I Can See the Sword’s Memories

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Sun Tail Mission(5)

The delegation’s departure date was approaching.

My gaze traced the line of figures stretching from the entrance of the royal castle. 

The straight road extended through Sun Tail’s city, prepared specifically to bid farewell to the departing envoy.

“A ceremony for a cherished friend embarking on a long journey,” they called it.

Two thousand people, they said…

But the display was excessive. There were no ordinary citizens in sight. Those standing in formation to create this path radiated an intense aura.

The road was flanked by carefully selected royal knights and highly trained soldiers. Their sharp, disciplined presence was palpable, like honed blades.

“This is suffocating…”

“Do you think it’s because of what happened yesterday? Even the kingdom’s knights are here.”

“They’re trying to preserve the last shred of their pride.”

Among the imperial delegation, only the lower-ranked members and lesser nobles seemed tense. 

The deputy commanders and a few mid-ranked members wore amused smiles, finding the situation entertaining.

“Well, we should get moving. We can’t just stand here while they’re waiting like that,” Kanok said.

Everyone nodded at his words. Just as we began to leave the castle gates—


An unseen force collided with the air, sending a rough shockwave rippling out. It was the combined aura of the imperial knights’ deputy commanders, unleashed without restraint.

Their aura didn’t falter—it pushed back. As we advanced, the royal forces stationed closest to us paled and retreated.

My gaze rested on Kanok’s back. I thought I had grown stronger, but I was still far from reaching his level.

I tightened my grip on my sword hilt.

Boom— Boom— Boom—!

The aura of nearly two thousand enemies was held off by just five of us. The deputy commanders remained composed, their expressions unchanging, a testament to their overwhelming confidence.


The royal forces’ aura shifted. They stomped their feet and chanted, their voices rising like a battle hymn. The mana imbued in their cries intensified the energy they emitted.

The resonance of a shared mana cultivation technique—it reminded me of the formations from the other world.

Which side was the origin? The similarities between mana cultivation, inner techniques, swordsmanship, and the forces they called “mana” and “inner energy” were striking.

I closed my eyes, maintaining a calm expression. It wasn’t me walking; it was the horse I rode. I just needed to use this moment as a stepping stone.

Let it flow. The mantra of the White Dragon’s Heart brought ease to my breathing, letting me redirect the intense aura like water flowing around obstacles.

Handling this situation was something only the deputy commanders could manage. In my current state, I couldn’t bear the full brunt of the royal forces’ aura—I would have collapsed, coughing blood.

That was likely their aim: to see us falter.

A faint smile crossed my lips.

“Next time, it’ll be more fun,” Kanok remarked.

I turned to look back at him and then toward the nobles who had gathered to see the delegation off.

Still not showing up, huh.

The kingdom’s first prince, Jiure, was nowhere to be seen. I had hoped to exchange a few words if we crossed paths, but I closed my eyes again.

The imperial delegation finally reached the city’s outskirts, and the royal forces’ oppressive aura dissipated.


A sudden desert breeze unfurled the banner of the imperial knights, its fabric rippling against the sky.


A week passed after the delegation returned to the Empire’s capital.

My display of prowess had drawn attention, with many knights from other divisions seeking me out. However, I declined all visits, focusing solely on recovering from my injuries.

My body, once wracked with pain, had steadied. Moving my arms and legs no longer hurt, and my sharp senses had returned.

I was back.

As soon as I was fully recovered, I headed to the male dormitories. The entire team dispatched to hunt Hayato, my nemesis, consisted of men.

While wandering near the dormitories, I spotted a familiar figure—Theo.

He was carrying a large laundry basket, heading toward the washroom. The sheer volume suggested it wasn’t just his—it likely included his seniors’ laundry.

I approached Theo in a single bound.


Landing lightly, my small frame seemed to bounce like a skipping stone. My white hair, swaying gently in the sunlight, looked like melting snow.



Theo, startled, took a large step back. My sudden approach had closed the distance between us in an instant, and my scent was almost too overwhelming for him.

“Are you feeling better?”

“I’m fine. More importantly, have Senior Raynard and the others returned yet?”

Theo hesitated, glancing around nervously as if searching for an escape.

“Answer me, Theo.”

“N-No, not yet.”

“I see… not yet.”

I nodded, brushing a stray lock of hair behind my ear, and walked off briskly. Left alone, Theo stared blankly at my retreating figure, so dazed he dropped his laundry basket.

“Oh no…!”

