I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 22 The Sewers Part 3

In the Sewers

About fifteen minutes later I return to my base with my arms full of swords and daggers taken from the soldier only to find my camp dark. All the torches are out, luckily I don't really need them to see. I hop across the river, put the stuff down out of the way and pick up one of the torches to take a look at it.

As I am examining it I find some writing on the top where the flame normally is. There are two words in the ancient language, when I translate them they are 'Ignite' and 'Extinguish'.


The torch bursts into flame when I say the command word.


Congratulations! You have acquired the magic skill Ignite!


Level 1

MP Cost 5

You can ignite small fires.

'Oh that's handy. No more rubbing sticks together for a half hour!'

But did I get it from the torch or just from seeing how the magic worked? Hmm let's see language is an expression of thoughts, in anime chanting spells is a means of shaping your thoughts correctly. So if I understand how magic works and can create the shape in my mind will I gain the skill?



Congratulations! You have acquired the magic skill Extinguish!


Level 1

MP Cost 5

You can extinguish small fires.

I then go around and ignite all the torches. Before experimenting further I make two more trips up to the pit to recover the gear I looted from the soldiers. I seal up the fake wall as much as I can on my last trip. Upon my return I quickly catch a couple of fish and build a small fire.


MP: 115/205

As the small pile of wood immediately starts burning merrily I smile and place the fish over it to roast. Looking at my dwindling supply of wood I realize I need to find more soon. Looking around I still have quite a bit of work to do on my new camp as well.

While the fish are cooking I go around my camp area picking all the poisonous mushrooms and tossing them across the river. Then after I eat I decide to test my theory, I sit down and focus on a rock and form in my mind the image of mana moving the rock for me. I hold out my hand and concentrate, and after a minute the rock flies to my hand.


Congratulations! You have acquired the magic skill Remote Hand!

Remote Hand

Level 1

MP Cost 10

You can use mana to manipulate objects. Weight up to 5 pounds, Distance up to 20 feet.

"Ha it worked! The Force is strong with me! Ha ha ha ha!"

Well if that worked then improving my knowledge of magic should open up new skills. Now the question is can I apply my knowledge of physics to magic? I will have to try that later.

For the time being I figure I have done enough for one day so I settle down to meditate for the night. I meditate for the next eight hours because while I didn't take any damage I still went through a lot mentally and I want to be sure that I am properly rested.

The next morning I get up from my meditation and look around, I don't really have room to do my usual routine so first I get to work clearing the area. First I pick up all the loose rocks and pile them along the riverbank.

Then I go to deal with the mushrooms, there are six types I don't recognize, one of which is huge, it is almost four feet tall. I tear off a tiny piece and try it, then immediately spit it out, definitely not edible. However it has the consistency of wood so maybe it will be useful for other things. The next type I pick I get a really bad feeling right before I put it in my mouth so I stop.


Congratulations! Skill Danger Sense has progressed to level 2!

Danger Sense

Level 2

Wis +2

A feeling that warns you of great danger.

Yep definitely not trying that one! I immediately pick all of that type in my area and throw them in the river. The next type doesn't set off my danger sense so I try it, it is good and not poisonous. The next three are also not poisonous so I pick a bunch of all six edible types.


Congratulations! Skill Herb Gathering has progressed to level 4!

Herb Gathering

Level 4

Int +4

You can gather useful herbs and plants.

I then fill a pot with water and put it on the tripod above some wood. Then I cut up all the mushrooms I have picked and put them in the pot. Next I catch three fish to add to my stew. Once everything is ready I look at the wood and think 'Ignite' and the wood starts burning instantly.

MP: 200/205

While the stew is cooking I go through my normal exercises then before doing any combat work I take a breastplate and use it to rake the cleared ground so it is more level. Then I take two of the soldier's swords and start a combat routine. I am moving faster than normal thanks to the new skill, and I keep trying dance moves. I keep working at it until the stew is ready, by then I am fairly worn out anyway.

After I am done eating I set aside the leftovers for later then clean and maintain my equipment. After that it is time to sort through my loot from the soldiers yesterday, none of the equipment is as good as what I am already using, although the daggers are better than the goblin ones. Next I empty out all the belt pouches and count up the currency.

128 Gold 439 Silver 64 Copper

Well at least now I will have money I can spend when I get out of here. I put all the coins in one pouch and put it securely under my belt. I then put on my gear and weapons and set out to do some exploring. I return to the tunnel and then turn around but this time as I head toward my base I take the first right that I ignored previously.

I head down the hallway and after about twenty feet I start seeing spider webs. Over the next thirty feet the webs get thicker until the hallway opens into a room covered in webs. The room looks round but it's hard to tell because of all the webs, so I stop in the doorway and carefully look around.

It takes me a minute but I am able to spot three giant spiders, two are the size of the one I killed in the pit, the third is over twice the size. Hello mama. I wonder how nice your core is.

