I Died and was Reincarnated as a Warship in a different world


The sun pierced through my window, and I stirred, still thinking about everything that happened yesterday. I knew today was going to be just as demanding, if not more. I hesitated, but finally got out of bed and groggily walked over to the closet to dress for another day of training.

I looked around for Isokaze, but she was nowhere in sight. She probably went to class already, I told myself as I checked the clock. In a panic, I grabbed my belongings and ran out of the room, making sure I had everything that I needed in my bag.

By the time I arrived at the training field, my classmates had already formed a circle around our instructor. Everyone was excitedly chattering away as the instructor started talking.

"Welcome to class, all! Today we will practice tactical drills for the use of torpedoes by destroyers and cruisers," he said. Then his eyes caught sight of me. "Fusō, you're a battleship; you don't have torpedoes, so focus on your accuracy and precision with anti-air guns and your secondaries."

"Yes, sir!" I said, nodding anxiously but resolutely.

"All right now, class! To your stations! Prepare for training!"

We quickly ran to our assigned posts, and the adrenaline in my body joined others as it rushed into my veins. Sailing away in the horizon for this drill, I was able to have more time with other classmates. For example, Aoba liked spending her time in the library and even invited me to study with her. Meanwhile, Ashigara was obsessed with perfecting her skills and so had spent most of her free time training. Each girl had her quirks, and I was glad to be a part of this weird new family.

In no time at all, we were being taken to a very isolated artificial island that was literally designed for navigation and tactical drills. The instructor mustered us together for a quick briefing.

"Here's the drill," he began, pacing before us. "All ship classes will divide into groups: destroyers go with destroyers, cruisers go with cruisers, and so forth. Battleships, well… Fusō, you're on your own today. But I'll be accompanying you, not to assist but to make sure everything goes without a hitch."

I swallowed but nodded. Alone? I was going to be subjected to this drill without a squad? The mere thought made my nerves quiver, but then again, I told myself, I am a battleship, I can do this.

He continued, "You will be fitted with a tracker in your superstructure. The tracker plots your position and will alert you when you come within range of enemy ships' detection. Pay attention because this will be an exercise where awareness is the key to success. Once you have neutralized the enemies, return to base on the island. Your scores will be tabulated based on your precision, tactical awareness, and completion time.

With that, we were off. My heart was racing while the island fell further aft as my mind focused on the drill. In front of me was the open sea, out to the horizon. A part of me wished there was somebody beside me, but then the instructor's words came back to mind. I would have to depend on my armor and firepower to get me through.

Suddenly, a ping rang in my ears—a warning that there, on the horizon, was 60-odd enemy ships, all virtual targets but no less daunting. The pressure was building up, and a decision needed to be made. To go full ship form or to stay in hybrid?

Yesterday's lessons flashed across my mind: Full ship form sacrifices mobility but gives me the most protection and firepower. Needless to say, without more ado, I decided to transform.

Instantly, IJN Fusō appeared-towering, huge, awesome. The superstructure shone so bright under the sun, and I was standing in the bridge giving commands as I learned.

"Main Guns 1 and 2, fire!"

A deafening roar shook the air when the shells launched themselves at the virtual enemy fleet, falling upon it. The power was so great it took my breath away, but I couldn't stay lost in admiration-the job had to be done.

"20 knots forward! Hard to port! Main Guns 3 and 4, prepare to fire!

The guns boomed again, clearing another wave of targets out of the sky. I was in a groove when—Boom!—an explosion rocked the ship. I staggered, reaching quickly for the screens. I'd taken a torpedo, and water was gushing in at an alarming rate. I hit the watertight doors, sealing the damage off.

"Hard to starboard! Main Guns 5 and 6, fire!

The shots missed. My main guns were still reloading, leaving me open. I hastily powered to my secondary guns - less range but smaller and more rapid-fire.

"All 16 secondary guns, fire!"

A rain of shells was poured upon the enemy vessels until there was nothing left of the last vessel. Of course, this was not the end of the drill; we still had to complete the return to the island. Just as we turned around, however, a storm rolled in, roiling the sea.

Those other shipgirls, many still in their hybrid forms, had a devil of a time staying on course: the visibility was low, and wave after wave crashed against my hull. I thus became a volunteer to assist; the instructor was guiding me from the sky in his aircraft. I picked up contact with three classmates lost in the storm and struggling to stay afloat off my radar.

I approached them, fighting against the wind and waves. At last, I got to them and pulled out a ramp to get them aboard. When they were safely inside, another message popped in from the instructor-he found the others. Together we guided all of them back to the island; it was very slow and exhausting, though.

Finally, when we finally got to the shore, I clicked my ship's core, and the IJN Fusō just disappeared into nothing.

Tired but satisfied, I trudged my way back to the dorms. Already night by the time I got inside, I wanted to tell Isokaze about how things turned out, but she wasn't back yet. Soon I was getting worried, and about to go look for her, when she came around the corner, a huge grin spreading across her face.

"Fusō! You're back!" she called out, quickening her pace to my position. We embraced and made our way to our room, eager to share stories.

"Go ahead," I said, "you first. I always manage to dominate the conversation."

Isokaze laughed. "Girl, today was brutal. Sorry for not telling you where I was this morning—I was up early practicing for my torpedo drills. I knew I wasn't ready."

"It's fine. I figured you were getting in some extra practice."

She nodded, then sighed. "Yeah, today was rough. We had to launch torpedoes while moving at full speed. I move so fast-68 knots! It's hard to control, especially while trying to hit targets."

I smiled. "Sounds tough. My day was intense too. Since I was the only battleship, I did the drill solo. I went into full ship form and it was amazing! My guns just destroyed the enemy targets, and my armor protected me from a torpedo hit."

"Geez, Fusō, you're so awesome! I wouldn't have even thought to use my full ship form."

We laughed together, finally, the tension of the day broken. And we collapsed into bed, having shared our stories, and slept, exhausted, but ready for whatever was to come.

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