I Contracted Myself

Chapter 22

Half an hour later, the two arrived at a valley.

The shape of the valley resembled an apple, hence it was named Salt Frost Tree Valley.

"Is that the Salt Frost Tree?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise, staring at the enormous white plant in the center of the valley.

The Salt Frost Tree was about seventy meters tall, with a thick trunk covered in a layer of crystalline frost. The entire valley was blanketed with a layer of salt, and the pure white salt was now tinged with a layer of crimson.

Around the valley, countless mutated beasts were fighting fiercely. There were mutated wolves, mutated dogs, mutated monkeys, and dozens of other types that Zhang Ping could recognize, along with many bizarre creatures that defied identification.

Using his Wind Whisperer ability, Zhang Ping discovered that these mutated beasts were not the only ones present.

Many other mutated beasts, with intelligence comparable to humans, were lurking around the valley. Additionally, several human Awakeners were also hiding nearby, all waiting for the right moment.

Zhang Ping looked at the Salt Frost Tree's canopy, estimating about twenty fruits hanging there.

"Sister Sisi, did you really manage to snatch a fruit back then?" Zhang Ping asked doubtfully, eyeing the dense crowd of mutated beasts in the valley.

Liu Sishan whispered, "I only said I tried to snatch one, I never said I succeeded."


Zhang Ping thought back and realized Liu Sishan indeed never claimed she had gotten a fruit.

"I'll go for the fruit you need. Your job is to kill that rabbit," Liu Sishan said.

Following her gaze, Zhang Ping saw the Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit squatting in a corner of the valley, its red eyes fixed on the fruits atop the Salt Frost Tree.

A rabbit, not a big problem.

Zhang Ping didn't expect such a coincidence, encountering the same Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit he had just escaped from.

But the next moment, he sensed something was off. Another pair of ears appeared behind the Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit, followed by a swarm of Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbits emerging from behind the large one.

It wasn't just one rabbit, it was a whole nest!

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan in disbelief and asked, "Sister Sisi, did you know about this all along?"

"Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbits naturally live around the Salt Frost Tree because where there's a Salt Frost Tree, there's Hydrochloric Grass, which is their food," Liu Sishan explained.

Zhang Ping frowned, "If it's just one, I might have a chance, but with so many rabbits, I feel like I'll drown in their saliva."

"Don't worry, these rabbits reproduce too quickly. So, every time the Salt Frost Tree's fruits mature, they charge to reduce their numbers," Liu Sishan said.

In fact, the Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbits had no chance of getting the fruits. Their behavior was more like the lemming mass suicide Zhang Ping knew of.

【Alright, the time is right, let's move!】


【Dog Nose King is making a move, let's go!】


【Roar, roar roar!】


At this moment, Zhang Ping heard voices from all directions.

He looked into the distance and saw seven or eight Awakeners rushing out from behind rock cover. They didn't join the battle but instead bypassed it, using their abilities to form a rainbow staircase.

Under the moonlight, a female Awakener quickly ascended the rainbow staircase towards the Salt Frost Tree's canopy.

On the other side, several burly men threw their axes simultaneously. A woman controlled thin wires attached to the axes, which turned into thick ropes as soon as the axes embedded in the Salt Frost Tree. The burly men then climbed the ropes towards the tree.


At this moment, a group of giant white apes charged out from a crevice in the valley, sweeping away and trampling any mutated beasts in their path with their massive arms.

Simultaneously, a twenty-meter-long white giant snake emerged from beneath the salt, opening its massive jaws to devour numerous mutated beasts.

The Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbits also launched their charge.

The swarm of rabbits crashed into the fray, blood and flesh flying everywhere. Many mutated beasts were hit by the rabbits' corrosive water, letting out agonizing screams.

The ground was covered in blood, and the intense battle created a blood mist that hung over the battlefield.

"Move!" Liu Sishan said, four water balls appearing around her.

As she spoke, she jumped down, an icy path forming under her feet.

Zhang Ping also leaped from his high vantage point, grabbing onto a rock and quickly moving towards the largest Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit.

That largest rabbit was clearly not the one he had fought before.

As Zhang Ping approached, he activated his Appraisal Skill.

【Appraisal Successful】

【Mutated Beast: Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit · Leader】

【Race: Mutated Rabbit】

【Potential: ☆☆☆☆】

【Lifespan: 35】

【Rank: Intermediate Mutated Beast】

【Level: 10】


【Corrosive Water Bullet: Can shoot highly corrosive water from hidden glands in its ears】

【Water-Storing Fur: Fur can store liquid and release it when needed】

【Powerful Hind Legs: Hind legs possess terrifying strength】

【Rapid Reproduction: Reproduces faster than normal creatures】


After reading the attributes, Zhang Ping felt like he couldn't beat a single rabbit.

But since he was already here.

Backing out now would be too embarrassing.

The Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit Leader was larger than a typical rabbit. Now, it stood alone, and as Zhang Ping landed nearby, he picked up a rock covered in salt frost and charged at the leader.

The next moment, the previously motionless rabbit leader sprang up, its powerful hind legs kicking out, shattering the rock in Zhang Ping's hands.

He was sent flying, landing heavily on the ground.

As the rabbit leader landed, it flicked its ears, shooting a stream of corrosive water at Zhang Ping. His head buzzed, and his arms went numb from the shock, but he didn't dare lie still upon landing. Instead, he rolled away instinctively.

It was a reflex.

Mainly because he didn't think the rabbit leader would let him rest on the ground.