Luckily the spiders are spread around the room so I hope I can deal with them one at a time, I figure killing the two smaller spiders first will be easier. So I draw my sword and with the shield on my arm I take off running towards the closest spider.

Thanks to the set bonus I am able to run up the webbing to where the spider is, I am fairly sure if spiders could look surprised this one would. Knowing how tough the spider carapace is I target the joint of a leg with my first swing. I easily cut the leg off then dance back to avoid the spider's bite.


Congratulations! Skill Dodge has progressed to level 3!


Level 3

Defense +3

Your nimbleness allows you to evade attacks.

After I dodge the spider's bite I dart back in to cut off a second leg, then with its mobility impaired I can try to go for the kill. Instead I get a bad feeling and jump to the side just barely avoiding the second smaller spider's bite.

'Ugh I was hoping they wouldn't help each other!'

I quickly check and see that the big one hasn't moved but the distraction costs me as I am not able to dodge the uninjured spider's second bite.

You have suffered a bite attack! Damage 28 HP!

You have been poisoned! Damage 43 HP!

HP: 477/548

I quickly move backwards away from the injured spider, and as I hoped the second spider follows me while the injured one stays put. As soon as the second spider is a decent distance from the first I attack, again I first aim for a leg joint. I block the spider's bite with my shield and stab my sword into one of the carapace joints on its body.

I am rewarded with a spurt of green ichor as I rip the sword free and jump back to avoid another bite. I step closer, luring the spider into trying to bite me again, as it does I side step the bite and cut off a second leg. Now that I have the advantage in mobility I am confident I can kill the spider as long as the other two stay out of it.

I stab the spider twice more while dodging the bites and it is definitely getting slower. Then my foot catches on a strand of web and I stumble and the spider bites me before I can regain my footing.

You have suffered a bite attack! Damage 26 HP!

You have been poisoned! Damage 43 HP!

HP: 408/548


Congratulations! Skill Poison Resist has progressed to level 5!

Poison Resist

Level 5

End +5

You take 25% less damage from poison.

Well that will help a little but I'd rather not get poisoned anymore! I slowly circle the spider as I catch my breath, I also check on the other two to make sure they haven't moved. Being more careful of my footing I dance in close and stab the spider again, then dodge to the side to avoid its bite and stab it yet again.

Now the spider starts stumbling a bit when it moves and I know it is close to death. Rather than wait for it to die I step in and slam it in the face when it tries to bite me and then drive my sword deep into its body. With a shudder it collapses and its remaining legs curl up, I keep an eye on the other two as I stab it again to make sure it's dead.

Once sure it is dead I start walking across the webs towards the injured one, keeping an eye on the big one. It takes me a few minutes of dancing around but I manage to kill it without getting bitten. Now that I know how they move they are much easier to deal with, I am hoping the big one moves the same way.

With only the big one left I slowly approach it, watching it closely to see how it will react. What happens next catches me off guard, the big one opens its mouth and suddenly sprays a web at me. I am too surprised to get out of the way and the web covers me, but after a second it falls to the floor since it can't stick to me thanks to the set bonus.

I use this opportunity to jump forward and drive my sword into the spider's open mouth. I quickly pull the sword back out and move back out of the spider's range, I am rewarded by a spray of green ichor from the spider's mouth.

Then for the first time the big spider moves, and I am immediately in trouble, every time the spider moves the webs bounce and sway so that I have to spend a lot of effort just staying on my feet. It is like trying to fight on an active trampoline and the big spider has no problem moving at all.

Then suddenly the big spider moves way faster, a lot faster than something that big should be able to move, and the bouncing of the web throws me into the air. I have no chance to dodge and the spider catches me in midair and bites me.

You have suffered a bite attack! Damage 75 HP!

You have been poisoned! Damage 143 HP!

HP: 190/549

I scream in pain as the poison courses through me like fire, knowing that another bite will kill me I drive my sword into the spider up to the hilt and leave it there. As the spider lets me go I drop to the webbing and roll away from it as fast as I can.

Once I am a good distance away I roll to my feet and draw my backup sword. As I look back at the big spider it is thrashing around trying to pull the sword out with its legs. I look around trying to think of a way to finish it without getting close enough for it to bite me, when I see all the webbing moving around and rubbing together I get a crazy idea.

Okay now focus, use mana to gather all the static electricity in the room down to one single point in my hand, then throw it at the hilt of the sword! I am deafened by the thunderclap as a lightning bolt blasts from my hand to the hilt of the sword stuck in the spider.

MP: 130/205


Congratulations! You have acquired the magic skill Lightning Bolt!

Lightning Bolt

Level 1

MP Cost 75

You throw a bolt of lightning that does 100 electric damage.

I am surprised as I was only expecting a small arc not a full bolt of lightning, but I happily watch the spider thrash around and die after getting hit with it. I simply sit down on the webbing and stare at the spider as I catch my breath, I don't want to go anywhere near it till it stops twitching.

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