheng has no reservations about the method of making traps. Every tribe who comes to the eastern tribes to learn, Wei Changcheng will let them tell them how to make traps, not only traps, but also earthen houses, farmland, and water transfer channels. From small tables and chairs, wooden beds, luminous leaves, from corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes to onions, ginger, garlic, and even the writing of the eastern tribes, there is no reservation—only bows and arrows are left.

The bows and arrows were hidden in the depths of the cave by the eastern tribes. The front of the cave was full of dried meat and other food, and the bows and arrows had never appeared in front of everyone from the beginning to the end.

This is a weapon, a weapon that can defeat the Hundred Birds tribe, a weapon that can prevent the beast tide from getting close. Wei Changcheng invented it in the Beastman Continent but he is also afraid of it. In hiding, every orc of the eastern tribes was tight-lipped about the existence of bows and arrows, and no one spoke of it. As long as people from the Bainiao tribe do not come, the eastern tribe will not take out their bows and arrows.

It can also be said that bows and arrows are the hole cards of the eastern tribes, and Wei Changcheng will not take them out easily. As for the Bainiao tribe who knew the existence of bows and arrows, Wei Changcheng believed that they would not tell other tribes about the existence of bows and arrows. Since then, their eastern tribes and Bainiao tribes will not interfere with each other. The idea of the bird tribe disappearing completely, if you have this idea, and put this idea into action with the help of bows and arrows, that is not what Wei Changcheng wants to see.

What race can determine the survival of another race? What’s more, the orc tribe and the Bainiao tribe on the Beastman Continent belong to the category of orcs to some extent, and there is no need to kill each other. It’s not that the existence of the Bainiao tribe can no longer be tolerated here.

Now Wei Changcheng’s task is to hand over what the eastern tribes have to other tribes, and because Wei Changcheng assigns his tasks to the people below, it’s just that after a few days of busy work, Wei Changcheng is free , every day with Daniel to make an earth kang in the earthen house.

Since Osborne lived in Boris’ cave, he has been following up with Boris every day. As long as Boris has a job, Osborn will rush to do it, and even the cooking task is taken away by Osborn. In the past, Wei Changcheng’s eyes lit up after eating once in a while. Although Osborne’s craftsmanship is not superb, it is much better than himself and Daniel, and better than Boris’s, so Wei Changcheng set foot again The life of going to Boris’ cave to eat food – Wei Changcheng, who doesn’t need to cook, is even more free.

So Wei Changcheng’s heart was ready to move, and under Xiao Ke’s flickering, Wei Changcheng and Daniel embarked on the road of searching for mineral deposits again.

Wei Changcheng wanted to go alone. After all, he and Daniel always want to keep one of them in the tribe. If Wei Changcheng is not in Daniel, he can tell you some things, but Wei Changcheng goes outside the tribe alone. Don’t worry, in this way, Daniel still left the tribe with Wei Changcheng.

Jeffrey did not stop Wei Changcheng and Daniel from leaving. After all, Daniel is an independent male. Standing as a father, he can no longer stop Daniel. Wei Changcheng is the next patriarch of the eastern tribe handpicked by Jeffrey. Go out There is nothing wrong with wandering around. Jeffrey not only cannot stop but also supports. Although there is still danger, Daniel who is by Wei Changcheng’s side makes Jeffrey feel relieved a lot.

This time the two of them walked a little further. In Wei Changcheng’s view, the eastern tribes will settle here for a long time. Perhaps during this period of time, the Orc Continent will enter the Bronze or Iron Age. It is always convenient to have some mineral deposits around, and Xiao Ke is already here. The surrounding areas of the eastern tribe absorbed two mineral deposits. Wei Changcheng was afraid that the eastern tribe’s mineral deposits would be gone if he could not support him at that time, so he strongly urged Xiao Ke to go to other places to absorb the mineral deposits.

So Wei Changcheng and Daniel started to run further east.

At the running speed of Wei Changcheng and Daniel, it will take more than ten days to reach the place designated by Xiao Ke, which shows how far it is.

