I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.30 Found Alive One!

Quinus, Rya, and the other two all started to make their way through the nest, hoping to find any survivors, even if it was a fool's hope. While Rya and Quin were walking down the last row, Rya noticed some female demi-humans tied up.

"Demi-humans? It's sad to see them captured," Quinus said, with a look of pity.

"Is there a demi-human tribe in Fiafyr?" Rya asked as she kneeled next to the woman.

"No, there aren't. These ones might have been battle slaves from one of the neighboring kingdoms... If I could, I would like to rid myself of such a sport," Quin said as he looked over the row of deceased women.

"T-That's horrible," Rya said with a look of disgust.

‘So there’s slavery in this world. I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m sure there would be slavers who would definitely come and try to enslave me! Haah... So I’m going to need eyes on the back of my head if I can’t reverse what’s happened to me... I'm sure they would love to have a Dark Elf to sell,’ Rya thought to herself. The images of these poor women will be etched in her mind, forever. As it is a reminder of how cruel this world could be.

"I know... They're still people and they deserve to be treated with respect. I'm sure their master used them as decoys when they were ambushed by the goblins... Tsk! They're nothing but cowards," Quin said as he looked at all the dead.

"What a terrible life they must have had," Rya said as she knelt down beside the dead.

She noticed that all of them were wolfkin females.

*Cough! Cough!*

Quinus and Rya's attention was drawn towards a wolfkin female who was still "alive" a few feet away from them.

"Huh!? George! Percy! There's an alive one here!" Quinus exclaimed as he hurried over to the woman.

Rya's eyes widened when she saw what the condition of the wolfkin female was, "She looks like she's ready to give birth!?"

Quinus got down on his knees and examined the wolfkin female, who looked like she was well past her third trimester, as she had pain written all over her face. But instead of looking like a healthy mother ready to give birth. She looked more like she had a parasite sucking the life force out of her. She looked ravaged and her body was withering away from it.

"This doesn't look good," Quin said as he looked at the wolfkin.

"Cough! Hehe, so I still have to die in front of you, miserable humans... Cough!" the wolfkin said with half-glazed eyes.

"Don't tell me she's about to give birth," Rya asked with a look of concern.

"The goblin fetus is already growing inside her. But we'll make sure first." Quin said as he stood up.

At that moment, Percy and Sir George finally made their way over to Rya and Quinus.

"Should we put her down, my lord?" Sir George asked as he readied his sword.

"If she's a Brood Maiden, then yes... Percy, do you have the magical instrument?" Quin said as he walked over to the wolfkin female.

Yes, my lord." Percy said as he pulled out a crystal artifact that was used on Rya when they first met and handed it to Prince Quinus.

Well, I know it's a fool's hope, but I do hope you're not a Brood Maiden, my lady." Quinus said as he placed the object by the wolfkin female's belly.

"Cough! Oh, p-please... you just want to kill me. Cough! Like I know you humans want to," the wolfkin female said as she glared at Quin.

Quinus didn't know how to respond to her, so all he could do was confirm what they already knew. He got down on his knees and checked the wolfkin female's stomach. He could see the artifact starting to glow red. As it was a sign that she was infected by the goblins.

"Haah... I'm sorry, my lady. You are infected by the goblins' spawn. I really wish there was something else we could do," Quinus said sadly.

"I'll be gone soon anyway... So, have your fun, humans..." The wolfkin female said with glazed eyes.

Quinus stood up and nodded to Sir George as he unsheathed his sword. Rya was just stuck there, not knowing what to do. But she wanted to stop this somehow.

'This is bullshit. Is there really nothing we can do to save her? This could have been me if I hadn't escaped those goddamn hobgoblins. Isn't there anything that we can do?' Rya thought as she watched the wolfkin female close her eyes while Sir George stepped forward. He prepared himself before he had to end this poor woman’s life.

'Think Ryan! There has to be something we can do!' Rya's mind was racing as she felt herself starting to tear up. But that was when she had a eureka moment and she knew what she could try to do. She snapped into action and kneeled next to the wolfkin.

"Wait, Sir George!" Rya yelled as she hurried towards the wolfkin.

Sir George stopped in his tracks as he watched Rya kneeling next to the wolfkin female, and Prince Quinus rushed over to stop her and picked her up.

"Rya... I'm sorry, but this is the only way," Quinus said as he held onto Rya's arm to keep her from going to the wolfkin.

"No! There is another way. But you all have to promise me. Promise me you all will keep this a secret!" Rya said as she stared into Quinus's golden eyes.

Quinus didn't know why but he trusted her and he wanted to help in any way possible.

"We'll keep whatever you want to do a secret, Rya... But if it fails... We'll have to put her down. Okay?" Quinus said as he looked at the wolfkin, who was still coughing and didn't look like she had that much time left before she gave birth to the goblins.

"If our Lord says to keep it a secret, we'll keep it a secret, Lady Rya," Percy said with a nod as he stepped aside.

And with that, Quinus released Rya's arm gently as she proceeded to kneel next to the wolfkin.

"Thank you," Rya said with a bow.

When Rya got closer the the wolfkin she was able to witness how much worse her state was compared to hers. She knew she didn't have that much time left.

"Haah, I can't believe I'm doing this," Rya whispered to herself while she placed her hand on the wolfkin's stomach and focused her mana towards the young, withered lady in hopes that whatever she was doing would work.

