I Don’t Want To Be A Healer

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Alone Team

A tall pine tree soared into the sky.

In the crown of the tree, there is a huge bird’s nest shaded by pine needles, just like a wooden hut hanging among branches.

It doesn’t know what kind of bird built it. The bird’s nest is dense and impenetrable. It is also covered with some soft fine grass. Wang Jin lies comfortably in the bird’s nest, looking up at the starry sky and his eyes are constantly flashing.

“Dormant, fusion degree 10%…”

Wang Jin said to himself, then closed his eyes and seemed to go to sleep.

A ghostly figure suddenly came up straight from under the tree. He stood straight on the bird’s nest with his hands behind his back, staring at Wang Jin from a high position.

His eyes gave off a light of curiosity, like staring at a perfect artwork, looking up and down at every detail.

Call ~

Wang Jin’s body seemed to have no bones. He stood up strangely. His eyes were like electricity and he scanned the uninvited guests in front of him.

This is a young soldier in his 30s, wearing a green military uniform and Phnom Penh glasses. He is gentle, gentle and elegant, without any murderous look.

Wang Jin frowned: “Are you from the army?”


The young soldier smiled gently, walked slowly down from the bird’s nest, walked to Wang Jin’s front two meters, and cooed, “the main body has entered a dormant state, with a degree of integration of 10%, right?”

“Who are you?”

Wang Jin stepped back, showing vigilance.

Now he has the memory of Wang Jin, but he is not Wang Jin himself. He is in a complicated state of integration.

“Let me introduce myself to you. I, Yang Kai, have 5 generations of distorted bodies.” The young soldier took his steps, took two steps forward, slowly held out a hand, and a sunny smile appeared on his face. “Welcome to join the Winter!”

… …


After the resurrection of the wood carving deity with flesh and blood, it jumped up as fast as lightning and rushed at the position of Yuan Fang and others above the rock.

It seems that this is where life lies.


Yuan Fang shouted loudly.

The five teenagers immediately turned around as fast as possible and ran frantically behind them with their breastfeeding strength. At this moment, they heard a loud “bang” sound, as if there were some heavy objects hitting.

Yuan Fang, who was running, took the opportunity to turn his head and have a look. He couldn’t help changing his face, showing complicated facial expressions and hesitating for a few minutes.

At the moment, the woodcarving god was floating in mid-air, as if stuck by some mysterious force in the void, unable to move, anxious, and several eyeballs were to protrude.

He is unwilling, face upwards long roar, in a desperate struggle, the whole body released one strange flash after another, frantically bombarded the void ahead.

In the square, countless people looked up, their faces blank, showing panic, completely don’t know what happened.

The leader of the Taiping sect, the flattering Zhang Jiao, has also lost his old calm at the moment. He is nervous, his lips are closed and his face is extremely ugly.

What exactly does this great god want to do?


A burst of a huge crash, thunder rolling in. The five running teenagers couldn’t help but stop, all turned to look behind them.

Xue Xiaohong observed for a few seconds and seemed to have figured out the reason. She said coldly, “Zhonghuang Taiyi also seems to have to rush out of the past fragments of time. However, how can he be so easy to rush out?”

“Yes.” Yuan Fang took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

This time there was no whirlpool of terror falling from the sky, nor was there a strong wind blowing from illusion to the real world. In terms of power, Zhonghuang Taiyi’s breakthrough was somewhat weaker than that of the skeleton demon.

He went on to say: “If this deity is to come to our world, it must go through two passes. The first level is to break through the shackles of past time fragments, from history to the present, and the second level is to break through the mirage and enter reality from illusion.”

“So, he has no chance of winning!” Xue Xiaohong smiled lightly, with a mocking tone, especially calm.

Even if this is really a god, in the hearts of young girls who do not believe in God, it is still as same as the starfighters.

Yuan Fang shook his head and laughed, “Maybe, this time fragment can’t resist the impact and will soon be broken!”

The words sound just fell, then heard a “poof” sound, mirage like bubble broken, Zhonghuang Taiyi screamed, disappeared with the mirage.

Xia Dan lightly chastised, “You crow mouth!”


The five teenagers, shrouded in the dark night, looked relaxed and burst out laughing together. The hearty laughter reverberated in the dense forest and spread far and far.

“Children, have you laughed enough?” A hoarse and not fluent foreign Chinese accent fell from above the head.


Liu Tao shouted, and the five immediately stood in an attack formation, with a serious face and looking up at the top, nervous.

“Haha, the children who are left alone are a little interesting…”

On the cliff beside the rock, two ghostly shadows stood side by side, tall and burly, at least 1.9 meters above, with wide black cloaks swinging in the night wind, just like giant bats in the dark night.

“It turned out to be a five-member team, which is really rare!” One of the shadows, the husky voice sounded: “Which of you is the medical department?”

Medical department?

The five teenagers frowned at the same time.

What exactly did these two tall foreigners come from? Is it the fangs mercenary of Eagle Country?


Yuan Fang’s heart jumped.

This is not half an hour before Jiang Yunyin’s warning, fangs found them.

Or if their team goes deep alone, they will have a chance to be targeted by fangs.

“Sorry, there is no medical department in our team!” Liu Tao sank his voice and said, holding the broadsword’s finger, trembling slightly, obviously his heart was also extremely nervous.

The two foreigners, whose cultivations were all in Milky Way Period, exuded strong momentum, which oppressed Liu Tao and others to breathe hard and walk hard.

Yuan Fang was fearless. Starsky Period’s momentum could not affect him. He clenched his fist, lowered his eyebrows, and stared at the two shadows, ready to fight back.

If you are not of my race, your heart will be different.

The two fangs of the Eagle State are ruthless. Since they met today, they are doomed to be unable to be good. In the current situation, either you or I will die!


A body suddenly jumped down from the top of the cliff. He was in mid-air, but his hoarse and eerie voice had already reached their ears: “Without the medical department, why are you not hurt at all?”

“Kill them!”

Xue Xiaohong suddenly issued an attack order.

Even if you lose, you will shine your sword!

This is the motto and soul of Chinese soldiers!

In the dimensional catastrophe, It doesn’t know how many soldiers have courageously built steel fortresses with flesh and blood to repel dimensional creatures and kill all distorted creatures!

This is a battle that goes down in history. China is the largest disaster area all over the world, but it is the first country to defeat disaster creatures!


In addition to Yuan Fang, the other four men were about to launch a star skill attack when they suddenly found that Star Power had stagnated, star skill was stuck and could not give out, and the four men’s bodies were shaken, muffled and crumbling.

“Static star skill!”

Xue Xiaohong gave a loud exclamation, her face changed greatly. She did not expect that their cultivations were extremely powerful but even had static star skills.

Static star skill: For a short period of time, the Star Power in the target body in the sector is stopped and star skill cannot be issued.

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