I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 48: A Battle Out of Fairy Tales

When the walls started closing down on them, the whole group went into a state of alert. Originally, the walls were black in cold, but when roar echoed out, the cave changed into a pink color with a slimy texture. Without too much thought, they immediately advanced forward. 


"What's going on!?" 


"Did the special training started just like that?" 


"Everyone, hurry! We need to move forward before we are traps in the walls!" 


Everyone's magic-aspects materialized and they all safely moved deeper in the cave until they entered a world where the sky was red and the earth was pink. A pungent smell invaded their nose and left them reeling. However, Morrigan continued to stare ahead. 


“Sister Morrigan, what is it?” The other girls stared ahead with her, but saw nothing. Morrigan gently opened her mouth. “I can sense it. Something very, very big is heading over here.” 


The sound of silence spread among them. “How big is it?” 


“We just need to go,” Morrigan took a step to the side and took to the sky, “And go fast!” 


The others followed suit, but the ground trembled and a giant arm of flesh and bones sprung up. The grotesque arm carried profound auras of life, despair, and blood, and it reached toward the group with a hand of nine fingers.  


“Be destroyed!” Chiliarch War Hammer summoned his dark-golden Battle King’s Hammer and it grew to mountainous heights. He made a gripping motion as though his hands were actually on the hammer’s handle. With a heroic cry, he waved his arm down and the titanic hammer smashed down on the hand. 


The nine-fingered hand was unexpectedly strong and managed to block the hammer’s attack, but it could not resist for long and became a pulp of black blood along with the rest of the arm. One arm was struck down within seconds, however, new arms of flesh and bones began reaching out from the ground. Most were the sizes of regular arms, but many were far, far larger. 


“Good God, what are these things?” 


“This seems like the workings of the Blood Demons, but there’s something off as well.” 


“It doesn’t matter! We just need to keep on destroying! It seems the stories of the terrain being your opponent is not only true, but totally understated!”


The roaring in the distance became louder and closer as time passed on. Eventually, a large shadow came came creeping closer to them. Their eyes widen in horror as a monstrosity of organic matter stole the flame in their eyes and the courage in their hearts. Towering over them like many mountains stacked together was creature of many heads, arms, legs, and eyes. It was long like a centipede, but so incredibly thick that when it moved, it looked like a river of pink flesh and white bones. 


A giant bone spur was on its head where an infant’s face could be seen, wailing with pure hatred and anger. The monster looked at the group of chiliarchs and reached with a large, extended hand. Despite its size, it moved at lightning speed. It first grabbed onto Morrigan, and then extended more hands to capture the other chiliarchs. 


“More food... flesh blood...” A raspy, chilling voice was let out of the infant’s mouth. The chiliarchs could feel their strength weakening and their magical power drained by the mere touch of the disgusting beast. A gaping mouth with block teeth and a blue tongue opened below the monster and brought the people closer to it. 


“Get your grimy hands off of them, punk!” A crescent-shaped flame appeared and slashed through the monster’s hands by the wrist. As the hands drop, a flying warship of golden and green light swept right under it and retrieved the entire group. Ten balls of golden flames flicked toward the group and their energy were returned to them, invigorating them beyond what they ever felt before. The warship began flying away and the monster chased after them. 


“Are you all fine?” On the bow the warship, a smooth, gentle voice reached out to them. Morrigan checked her companions’ condition before answering, “Yes, we are fine. May I-”


Before she she finished her sentence, she stumbled at the sight before her. Standing on the bow was a tall, holy figure whose back was facing them. A pair of white angelic wings, an armor of gold and jade, and a silky white robe of godliness captured her eyes. The strange golden staff weapon on the person’s right hand glistened with purity and virtues, while the jade orb device on the person’s left hand shined with power and divinity. A jade lantern with golden flames inside of it floated gently around the holy figure. 


What captured her attention the most was the person’s black hair. A hair she believed she recognized, but felt that the chances were near impossibility. She wondered what the person’s eye color was while she drifted into a dream-like trance. “If you are fine, then that’s good. I need to finish business here, so please excuse me and stay safe.” 


The holy figure flapped his wings and zoomed toward the monster with invincible might. Golden flames of virtue and purity raged throughout the world and reached as high as the clouds as it it had the intention to burn the sky. Jade-colored lights of power and divinity encompassed the land and blinded all other lights in existence as it though it wished to replace the current world for a brighter paradise. 


Every time the holy figure cast spells, gold and jade colors replaced all other visible colors in this light show of magical warfare. Golden Sky and Jade Earth had once again appeared. 


“Beautiful...” Morrigan muttered to herself. Behind her, the other chiliarchs were also mesmerized by the holy figure’s performance. She felt her heart throbbed at every instance. Her chest lifted up in a dramatic fashion as she tried to catch her breath. “It’s a battle between an angel and a demon, a war between good and evil. The light of hope shall conquer the darkness of despair. The paragon of justice will rid the world of wickedness. It is just like in those fairy tales...” 


To her, this battle was a true scene of legends, something that would be told in epics and sagas later on, and written as a fairy tale for children to enjoy and be inspired by. Although nothing, but marvelous thoughts popped in Morrigan’s head, Yang Yang’s thoughts could not be anymore different. 


“Can you PLEASE just die already!!!” 


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