I can summon myself

Chapter 11 Brothers and sisters, come and see the crested ibis.

"That's impossible."

After the midnight snack incident, Tian Gang personally went to Bai Chen's experimental pond to check. After the national treasures destroyed all the crayfish, there were only lobster eggs attached to the mud in the pond.

With such a small number, it was not even enough for a crested ibis to eat.

No matter how much the national treasures like to eat crayfish, there is no reason for them to eat lobster eggs.

Just like chickens and eggs, the taste, nutrition, and eating methods are completely different. Tian Gang felt that his junior brother overreacted.

"Crown-crowned ibis are very picky. Usually, they will not eat a food for a second time in a short period of time after eating it once. Their colleagues are exhausted because of their three meals. Each crested ibis has at least 400 kinds of food on its menu."

Professor You expressed his point of view tactfully.

No matter how delicious Bai Chen's crayfish is, it is impossible for the crested ibis to come in groups to destroy it one after another.

What's more, the current experimental pond looks empty.

Why would the crested ibis come to eat these leftovers?

"Student Bai Chen, the crested ibises will run away every now and then, they won't come here on purpose."

The tall girl wanted to reassure Bai Chen.

Whether Bai Chen could become her junior or not, Bai Chen, who had already shown his talent, was qualified to be her equal communication partner, so he would naturally not treat Bai Chen as a liar as he did when he came.

Faced with their persuasion, Bai Chen was still more willing to believe his Blue Star self.

"I have to protect the improved crayfish eggs in the experimental pond."

The tall girl curled her lips, Bai Chen was too cautious.

Did he really regard the national treasures as cheap goods who had never eaten good food?

Professor You also felt that Bai Chen, who did not understand the habits of the crested ibises, still took his improved crayfish too seriously, so he thought that the national treasures who were not satisfied with a meal would come back.

He Gu smiled and said: "Whether the national treasures come or not does not prevent us from protecting the improved crayfish eggs of student Bai Chen."

"That's the truth."

Tian Gang lent a hand.

Soon, Bai Chen prepared the tools for collecting crayfish eggs.

Professor You and the tall girl followed him to the experimental pond where most of the water had been drained.

"It's still hard to imagine that the national treasures actually flew hundreds of kilometers overnight to come here for a midnight snack."

The tall girl still doesn't understand what's so special about Bai Chen's improved crayfish that can attract the national treasures who have eaten countless delicacies.

"Maybe the spiritual energy in the improved crayfish meets the needs of the crested ibis, or maybe the cells of the improved crayfish that have evolved spiritual energy have precipitated the flavor substances that the crested ibis loves." Professor You said, while rolling up his sleeves and joining He Gu in Bai Chen's turning over the mud to collect improved crayfish eggs.

"It looks no different from ordinary crayfish eggs."

He Gu carefully picked up a black sesame-sized thing from the mud.

This is the egg of the improved crayfish.

From the outside, there is nothing special about this crayfish egg.

Professor You came over.

Just as he took out a magnifying glass from his pocket and prepared to observe carefully.

Suddenly, he heard the exclamation of the tall woman.

"A group of crested ibis, led by Zhu Liehuo?"

"Damn it, how is this possible!"

The tall woman pointed to the sky outside the base.

A group of crested ibis led by a fiery red crested ibis was seen flying from the horizon.

"National treasure?"

"The national treasure is here again!"

"Brothers and juniors, come and see the crested ibis!"

"Find out your cell phones and cameras!"

Countless shouts came from all the rooms in the base.

Everyone in the base ran out.

"Headmaster He."

"Brother Tian Gang."

After saying hello, everyone gathered around Bai Chen.

"Junior Brother Bai Chen, why are these national treasures here again?"

"Student Bai, you are not so unlucky."

"National treasure, I have troubled you once and now I am troubled you again!"

"It seems that Junior Brother Bai Chen's national treasure joke can be boasted for ten thousand years."

Amidst the laughter and jokes.

The group of crested ibises flew into the base.

Seeing the two-legged beasts holding mobile phones and cameras by the experimental pond.

The leader, Zhu Liehuo, did not dodge.

The first one landed in a swagger.

It landed directly in the middle of the experimental pond and began to search for crayfish eggs without paying attention to others.

The other crested ibises also did the same.

Amid the strong onlookers, they visited Bai Chen's small pond again.

Click, click, click.

The flash lights came on.

One by one, the photos of the national treasure crested ibises were freshly released.

"National treasure·jpg!"

The old drivers who took photos of the national treasures in the water left with satisfaction.

Before leaving, they kept winking at Bai Chen.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai."

"After we finish, I will treat you to instant noodles."

"Tsk tsk, a man who has been visited by national treasures twice in a row."

The old drivers fled before He Gu and Professor You got angry.

The tall girl looked at this one and then that one.

She didn't know what expression to use to face these national treasures who fled in groups and ran to Bai Chen's small pond to eat.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all."

"The performance of the group of crested ibises is beyond our cognition, beyond the cognition of crested ibises researchers in the entire East and even the world."

Professor You stared at the group of crested ibises he had fed since childhood and lived with for decades.

They were so strange in front of him.

Zhu Liehuo flew in front of Professor You.

The little red eyeball stared at the crayfish eggs on Professor You's fingertips.

Found that Professor You had not fed the eggs to it.

"Ga, ga, ga!"

Zhu Liehuo shouted in dissatisfaction.

Hearing its voice.

The crested ibises also flew over.

For a while, Professor You was surrounded by the shouts of national treasures begging for food.

"What's wrong with this biped?"

"We are hungry, we want to eat the improved shrimp eggs."

"Are you stupid? Feed us quickly!"

The clouds of spiritual energy smoke sprayed from the vents of the crested ibises' long beaks showed that they were very dissatisfied with Professor You who had no reaction.


The tall girl pulled Professor You's sleeve.

Professor You finally reacted.

But this is Yanyu City.

Where can I get food for the crested ibises.

Could it be that they want the improved crayfish eggs on his fingertips?

Professor You extended his finger to Zhu Liehuo.

Zhu Liehuo jumped onto his elbow impatiently.

The pointed beak passed over Professor You's fingertips.

The sesame-sized crayfish eggs were swallowed by it.

A happy expression appeared on its face.

"Quack, quack!"

The other ibis shouted at Professor You and the tall girl.

Let the two bipeds go to the pond and fish out the crayfish eggs for them.


Tian Gang yelled.

The ibis were startled.

"Yes, no, these crayfish eggs are seeds."

He Gu's words made Professor You sober.

Not to mention that such a small amount of crayfish eggs is not enough to cause trouble for the ibis group. If they were really fished away. They would have no way of knowing what kind of charm Bai Chen's improved crayfish is, which makes the national treasures come one after another, and even don't let go of the sesame-sized eggs.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Chen found a crested ibis with a distinctive long beak, and it had come to his side without him knowing when.

"Zhu Du, this is its name."

Bai Chen, who had just remembered its identity, felt a black shadow flash before his eyes.

His shoulders sank.

This national treasure named Zhu Du flew onto his shoulder.

"Junior brother, be careful!"

Tian Gang's voice was full of panic.

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