I Found Myself Pregnant After Becoming An Omega

Chapter 133

When the original owner wears Jiyu (9)

For sex, Jiyu can be said to be very open.

Although more than ten years have passed, the original world and family still left indelible traces in his way of thinking and behavior.

He is not ashamed to talk about sex, nor is he ashamed to face sex. Once he meets the person who can sparkle in his heart, then holding hands, hugging, kissing and going to bed can be a matter of course, even he doesn’t care about the order of these things at all. You can kiss or go to bed first.

It’s just that he hasn’t met such a person for so many years.

For more than ten years, no one except the old father can make him have any big emotional fluctuations. He is always stable. Whether it is academic or career, including feelings, it is stable, smooth and smooth. No Lan.

Ji Yu often sums up his life with plain words, but whenever he says this, someone will always retort, saying that he is too humble. After all, he is the top student in the college entrance examination and graduated from the top medical school in the country. After graduation, he has a master’s degree. He continued to study, went abroad for further studies, visited a high school, and finally was employed in the best private hospital in Jiangcheng. The job title and salary increase were all smoothly and smoothly. It can be said that from childhood to adulthood, he is a good student in the eyes of the teacher, parents. The children of other people’s families in the eyes of colleagues are also elites in the eyes of colleagues, and have nothing to do with the word plain.

But Ji Yu felt that such days were dull and boring.


He never got what he wanted most.

As time passed, the desire in his heart grew stronger.

He wants love, a pair of eyes that only look at himself, a heart that only looks at himself.

He wants to have such a person who loves himself unconditionally and puts himself in the highest position. No one can shake him. He wants the other person to give all his enthusiasm and love to himself. That kind of love can be crazy and paranoid. , Even morbid, it’s okay, he can accept it.

But so many years have passed, he has been to so many countries and met so many people, yet he still hasn’t encountered what he wants.

It’s not that no one likes him, nor is no one confessed to him, on the contrary, there are many such people.

He has seen the eyes of a female college student sprung by Chunxin. They are lingering, shy and timid, and they are beautiful, but he doesn’t like them; he has seen the eyes of mature men suggesting that they are still talking, calm and ambiguous, but He didn’t like it either; he had seen the same black and bright eyes as Fu Ren, full of enthusiasm, which seemed to be shining. This was what he liked, but the innocence and reservedness implied in it were what he didn’t like.

Because these are like itchiness to him.

What he really likes is when he looks at him attentively, enthusiastically, full of strength and desire for control, as if it will suddenly violently press him under his body in the next second, hold him tightly, and force him or Give, the kind of gaze that is mixed with strong emotions and only gives him a person.

It sounds scary, but it’s what he really wants.

But this country is known as a country of etiquette. The society here emphasizes etiquette, justice and shame, and people’s expressions of emotions are mostly implicit and introverted. Simply put, it is very measured.

They prefer to proceed step by step, little by little, and know how to be polite and restraint.

Ji Yu doesn’t like to be polite in emotions, let alone restraint in this area.

Therefore, he hopes that someone can break through the so-called ethics and morality. If he likes it, he will boldly and forcefully grab his hand, pinch his shoulder, and express his love and love straightforwardly by voice or body. come out.


Now Fu Ren did this to himself.

He finally met such a person.

Ji Yu’s thin lips lifted up, his eyes lowered slightly, his sweaty eyelashes drooped, covering his eyes with indulgent colors.

“Hi…” Fu Ren felt a sudden pain in his shoulder. He raised his head, gasping and looking at the person in front of him.

Ji Yu smiled at him, his thin lips were as red as blood: “It hurts a bit.”

Fu Ren was taken aback.

“But that’s okay.”

Ji Yu stared at Fu Ren’s eyes, “I like them all.”

Fu Renxin’s hair was hot, and he swallowed, as if he could hear the sound of blood running in his veins.

Before he could speak, Ji Yu said: “Your eyes are very beautiful.”

After speaking, he bent his eyes and smiled, his fingertips glowing with powder fell on the end of Fu Ren’s eyes, touched his eyelashes lightly, then slowly moved upwards, touching the eyelids, and finally raised his upper body with difficulty, and dropped a kiss on Fu Ren’s eyes. .

This light kiss was like a combustion aid, making the fire in Fu Ren’s heart burn more vigorously.

He didn’t expect everything to go so smoothly, and the things he prepared were really as useful as he expected, and he didn’t expect…Ji Yu would be so cooperative and even so proactive.

He looked at the satin-like neck in front of him, his eyes eagerly lowered his head and added a few red plums on it, when he heard Ji Yu’s voice lazily ringing again.

“You seem to hate and lie to me.”

As if cold water poured down his head, Fu Ren paused, raising his eyes to face the smiling eyes of Shang Jiyu.


Ji Yu frowned and hummed, “Don’t stop, continue.”

Fu Ren didn’t move, he didn’t continue, who had always been obedient.

Ji Yu waited for the meeting and saw no movement from Fu Ren. He couldn’t help but look at him and said amusedly: “What are you nervous? I won’t eat you again.”

“Why do you suddenly ask this?” Fu Ren’s eyes flickered for a moment, and he quickly calmed down.

“If you want to know, just ask.”