The two of them traveled non-stop along the way, and this is the most free and most suitable time of the year for going out. There is plenty of food that you don’t have to worry about, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold, and you don’t need to be busy with the farmland, because Wei Changcheng decided to take advantage of this time to recover Xiao Ke’s energy at once, so this time The mine selected by Xiao Ke is almost twice the size of the last time, enough for Xiao Ke to recover his energy, but the time is quite long, estimated to be more than 20 days, Wei Changcheng calculated this way, plus the time to go back and forth , I am afraid it will take more than a month to go back to the tribe. Oh, by the way, Wei Changcheng still wants to run slowly on the way back to see if he can find any new food, such as rice.

The location of the mine is on an open plain. There are no high mountains around, only some low hills, which are far away from where Wei Changcheng and Daniel stand. There are also trees, but the growth is not very good, and they are very low. Get all kinds of weird shapes.

Wei Changcheng didn’t care, sat down at the place designated by Xiao Ke, and started to take things out of the storage space. Daniel was a little embarrassed, there was no cave for rest nearby, which made Daniel a little uneasy, and having no shelter was the second priority After all, everyone lived on flat ground during the rainy season, but there were only him and Xiaocheng here, and the open terrain was definitely loved by wild animals.

“It doesn’t matter.” Wei Changcheng said nonchalantly, “The open terrain is also good, at least when there are wild animals approaching, we can see them at a glance, so we are not afraid of them sneaking up on us.”

This was the only way, Daniel had to compromise, but he couldn’t sleep well at night, lest something unexpected happen.

However, after staying here for nearly ten days, not to mention beasts that can threaten Daniel and Wei Changcheng, even some docile and non-threatening animals did not appear much, if the two of them hadn’t brought enough dried meat when they came out , Daniel even has to walk a long way every day to find food.

“It’s really strange here.” Wei Changcheng muttered, but it’s better to have no wild beasts than to have piles of wild beasts. Wei Changcheng finally attributed these to Xiaoke’s choice of a good place.

Xiao Ke has been very silent recently, and Wei Changcheng wondered if he had eaten too much and was stretched, but Xiao Ke didn’t stop, so Wei Changcheng just stayed there obediently and didn’t move.

So it happened quietly one morning.

The open terrain brought Wei Changcheng and Daniel the benefit of discovering all creatures. Similarly, it also made the creatures entering this area infinitely more likely to find Wei Changcheng and Daniel. There were orcs found in Wei Changcheng and Daniel. When entering this area from the east, the other party also saw the existence of Wei Changcheng and Daniel.

“Some, strange.” Wei Changcheng murmured, and Daniel frowned.

The place where Wei Changcheng and Daniel arrived is already far in the east. As far as Daniel knows, there are no orc tribes here. The situation that appeared in front of the two of them did not seem to match what the two of them knew.

“They come from further east,” Daniel whispered.

more oriental? Wei Changcheng’s eyes stayed behind the group of orcs. There were hills, and the hills of two to three hundred meters were enough to cover Wei Changcheng and Daniel’s sight.

“Where is behind the hill?” Wei Changcheng asked suddenly.

“I don’t know.” Daniel was a little puzzled, “But the tribe calls the easternmost part of the continent the east end of the continent. In addition, there are west end, north end, and south end. Every orc is forbidden to approach these places. People have been there.”

“The end?” Wei Changcheng murmured, what is the so-called end? Wei Changcheng suddenly thought of rivers and the earth. For the earth, the end of the continent is the ocean.

Wei Changcheng stood up abruptly. That’s right, even though there are many things that don’t exist on Earth in the Beastman Continent, and even though Beastmen don’t exist on Earth, it cannot be denied that the climate conditions in the Beastman Continent are very similar to those on Earth. Does it mean that there is also an ocean here?

Wei Changcheng smiled. There is no need to be confused about this sentence. The rivers on the orc continent must have a place to return to, right?

“It’s too late for us to leave,” Daniel said again.

Wei Changcheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the group of orcs who were getting closer to the two of them. There were about twenty of them. As they approached, Wei Changcheng could clearly see their tall and mighty bodies , subconsciously glanced at Daniel, Wei Changcheng frowned, all of these people seem to be taller and stronger than Daniel?

Wei Changcheng’s expression was slightly condensed, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the club-like weapons in the hands of the orcs. On the Beastman Continent, none of the males of the Beastman tribe knew how to use weapons. For the males, it seemed that only the body was the most reliable existence. However, in this group of Beastmen, everyone carried weapons.

— So, who are they?

The author has something to say: Thank you “Wen” for mine~

I have an exam today and I will have an exam tomorrow, how diligent I am when I am still updating~ la la la ~

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