Sure enough, after rolling twice, he heard a sizzling sound from where he had been, the sound of something being corroded.

Using both hands and feet, he quickly scrambled behind a rock, panting heavily and checking his arms.


Intense pain.

He suspected his arms were fractured, and not only did his arms hurt, but his chest also felt tight. He tried to breathe deeply, but it only made him more uncomfortable, and he felt an itchy sensation.

He couldn't help but cough, spitting out a clot of blood.

Internal injuries.

Zhang Ping's heart sank, but now wasn't the time to dwell on it. He slapped his face to stay focused and carefully peeked out.

The Corrosive Water Bullet Rabbit Leader hadn't pursued him, returning to its original spot, its eyes fixed on the ongoing battle among the other rabbits.

"Too terrifying," Zhang Ping sighed in relief and decided to rest.

He had to admit.

He had been careless this time.

Although the rabbit leader was strong, it wasn't as powerful as the Tianchang Fox he had fought before.

Even a lion uses its full strength to catch a rabbit.

First, his attitude wasn't serious enough. He had subconsciously thought of himself as the hunter and the rabbit leader as the prey, leading to his underestimation.

This was a hard-learned lesson.

Zhang Ping sighed inwardly.

He looked into the distance and saw Liu Sishan breaking through the encirclement, leaving a trail of ice crystals in her wake.

Liu Sishan was very strong. Facing various mutated beasts' attacks, she always had two water balls defending her. These water balls could change form rapidly, switching between boiling water, pure water, and ice, demonstrating her proficiency in defense.

On the other side, the female Awakener on the rainbow staircase was nearing the canopy, but a giant eagle swooped down from the sky, engaging her in a fierce battle.

In the valley, at least hundreds of mutated beasts had died, and the air was thick with the scent of blood.

Zhang Ping couldn't help but sigh. Was it worth it for a single Salt Frost Fruit?

Suddenly, he heard a phoenix cry.

He looked towards the sound and saw a small bird engulfed in flames flying rapidly towards the Salt Frost Tree.

A Firebird!

Zhang Ping stood up immediately. He had always wanted equipment made from Firebird feathers to replenish his stamina at any time.

The Firebird was incredibly fast, but as it neared the Salt Frost Tree, the white giant snake raised its head and sprayed a cloud of frost, chilling the air.

The Firebird flew into the frost cloud, its flames dimming instantly. It let out a mournful cry and fell from the sky, landing near a white ape, which swatted it away with its massive hand, sending it rolling to the edge of the battlefield.

Zhang Ping's eyes locked onto the Firebird's corpse, his heart pounding.

How many feathers could he get from an entire Firebird?

He scanned the area around the Firebird.

The most dangerous threat was a mutated wolf, likely of intermediate strength.

With his Assassination Ring, as long as he didn't attack first, he shouldn't alert the wolf.

No big deal!

Zhang Ping made a quick decision and cautiously approached the Firebird.

The closer he got to the battlefield, the more he felt the terrifying atmosphere. The battlefield was like a meat grinder, and even from dozens of meters away, he could feel the intense heat.

That was the heat generated by the clash of life forces.


Just twenty meters from the Firebird's corpse.

Zhang Ping crawled forward, alert to any hidden dangers.


A heavy sound.

The ground shook.

A massive pig's head landed in front of Zhang Ping, its eyes still glinting with ferocity.

The pig's head weighed at least a hundred pounds. If it had hit him, the consequences would have been dire.

Zhang Ping swallowed hard and skirted around the pig's head, but then he sensed something was wrong and retreated a few steps.

He crouched beside the pig's head, prying open its mouth with effort, and a black bead rolled out, landing at his feet.

What is this?

He picked up the black bead and tried to appraise it, but failed repeatedly.

Now wasn't the time for appraisals. He put the bead away and cautiously approached the Firebird's corpse again, but before he got far, a bolt of lightning swept across the battlefield, carving a deep trench in the ground.

The lightning had grazed the Firebird's corpse, leaving only half of it intact, with most of the feathers charred.

Zhang Ping hurriedly grabbed the Firebird's corpse and ran.

The return trip was equally perilous.

Beams of light, lightning, and flames occasionally shot from the battlefield, making Zhang Ping feel like he was crossing the battlefield despite being on its edge.

Especially as he neared safety, a small stone flew past his back, leaving a bloody scratch.

Back behind the rock cover.

He leaned against the rock, panting heavily.

In just a few minutes, he felt like he had lived through an eternity.

Life and death moments were the ultimate test.

As Zhang Ping relaxed, he felt the burning pain on his back.

His back was wounded, and the rock behind him was covered in salt frost. The salt in the wound was excruciating.

The problem was he only had his pants left, and his hands were covered in salt, so he had no tools to treat the wound. He had to grit his teeth and endure.

He placed the Firebird's corpse on a rock. The Firebird, originally the size of a pigeon, had lost its lower half to the lightning, leaving few intact feathers.

He wasn't sure if they were usable.

After a brief inspection, Zhang Ping sighed.

Most of the Firebird's feathers were destroyed by the lightning, and the remaining ones were covered in a layer of frost. The frost seemed fused with the feathers, potentially ruining their effectiveness.

He then took out the black bead.


Appraisal failed!


Appraisal failed *666!

After a series of failures, Zhang Ping was numb.

This was the hardest thing he had ever tried to appraise, but it also sparked a bit of hope. Could it be a treasure?

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