Ji Yu gently stroked the sweaty hair on Fu Ren’s forehead, “Huh? Did you lie to me?”

Fu Ren pursed his lips, without saying a word.


“…Hmm.” After a moment of silence, Fu Ren responded in a low voice.

Ji Yu smiled: “Well what, talk.”

“Cheated.” Fu Ren buried his face in Jiyu’s shoulder, holding the person in his arms tighter and burying himself deeper.


Ji Yu went down to the ground and stroked the back of Fu Ren’s head, his words were so gentle, “What did you lie to me?”

“A lot.” Fu Nenweng said with anger.

“for example?”

“…Do you want to talk about it?”

Ji Yu nodded: “Well, I want to hear it.”

Fu Ren asked in a dumb voice, “What will happen to you after I told you?”

“It won’t be much.”



Fu Ren didn’t speak any more, Ji Yu thought he was thinking and hesitating.

But he didn’t want to. In a place he couldn’t see, Fu Renzheng quietly looked at the solid alloy railings erected by the windows, and then moved his gaze to land on the thick blackout curtains tied separately by the windows.

He only drew the ordinary gauze curtains before Huanhao, and did not move the blackout curtains.

“What are you thinking about? Your heartbeat has become faster.” Ji Yu suddenly said.

Fu Ren immediately narrowed his eyes: “It’s nothing.”

“It’s better not to lie in front of a doctor in this regard.”

Fu Ren’s heart became hot, and Ji Yu’s hand covered it.

“I don’t need a stethoscope to know your heartbeat clearly, not to mention…”

Ji Yu put his head to Fu Ren’s ear and whispered, “Our distance is negative, and I can feel any changes in you.”

The warm breath sprayed into the cochlea, and Fu Ren’s entire back was numb.

He resisted the throbbing, his voice suppressed and restrained: “Then what do you think I lied to you?”

Ji Yu said unhurriedly: “You started to line up for your birthday, but you can’t afford the elevator card?”

“It can be done.” Fu Ren said.

“Then why lie to me?”

“I want you to feel bad.”

Ji Yu smiled, his expression unsurprisingly: “Are those lies just for this purpose?”

During the more than a month of getting along, Fu Ren told a lot of lies, some indifferent casually, and some premeditated fabrications that are too much in the eyes of ordinary people, but Ji Yu has seen it through and didn’t take it. What happened, not only didn’t take it seriously, but also willingly fell into an emotional trap mixed with lies.

“Yes.” Fu Ren replied.

“Then why do you make me feel bad?” Ji Yu pushed Fu Ren, and waited for him to straighten up his upper body and watch him for a while.

Fu Ren said, “You must know.”

Ji Yu: “I want you to say.”

“Because of……”

Fu Ren exhaled. He clenched his hands, his tone was firm and sincere, “Because I like you, and I want you to like me more.”

“That’s it.” Ji Yu nodded, “Yes, the reason is passed.”

He patted Fu Ren on the shoulder, “Then go on.”

“Continue what?” Fu Ren was startled.

Ji Yu sneered. He didn’t move his upper body. The part hidden in the quilt didn’t know what he had done, causing Fu Ren to snorted: “What do you want to continue?”

Fu Ren’s face turned redder, although he was a little confused, but he still “continued” according to his words.

Only this time, he continued to stare at Ji Yu, as if he wanted to see through Ji Yu, but no matter how he looked, he couldn’t see anything from Ji Yu’s red cheeks like peach and plum.

“Why do you keep staring at me?” Ji Yu closed his eyes, looking relaxed.

Fu Ren said, “I lied.”

“I know.”

“A lot of lies.”

“I know too.”

“Is it all done with just one question?”

“Well, it’s over.”

After that, Ji Yu opened his eyes and looked at Fu Ren, “It is not important to tell a lie, but your heart is important.” He paused, and put his index finger against Fu Ren’s chest, “It must like me, only me. ”

He wanted to feel this feeling of being liked and loved with all his heart.

He was once loved this way, and that person was his mother.

Although she always stays upstairs to recuperate, every time she meets she is weak and pale, but she still talks to him tenderly and tenderly, peeling apples for him, caring about his coldness and warmth, paying attention to his homework. Behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, she quietly watched him playing in the garden. As long as he looked up, she would smile at him, as if by his side at all times.

With a mother, being treated as a transparent person by other people becomes less unbearable.

But this time was very short. When he was ten years old, his mother passed away and went to another world. Since then, no one cares about his grades, and no one smiles at him.

It’s as if he finally got a lollipop, only then uncovered the icing and licked it twice. The lollipop was snatched by the villain, and they not only snatched his lollipop, but also smiled jokingly. There was a terribly bitter Coptis in his mouth.

That Huanglian, one plug is nine years.

In the end, even though he vomited it out, the bitter taste was firmly recorded in his mind, and he still remembered the extreme bitterness even after closing his eyes, so he missed the sweet taste even more.

Thinking more and more, thinking more and more.

Want to try it again, and never let anyone grab it.

“Want to be my boyfriend?”

Fu Ren didn’t even think about it and said, “Of course!”

Ji Yu stretched out his hand to hook Fu Ren’s chin and exhaled in his ear: “Then tell me, how much do you like me?”

The author has something to say: I, I am coming (super quietly

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