I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: That Is Not Enough

“John, what the hell are you laughing at? Be careful to attract people from the Chinese army!”

Steven’s face was anxious. He suddenly went over and kicked him. He grabbed his shoulder hard and lowered his voice.

“Stop laughing, stop laughing.” John also felt rude and quickly shook his hand to hide it. Suddenly he felt a little strange and couldn’t help laughing twice.

Steven stared and tried to kick him again. John dodged with fear and his face finally returned to normal.

“How is it? How much has Star Power recovered?”

Steven stared warily around and asked in a low voice.

John closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. Suddenly he opened his eyes again and sighed, “1% of Star Power has recovered like chicken ribs. It is tasteless to chew but regrettable to discard.”

Steven silently calculated the time in his heart, looked up at Yuan Fang and said coldly, “Continue! Until your Star Power runs out.”


Yuan Fang agreed happily. With a wave of his hand, another thunder fell on John’s head.

“Ha, ha, ha!”

John couldn’t help laughing again. He just smiled twice. He stared big eyes and quickly covered his mouth. His eyes looked horrified.

Why am I laughing again?

Have this medical problem?

Although vitality is injected into the body with comfort and slight itching, John himself feels that he can endure it by willpower.

However, he just couldn’t help but want to laugh, as if his body was uncomfortable without laughing, just like diarrhea, which had to be discharged to be comfortable.

Holy crap! What’s going on here?

Yuan Fang is also in a daze for a second. John laughed twice in a row, both after Thunder Star Skill. Is his Thunder Star Skill distorted?

Yuan Fang looked at the attribute panel again.

Silver star skill * Thunder.

“The power of thunder comes to the target instantly, with 5% vitality in the first stage and 5% Star Power instantly restored in the second stage. Within 20 minutes, each target will be superimposed by up to 3 layers.”

The attribute panel does not account for distortion information.

A flash of light flashed in my mind, and Yuan Fang’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Water Totemstar skill distortion is characterized by arbitrary shape changes.

Thunder star skill is distorted, does it make the target laugh?

This distorted thunder star skill is really awesome!

The teenager finally discovered his own uniqueness and thought that if star skill was successfully absorbed later, there would be some amazing distortion added effect sometime.

Think about… Just excitement!

John stood up, strode to Yuan Fang’s front, grabbed the neckline of his camouflage uniform and asked from a high position, “Boy, are you messing with me?”

Yuan Fang took no time and threw out the words he had already prepared in his heart. He quietly asked, “Dear gentleman John, thunder star skill will increase vitality and have a slight sense of electric shock when injected into his body. Therefore, it is normal for you to laugh crisp and itchy, isn’t it?”


John’s side head thought for a moment. His face looked strange and dazed. His eyes at Yuan Fang were no longer fierce and ferocious. On the contrary, he had a tendency of Down’s children.

“You are right. I agree with you.” John replied callously.

Yuan Fang nodded slightly and sneered at him.

John’s IQ has dropped by 35 points. Even if the obedience probability in lower IQstar skills does not take effect, he is also gullible.

Steven blinked and always felt that the scene before him was a bit strange, but his IQ was also reduced by 25 points, his thinking was slow and he could not distinguish it for a while.

Yuan Fang scanned the two foreigners left and right and found that they had not investigated the matter in depth. He couldn’t help smiling and said in a sincere tone: “Dear Mr. John, there is very few Star Power left and I have no ability to send out thunder anymore. If you don’t believe you can check…”

“Is it?”

A hesitant look appeared on John’s inflexible face. He came up and examined Yuan Fang’s body with his hand. Star Power was really exhausted.

“What’s going on? A bronze star bead only makes you send out two thunderous star skills?”

John frowned.

Steven’s IQ is higher than John’s at the moment. He also came over to test it and found that Yuan Fang did not lie.

Yuan Fang, with a helpless expression on his face, rambled: “I have the worst star map, so the consumption is also larger. You have also tested that my Star Power has been completely consumed, right?”

John and Steven looked at each other and seemed to think Yuan Fang was right. They nodded blankly.

Yuan Fang smiled.

The two mentally retarded people, facing the “fox” of truth and falsehood, are becoming less and less able to resist.


Yuan Fang suddenly took one hand on John’s hand and took his hand down from his chest without any emotion.

Then he warned with a face of goodwill: “Mr. John, if you want to leave here quickly and avoid the pursuit of the Chinese military, you should still provide me with more star bead. I will help you restore Star Power. At the same time, you also absorb star bead to supplement Star Power. This is a good way to do both, right?”

John only felt drowsy. He shook his head, his eyes seemed to be a little clear. He gritted his teeth and said, “Well, as long as 25% Star Power is restored, we can teleport once and leave this wrong place as soon as possible!”

With that, John found two star beads from his backpack and threw them to Yuan Fang. Suddenly, his face changed and he asked doubtfully, “Thunder star skill, is there a superposition limit?”

“Well… is it?” Yuan Fang Zheng, his face was gloomy and ugly, but he ignored the restriction on the use of Thunder Star skill.

Within 20 minutes, stack up to 3 times.

It seems that it is impossible to ask for a star bead without restriction. Now it can only be pushed down slowly.

“Well…” Yuan Fang told John.

“Chicken ribs!”

John was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

In 20 minutes, he can absorb at most 20% of Star Power from Star Bead, add 3 thunder to reach 23%, and then add 2 thunder to cast shell teleport.

This kind of cooperation, John can also accept, time can be a little faster.

Although he has become a little stupid, he also knows the Chinese military tight encirclement, seems to be getting closer and closer to them.

Steven frowned and said impatiently, “Stop talking and start quickly!”


John and Yuan Fang, sitting on the ground, began to absorb star bead respectively, while Steven walked around and took on the alert task.

Yuan Fang absorbed bronze star bead very fast. As soon as he finished absorbing one, he threw a thunder at John.


John couldn’t help laughing again, but he immediately put his hand over his mouth and forced it to stop.

Steven, who was not far away, looked at John and Yuan Fang with strange eyes. He could not understand why the cold John had become so funny now.

Steven stared at him, Yuan Fang felt uneasy.

“We can’t discriminate between one and the other. What an embarrassment!” Yuan Fang licked his lips and his eyes showed fierce light. Two rounds of lower IQstar skill fell on Steven in succession.

“Lower IQstar skill takes effect and Steven’s IQ drops-5.”

“Lower IQstar skill takes effect and Steven’s IQ drops-5.”

On the unreal panel, the system sends out two lines of text prompts.

“Well, your scores are the same!”

Yuan Fang smiled, picked up another star bead without hesitation and absorbed it.

Three bronze fire spider star bead brought a total of 12 star points, and today’s attribute panel has 97 star points.

“It’s not enough!”

Yuan Fang sighed, felt dissatisfied.

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