Alone again, I headed straight for the training grounds. Watching the deputy commanders in Sun Tail had shown me my shortcomings.

Even those deputy commanders weren’t sent alone on the mission to hunt Hayato. The Empire had deemed the target such a significant threat that multiple mid- and high-ranking knights were dispatched together.

I needed to grow stronger.

As my small hand gripped the hilt of my White Dragon Sword, a familiar voice called out.


I turned to the training ground entrance. It was Kanok.

“Vice Captain.”

Why was he here? His hands were empty, so it couldn’t be about a mission.

Approaching me, Kanok spoke.

“The Emperor has summoned you.”

The Emperor—the ruler of the Empire. Why would someone like him summon me?

“Me? Surely there’s been some mistake—”

“He seems impressed by your accomplishments in the delegation’s report. He wants to meet you immediately. Get ready, and leave your sword behind.”

“Ah… y-yes.”

Though confused, I obeyed Kanok’s instructions. I quickly returned to my quarters, changed into my ceremonial uniform, and came back.

“We’re leaving now. Don’t worry—it won’t take long. Just answer his questions clearly. Oh, and remember: don’t act like we do at headquarters. You’ve had proper etiquette training, right?”

Kanok was unusually talkative. It seemed he was worried I might embarrass myself.

The distance between the Azure Wings Headquarters and the Imperial Palace wasn’t far—a twenty-minute walk for an average adult man.

But with my short legs, I had to half-run to keep up.

We were granted entry without any formalities, likely prearranged. Passing through the palace gates, we were greeted by an elderly man.

“I’ve been expecting you—Kanok of the Azure Wings, and Saeorin. This way…”

I studied the old man. Despite not emitting any aura, his strong presence was evident in his breath and movements.

His hands, visible briefly, were covered in calluses—clearly a swordsman.

Noticing my gaze, the old man smiled faintly and led us to a large garden at the back of the palace.

Stopping at the entrance, he spoke.

“His Majesty wishes to meet with you privately.”

It meant I was to enter alone. Exchanging a glance with Kanok, I nodded.

“Then, I’ll go in.”

Even the old man, who had guided us here, did not follow. Alone, I walked through the garden.

My small hand touched my waist. The familiar weight was absent—I had left my sword behind.

As I walked slowly, I stopped. At the end of my gaze, golden hair glinted brilliantly, like sunlight breaking apart.

Beneath it, red eyes gleamed like the sky itself. A natural regal aura emanated from the figure. The air of a ruler—unconscious yet commanding.

Our eyes met.

“So, you are Saeorin. Just as I’ve heard.”

The Emperor began to approach. I knelt on one knee, bowing my head, recalling the etiquette training I’d received.

“I greet the ruler of the Empire.”

“Raise your head. I have no use for unnecessary formalities.”

Recalling Kanok’s advice to listen carefully, I immediately lifted my head.

The Emperor’s right eyebrow twitched slightly at my quick reaction but returned to normal just as quickly.

“I’ve reviewed the report. You brought great disgrace upon Sun Tail, I hear.”



“Thank you.”

Silence fell for a moment before the Emperor let out a small laugh and continued.

“The Empire’s sword must always be the strongest. Your accomplishments as a lower-ranked knight impressed me. I summoned you to reward you appropriately.”

He retrieved a small box from his robes, smaller than a fist, with the Empire’s golden griffon engraved on its surface.

“It’s a pill called the Dragon’s Breath. It enhances one’s mana. When I asked Kanok what you might need, he requested this.”

A gentle wind swirled around the Emperor, lifting the box and sending it slowly toward me.

“Take it.”

I reached out hesitantly and barely caught the box, overwhelmed. I couldn’t feel the flow of mana. What the Emperor displayed was likely a unique power.

Suddenly, a strong gust blew through the garden. Sand and leaves swirled, obscuring my vision. By the time it cleared, the Emperor was gone.

“Your Majesty…?”

There was no trace of him—no presence, no scent. I stood there momentarily, then turned to leave.

Reuniting with Kanok, we returned to the Azure Wings Headquarters.

Behind the elderly man left in the garden, a breeze stirred.

“What did you think?” he asked.

The Emperor emerged from the wind, descending lightly with a faint smile.

“There are two souls within one body. But it’s not a reincarnator… Was it Astinian sorcery?”

“I will look into related records.”

“No need. I’m not interested in digging too deeply. By the way, is there room left in the palace?”

“You seem intrigued.”

The Emperor laughed softly.

“Just a little.”

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