"What... What are you-" the wolfkin started to ask but Rya placed a finger on her lips and shook her head.

"Shhhh... I need silence," Rya said as she closed her eyes and focused her mana towards the wolfkin. A light aura started to spread throughout her body, and within seconds, Rya felt a warmth coming over her fingers.

Quinus, Percy, and George couldn't believe their eyes as the ravaged body of the wolfkin started to revert to its original form. Her body grew back her lean muscles, and her forearms grew back their fur, as did her lower legs. Her cut-off tail began to grow back, along with her ears. Then her beautiful, long, silky black hair grew back. Lastly, her breasts regained their firmness and grew larger, while her hips widened slightly. Within a few minutes, the wolfkin changed back into a beautiful young woman who had a few scars on her body. The only thing was the bulge in her abdomen.

"SHE! SHE A HEAL~!?" Percy's mouth was covered by Sir George as he whispered a stern warning to him.

"Quiet you FOOL!... Marcus and his men might be close!" Sir George told Percy while he was waiting for the young ranger to regain his wit before releasing him.

'F-Focus Ryan! J-Just a bit more!' Rya thought to herself as she channeled her healing magic into the wolfkin.

Just as Rya focused her mana into the bulge, the wolfkin's belly seemed to shrink a bit as her breathing became labored and her skin started to sweat.

"Wh-What are you!?" the wolfkin said in surprise at Rya as she felt the pressure in her lower abdomen begins to build up.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Rya screamed out as she began to break out in a sweat. The goblin spawn was putting up a fight against her, but the healing magic was overpowering it as the goblin spawn was forcibly expelled.

"Naugh!?" Moaned the wolfkin while she spread her legs as this disgusting, foul green sludge shot out of her vagina, causing her abdomen to shrink back to normal. After a moment, the wolfkin's breathing went back to normal as she tried to register what just happened to her. While Rya was trying to regain her strength.

"I-Is that the goblin sp-spawn?" Percy asked as he looked at the sludge on the ground.

"Rya!? Are you okay!?... What's wrong!?" Quinus said as he knelt by her and helped her from falling over.

"Haah... haah, I'm fine. Just give me a moment," Rya said, while she shook her head and then double-checked to see if the wolfkin was cured.

'Thank the Goddess that she taught me, Void Healing... But CRAP, I'm exhausted!...' Rya thought to herself as she wiped some sweat off her forehead.

"H-How!? How did this happen? Wait!? There's a darky?" the wolfkin asked herself with a perplexed look written all over her face before turning her attention to the dark elf, who started to stand up before her. Only to stumble over herself from over-exerting herself.

"Huh!?" Rya was surprised by her legs failing her.

"Whoa, there!... I got you, Rya," Quinus responded quickly and moved in to catch Rya before she could fall to the dirty ground.

"Oh! T-Thanks Quin. Hehe, I guess that took more out of me than I thought," Rya said as she looked down at herself. Only for her to notice another slight change to her body. Her breasts were fuller than ever and they helped with messing with her balance. ‘N-NOT Again!?’ She screamed in her head after seeing her large breasts sway and bounce around, struggling to be contained by her black shirt.

"Percy. Sir George... Help free our wolf friend from her chains. I'll see to Rya's needs."

"As you wish, my Lord," Percy said as he unsheathed his sword and went to work freeing the wolfkin from her restraints.

While Percy and Sir George worked on getting the wolfkin out of her chains, Quinus helped Rya sit down on a comfortable-looking stone.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises? I didn't expect you to be a heal~ well, you know," Quinus said as he handed her his water skin.

"Hehe, thanks. It wasn't easy, but I couldn't let her die like that. Especially, since I could have shared the same fate as them. If I was only able to save one... Then it was worth it. Even if I should have kept it to myself," Rya spoke as she drank some water. She noticed Quinus' big, handsome smile at that moment and it made her curious.

"Umm? Did I say something?" She asked as she put down the water skin.

"It's nothing," Quinus said as he sat down next to Rya, then he placed his hand on top of her head, and started massaging her scalp. "You're nothing short of amazing... I wanted you to know that."

Rya felt a shiver run down her spine and her ears perked up in shock as her face turned crimson red from blushing.

"T-Thanks… B-But still, what did I say to make you smile like that?"

Rya asked as she closed her eyes and tried to relax from the massage.

"Hehe, you just confirmed something I've been curious about," Quinus said while he admired her cute expression.

"H-Huh? Y-You are just using this as an excuse to make fun of me, aren't you?"

"I'm not, really. I just felt like telling you how much I appreciate you saving not only me but everyone who has come across you." Quinus said in a sweet, soft voice that was very soothing.

Rya's face blushed even harder as she heard his words. She knew he meant every word. And hearing him say it made her feel all giddy and fuzzy inside, like never before.

"Thanks, Quin... But y-you're just saying that just to... mmmmh," Rya moaned as Quinus scratched her scalp right behind her ears.

It took awhile for Rya to recompose herself, once she had her wits about her, she stood up. She was able to balance herself, even with her larger breasts. She then looked at Quinus who was still sitting on the rock next to her.

"You must like making things difficult for me, don't you?" Rya said with a small pout.

"Hmm, why do you say that?" Quinus asked as he stood up, towering over her. Making her feel the tiniest bit intimidated, but at the same time, she felt safe being next to him.

Quinus was about to tease her again when all of a sudden. A black-haired wolfkin came over to Rya.

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